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Special Project

Special Report
Project Report

Moscow TPP-26: The

most efficient CCPP in
Russia’s first power plant to be built on the basis of a turnkey EPC contract by
a non-Russian company is nearing completion in the capital city of Moscow.
The €300 million ($378 million) advanced combined-cycle cogeneration
facility, officially titled Mosenergo Moscow TPP-26 Unit 8, will also be the most
efficient in the country. Here in a special report, PEi describes the plant and
looks at the role of Alstom, whose unique partnership with local power group
Energomachinostroitelny Alliance (EM Alliance), represents the first major
contribution by a foreign company to Russia’s growing demand for heat
and power.
Special Project Report

The cutaway schematic clearly shows both the generation block and the district heating system of the high-efficiency TPP-26 CHP plant

t would be no exaggeration to suggest that on the outskirts of metro-

I politan Moscow, Europe’s biggest city, a new chapter is being written

in the development of the power industry of one of the continent’s most
inscrutable and fiercely nationalistic countries. The Great Bear has
Bid date:
Who’s Who at tPP-26
Russia/City of Moscow
September 2006
broken with tradition and, for the first time, opened its market to Project Award: 31/10/2006
intervention by a major global company to produce a combined heat and Contract Signing: 15/12/2006
power (CHP) plant that could set a new benchmark for Russia’s power Notice to Proceed: January 2007
industry with its efficiency of 59 per cent – the highest efficiency of any Partner (external): EM Alliance
combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) in Russia. Its commissioning will be a
powerful spur to
the development of similar projects not only in Moscow but also in other the venture represents an opportunity to adapt its regular working practices
regions of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) coun- to an entirely new market. Alstom is working closely with its client, partner
tries as a whole. and other stakeholders to meet the ambitious target of delivering the plant
CHP is firmly established in Russia’s power culture. Historically, it has within the contractual timescale, to budget and, most importantly, to the
widely used cogeneration plants to set up regional district heating in its cit- quality expected.
ies. But the new Unit 8 at TPP-26 takes existing technology to an entirely The plant is being built for Mosenergo, the biggest utility provider in the
new plane. Importantly, the unique partnership means that Russian Moscow region and a company devoted to developing electric power in the
industry has the opportunity to participate from access to new technology, metropolitan region and central Russia, by a consortium comprising Alstom
since much of the key equipment to be used in the construction of the new and local partner EM Alliance under a turnkey engineering, procurement
generation plant is being manufactured by local suppliers. Similarly, the and construction (EPC) contract. It is based on Alstom’s KA26 combined-
execution of detailed engineering of some elements of the plant by Russian cycle power plant in a multi-shaft, one-on-one configuration (KA26-1) and
design organiza- tions will prepare the ground for further co-operation. uses the company’s unique ‘Plant Integrator’ approach, drawing on its
On Alstom’s part, expertize
as an EPC contractor and original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The
capabilities, the required skills and credentials to contribute significantly to
plant will deliver 420 MW of electric power and up to 265 MWth of
power expansion and replacement capacity needs in precisely the way
district heating, bringing the maximum overall efficiency of the plant to
currently being undertaken in Moscow. Moreover, it believes its approach is
more than 85 per cent in terms of fuel utilization. Moreover, Alstom’s design
highly conducive to meeting the increasing demand globally for EPC turnkey
gives the plant the flexibility to perform in various operating modes, a factor
solutions, as is particularly the case in the liberalized European market.
that will enable the client to reduce gas usage by some 30 per cent
This comprehensive approach to turnkey EPC includes performance and
compared with existing plants in Russia.
schedule guarantees, warranties and assurances encompassing the entire
The TPP-26 project forms part of Mosenergo’s programme to develop
