One-Sample T: Merk B - Kel 6C: Descriptive Statistics

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One-Sample T: Merk B_Kel 6C

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI for μ
20 6,4970 0,0669 0,0150 (6,4657; 6,5283)

μ: mean of Merk B_Kel 6C

Null hypothesis H₀: μ = 6,4
Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ ≠ 6,4
T-Value P-Value
6,48 0,000

Test for Equal Variances: Merk A Kel 6C; Merk B Kel 6C
Null hypothesis All variances are equal
Alternative hypothesis At least one variance is different
Significance level α = 0,05

95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for Standard Deviations

Sample N StDev CI
Merk A Kel 6C 20 0,0658447 (0,0498359; 0,0979763)
Merk B Kel 6C 20 0,0668935 (0,0517744; 0,0973361)

Individual confidence level = 97,5%

Method Statistic P-Value
Multiple comparisons 0,01 0,931
Levene 0,11 0,746

Test for Equal Variances: Merk A Kel 6; Merk B Kel 6


Two-Sample T-Test and CI: Merk A Kel 6C; Merk B Kel 6C

μ₁: mean of Merk A Kel 6C
µ₂: mean of Merk B Kel 6C
Difference: μ₁ - µ₂

Equal variances are not assumed for this analysis.

Descriptive Statistics
Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean
Merk A Kel 6C 20 6,5025 0,0658 0,015
Merk B Kel 6C 20 6,4970 0,0669 0,015

Estimation for Difference

95% CI for
Difference Difference
0,0055 (-0,0370; 0,0480)

Null hypothesis H₀: μ₁ - µ₂ = 0
Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ₁ - µ₂ ≠ 0
T-Value DF P-Value
0,26 37 0,795

Paired T-Test and CI: sebelum lari_ Kel 6C; sesudah lari_Kel
Descriptive Statistics
Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean
sebelum lari_ Kel 6C 20 79,35 13,93 3,12
sesudah lari_Kel 6C 20 102,30 19,67 4,40

Estimation for Paired Difference

95% CI for
Mean StDev SE Mean μ_difference
-22,95 12,11 2,71 (-28,62; -17,28)

µ_difference: mean of (sebelum lari_ Kel 6C - sesudah lari_Kel 6C)

Null hypothesis H₀: μ_difference = 0
Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ_difference ≠ 0
T-Value P-Value
-8,48 0,000

Paired T-Test and CI: initial weight_Kel 6 C; final weight_Kel

Descriptive Statistics
Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean
initial weight_Kel 6 C 8 174,25 23,58 8,34
final weight_Kel 6 C 8 170,13 23,01 8,13

Estimation for Paired Difference

95% CI for
Mean StDev SE Mean μ_difference
4,125 1,246 0,441 (3,083; 5,167)
µ_difference: mean of (initial weight_Kel 6 C - final weight_Kel 6 C)

Null hypothesis H₀: μ_difference = 0
Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ_difference ≠ 0
T-Value P-Value
9,36 0,000

Test for Equal Variances: initial weight_Kel 6 C; final

weight_Kel 6 C
Null hypothesis All variances are equal
Alternative hypothesis At least one variance is different
Significance level α = 0,05

95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for Standard Deviations

Sample N StDev CI
initial weight_Kel 6 C 8 23,5842 (16,8108; 45,9650)
final weight_Kel 6 C 8 23,0058 (16,7338; 43,9394)

Individual confidence level = 97,5%

Method Statistic P-Value
Multiple comparisons 0,01 0,912
Levene 0,01 0,918

Test for Equal Variances: initial weig; final weight

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