2) Describe A Moment in Your Life When You Met The Person That You Liked or Loved. Use The Phrasal Verbs That Are Necessary

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Intermediate 2 Herald León Melgar 07/07/2020

2) Describe a moment in your life when you met the person that you liked or
loved. Use the phrasal verbs that are necessary.

When I was twelve years old, I entered the second year of high school and new students entered in
this year, so I saw a new student and I seemed a pretty girl. I wanted to know her name but at that
time I was a shy boy and asked my friends about her name. She is Astrid, said me a friend, and it
was the first time that ai fell in love with someone, however I didn’t know it. I felt nervous, exciting
and confused every time I was near her, also I didn’t know what to say! It was embarrassed. The
next year, she moved another school and I didn’t tell her about my feelings, that was sad. Then, in
the last year of high school I was walking to my house after my classes when I ran into Astrid and I
asked her out on a date, but she turned me down, so, I tried to get over her. Astrid and I grew up and
into to university. One day, I into again to university for my second career and I was surprised
because Astrid already worked there and we talk again, but only as friends. Now I understood what
it is the first love in your life because of her, although I’ve fell in love with other women, I still
remember the feelings that I felt for her with sweetie. That’s life, you don’t always get what you

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