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1. How is primary data different from secondary data? How do researchers use surveys, focus
groups, interviews, projective techniques and observation method to learn about consumer

2. The consumers refer to a general view or perspective as to how and why individuals behave as
they do.Name four (4) different views of consumer decision makings and describe them

3. Discuss what is meant by market segmentation. Explain the difference between demographic
variables and psychographic variables in terms of consumer behaviour, and give a specific
example of each.

4. Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action. Discuss Negative
and positive motivations and Explain rational and emotional motives with examples.

5. Consumer behavior is that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating,
and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.Explain each of
the term bellow: (shortly and precise with examples)

a. Benefit Segmentation
b. Generic goals
c. Innate needs
d. Defense Mechanism
e. Compulsive consumption behavior
6. Consumers acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge by a process. Explain the
principles of (a) classical conditioning theory and (b) instrumental conditioning theory. How
can they be applied to the development of marketing strategies?

7. Each brand can be described in personality trait of human beings such as masculinity or the
age. Describe brand personality and discuss THREE (3) major product personality issues. Justify
your answer with TWO (2) examples of brand personalities.

8. A firm tries to communicate with its customers to understand them and their needs better,
there are some barriers to communicate effectively with your customers, Name the barriers
and explain them briefly. Beside Name THREE (3) different strategies used in designing
persuasive communication and explain one of the optionally.
9. People compare themselves with others around and set their attitudes and values according
to others. This comparison happens in Reference Groups Both direct and indirect. Describe
Direct and Indirect Reference groups. Name four (4) consumer-related reference groups and
explain two (2) optionally.
10. Children acquire their skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function as consumers
through socialization. How do marketers influence consumer socialization? Explain the EIGHT
(8) roles in the family decision making process.
11. The consumer behaviour also greatly influenced by culture. Explain the theoretical model of
culture influence behaviour. What are the THREE ways culture can be measured? Explain ONE
method briefly.

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