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The Interview ae gel up for your interviews By Vikas Gawri “A well prepared idiot can beat an unprepared genius” 7 asa ee We all know skills matters in every field of life, but there is something very important more than the skill that is preparation, if you have skills but you are not well prepared for the interview then there will be a possibility that you may be rejected by them. Because in interview they see skills but more than that they also see many other things like how you walk, how you react, how you answer questions given by them. So guys, in this ebook I've mentioned all the possible questions that can be asked by the interviewer and also | mentioned some ti that might help you to clear the questions Please read all the questions you will definitely get an idea that how to give effective reply to the interviewer. a 1) Tell me about yourself Interviewer- Describe yourself. Candidate- It's all in my CV. Interviewer- Tell me something which is not in your CV. Candidate- | am a greedy person. Interviewer- Then, you are here for just salary. Right? Candidate - Yes! Interviewer- What if, our company goes through a crisis and we can't provide salary to our employees for a month? Will you leave our company during the crisis? Candidate - You want me to work for you for free? And you won't give salary to your employees? Then, why should someone work for you? Interviewer- Just answer my question. Will you leave the organisation or not during a crisis? By Vikas Gawri a Candidate - It depends. Interviewer- Are you saying No? Then, why should we hire such a person like you? Candidate - | didn’t say no. Interviewer- Then what did that mean? Candidate - As | said I'm greedy. So, it depends. Interviewer- Explain..! Candidate - Because it is easy to keep a greedy person motivated. Interviewer- How? Candidate - A normal employee will work to save his job but get demotivated when he has to work for free during the crisis. But... | will take advantage of the crisis and walk to you and say “Sir, | am ready to put extra hours during this crisis for free so we can get out of this. In exchange of that, | need a better salary when the crisis is over.” By Vikas Gawri a So, in this question you can see how some times situation go against you but you've to show yourself as a positive person as much as you can. Sometimes they will start arguing with you but please you don't need to be panic in that situation, it's just a trap, and you need to answer calmly. This is how they check that what type of person are you like calm or angry one. | hope now you got a vision to answer when they ask you “Tell me about yourself” Let's move on to next question.... The Interview |. crc 2) Why should | hire you? Interviewer- Why should | hire you? Candidate - Don’t you want? Interviewer- No. Candidate - Why not? Interviewer- Out of 30 candidates, 29 are more experienced than you. Candidate - Ma’am, what about the remaining one? Interviewer- C’mon! That's you. Candidate - Then, why did you call me for the interview? Now, why are you asking me this question if you don’t want to hire? Interviewer- Okay, you can go now. We don’t waste your time any more. Candidate - Okay, | will leave. But before that can | have a minute? Interviewer- Yes. Candidate - Have you ever heard of “All out mosquito repellent’? Interviewer- Yes. By Vikas Gawri a Candidate - Ma‘am, | had been using All out for five years. Still, | was having mosquito bites every night. It was a kind of hell for me. Suddenly, | replaced the liquid with another brand which was less expensive. And the mosquitos went away. Interviewer- | didn’t get it. Candidate - The other 29 experienced salesmen will make the sales process too much predictable with their conventional sales method. Your clients might buy or might not. But | can be trained to develop a new sales method. Interviewer- That's okay! But we are not in a position to take a risk. Our company is already in loss. Candidate - That's what I'm talking about. Your current salespersons are not able to sell these days with their conventional method. How many Salespersons you have? Interviewer- 300. Candidate- Your company is already in loss. If | won't perform, that will affect your sales 0.33%. Will it matter? But, if | will be able to sell with a new method, that will be a revolution. You have five vacancies. You can hire me and four of the other experienced person. Interviewer- Okay. | will hire you. But, what if you won't perform? Candidate- | just sold you my words. That’s how I will sell your products to, By Vikas Gawri a Did you notice that how the interviewer tried to make you nervous and throw you out of the cabin in the first go as we alldo whena sales person came. hahaha. But, guys here we tackle the situation and made interviewer think about to hiring you. Most of the time interviewer try to see how you tackle different situations, sometimes he gave you those situations or may create it, but the thing is when you learn the ability of understanding and tackling the problems, that's all. a 3) Are you serious for job? Interviewer- Are you serious for the job? You- No, I’m not. Interviewer- Then why are you here? You- Just passing time. Interviewer- | didn‘t get it. You- There are 110 candidates. You will select only 1. Then what are others doing here? Aren't they just wasting time? Interviewer- How would you know, | won't select you? You- Ma’am, because you asked me if | am serious about this job or not. We all are serious, that’s why we are here even after knowing the probability is 1/100. By this you can understand how serious | am for this job By Vikas Gawri a 4) Have you ever seen a blue film? The interviewer is giving you an opportunity to show your skills. You must take advantage of the situation. It doesn’t matter “what you say”, but it really matters “how you say it”. Here are some tips. The interviewer already knows that you watch porn. No offence. Everyone watches. Situation 1 How to say YES If you want to say a YES, say it loud and clear. It will show your confidence. Interviewer wants you to open up. Employers love to work with employees who are open. Be honest and don’t be shy. By Vikas Gawri a Situation 2 How to Say No By saying NO you can show your communication skills. So, re-frame the situation like this. 1. Look in the eyes of the interviewer. 