Task Focus: Teaching Learners of Different Age Groups

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Task focus: teaching learners of different age groups.

Observe the lesson and decide whether it is age-relevant in terms of facilities used, topics studied
and discussed, the conversational style etc. Tick the instances that you observe. Make appropriate
What is the age of the students in the class? - 12-13
The lesson aspect analyzed Notes about instances observed or
1. The materials used are student-relevant -, the material does not match the age
criteria, in my opinion it is material for
grades 5-6
2. The activities used correspond to the age of the learners -,in my opinion, the measures used do
not correspond to their age
3. The conversational style of the teacher is age-relevant +,in general, the conversational style
of the teacher corresponds to their age,
but sometimes it raises its voice,
which causes uncomfortable feelings
in students.
4. The teacher uses appropriate type of motivation to +,internal, it increases their self-
encourage learners esteem through praise
5. the teacher caters for the type of memory -,they constantly repeated different
rhymes, in my opinion it is not
milking effectively
6. The teacher guides students appropriately -,+, on the one hand she looked like a
dictator who tells students what to do
and did not give freedom of action,
and on the other hand she just
corrected mistakes
7. The feedback is provided and is appropriate +, students were quite active and
constantly maintained a dialogue with
the teacher
8. The teacher uses enough modern technologies and -,+, she used only one presentation in
resources the lesson, which I don't think is
9. Teacher engages students equally +, everyone was quite actively
involved in the lesson, they all
10. The teacher is polite and friendly +, she was quite polite, supporting the
student when he was afraid to answer
11. the teacher relies on natural curiosity and imagination -,the lesson was completely planned
and the students followed it
12. The teacher takes into account the attention span of the +, she alternated explanations with
learners practice, which helped students focus
on the lesson
13. The teacher corrects mistakes wisely -, the teacher did not want to accept
the mistakes of the students, she
wanted the students not to make them
14. The teacher relies on personal experience and language – -, because the teacher's pronunciation
learning experience was quite incorrect
Lesson observation summary:
The information provided by the teacher did not correspond to the seventh grade. It would be better
if it used more modern technologies and applied more activities
Revise the material about teaching learners of different age groups. Observe the lessons:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FRRvb6RgNI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?
2. While observing the lesson answer the following questions about the roles the teacher
performs during the lesson. Pay attention whether ….
1. The materials used are student-relevant (correspond to their age, interests, professional
needs etc.)
2. The activities used correspond to the age of the learners (warmers, exercises, use of toys or
illustrations, hand-outs etc)
3. The conversational style of the teacher is age-relevant (playful, friendly, serious,
respectful, suitable jokes etc )
4. The teacher uses appropriate type of motivation to encourage learners (extrinsic, intrinsic)

5. The teacher caters for the type of memory (sensory memory, short-term, long-term)

6. The teacher guides students appropriately (carefully monitores, assists in all the tasks
individually, provides enough freedom for their autonomy, develops independence)
7. The feedback is provided and is appropriate (understandable, constructive, polite)

8. The teacher uses enough modern technologies and resources, Internet-based facilities)

9. Teacher engages students equally and relies on their experience and abilities in different
10. The teacher is polite and friendly, understands some students being shy and sensible,
encourages them if there are any)
11. The teacher relies on natural curiosity and imagination in class activities and tasks.

12. The teacher takes into account the attention span of the learners (long-lasting, limited,
focused, unfocused)
13. The teacher corrects mistakes wisely (no overcorrection, no ignoring, correction+feedback,
self-correction and peer-correction applied)
14. The teacher relies on personal experience and language –learning experience (native
language knowledge, professional background, general world look, life experience) in
instruction, discussion, mini-group work etc).

Lesson observation summary:

 Comment about the lesson and the teaching style being appropriate to the learners age in
general and list the lesson aspects that are suitable and relevant.
 Name those ones that are used inappropriately and need to be avoided or modified.
 Suggest several ideas for the teacher to improve the lesson if you have any.

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