Tut2 KKM EC2001

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Course Title: Analog Electronics; Tutorial-1;

Course id: EC 2001 Date: 26 th August, 2020.

Tutorial/Assignment # 2; Instructor: KKM
Q.1. Use the expression for operation in the triode region to find an expression for the drain-to-
source resistance r DS ≡ when v DS is small. Find the value of r DS for an NMOS transistor
W 100 µm
havingk 'n=µ n cox =20 µA /V 2 , V T =1V and = when operated at vGS =5 V .
L 10 µm
Q.2. An enhancement-type NMOS transistor with V T =2V conducts a current i D =1 mA when
vGS =v DS=3 V . Neglecting the dependence of i D on v DS in saturation, find the value of i D for
vGS =4 V and v DS=5 V . Also, calculate the value of drain-to-source resistance r DS for small
v DS and vGS =4 V .
' W 2
Q.3. An enhancement-type MOSFET withk n =0. 2 mA /V , V T =1.5 V and λ=0.02 V −1 is
operated at vGS =3.5 V . Find the drain current obtained at v DS=2V and v DS=10 V .
Determine the output resistance r 0 at this value of vGS .
Q.4. Design the circuit given in figure 1 so that the transistor operates at i D =0.4 mA and
v D =+1V . The NMOS transistor hasV T =2V ,µn c ox=20 µA /V 2, L=10 µmand W =400 µm.
Neglect the channel length modulation effect (i.e. assume that λ=0). Find the largest value
that R D can have while the MOSFET remains in saturation.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Q 5 Consider the circuit given in figure 2 with the new values of resistors. Design the circuit to
obtain approximately 4 V at the gate, a drain current of about 1mA, and a drain voltage of
' W 2 Ma
about 4 V. the transistor has V T =2V , k n = 2 and λ=0.
' W
Q 6. Consider the FET amplifier in the figure 3 for the case V T =2V ,k n =1 mA /V 2, V GS=4 V ,
V DD=10 V and R D=3.6 kΩ.(a) Find the dc quantities I D and V D .(b) Calculate the value of gmat
the bias point. (c) Calculate the value of the voltage gain. (d) If the MOSFET has λ=0.01 V −1 , find
r 0 at the bias point and calculate the voltage gain.

Fig. 3

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