2. Narrow your eyes. 3. Say NO. 4. After that give a smile and shake your head sidewise. In this way, you said NO but gave the interviewer a hint that it’s a YES. This shows your good communication skills and sense of humor. After saying NO you can also add a sentence like this. “No, I don't watch porn. Because | don’t have to. I'm a “Game of Thrones” fan ;-) “ Keep engaging the interviewer. Let him like you for your honesty, openness, confidence, communication and sense of, humor. In this way you can increase your chances of getting selected. By Vikas Gawri a 5) Why did you leave your last job? Interviewer- You are the most deserving candidate for the job. But | still don’t understand why did you quit your last job. You- They kicked me out. I was forced to resign. Interviewer. But why? You- | didn’t obey the orders of my boss. So, they broke me down mentally. Interviewer- Look! Where ever you work, you have to take orders from your boss. That helps everyone working towards an organisational goal. And this is important. We don’t take such candidates. You- You didn’t ask “Why?” Interviewer- Why? You- My boss was giving me unethical orders. So, | complained to his boss. He Was a corrupt person too. And his boss’s boss was unreachable. Interviewer- Okay! But... you have to obey your boss in our organisation too. You- Yes! | will. But | won’t take any unethical orders which will harm the organisation. | am the most deserving candidate as you said before. Hire me if you people are not unethical. And please don’t hire me if you are having unethical practices in your organisation. Choice is yours. By Vikas Gawri a 6) Sell me this Pen This is the most asked and most famous question that any interview. Here may be they ask to sell pen/ pencil or some other stuffs, so | will tell you about pen/pencil and after viewing the answer you will definitely get a viewpoint that how to answer it. Firstly, Don’t ask crap questions like “Do you need a pen?”, “What kind of pen you use?”. I'm gonna tell you the exact words. 464 Let's bring it on. You have a normal, cheap pen to sell (Let's say 045 Reynolds) Interviewer- Sell me this pen. 4 You- Sir, this is 045 Reynolds fine carbure, normally runs 15 days smoothly for an average sales guy. (You just provided general information and told the interviewer that your target market is salesmen. As we know your interviewer is also in sales. And this pen is specially designed for sales persons.) You- 70% of the salesmen found it useful as per our survey. Interviewer- What happened to other 30%? (Now you are controlling the subconscious of the interviewer, he is asking the questions you want. It will make your process easier) You- Rest 30% don’t use it [humour]. (You just told him your pen is the best selling pen and favourite among the salesmen. At the same time you respected other companies and showed honesty by not saying 100%) By Vikas Gawri a You- Sir, it is more than a normal pen. Its ink doesn’t get spilled in high temperature as normal pens. Spilling of ink might cost you a fortune. Your costly suit might get dirty. It might cost you a sales call and you might lose your job. (You just told him the biggest problem and scared him :-D) 4 Interviewer- So what? My pen doesn’t get spilled. You- Sir, your pen is unique (He gets happy). But, this pen costs only 6 Rupee and is easily available in every store in your city. If you lose this pen, don’t worry, you can have it easily. (You just showed your pen’s availability. People use products which are easily available to them. Will you buy a cell phone, which doesn't have a service center? Pen is something, people get used to it. If you are using a particular pen, you will need the same pen when you lose it.) You have just processed his mind to buy your product. Before he says anything, say this- You- It has a white body and a blue cover. White stands for clean, purity, honesty and blue stands for reliability. It will definitely create positive aura around you and your customer/ prospect during a sales presentation and it might lead to a sale. By Vikas Gawri a Interviewer- Okay. | will think about it. (Objection- 1) (Someone is going to think means he is not going to buy your product) , So, It’s time for CTA (Call To Action) You- Sir, this amazing pen normally costs 6 Rupee but if you buy it today, | will give you for 5 Rupee. (You just created an emergency. Let's see how he responds.) Interviewer- Well, | will buy it tomorrow then. Today, | don't have money/ change. (Objection-2) You- Sir, | won't mind if you pay me tomorrow. But | want to see you getting benefitted from today. So, please have the pen. Pay me tomorrow. (What will he say, now? No, I don’t want to get benefitted from today?) He will buy the pen and you will get selected. By Vikas Gawri a 4 If you want that interviewer ask you “sell me this pen" questions You must bring your pen with you to the interview and put it on the table. There will be a fair chance the interviewer will tell you to “Sell your pen to me”. So, start writing a sales pitch on your pen or you can use mine. a 7) Will you work on holidays? Interviewer- Will you work on holidays? You - No. Interviewer - Why not? You - Will you pay extra? Interviewer- No. You - You won't pay me for that extra work. Interview- Don't you want this job? You - Yes! | want it more than anyone else. But | believe in quality rather than quantity. a 8) Sign on black paper Interviewer- Go ahead and put your signature on the blank paper You- Why? Interviewer- Do you want this job or not? If you want, you have to do it. You - If | sign it, you will select me. Right? Interviewer- Right. [You went ahead and signed it] Interviewer- You are rejected. You - Why? Interviewer- You just signed a blank paper given by an unknown person. You - You just told me to do that. Interviewer- We don't want to take a risk of hiring you. You might put our company in danger by signing a blank paper given by any outsider. You can be manipulated easily. How can we trust you? We want to hire a smart person. You - [Laughs] By Vikas Gawri a Interviewer- Why are you laughing? What happened? Do you think it’s a joke? You - | signed it because | wanted to know the real intention of the outsider (You). It’s always good to know your enemy before you attack. Interviewer- But | have a blank paper signed by you. | can take advantage of it. You - This is not my registered sign. I'ma lefty. | just signed the paper with my right hand. Interviewer- Why didn’t you sign it in the first place. You would have done it. Why did you do a bit drama asking question You- | wanted to keep things natural to make you believe that I was signing for real. a 9) Please rate me out of 10 Here, Interviewer giving you an opportunity to show your sense of humor, now see how you're gonna take this opportunity. Interviewer- Rate me out of 10? You- Ma‘am, | give you 6 out of 10. Interviewer- Why is that? What not 10 You- You are good. Your presentation skills are great. You ask great questions. But one thing is there. Interviewer- What is that? You - Results matter. As far as I’m concerned, I'm the best candidate. If you will select me, you will get 10. Interviewer- Is that so? You - Yes. For me result matters whatever you do. It doesn’t matter how good you are, it matters how much is your output. This is the way I work. I believe in output. If you are giving your 100% and output is zero, and someone is giving his 50% but his output is more than zero, then who is a better performer? Interviewer- Absolutely right. By Vikas Gawri a 10) You always need to answer with confidence, if you even don't know how to answer any question then also you have to react with confidence. I can give you an example of confidence. Have you watched this film? Will Smith- I'm the type of person if you ask me a question and! don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that | don’t know but | bet you what | know how to find the answer and | will find the answer. Interviewer- Chris, what would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and | hired him. What would you say? Will Smith- He must have had some really nice pants. Result- Hired By Vikas Gawri a He nailed the interview without a shirt on. It seems crazy but the movie is based on a real story. This is real self confidence. When you can create something from nothing. This is the most important point and also in every post | force you all to work on your confidence, because | know confidence is everything when we talk about skills. The INCCFVICW 6; seserin 11) State of mind Interviewer after few questions Interviewer - Imagine there is a glass of water in front you. Lift it without touching it. Candidate - Sir | can't see any glass of water in front of me. (very calmly) Interviewer - We three interviewers can see it why can't you. Candidate - Sorry sir but I really can't see it.(very calmly) Interviewer - (bit frustrated) Are you blind?? When three of us can see it why the hell you can't.... Candidate - Calmly again.. Sorry sir.. Believe me | can't see any glass of water. Interviewer - (The frustrated interviewer tries to act like holding the glass of water and lifting it says) Can't you see this glass of water and starts to laugh with other two interviewers. Candidate - Sir The glass of water is lifted without me 1) aa After this scenario | hope you understood the presence of mind is so much important in any Interview. And without confidence obviously you're not able to use your humour. So, | will again suggest you or personally force you to start building your self confidence. This skill have much importance in our daily life and © | know you agree with that. a Bonus Tips for all © 1) 90% of people get nervous during the interview. A bit confidence will definitely make you stand out. 2) Don't cross your hands. Put your open hands on the table so the interviewer can see those. (It's a psychological trick) 3) You should have at least 1 pair of good dress. You must look good in the interview. Put all your pocket money to buy that pair if you are in college. 4) Never use No or negative words. It makes the interviewer feel negative about you (Human psychology and it works). Say yes every time. For example if the interviewer asks “Can you join us within 7 days?”. Politely say “Yes! 1 can. But in our current company we have a 15 days notice period. ! will request my current boss. If it will be possible, | will definitely join within 7 days.” Always, start with positivity and end with positivity. By Vikas Gawri a Bonus Tips for all © 5. Show your 100% dedication to the company. Show them their problem is now your problem. And you will definitely bring a solution to the table. 6. Show them, you are 100% going to join their company if get selected. 7. Last but not the least, make them laugh a bit and give your 100% attention to the person who ever asking the questions. Please look at their eyes when you're talking to them | know, looking into the eyes of people is quite difficult but you can even look at their nose, it increase communication Skills. No one gets rejected with this much of positivity. Everybody wants positive people around them. So, be 100% sure about yourself that you are the best candidate and help the interviewers to select you. By Vikas Gawri a So guys.... | hope this ebook is helpful for you all. I've tried by my side to mention all things which may help you in any interview. | picked those questions which can be asked in all fields. Thankyou guys, for reading with so much Patience till the end. “Please guys, tell me your feedback in my DM, | really love to read your feedbacks. Or you can also suggest me topics on which | should write my next ebook.” ~ Vikas Gawri

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