scope of the plant, rather than being limited to individual components or
Moscow’s power network to meet the fast-growing demand for power
packages. In this way, says Alstom, end-user risk is significantly reduced.
and heat in the capital’s populous metropolitan district of Vostriakovsky. It
Moscow TPP-26 Unit 8 uses Alstom’s proven and mature combined-cycle
will be the eighth unit of a 1410 MW generating power plant operated
technology based on the advanced class GT26 gas turbine, with more than
by Mosenergo at the site. Alstom is responsible for all the engineering,
two million operating hours operating experience. The full line-up includes a
procurement, construction and commissioning of the new unit, including
three-casing, double-flow, low-pressure steam turbine, air-cooled
the single KA26-1 multi-shaft combined-cycle unit, control systems,
generators, a water-cooled condenser and a three-stage re-heat, horizontal
electrical rooms and transformer units, the steam extraction system for the
type heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The unit’s control system is
district heating element of the contract and gas fuel plant (gas preparation
based on Alstom’s ALSPA P320 technology.
centre, booster systems and diesel generators).
Alstom says its ‘Plant Integrator’ approach creates more value for the
Mosenergo – the client
customer by optimizing investment costs, integrating operating and
The last 18 months have seen major changes at Mosenergo. In April 2007,
maintenance costs and reducing lead times to produce electricity faster
the majority of the stock of the company was acquired by Gazprom, the
while improving fuel efficiency over the plant’s life cycle, and overall plant
Russian natural gas giant, which now holds a 53.47 per cent stake in
reliability. It points to being one of the few OEMs in the market able to offer
Mosenergo. Gazprom, which itself is a major stockholder in a number of
all the major power generation technologies in-house; this, it says, enables
large Russian power generation companies, including OGK-2, OGK-6 and
it to bring together the knowledge and expertise of the ‘architect-engineer’,
TGK-1 (Lenenergo), has thus strengthened its position in the country’s
or EPC contractor with those of an OEM, integrating all of the installed
power generation sector.
components into a fully optimized plant.
Today, Mosenergo has a total installed capacity of 11.1 GW from
Alstom believes that, with this approach, it has the appropriate
17 power plants, representing some 8 per cent of all thermal generation
capacity in Russia. Almost all of these plants are based on cogeneration
and fuelled by natural gas. District heating in Moscow is on a scale
unequalled anywhere else in the world.
A steady growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in recent years, rising
F to an average of 8.9 per cent, has led to a situation where the Russian
power market is developing rapidly, but the power sector has suffered badly
over many decades from under investment. Existing power plants are
– typically more than 20 years old with fuel efficiencies of less than 38
per cent. Installed capacity has languished around the 215 GW level,
leading to a general shortage in power generation. To put it simply,
B electricity supply will not meet the demand in the coming years. To
counter this position, Russia plans to invest $118 billion in new plant to
2012, representing an increase of 20 GW of new gas fired capacity.
Mosenergo has a large programme of its own for the development and
A technical upgrading of the Moscow’s power network by 2010. It plans
to commission more than 2400 MW of capacity by constructing new
cogeneration units, as well as modernizing and re-engineering existing
installations at a number of its power plants.
C Acknowledging that the continuing development of Moscow’s grid
is impossible without further reinforcement of central power supplies,
Turbine hall
HRSG Mosenergo has set itself a demanding improvement strategy. It includes,
Transformer over the next ten years, eliminating current capacity deficiencies in the
Forced draft cooling tower Moscow region and doubling the installed capacity of its power stations,
Administration building/ control room & warehouse based on contemporary technologies. And, significantly, ‘contemporary’
is the key. Mosenergo has stated that it wants to sweep aside the
inefficiencies of the past and invest in only the latest technologies offering
real economic advantages.
Division of labour

