Science Exam Nutrition Unit 3

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1. Complete the diagram using the words from the box.

Make a
similar diagram for the respiratory system.

-Teeth  - mouth - gastric  -large -tube -anus -bile -pancreatic –small -


Digestion starts Food enters into the mouth. Teeth break food into small pieces
and the tongue, along with saliva creates the bolus and help us
to swallow
Bolus goes down through it, towards stomach thanks to
muscular movements (relaxation and contraction)

Stomach Bolus mixes up with gastric juices which kill bacteria. AFter
that, we obtain the chyme

Small intestine Chyme passes to small intestine and mixes with pancreatic
juices and bile (páncreas and liver). Here our body absorbes
all the necessary nutrients
large intestine
Here, our body absorbes water and waste products go
down to the rectum. Everything is eliminated from ourselves
through anus

Respiration starts Nose, ….


2. Complete the sentences
 .The stomach is part of the  system.
 .The small intestine is part of the   system.
 .  help plants and animals to live and grow.
 .The   is a stretchy tube that links the back of the throat to
the stomach.
 .Water from waste is absorbed into our blood in the  .
 .Food is broken down in the  .
 . fight infection.
 .  carry oxygen around the body.
 The energy received from food and drink is processed by the 
 The  system transports energy to different parts of the body.
 The excretory system gets rid of unwanted  
 The lungs are part of the   system.
    is the leading cause of cancer.
 An adult’s digestive tract is about   metres long.
 Arteries and veins are connected by   
 The heart has four   .
 When we take a breath, our   contracts and flattens.

3. Why doesn’t food end up in our lungs?

4. How is the respiratory system linked to the circulatory system?

5. Explain the function of red blood cells, white blood cells and

6. Why is it important to have a healthy diet? What happens if we

eat too much unhealthy food?
7. Why is it important to sweat? Give two reasons.

8. True or false? Correct the false ones.

Blood can flow backwards and forwards through the heart.

The walls of the heart are muscular.

Pulmonary circulation brings nutrients to the lungs.

Cellular waste is removed by the digestive system.

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