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Diana Hidalgo-------Phoenix (Catlike Warrior) -----------Nightmare Moon
Azucena Reza--------Luna (Ware wolf Warrior)------------------Luna
Melanie Barron-----Sunshine (Assistant to Lahada)---------Midnight Glare
Jacob Cano----------Jake (German Shepherd like person)----Nightmare Jake
Ximena Rodarte-----Lahada (Fairy, and head of Village)-----Red Moon
Frida Cruz-------------Crazy Richard (Crazy) -------------Cat
Emily ----------------Snowflake (Husky Dog like Person) ---Midnight Sparkle


Scene 1:
(Meeting of the corrupt evil doers.)
Red Moon: I call to order this annual meeting of the Black Dragon Society. State your

Midnight Glare: I am Midnight Glare and I have traveled many miles to be here.

Luna: My name is Luna. This is my first meeting.

Nightmare Moon: I am Nightmare Moon. People have cursed my name.

Midnight Sparkle: I am Midnight Sparkle. Not as much Sparkle as Midnight.

Nightmare Jake: I am Nightmare Jake. You can call me Nightmare or you can call me
Jake, but never call me nice.

Cat: Hello. My name is Cat. I am interested in the business of being bad.

Red Moon: And I am Red Moon. Shall we get this meeting underway? We are here to
discuss not only devious deeds that have already happened, but new underhanded
ideas for the future.

Nightmare Moon: Just last week I was able to steal a wheel barrel full of gold. The
owner stopped to rest and when he fell asleep, I took the gold and ran.

(All members shout their approval)

Midnight Glare: I went to the theater a month ago and made everyone give me their

(All members shout their approval)

Cat: Ha! I watched a rich man bury his money. Just when he thought everything was
safe, I went and dug it up. Pay dirt!

(All members shout their approval)

Midnight Sparkle: I enjoy just stopping people on the street. I threaten them, and
they gladly hand me whatever is in their pockets.

(All members shout their approval)

Luna: I must confess, I have not done anything nearly as dishonest as the rest of you. I
definitely have something to work toward.

Nightmare Jake: Watch and learn. These are the best of the best.

Red Moon: You have all been busy. Good for you. But now, what about the future.
Have any of you heard about interesting finds?

Nightmare Moon: I hear tell of a magical crystal in a small village.

Cat: Yes, I have heard of that too.

Midnight Glare: Tell me more, I have not heard of such a thing?

Midnight Sparkle: I thought the Crystal was only a myth.

Nightmare Jake: No, the Crystal is real and is kept in a secret place in the village of

Red Moon: This crystal is rumored to have strong powers.

Luna: Wow. This is amazing. How can we get it?

Nightmare Moon: Well, first we must discover where the villagers have hidden it.

Cat: You are so smart. How will we do that?

Midnight Sparkle: Should we torture some of the villagers?


Midnight Glare: No, we need a simpler plan.

Nightmare Jake: We should send a spy. Someone the people will trust.

Red Moon: Good idea. But who. Who would best blend in?

Luna: I could go. I know that village. I have passed it several times on my travels.

Cat: Yes, I think they might just accept you.

Nightmare Moon: Then it’s settled. Luna will infiltrate the village and discover where
this precious Crystal is hidden.

Cat: Then we are all agreed?

All: Yes!

Red Moon: Then this meeting of the Dark Dragon Society is ended. We will meet
again in one month. (Blackout)

(The peaceful village of Lundene in a market place. Everyone except Luna is shopping
and chatting)

Sunshine: Apples, apples. Come buy my nice fresh apples.

Jake: Get your daily bread here. Warm, just out of the oven.

Snowflake: Hey Sunshine. How is business today?

Sunshine: Pretty good, but so are my apples!

Snowflake: Well in that case, I’ll take two.


Jake: Well, Snowflake, you must need bread too. And with your sense of smell, you
should have recognized the delicious aroma from miles away.

Snowflake: Well, that’s true, Jake. But with your dog-like sense of smell you should
know that I baked my own bread at home. (The both laugh)

Crazy Richard: Bread! Did someone mention bread? I love bread. Is it warm bread?
Just out of the oven, bread? Bread that is soft and delicious, bread? Bread, bread,

Jake, Snowflake, and Sunshine: Hello Crazy Richard.

Crazy Richard: Choo, choo!!

Phoenix: Fine day today. It’s good weather, like every day.

Crazy Richard: Choo, choo to you and the weather, Phoenix.

Phoenix: Greetings, Lahada.

Lahada: Hello, my friends. Ooh, the apples and bread are a definite temptation.
(Enter Luna. She seems a little lost and nervous)

Luna: Hello. I have come a long way and I am looking for a new home.

Lahada: Well, you are welcome here.

Phoenix: But why did you leave your old home?

Luna: There are too many sad memories there.

Jake: Then you have come to the perfect place to try and make happier memories.

Luna: Thank you all.

