Report On Culture Awareness

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When someone really wants to understand a country the best thing to do

is to understand the culture of that country. But what this culture actually
means? Although defining a culture is very difficult as it includes a
plethora of things with no ends. Because the arena of culture is very vast
and differs from country to country. The word "culture" derives from a
French term, which in turn derives from the Latin "colere," which means
to tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture. 1 In general
terms, culture is the blend of social norms, habits, traditions, music,
attire, languages, festivals, art, dance, worship, legacy, way of living,
food, beliefs, and relationships, etc.

We the volunteers of ‘Lawpanch’ have conducted a survey to know the

cultural awareness among the people of India, especially among the
young generation of India. In the survey, we have put our emphasis on
understanding the importance of Culture and Secularism along with the
similarity and dissimilarity between them?

This report is the outcome of the survey which includes the following

According to survey taken by us
 ” The term culture may be defined as the shadow of our
ancestors which expresses ourselves and their
characteristics and enlighten the knowledge of people about
our particular group of people or community on the basis of
languages, traditions, rituals, religions, dress, music, arts
 “Each culture is different and has its own systems of
meaning and value and cannot be ranked on any universal
 “Culture is an historically transmitted pattern of meanings
embodied in symbols”.


• Secularism in India is a positive concept , working along with all
the cultural practices and beliefs. Due to secularisation of the
states the role of religion in modern societies have become
limited and restricted. Secularism is the independence of morality
from theistic or religious belief. It basically unites different
diversities. Secularism affects culture in a positive manner by
adding up and accepting all cultures and religions with dignity.

• The basic difference between these two terms are that culture is
an essence of life. It includes customs, languages, beliefs and so
on. Secularism differentiates culture from the state. Secularism
unites the people from different cultures of the society to create a
sense of fraternity. Cultures should be such that it should not be
imposed on someone whereas secularism gives us independence
on one cannot suffer due to imposed cultures and can unite us all.
Cultures are basically upbringing and ethics and rituals followed in
society for reinforcement. Hence they are somewhere depended
on each other.


The next question is whether culture and secularism are co-dependent
on each other. According to the survey taken, people are mostly of the
view that culture and secularism are very much dependent. Assertions
such that if there is no culture, it also would mean no existence of
religious belief to that from a secularist point of view, culture will
always be on a check that secularism does not use anything in exceed
limit. There were also views that culture depends on region and not
religion. Example of the Israelis sharing a common culture despite being
strict Muslims, Jews or Christians were given as assertions their
opinions. However, exciting views on culture were also seen. Some of
them summed on how culture never teaches one to never disgrace any
other form of culture and how beautifully embraces every nuance of

On the other side of the road, there were also views how culture and
secularism are indeed two different paths. Reasons for the same mostly
revolved around how culture is about practicing ideas or customs that
we follow whereas secularism is about respecting other religions.
Certain amount of views was also attached to fact that we cannot draw
a line on secularism and culture so pulling their dependency on each
other stands as one impossible act. Secularism and Culture are
intertwingled as cultural practices in some way or the other also effect
the religious practices.


Culture is something that connects people, boundaries and brings
colours and emotions in people’s lives. India is a culturally rich country
where people from different caste, communities, religions, and groups
live together despite having their diversified culture and practices. As
the essence of Indian culture is the unity in diversity.

In our survey, we have asked people about their love for their culture
and we came to know so

many different things about it.

Some has said that they love Art, varieties of cuisines, colourful
festivals, beliefs, ways of worship, pilgrimage, greeting, humanity, the
concept of Vasudev Kutumbakam, Atithi Devo Bhava, values,
upbringing, traditions, fascinating and glorious history and heritage, the
feeling of belongingness and brotherhood in Indian Culture.

Whereas some has put their emphasis on the practices which are instilled
in Indian culture for a healthy and a better life which includes practicing
yoga, Ayurveda, healthy food, awareness about the environment,
respecting and worshipping plants, mutual respect, the importance of
relationships, and the simple yet authentic style of living as all this thing
is in the roots of every Indian.

Thus, we can definitely say that the Indian Culture is the most colourful
culture one can ever see. Here, every little thing carries some meaning
and importance. There are so many people who have different styles of
celebrating festivals, different traditions, choices but when it comes to
celebration everyone celebrates it with the same love and unity that is
indeed a specialty which could be found in this beautiful Culture only.

In the world, India is known as a “cultural hub of all religion“ the
profound reason behind this title are two terms “socialist” and
“secular” which were inserted in the constitution of India by the 42 nd
amendment act of 1976. In Indian constitution the term secularism is
defined as per the context of unity and fraternity among the people of
India. Under article 25 of the Indian constitution every individual has a
right to practice any religion. There will be no impartiality against the
atheist under this article but rather the person will be treated similarly
as theist. This term also emphasize that India as a Secular state so as
per se “there is no religion as a state which means that India will
neither can establish a religion of its own nor confer any special
patronage upon any particular religion.”

The another term is “socialist” which means that India as a socialist

state cannot discriminate on the ground of caste, colour, creed, sex,
religion or language. There should be unity and equality among the
people of nation. These are the profound reasons behind the unity in
diversity of India which curbs contradiction between secularism and

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