Alstom says it knew from the outset the importance of teaming up with
a strong local partner to build Unit 8, a groundbreaking venture by
any standard, being the first time a major European developer has led
a project of such a magnitude in Russia. Consequently, the division of
responsibilities was set out at an early stage.
Alstom’s activities can be split between its two commercial units, Al-
stom Russia, a locally deployed resource of EPC expertize employing
some 50 engineers and support staff, and Alstom (Switzerland). Their
individual roles are outlined as follows:
The Alstom Russia unit acts as the consortium leader and includes
Alstom’s ‘Plant Business’ department. One of the key activities of the
divi- sion is what Alstom calls the ‘Russification’ of its activities – that is,
assim- ilating the specific features required to construct power stations
suited to the Russian market environment. Its duties include assigning
technical supervisors for installation works. It is also responsible for the
supply of the heat recovery system of the new plant – the HRSG,
designed and manufactured according to Russian specifications and
regulations. Interestingly,it is showing the most dynamic development
of all of Alstom Russia’s divisions, and the current goal is for further
The onsite erection of the GT26 gas turbine, which offers a high power density in a compact design
significant growth.
Alstom (Switzerland) is responsible for the conceptual engineering,
including all the basic engineering of the plant, (but also encompasses
alstoM Ka26 technology the detailed engineering for the gas and steam turbine). The parent
In winning the TPP-26 project, Alstom says it was able to offer the most company also undertakes the assignment of technical consultants and
effective combined-cycle power plant technology in its class virtually off- oversees the engineering package associated with the basic engineer-
the-shelf. The designer, manufacturer and supplier is providing the key ing of the HRSG.
equipment from a single source. Answering one of the key project drivers Crucially, Alstom (Switzerland) is responsible for the supply of all the
of the Unit 8 contract, the company says that a huge reduction in gas key equipment, as laid out in the ‘Plant Integrator’ concept promoted
consumption in the first year of operation alone translates into a massive by the company. This includes the supply of the GT26 gas turbine and
$55 million (based on 2011 expected gas prices) saving. steam turbine, each with a generator (including auxiliary systems), and
The solution adopted at TPP-26 comes after the recognition of the fact the ALSPA control system.
that utilities, independent power producers and merchant power For its own part, EM Alliance provides some detailed engineering
generators face unprecedented change – deregulation and tougher works on areas not covered by Alstom. Its responsibilities also include
competition, shifting consumption trends and more stringent emissions the execution of all civil works and associated plant erection, and pre-
legislation. Alstom has developed a range of turbines – the GT24 and GT26 commissioning and commission (together with Alstom).
in particular – that rise to these challenges. They also need to ensure Other areas of responsibility include such items as the procurement
reliability of supply yet reduce the cost per kWh of producing electricity. of the cooling tower and cooling water pumps, and the supply of electri-
Raising efficiency remains a constant challenge. And finally the flexibility to cal equipment, such as step-up transformer, auxiliary transformer and
fuel gas composition needs to be addressed in times of the global switchboards.
transport of fuel gas.
applied to earlier (at that time Brown Boveri) units, but using two side-
Alstom has integrated its heavy-duty GT26 gas turbines into an optimized
mounted silo combustors.
single-shaft or multi-shaft combined-cycle generating block – the KA26
In the case of TPP-26, the GT26 combustion system is based on the well-
Reference Plants. In the mid-1990s, Alstom introduced two similar
proven Alstom combustion concept using the EV (EnVironmental) burner in
sequential combustion gas turbines, the GT24 for the 60 Hz market and the
an annular combustor followed by the SEV (Sequential EnVironmental)
GT26 for the 50 Hz market. Since their launch in 1995, these advanced
burner in the second combustion stage. This dry, low NOx EV burner has
class GT24/GT26 units have demonstrated this technology platform offers
a long operating history and is used across the whole range of Alstom
significant advantages to the plant operator – superior operating flexibility,
gas turbines. By integrating the concept of a dry, low-NOx EV burner and
low emissions, high part-load efficiency and world class levels of reliability
sequential combustion into a single-shaft engine, the GT24/GT26 design
being amongst them.
is able to achieve a high power density in a compact unit with a small
These benefits are brought about by utilizing the concept of sequential
combustion, a principle introduced as early as 1948 as a means of
The sequential combustion system, or reheat cycle concept, is a key
increasing efficiency at low turbine inlet temperature levels. Sequential
technology behind the GT26. Compressed air is heated in the first stage
combustion, the re-heat principle for gas turbines, had already been
EV combustion chamber by adding around 50 per cent of the total fuel (at
periods at about 20 per cent CCPP load; and, a very good fuel flexibility
baseload). After this, the combustion gas expands through the single stage,
capability with regard to varying natural gas compositions.
high-pressure (HP) turbine, which reduces the pressure by approximately
a factor of two. The remaining fuel is then added in the second stage
start-uP behaviour
SEV combustion chamber, where the combustion gas is heated a second
The start-up behaviour of a power plant is determined both by the start-up
time to the maximum turbine inlet temperature and finally expanded in the
time and the reliability. Alstom says the start-up time of the KA26
four-stage low-pressure (LP) turbine.
combined- cycle power plant, like the KA24, is short in comparison to other
TPP-26 Unit 8 will burn either natural gas or, as a back-up, liquid fuel.
gas turbines of a similar size. With the optimal plant concept it has been
With a rated output of 288.3 MW at an ambient temperature of 15 ºC and
shown that the combined-cycle baseload is reached within 50 minutes for a
ISO conditions, the gas turbine will have an exhaust gas flow rate of 616
hot start (i.e. after about an eight hour shut-down). This short start-up time
