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2020 Robert Conquest - Wikipedia

Robert Conquest
George Robert Acworth Conquest CMG OBE FBA
FRSL (15 July 1917 – 3 August 2015) was a British
Robert Conquest
historian and poet.[1]

A long-time research fellow at Stanford University's

Hoover Institution, Conquest was most notable for his
work on the Soviet Union. His books included The
Great Terror: Stalin's Purges of the 1930s (1968); The
Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the
Terror-Famine (1986); and Stalin: Breaker of
Nations (1991). He was also the author of two novels
and several collections of poetry.

Early life and education
War years Conquest in 1987
Foreign Office Born George Robert Acworth Conquest
Writing 15 July 1917
Great Malvern, Worcestershire,
Historical works England
The Great Terror (1968)
Died 3 August 2015 (aged 98)
The Harvest of Sorrow (1986) Stanford, California, U.S.
Stalin and the Kirov Murder (1989) Occupation Historian, poet
Poetry and literature Nationality British
Citizenship American
Education Winchester College
Political works Alma mater University of Grenoble
What to Do When the Russians Come (1984)
Magdalen College, Oxford
Reflections on a Ravaged Century (1999)
Notable The Great Terror
Personal life works
Later life Notable See below
Awards and honors Spouse Joan Watkins
Selected works (m. 1942; div. 1948)
References Tatiana Mihailova
(m. 1948; div. 1962)
External links
Caroleen MacFarlane
(m. 1964; div. 1978)

Early life and education Elizabeth Wingate

(m. 1979)
Children 3 1/13
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Conquest was born in Great Malvern, Worcestershire,[1] to an American father, Robert Folger
Wescott Conquest, and an English mother, Rosamund Alys Acworth.[2][3] His father served in an
American Ambulance Field Service unit with the French Army in World War I, and was awarded the
Croix de Guerre, with Silver Star in 1916.[4]

Conquest was educated at Winchester College, where he won an exhibition to study Philosophy,
Politics and Economics (PPE) at Magdalen College, Oxford. He took a gap year, spending time at the
University of Grenoble and in Bulgaria, and returning to Oxford in 1937, where he joined the
Communist Party of Great Britain and the Carlton Club.[5] He was awarded an MA in PPE and a DLitt
in history.[6]


War years

In Lisbon on an American passport at the outbreak of the Second World War, Conquest returned to
England.[7] As the Communist Party of Great Britain denounced the war in 1939 as imperialist and
capitalist, Conquest broke with it and was commissioned into the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Light Infantry on 20 April 1940, serving with the regiment until 1946.[8][5]

In 1943 he was posted to the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (later part of University
College London) to study Bulgarian.[9] The following year he was posted to Bulgaria as a liaison
officer to the Bulgarian forces fighting under Soviet command, attached to the Third Ukrainian Front,
then to the Allied Control Commission. At the end of the war, he joined the Foreign Office, returning
to the British Legation in Sofia where he remained as the press officer.[1] In 1948 he left Bulgaria
when he was recalled to London under a minor diplomatic cloud after he had helped smuggle two
Bulgarians out of the country.[9]

Foreign Office

In 1948 Conquest joined the Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD), a
"propaganda counter-offensive" unit created by the Labour Attlee government[10] in order to "collect
and summarize reliable information about Soviet and communist misdoings, to disseminate it to
friendly journalists, politicians, and trade unionists, and to support, financially and otherwise,
anticommunist publications."[11] The IRD was also engaged in manipulating public opinion.[12]
Conquest was remembered there as a "brilliant, arrogant" figure who had 10 people reporting to
him.[5] He continued to work at the Foreign Office until 1956, becoming increasingly involved in the
intellectual counter-offensive against communism.[9]

In 1949 Conquest's assistant, Celia Kirwan (later Celia Goodman), approached George Orwell for
information to help identify Soviet sympathisers. Orwell's list, discovered after her death in 2002,
included Guardian and Observer journalists, as well as E. H. Carr and Charlie Chaplin.[13] Conquest,
like Orwell, fell for the beautiful Celia Kirwan, who inspired him to write several poems.[9] One of his
foreign office colleagues was Alan Maclean, brother of Donald Maclean, one of the Philby spy ring,
who fled to Russia with Guy Burgess in 1951. When his brother defected, Alan resigned, then went to
Macmillan and published a book of Conquest's poems.[5] At the Foreign Office, Conquest wrote
several papers that sowed the seeds for his later work. One, on the Soviet means of obtaining
confessions, was elaborated on in The Great Terror. Other papers were "Peaceful Co-existence in
Soviet Propaganda and Theory", and "United Fronts – a Communist Tactic".[9] In 1950 Conquest
served briefly as First Secretary in the British Delegation to the United Nations. 2/13
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In 1956 Conquest left the Foreign Office and became a freelance writer and historian.[9] After he left,
he says, the Information Research Department (IRD) suggested to him that he could combine some
of the data he had gathered from Soviet publications into a book.[10] During the 1960s he edited eight
volumes of work produced by the IRD, published in London by the Bodley Head as the Soviet Studies
Series.[10] Many of his Foreign Office works were published this way.[9] In the United States, the
material was republished as The Contemporary Soviet Union Series by Frederick Praeger, who had
previously published several books on communism at the request of the CIA,[10] in addition to works
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Milovan Đilas, Howard Fast, and Charles Patrick Fitzgerald.[14]

