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Juan Felipe Pedraza 11°A 11/05/20


A beam of light passes from medium 1 to medium 2 to medium 3 as shown in

fig. What may be concluded about the three indices of refraction, n1,n2 and

Answer: n2>n1>n3

Light bends towards normal in denser medium. Light bends further away from
normal in rarer medium.

So from figure medium 2 is most dense. In medium 3 light bends further away from
normal than initial angle from normal in medium 1. hence medium 3 is rarer than
medium 1.

Denser the medium, higher the refractive index

B. A real object is located in front of a convex lens at a distance greater than

the focal length of the lens. What type of image is formed and what is true of
the image’s size compared to that of the object?

Answer: Type of Image Size of Image

Real More information is needed

Based on various ray diagrams drawn with the object behind the focal point, the
image is always real but its size depends on where it is in location to the focal point.

C. A laser is embedded in a material of index of refraction n. The laser beam

emerges from the material and hits a target. See the accompanying figure for
the position parameters of the laser and target. The value of n is:
Answer: 1.5

If you look carefully you can see these are both 3–4–5 triangles and are also the
same triangle flipped. The hypotenuse of each is 1.5 m. Using the sides of the

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