(they all shake hands in a way that is unique to Lundene. End of scene)

(The village meeting)

Lahada: Welcome everyone. Please have a seat. Sunshine, will you please remind us
about the business we covered last meeting.

Sunshine: Of course. Last meeting, we decided to build a new library. I am happy to

report it is almost finished.

Lahada: Good! Any new business today?

Phoenix: Yes, I would like to introduce our newest resident, Luna. She has chosen our
small village as her new home.

Everyone: Welcome, Luna.

Jake: It is always good to have new people join us.

Snowflake: And you seem like an honorable, sincere person.

Crazy Richard: Choo, choo, to you Luna.

Luna: Thank you all. You have been most kind and gracious.

Lahada: Wonderful. Is there any other new business?

Sunshine: We need to discuss a new hiding place for the all-important Chrystal.
(Luna suddenly seems more interested)

Phoenix: Yes, as you know, we must protect the Crystal, as it gives us our energy.

Crazy Richard: Oh, thanks for stating the obvious, Phoenix.

Jake: I suggest we hide it in the new Library building.

Snowflake: Yes, I agree. There are many secret spaces there.


Phoenix: That is a fine idea.

Lahada: Yes, I agree. Sunshine, as my assistant will you please take care of hiding the

Sunshine: Yes, Lahada.

Luna: May I help?

Sunshine: Yes, I would welcome some help.

Crazy Richard: Are we done here? Cause I need to roam aimlessly through the village.
(They all shake their heads in agreement.)

Lahada: Thank you all for coming. You may go.

(End of scene. Blackout)

(Back at the Dark Dragon Lair. The meeting is already in progress. Everyone is very

Cat: This will be the easiest underhanded thing we have ever done!

Nightmare Moon: I agree! Like taking candy from a baby.

Midnight Sparkle: Good work, Luna. The villagers must trust you.

Luna: They are a trusting people.

Nightmare Jake: Now we just need a plan.

Midnight Glare: Luna, when would be the best time to storm the village?

Luna: Hmm, probably first thing in the morning when the vendors are setting up for the

Red Moon: Yes, an early morning raid. Catch them by surprise.

Nightmare Moon: Then it’s settled. We will storm Lundene in two days.

Red Moon: All those in favor?

Everyone: (Ad lib) Yes. I’m in. Good idea. Shouting. Expressive excited sounds.
(Luna looks uneasy.)

Red Moon: So be it!

(End of Scene 4. Blackout)

(Village. Jake and Sunshine are setting up for the market. Crazy Richard is wondering
around. Waiting to attack is Midnight Sparkle, Red Moon, Nightmare Moon.)

Jake: Good morning Sunshine. Fine weather today.

Sunshine: Good morning Jake. The bread smells good today.

Crazy Richard: Did someone say bread!!

(Suddenly the Dragon Society rush in. There is a lot of shouting and a fight breaks out.
Everyone participates except Luna and Crazy Richard. Crazy Richard just runs around
shouting crazy things. Midnight Sparkle leaves the scene, then returns with the Crystal.
The Dragon Society give a shout of victory then run to their lair.)

Jake: Oh no, the Chrystal is gone.

Sunshine: Without the Crystal our energy will drain.

Crazy Richard: And we won’t be able to eat BREAD!

(If it can be managed, the rest of the cast take off their bad guy capes and enter as the
peaceful villagers. They start to move slower until they are frozen in place. Luna see
this and looks like she is going to cry and exits. End of scene.)

(Dragon Society Lair. Everyone is celebrating, laughing and congratulating each other.)

Midnight Glare: We did it!

Red Moon: That was so easy.

Nightmare Moon: And now we have the enchanted Chrystal.

Midnight Sparkle: There is no telling how powerful we will be.

Nightmare Jake: I feel more powerful just looking at it!

Cat: Let’s celebrate our success. Come on Luna.

(Luna waits until they are all distracted then takes the Crystal and runs off. End of
scene. Blackout)

(Back at the village. Luna enters with the Crystal. The villagers start to move. Slowly
at first, but then at a normal speed.)

Luna: I have brought the Crystal back to its rightful owners. I am ashamed of my
involvement with the Dark Dragon Society. I know what I have done is unforgivable so
I will leave this wonderful place that I have come to know as my home. I hope you all
can live in peace.

Midnight Sparkle: I can’t believe you tricked us into liking you.

Nightmare Jake: You seemed to really fit in here and enjoy it.

Luna: I did. But the Dragon Society made me feel welcomed too. I made a choice, but
it was the wrong one. I see that now.

Red Moon: We have all made bad choices without thinking.


Midnight Glare: Yes, everyone makes mistakes.

Nightmare Moon: And everyone deserves a second chance. We hope you will stay.

Luna: Really?

All: Yes, really.

Luna: Thank you. This is truly my new home.

Crazy Richard: Good! Now let’s eat some bread. Choo, choo!
(they all cheer and hug.)


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