In 1962–1963 Conquest was literary editor of The Spectator, but he resigned when he found the job
interfering with his historical writing. His first books on the Soviet Union were Common Sense About
Russia (1960), The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities (1960) and Power and Policy in the USSR
(1961). His other early works on the Soviet Union included Courage of Genius: The Pasternak Affair
(1961) and Russia After Khrushchev (1965).[9]

Historical works

The Great Terror (1968)

In 1968 Conquest published what became his best-known work, The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of
the Thirties, the first comprehensive research of the Great Purge, which took place in the Soviet
Union between 1934 and 1939. Many reviewers at the time were not impressed by his way of writing
about the Great Terror, which was in the tradition of "great men who make history".[12] The book was
based mainly on information which had been made public, either officially or by individuals, during
the so-called "Khrushchev Thaw" in the period 1956–64. It also drew on accounts by Russian and
Ukrainian émigrés and exiles dating back to the 1930s, and on an analysis of official Soviet
documents such as the Soviet census.[15]

The most important aspect of the book was that it widened the understanding of the purges beyond
the previous narrow focus on the "Moscow trials" of disgraced Communist Party of the Soviet Union
leaders such as Nikolai Bukharin and Grigory Zinoviev, who were executed shortly thereafter. The
question of why these leaders had pleaded guilty and confessed to various crimes at the trials had
become a topic of discussion for a number of western writers, and helped inspire anti-Communist
tracts such as George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon.[16]

Conquest argued that the trials and executions of these former Communist leaders were a minor
detail of the purges. By his estimates, Stalinist purges had led to the deaths of some 20 million
people. He later stated that the total number of deaths could "hardly be lower than some thirteen to
fifteen million."[17]

Conquest sharply criticized Western intellectuals such as Beatrice and Sidney Webb, George Bernard
Shaw, Jean-Paul Sartre, Walter Duranty, Sir Bernard Pares, Harold Laski, D. N. Pritt, Theodore
Dreiser, Bertolt Brecht, Owen Lattimore, and Romain Rolland, as well as American ambassador
Joseph Davies, accusing them of being dupes of Stalin and apologists of his regime. Conquest cites
various comments made by them where, he argues, they were denying, excusing, or justifying various
aspects of the purges.[18]

After the opening up of the Soviet archives, detailed information was released that Conquest argued
supported his conclusions. When Conquest's publisher asked him to expand and revise The Great
Terror, Conquest is famously said to have suggested the new version of the book be titled I Told You
So, You Fucking Fools. In fact, the mock title was jokingly proposed by Conquest's old friend, Sir 3/13
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Kingsley Amis. The new version was published in 1990 as The Great Terror: A Reassessment;
ISBN 0-19-507132-8.[19] The American historian J. Arch Getty disagreed, writing in 1993 that the
archives did not support Conquest's casualty figures.[20] In 1995, investigative journalist Paul
Lashmar suggested that the reputation of prominent academics such as Robert Conquest was built
upon work derived from material provided by the IRD.[21] According to Denis Healey The Great
Terror was an important influence, "but one which confirmed people in their views rather than
converted them".[5]

Many aspects of his book continue to be disputed by sovietologist historians and researchers on
Russian and Soviet history, such as Stephen G. Wheatcroft, who insists that Conquest's victim totals
for Stalinist repressions are too high, even in his reassessments.[22][23] Nevertheless, anti-communist
poet Czesław Miłosz asserts that Conquest has been vindicated by history.[24] In 2000, Michael
Ignatieff, whose family had emigrated from Russia as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, wrote
"One of the few unalloyed pleasures of old age is living long enough to see yourself vindicated. Robert
Conquest is currently enjoying this pleasure."[25] Conservative historian Paul Johnson, one of
Thatcher's closest advisers, described Conquest as "our greatest living historian". And, in the phrase
of Timothy Garton Ash, he was Solzhenytsin before Solzhenytsin.[5]

In 1996 Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, who had been previously attacked by Conquest for his
book Age of Extremes,[26] while praising Conquest's The Great Terror "as a remarkable pioneer
effort to assess the Stalin Terror", expressed the view that this work and others were now to be
considered obsolete "simply because the archival sources are now available". As a result, he wrote,
there was no need for "fragmentary sources" and "guesswork". "[W]hen better or more complete data
are available, they must take the place of poor and incomplete ones."[27] In 2002 Conquest replied to
his critics:

