2015 World Summer Games Questionnaire

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2015 Special Olympics World Games

Host City/Country
Bid Questionnaire
Special Olympics World Summer Games

Special Olympics World Games are one of the most powerful • Building Communities:
venues for communicating to the world the abilities and World Games should be an example of how best
gifts of people with intellectual disabilities. Every two years, to build inclusive communities around the world,
the World Games are broadcast to hundreds of millions of engage new generations, bring hope to families
viewers in the host countries and across the globe. The Special and promote holistic policy adoption through the
Olympics World Games are world-class sporting events catalytic power of Special Olympics.
featuring intense competition and inspiring performances
• Fan Engagement:
by athletes. Equally important, the World Games act as a
Facilitate thoughtful, committed and diversified
catalyst for growth in Special Olympics sports programs
engagements of individuals and corporations,
in communities around the world and promote awareness foundations, civic and service organizations, and
among leaders of all levels of society. government agencies from the local to the global
levels aimed at increasing operating funding and
Past World Games have left an indelible mark on the host support for Special Olympics movement-wide.
nation. Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu, said one of the
greatest transformational events for the people of China in • Movement Leadership: Athletes, communities of
recent years was the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer coaches, volunteers, families, partners and fans shape
Games in Shanghai.  Irish President Mary McAleese echoed what we collectively refer as the Special Olympics
this sentiment when she proclaimed that only Ireland’s Movement. The success of World Games is largely
independence had more of a social impact on the people of dependent on the organizers ability to enlist the
Ireland than the 2003 Special Olympics World Games. right combination of support from key government,
corporate, philanthropic and community leaders.   
The next Special Olympics World Summer Games will be
hosted by Greece and conducted in the same Olympic venues • Sustainable Capabilities: There are several
used during the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.  These critical areas that will help shape the future success of
Games will be the biggest sporting event in the world in the Movement globally and ensure its sustainability.
2011, attracting more than 7,500 athletes from 180 countries The continued development and refinement of
who will demonstrate their skill and determination on the systems and standards for operational excellence and
field of play in 22 sports. efficiency at World Games will lead to future games
and competitions delivering the highest quality
With all World Games, Special Olympics considers the experience for all athletes.
potential the Games have to further the mission of Special
Olympics worldwide while creating lasting reminders of the
human gifts that were celebrated at the Games. As we look to
future World Games, we look for alignment with the Special
Olympics movement’s strategic priorities as described below:

• Athlete Experience:
Special Olympics athletes are to be the center of
focus and efforts at all World Games. The athlete
experience embodies Special Olympics aspirations to
meet the urgent needs of growth and quality globally.
• 7,000 Athletes • 40,000 Volunteers
• 23 Sports & MATP • 3,500 Event Officials
• 1750 Coaches • 4,000 Honored Guests
• 165 Delegations • 12,000 Family Members

• Aquatics • Equestrian • Softball
• Athletics • Football (Soccer) • Table Tennis
• Artistic Gymnastics • Golf • Handball
• Basketball • Judo • Tennis
• Badminton • Rhythmic Gymnastics • Volleyball
• Bocce • Powerlifting • Selected Demonstration Sports
• Bowling • Roller Skating
• Cycling • Sailing

The aim of the World Games Bid Questionnaire is to provide Special Olympics with an overview of your project to host the
Special Olympics World Games and to determine whether this corresponds to the needs of the Special Olympics Movement.

We draw your attention to the fact that SOI reserves the right to send experts to your city to further discuss certain areas. We
would be grateful if you would ensure that they have access to any information they might require.

The following pages offer cities and countries interested in bidding for the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games
a series of questions to be answered. Each questionnaire will be thoroughly reviewed by the World Games Site Selection
Committee of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors.

We look forward to initiating discussions with you as together we pursue your interest in hosting the largest sporting and
humanitarian event in the world in 2015 – the Special Olympics World Summer Games.


1. Motivation and Concept

2. Political and Public Support

3. Sports Infrastructure

4. Infrastructure and Logistics

5. Major Event Experience

6. Financing

7. Media

8. Legacy
2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games
Bid Questionnaire



What are your principal motivation and objectives for wanting to host the Special Olympics Games?


Why your country/city, and what does your bid offer Special Olympics?


What are your proposed dates for hosting the Games?


Government Support:

What is the status of support for your bid by national, regional, local government and city authorities?
Legal Aspects:

Are there any legal obstacles to organizing the Special Olympics Games in your country?

Do you envision the implementation of new laws to facilitate the organization of the Special Olympics World Games?

Are there any existing laws in relation to services and well-being of people with intellectual disabilities?

Public Opinion:

What is the general public opinion towards hosting the Special Olympics World Games?

Has there been any attitude studies relating to acceptance and perception of people with intellectual disabilities within your country?

Special Olympics:

Is the bid supported by your Special Olympics National Program? Yes ____No_____

If so, please explain involvement.

Please list and describe the sports venues to be used.

Provide a map outlining the distance between proposed venues.


Provide a map of existing infrastructure to support the World Games (airport, rail, motorway, subway, and public transport systems).

Provide listing of hotels and accommodation plans for the Games.


What experience have you had hosting major sports events and multi-sports events?

Please list a maximum of ten relevant events over the last ten years indicating dates.

Has the proposed city ever hosted a Special Olympics event? If so, what event and when?
Bid Budget:

What financial commitments have you obtained or expected to obtain from your national, regional, or local government and city

Beyond government what revenue sources do you anticipate to fund the Games?

How will you provide a financial guarantee against loss for the Games? Please detail who would be the guarantor?

What media commitments do you have in support of the Games?

How would you drive media participation and support for the Games outside of your country?
Please list the bid leadership committee and brief profile of each individual.

How would hosting the Games drive Special Olympics growth and impact?




How would hosting the Games support Special Olympics global priorities as outlined on page 2?

Athlete Experience:

Building Communities:

Movement Leadership:

Sustainable Capabilities:
Special Olympics’ vision is to transform communities by inspiring people throughout the world to open their minds, accept and include
people with intellectual disabilities and thereby celebrate the similarities common to all people. How would Games in your city or
country advance this vision?

How would you define success for the 2015 Games should they be awarded to your city and/or country?

Are there any possible prohibiting factors that would influence your bidding for the 2015 World Games?

Should you have any questions or request for additional information,

please contact:

Peter Wheeler
Chief, Strategic Properties
Special Olympics International

Please, submit the questionnaire to pwheeler@specialolympics.org by 1 November 2010

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