kg/s, leaving the turbine at a temperature of 616 ºC. At that point it will
means the plant is able to supply power sooner and therefore earn money
enter a three-pressure re-heat, horizontal type HRSG. From there the steam
for its owner. This ability is an important advantage in a market
enters the three casing steam turbine.
environment with a volatile electricity price. It allows the operator to take
Alstom says the concept gives the new generation of turbines the
opportunities with minimal time delay.
commercial edge. In today’s dynamic power generation market
Secondly, Alstom’s monitoring of its KA24/KA26 fleet has demonstrated
environment, operational flexibility is a major consideration for customers
a power plant start-up reliability of more than 95 per cent. This, says
and crucial for commercial success. Since their start in commercial
Alstom, is again important because a missed start can be extremely
operation, the KA24/KA26 combined-cycle power plants have enjoyed
expensive in terms of buying in the previously committed power. There may
industry leading operational flexibility.
also be further benefits such as revenues from non-spinning reserve
Alstom says this is due to a combination of a number of key advantages
offered by its advanced technology. These include: excellent start-up
The short start-up times and high start-up reliability thus have the ability
characteristics for hot, warm and cold starts; operational flexibility from 100
to boost revenue for customers, compared to CCPPs using other
per cent down to 40 per cent combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) load and
technologies. Depending on the individual plant economic model, these
below; high part-load efficiency and low NOx emissions down to 40 per
considerations could represent millions of euros of additional operating
cent CCPP load and below; extremely low ‘parking load’ during off-peak
revenues each year.
A simplified flow diagram of the TPP-26 combined-cycle CHP plant
high Part-loaD efficiency
gas turbine load. The facility will be capable of operating at baseload
High part-load efficiency is important in achieving high operational
without any restrictions in an ambient temperature range of -42 ºC to 37
flexibility. In low price periods, part-load efficiency is the crucial factor when
ºC. Design ambient conditions are: ambient temperature (-3.1 ºC); and
it comes to flexibility and profitability. It gives the operator the added
ambient pressure (995 mbar); relative humidity (77 per cent).
option to decide whether or not to continue to run the CCPP during the low
The plant is designed to operate principally with natural gas and oil as the
price periods by reducing the power output to a minimum without
back-up fuel. It complies with strict near-field and far-field noise guarantees
sacrificing substantial efficiency. This operational mode reduces the number
which are considerable more onerous than the industry ‘norm’ and below
of starts during these low price periods, and therefore decreases the
those stipulated in the contract for the plant’s metropolitan location.
associated starting costs.
Abnormal operation modes such as equipment failure or block trip,
Additionally, the lifetime consumption that is related to the number of
however, are excluded from these noise guarantees. Furthermore, steam
starts of the gas turbine can be controlled by freely choosing whether the
turbine bypass operation, plant start-up and shutdown, as well as peak load
gas turbine is shut-down during low price periods, or not. This offers an
operation are also excluded from the near-field noise guarantees.
important advantage, which significantly increases the flexibility in outage
Major coMPonents anD systeMs
Furthermore, the high part-load efficiency indirectly allows control of the
cumulative emissions of the power plant, since a decrease in the number of
gas turbine
starts reduces the absolute emissions produced during start-up.
The GT26 type gas turbine consists of one common rotor for one HP turbine
Moreover, Alstom says, the company has developed an operating
stage and four LP turbine stages and 22 compressor stages. Heat input
mode – the ‘low load operation concept’ – which is capable of maintaining
is performed by two annular combustion chambers (EV & SEV burners),
all the required emission levels at loads lower than 25 per cent of the
applying the sequential combustion principle. The HP turbine is located
CCPP’s maximum, thus allowing the operator to ‘park’ the units during off-
downstream of the EV burners and upstream of the SEV burners for
peak hours. This is much lower than has been seen in the CCPP market to
first expansion of the exhaust gas. The turbine inlet air is filtered in the air
date, and is again a feature arising from the Alstom sequential combustion
intake block.
technology. Also, as an alternative to any daily ‘cycling’ mode, this feature
The rotor is rigidly coupled to the generator shaft. The airflow through
does not reduce hot gas path lifetime, and further increases plant flexibility
the gas turbine is controlled by the angular position of three variable guide
and its ability to cope with new operating regimes.
vane (VGV) rows, placed in front of the first three compressor blades rows.
During part-load above the 25 per cent gas turbine load, the turbine
Plant in Detail
controller maintains the exhaust gas temperature at the maximum part-
The generation block consists of one Alstom GT26 gas turbine and one
load temperature by opening the VGV and increasing fuel injection to both
steam turbine arranged in a multi-shaft configuration, each turbine
provided with its own air-cooled generator. In addition the block features
For cooling and sealing purposes, air is drawn off the compressor at a
one HRSG, one water-cooled condenser, two steam/water heat exchangers
number of stages. Two airflows are partly cooled external to the gas turbine
for district heating, and the auxiliaries required to operate the plant.
by a ‘once through cooler’, which is connected to the water steam cycle,
It is anticipated that the plant will need to accommodate daily load
producing additional steam and thus power through the steam turbine.
variations in the range between 50-100 per cent relative active load.
An anti-icing and air pre-warming system based on a heat exchanger is
However, daily start-up and shut-down cycles are also envisaged, as is short-
provided in order to preheat the air during icing conditions, enabling the
term plant operation at gas turbine loads down to 30 per cent. District
normal operation of the gas turbine.
heat extraction will be possible between 30-100 per cent of