They're still talking absolute balls. In the academy, there remains a feeling of, "Don't let's
be too rude to Stalin. He was a bad guy, yes, but the Americans were bad guys too, and so
was the British Empire."[28]

Conquest openly declared himself to have been a Cold Warrior, a title which he rather relished:[29]

They say [disapprovingly] that we were Cold Warriors. Yes, and a bloody good show, too.
A lot of people weren't Cold Warriors — and so much the worse for them.[28]

The Harvest of Sorrow (1986)

In 1986 Conquest published The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Famine,
dealing with the collectivization of agriculture in Ukraine and elsewhere in the USSR, under Stalin's
direction in 1929–31, and the resulting famine, in which millions of peasants died due to starvation,
deportation to labor camps, and execution. In this book, Conquest supported the view that the famine
was a planned act of genocide.[9] According to historians Stephen Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies,
"Conquest holds that Stalin wanted the famine... and that the Ukrainian famine was deliberately
inflicted for its own sake." Nevertheless, he wrote to them in a letter in 2003 that "Stalin purposely
inflicted the 1933 famine? No. What I argue is that with resulting famine imminent, he could have
prevented it, but put 'Soviet interest' other than feeding the starving first thus consciously abetting

Stalin and the Kirov Murder (1989) 4/13
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For the Trotskyists, Kirov's murder was the Stalinist equivalent of the Reichstag fire, deliberately
started by the Nazis to justify the arrest of German Communists. The Trotskyist-Menshevik view
became the dominant one among western historians, popularised in Robert Conquest's influential

In The Great Terror, Conquest already undermined the official Soviet story of conspiracy and
treason. Conquest placed the murder in 1934 of the Leningrad party boss, Sergei Kirov, one of Stalin's
inner circle, as the key to the mechanism of terror.

He returned to this in Stalin and the Kirov Murder (1989), where he argued that Stalin not only
sanctioned Kirov's assassination, but used it as a justification for the terror that culminated in 1937–
38, though no evidence has been found to confirm Stalin's role in the murder.[13][33][34]

Poetry and literature


In addition to his scholarly work, Conquest was a well-regarded poet[35] whose poems have been
published in various periodicals from 1937. In 1945 he was awarded the PEN Brazil Prize for his war
poem "For the Death of a Poet" – about an army friend, the poet Drummond Allison, killed in Italy –
and, in 1951, he received a Festival of Britain verse prize.[36] During his lifetime, he had seven
volumes of poetry[37] and one of literary criticism[38] published.

Conquest was a major figure in a prominent British literary circle known as "The Movement" which
also included Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis. Movement poets, many of whom bristled at being so
labeled, rejected the experiments of earlier practitioners such as Ezra Pound.[16]

He edited, in 1956 and 1962, the influential New Lines anthologies, introducing works by them, as
well as Thom Gunn, Dennis Enright, and others, to a wider public.[39] He spent 1959–60 as visiting
poet at the University of Buffalo. Several of his poems were published in The New Oxford Book of
Light Verse (1978; compiled by Amis), under the pseudonyms "Stuart Howard-Jones", "Victor Gray"
and "Ted Pauker".

It emerged from the pages of poet Philip Larkin's published letters that Conquest and Larkin shared
an enthusiasm for pornography in the 1950s.[9] When Larkin was in Hull, Conquest sent him
judicious selections of the latest pornography, and, when he came down to London, Conquest took
him on shopping trips to the Soho porn shops.[13] On one occasion Conquest, in 1957, wrote a letter
to Larkin purporting to come from the Vice Squad which had found the poet's name on a
pornographic publisher's list. Larkin panicked and went to see his solicitor, convinced that he was
going to lose his job as librarian at Hull University, before Conquest owned up.[9] The true story of
the joke became in 2008, Mr Larkin's Awkward Day, a comedy radio play by Chris Harrald.[40]

Soon after his expulsion from the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn met with Conquest, asking
him to translate a 'little' poem of his into English verse. This was "Prussian Nights" – nearly two
thousand lines in ballad metre – published in 1977.[41]

A new Collected Poems, edited by Elizabeth Conquest, was published in March 2020 by the Waywiser

Novels 5/13
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Conquest had been a member of the British Interplanetary Society since the 1940s, and shared Amis's
taste for science fiction. Starting from 1961, the two writers jointly edited Spectrum, five anthologies
of new sci-fi writing.[13] Conquest also proposed to Amis a collaboration based on a draft comic novel
that Conquest had completed. This was revised by Amis, then it appeared under both their names as
The Egyptologists (1965).[13] The novel is about a secret Egyptological London society that is really a
husbands' organization serving as an alibi for philanderers.[16][43] A reviewer in The New York Times
felt that their "elaborate little jokes leave an unpleasant taste".[13]

