Exercise 3

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TPG4215 2020 – Well planning and directional surveys

Exercise #3

Task 1:

Using local coordinates in meters with the center of the drill floor (RKB) at coordinates P0 (0,0,0) for
N, E and TVD respectively, construct a suitable wellbore that meet with the following requirements:

Target is the interval P1 (1800, 900, 2200) to P2 (2100,1050,2200) – the interval we shall later
complete and produce.

We shall drill vertically down to a kick-off point (KOP).

From KOP to end-of-build (EOB) a build-up-rate (BUR) of 30 shall be used.

A tangent/straight section is then drilled at 650 inclination until the second build starts to
land out horizontally at P1.

This second build from 650 to 900 shall also have a BUR of 30.

Q1: What is the radius of curvature for the two build sections?

Q2: What is the true vertical depth (TVD) at the first KOP?

Q3: What is the length of the tangential section?

Q4: What is the total measured depth (MD) of the well?

Hint: Consider this time to construct the well trajectory “bottoms up”. This means that you can start
at the bottom of the well and work your way “backwards and upwards” to P0.

Task 2:

Referring to task 1, the UTM coordinates of the well position in UTM zone 32 (top/upper location) is:

NS UTM - 7 135 991.00

EW UTM - 420 909.00

Q1: What are the UTM coordinates of the bottom of the well?

Task 3:

Q1: Determine the UTM coordinates for my location (PTS1/NTNU @ Lerkendal (football) stadium
in Trondheim.

Q2: Calculated the distance in meters from PTS1 to Deepsea Bergen when drilling well 6506/11-
11S last year.

Q3: Calculate the “bearing” from my office to the drilling rig (in degrees as on the compass).
Task 4:

We have the following (part of a) well survey data as tabulated:

Station MD Inclination Azimut ΔTVD ΔN ΔE Dog-leg DLS1

no. (m) (degrees) (degrees) (m) (m) (m) (degrees) (/30m)
1 2300 65 45 - - - - -
2 2390 65 45
3 2480 72 49
4 2525 76 42
5 2615 82 40

Calculate and fill in data in grey cells for estimates of incremental changes to TVD, NS and EW as well
as interval dog-legs (turn rates). And you shall use minimum curvature method just to prove that you
are as “professional” as the big boys and girls out there.

And, yes there is a small problem…. Where and with what?

DLS = Dog-leg severity

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