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Worksheet I: Introduction to Management

For first year Accounting and Finance
Final Submission Date:

Submitted To: Ins Tewodros B.

Aug 08 2020
Name ___________________________________ ID. NO. ________________
I. Part I: Multiple choice Questions

 Attempt all questions & Put your answer on provided answer sheet only.
 Don’t use a red pen, a pencil for your answer.
 Manage your time properly and submit your answer sheet before the final date.
_____1) Managers are those who:
A. Allocate scarce resources to achieve organizational goals.
B. Work with and through other people.
C. Make decisions and solve organizational problems.
D. All of the above
_____2) Lower level managers tend to rely on their:
A. Conceptual skills than do middle level managers
B. Technical skills than do middle level managers
C. Human skills than top and middle level managers
D. None of the above
_____3) scientific management has been criticized as incomplete because:
A. It failed to acknowledge the importance of training in the work place.
B. It failed to consider human behavior in the work place.
C. It acknowledged the importance of human interaction in an organization.
D. None of the above.
_____4) which of the following management theory advocates that actions taken in one part of the
organization affects other parts of the organization?
A. The contingency Theory
B. The quantitative Management science
C. The systems approach
D. The scientific management
_____5) Conceptual skills are:
A. The manager's ability to visualize the different parts of an organization as one big whole.
B. A manager's ability to work with employees
C. Those that involve understanding human motivation and group processes.
D. Not critical for top-level managers.
_____6) According to Frederick Taylor;
A. Employee's salary should be fixed according to his/her position in an organization.
B. Workers should receive economic, social or psychological rewards for their efforts.
C. Workers are human beings with attitudes and needs.
D. None of the above.
_____7) which one of the following is a Contribution from Behavioral Approach
A. Provided important insights into motivation, group dynamics, and other interpersonal
B. Challenged the view that employees are tools and furthered the belief that employees
are valuable resources
C. The identification of management functions
D. All are answers except C
Part II: Matching (20%)
Match the managerial roles with an appropriate labels listed on the right side of the table
Column “A” Column “B”
1. The manager represents the organization in all matters of formality A.Resource allocators
2. Transmitting information to organizational members B. Disseminator
3. Responsible for allocating human, physical, and monetary resources C. Figurehead
4. Discuss issues and bargain with other units to gain advantages for D.Negotiator role
their own unit
5. Represent the organization to outsiders E. Spokesperson
6. Responsible for the motivation and direction of employees. F. Leadership
7. linking and coordinating the activities of people and groups both G.Liaison
inside and outside the organization
8. Taking correcting actions for unimplemented decisions or previously H.Entrepreneur
unsolved problems
9. Managers initiate and oversee new projects that will improve their I. Monitor
organization’s performance
10. Collects and analyze information both from internal and external J. Disturbance
source to watch how they do or how things done. handlers
Part III: Short answer Questions
1. Define management, what a manager is and managerial responsibilities?
2. Define what an organization is and common Characteristics of an

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