steam turbine
The Alstom STF30C steam turbine consists of one reheat type
single flow HP chamber, one single flow IP (intermediate
pressure) chamber and one double flow LP chamber.
The turbines are rigidly coupled. HP live steam enters the
HP turbine through a single valve block, consisting of one
stop and one control valve, and is expanded to re-heat
pressure. The cold re-heat steam is mixed with the IP steam,
generated in the HRSG, and re-heated. The LP steam enters
the IP turbine exhaust through a one stop and one control valve,
where it is mixed with the IP steam before entering the LP turbine. The
outlet steam of the LP turbine is discharged to the water-cooled
The IP steam turbine is equipped with extractions for district heating
operation. Steam for the district heater DH1 is drawn off from the IP
exhaust. District heater DH2 receives steam from the IP steam turbine at an
intermediate stage. During pure condensing mode, a minimum amount of
steam is flowing through the last stages of the IP turbine in order to prevent
ventilation, and discharged into an intermediate state of the LP
steam turbine.
The onsite erection of the GT26 gas turbine, which offers a high power density in a compact design

produce superheated HP, IP and re-heat steam and superheated
An Alstom TOPAIR type generator is driven by one gas turbine at
LP steam.
19 kV rated terminal voltage, while the steam generator drives a TOPAIR
The HP/IP feedwater pumps feed the HRSG, which the LP feedwater
at 15 kV. The generators have a two-pole, three-phase synchronous type
is extracted downstream of the second row of IP/LP economizers. The
of air-cooled design. The hot air is re-cooled in heat exchangers located
feedwater flows are pre-heated in the respective economizers and admitted
in the generator housing. The heat is transferred into cooling water and
via control valves into the HP, IP and LP drums. Saturated steam is
rejected to atmosphere through a remote cooling system.
generated at the HP, IP and LP evaporator.
The gas turbine-generator is equipped with a static frequency converter
The HP steam is led to the multi-stage HP super-heater, the IP steam to
for starting the generator as a synchronous motor. During start-up, the
the IP super-heater and subsequently to the re-heater. The LP steam is
starting energy is provided – via redundant connection from the station
super-heated also. At the outlet of the HRSG, the HP and re-heat steam are
service transformers – by the high voltage (HV) grid across the generator
attemperated with feedwater extracted from the HP economizer feedwater
step-up unit transformer. Starting without a power supply from the HV grid
line and IP economizer section.
is not possible.
A blow down tank collects the drains of the HRSG and the drains of the
steam turbine external steam system, which are located near the HRSG.
heat recovery steam generator
After separation, steam is discharged to atmosphere and condensate is
A single, horizontal type HRSG, triple pressure re-heat unit operates in
discharged to the wastewater system.
natural circulation mode for the LP, IP and HP systems. Heat discharged
from the gas turbine as hot exhaust gas serves as the heat source to
fuel gas supply system
Fuel gas is delivered to the plant by a pipeline. Because of the high
variability in supply pressure and quality of the feed gas, it has to be treated
or conditioned before it can be fed to the gas turbine fuel gas blocks.
The fuel gas enters the plant via the main gas inlet valve and passes the
redundant gas scrubber units. Separated condensate is collected in a skid
and returned to the client systems. A redundant fuel gas compressor system
increases the gas pressure according to the needs of the gas turbine. In this
way, gas pressure is controlled by a dedicated system of recirculation.

