Fav Colors: Earthy Tones, Soft Tones

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Here’s what I have so far:

Sexuality: Demisexual & Panromantic
Pronounce: He/Him
Age: Around 17
Looks: A bit of a tough guy (school)
Casual/Punkish look (everywhere else)
Black hair (short... ish)
*BRACELETS (important fact later)
Goldish green eyes
Some hidden tats (with a meaning)
Fav colors: Black, White, Yellow
Likes: Horror movies, Drawing, His dad, Running, His plants (his
babies), Smoothies (lives a healthy life)
Dislikes: Ppl being dishonest, Hatered, Too loud places, Someone
hurting ppl he loves
Backstory: His mom left him when he was around 11 years old. He
lives with his really cool dad (he loves him very much). Met his two
best friends when he started high school (Lexia and Edden). He was
sitting alone at lunch being sad and drawing, they noticed that he was
all by himself and decided to approach him. He was really anxious
about making friends (still is but it’s better now), but he opened up
with time. Works freelance work (mostly drawing).

Sexuality: Pansexual & Panromantic
Pronounce: He/Him
Age: Around 16
Looks: Smart/Casual clothes outside of school,
Has a lot of ear piercings,
Wears hoodies at home (likes to get comfy),
Wears hair in a bun,
Black/Demonic/Galaxy eyes,
Scarfs (important in the story),
Ombre green hair with white roots (natural hair),
Has a scar on neck,
Tatoo on wrist
Fav colors: Earthy tones,soft tones
Likes: His BF, Drawing, Meditation, Nature, Peace, Crystals,
Simplistic stuff
Dislikes: Crouded places, Being pressured, Waking up early, Being
-In the Lorel high school, starting 2-nd year, class 8-B, there’s a
new student. A few days after the very beginning of the school year,
the homeroom teacher introduced a new guy named Zakai. He intoduced
himself and started listing some answers to questions he’d have
recived anyways, it was things
“yes, my ears are real; yes, this is my natural hair color; no, I
don’t have powers; no, I don’t wear contacts; no, I'm not a demon...”
- and so on...
A pretty and shy, jet handsome boy kept staring at him the whole time,
but he wasn’t the only one who was amused by the other. In fact, Zakai
kept strangely looking at the boy in the back too, the only different
thing was the reason they were staring at each other.
The only free sit was right next to the black-haired boy, so Zakai sat
there. You could just feel the strange aura leaving his body while
sitting there nervously.
*At lunch
Zakai was pretty much avoided by his school-mates, but he didn’t worry
much, it was indeed easy to notice that he didn’t care much about what
others thought about his appirance. He sat alone on a table for four,
he was sketching peacefully while drinking iced coffee.
The black-haired boy and his two friends approached him. This is how
the convo went down:
L: Hii!! Zakai, was it?
Z: (nods)
L: I’m Lexia and these buds are Eddie and William (points twoards
E: Hi, it’s real nice meeting you!
W: (akwardly waves hand)
L: Can we...? (pointing twoards the empty seats on the table)
Z: Sure! (smiles softly)
(they take a seat)

Z: Before we enroll in any further conversation, I’d like to ask your

pronounce, I don’t wanna come off as rude, so...? (asks eddie)
E: I usually go by they/them or he/him, but I'm really fine with
anything. Thanks for asking, not many people actually do so.
(Zakai still seems a bit off because of William)
(The convo is mostly small talk until Will says the next)
W: I can’t put my finger on it but I’m sure I've seen you
Z: I think I remember you from an art colony, was it? You were
quietly sitting under a tree, drinking Starbucks from the looks of it
while sketching. You were wearing a yellow T-shirt, black pants, white
Nikes and a white beanie. I was sitting on the bentch right opporite
of the tree you were under.
All of them: (look stunned)
L: Whoa...!
Z: Too much, huh...? What can I say, I like observing things, such as
the fact that Lexia is really interested in what I was sketching
earlier and has made multiple atempts in peaking over to see.
L: (seems umcomforatable)
Z: Heh sorry, I didn’t mean to come off that way. Here, you can look
trough it if you want.
L: (sparkles in her eyes) Really?!?!
Z: Yeah sure, I have nothing to hide and also you seem like good
(Will looks a bit annoyed when Zakai said that he has nothing to hide)
They continued with small talk and complimented Zakai on his awesome

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