instrumentation & control (i&c)

The I&C system permits the safe running and supervision of the whole CHP
plant. Alstom’s scope of work covers the control and monitoring of the gas
turbines, water and steam cycle, HRSG, steam turbine, all the auxiliaries,
and steam turbine generator, including the electrical equipment.

oPeration MoDes
These are loosely divided into ‘Condensing Mode’ and ‘District Heating’
modes. Both are considered in the plant automation and are designed to
be selectable by the plant operator through a human machine interface
Consruction of the single, horizontal-type HRSG
condensing Mode
Main steam system In this operating mode the exhaust steam from the HP steam turbine is re-
The main steam system consists of the HP steam line, the cold re-heat heated in the HRSG and directed into the IP steam turbine, passing a
steam line, the IP steam line and the LP steam line. The HP steam line crossover line into the LP steam turbine, and finally condensed. In this
transfers the HP steam produced in the HRSG to the HP section of the steam mode, the steam extraction control and check valves are closed, hot
turbine. The HP steam is expanded in the steam turbine and released into circulated feedwater is returned to the feedwater tank, the DH water
the cold re-heat steam line. When the steam turbine is not in operation, the control valve is closed and the DH condensate pumps are out of operation.
HP bypass guides the HP steam into the cold re-heat steam line. The cold re- The load of the power plant is controlled according to the grid requirements
heat steam line transfers the cold re-heat steam back to the HRSG, where it (i.e. electric load/frequency).
is re-heated and mixed with the IP steam.
Steam is taken from the cold re-heat steam line for the supply of the air District heating Mode
removal system and the gland steam system. It also supplies the auxiliary In this operational mode the steam turbine is in operation and on equal
steam header with steam and acts as a secondary supply of the high or higher than minimum DH load, the steam extraction control and check
temperature cogeneration heater. valves are open, hot circulated feedwater is being fed into the DH1,
the DH water control valve is open and the DH condensate pumps are
condensing system in operation.
This is a horizontally arranged two-pass condenser, cooled directly using District heating network operators will determine the water flow and
water from the cooling tower. Non-condensable gases on the steam side heater outlet temperature in accordance with the required heat load.
are extracted at a defined point of every tube bundle with the lowest pres- The DH flow controller will throttle the DH water control flap according
sure – the so-called ‘air coolers’. to requirements.

District heating system alstoM’s russian couP

The district heaters (DHs) consist of surface heat exchangers. District As one of the few OEM manufacturers in today’s market that has all the
heating water enters the inlet water box of the first heater, flows through major power generation technologies in-house, Alstom believes its foray
the tubes and leaves the heater via the outlet water box; then it passes into this little know European market marks a significant coup for the
through the second district heater in much the same way. Condensing company.
heater DH2 is fed with steam turbine extraction steam, while the As the power industry continues down the path to liberalization,
condensate from it drains into DH1 through an expansion device. The competition for new and burgeoning power markets are bound to attract
condensing and sub-cooling heater DH1 is fed with cascade condensate intense competition. Being the first to win over customers in markets such
from DH2, steam turbine extraction steam and with hot feedwater from the as Russia, which has traditionally kept itself to itself, is without doubt a
HRSG. The hot water from the HRSG drains into the heater through its breakthrough.
expansion device. Cooled condensate from the heater DH1 leaves the Having the skills set in-house, with the ability to transfer technologies to
heater via the heater condensate extraction pumps, of which there are power-hungry nations at the European Union’s back door, would seem to be
four. a good place to start.

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