Later a film version of the novel was cancelled when its star, Peter Sellers, was called away to
Hollywood.[44] Conquest published a science-fiction novel, A World of Difference (1955).[1]

Political works

What to Do When the Russians Come (1984)

In 1984, Robert Conquest wrote, with Jon Manchip White, the fictional book What to Do When the
Russians Come: a Survivor's Guide which, however, was intended to be a real survival manual in
case of Soviet invasion. This book, as many other works of the mid-1980s in different media, like Sir
John Hackett's The Third World War, the movie Red Dawn, and the Milton Bradley game Fortress
America, starts from the premise that a Soviet ground-invasion of the United States could be
imminent and that the Soviet Union was about to engulf the world.

It is widely accepted that the United States now faces a real possibility of succumbing to
the power of an alien regime unless the right policies are pursued. [This book's aim] is,
first, to show the American citizen clearly and factually what the results of this possible
Soviet domination could be and how it would affect him or her personally; and second, to
give some serious advice on how to survive."[45]

Conquest supported the Reagan defense buildup and asked for an increase of expenses on US defense
budget, claiming that in the nuclear field NATO was only possibly matching USSR military power:

We live in dangerous times. Such miscalculations are very possible. But they are not
inevitable. The American people and their representatives have it in their power to
prevent their country from undergoing the ordeal we have described. A democratic
government, with all its distractions and disadvantages, ... It is not infallible, it is slow to
learn, and it is willing to grasp at comfortable illusions; but it may yet act decisively"[46]
"But why should we fear that such an ordeal may face us? The economic potential of the
West in gross national product is far greater than that of the Soviet Union....In fact, the
Soviet Union is economically far behind the United States. American technology is always
a generation ahead of theirs. They have to turn to the United States for wheat. The Soviet
economy is at a dead end. The Communist system has failed to win support in any of the
countries of Eastern Europe. The Soviet idea has no attractions. On any calculation—of
economic power or social advance or intellectual progress there could be no question of
the Russians imposing their will. But in terms of actual military power, the West's
advantage does not seem to have been made use of. It is at least matched, and many
would say overmatched, in the nuclear field; the Western forces in Europe have less than
half the striking power of their opponents. It is no good our being more advanced than
they are if this is not translated into power—both military power and political
willpower."[47] 6/13
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In 1986 Conquest affirmed that "a science-fiction attitude is a great help in understanding the Soviet
Union. It isn't so much whether they're good or bad, exactly; they're not bad or good as we'd be bad or
good. It's far better to look at them as Martians than as people like us."[43]

Reflections on a Ravaged Century (1999)

External video
Reflections on a Ravaged Century (
s/ReflectionsOnARavagedCentury) is a book devoted to the Booknotes interview with
psychological roots of fanaticism, in which Conquest argues that Conquest on Reflections on a
Communism and Nazism were equal and more twins than Ravaged Century, December 19,
opposites.[29] 1999 (
There is much more in this book about communism than ntury), C-SPAN
Nazism, partly because of Conquest's greater expertise on
communism, and partly because comparatively few Western Presentation by Conquest of
intellectuals became Nazis. He focuses mainly on attacks on Reflections on a Ravaged Century,
intellectuals in the West who became communists because they January 19, 2000 (https://www.c-spa
felt or believed that this was "anti-fascism" or "anti-Nazism".[29]
vaged-century), C-SPAN
Personal life
Conquest was married four times, first in 1942 to Joan Watkins, with whom he had two sons. They
divorced in 1948.[9] There followed a marriage to Tatiana Mihailova (1948–1962),[9] whom he had
helped escape from Bulgaria.[1] She was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1951. In 1962 he married
Caroleen MacFarlane; they divorced in 1978.[9] That year he began dating Elizabeth Neece Wingate, a
lecturer in English and the daughter of a United States Air Force colonel. He and Wingate married in
1979. When he died in 2015, he had several grandchildren from his sons and stepdaughter.[1][5]

Later life
In 1981 Conquest moved to California to take up a post as Senior
Research Fellow and Scholar-Curator of the Russian and
Commonwealth of Independent States Collection at Stanford
University's Hoover Institution, where he remained a Fellow.[9]
In 1985 he signed a petition in support of the anti-Communist
Contras (Nicaragua).[48] He was a fellow of the Columbia
University's Russian Institute, and of the Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars; a distinguished visiting scholar
at The Heritage Foundation; a research associate of Harvard Conquest (left) receiving the
University's Ukrainian Research Institute.[1] In 1990 he Presidential Medal of Freedom with
Aretha Franklin (middle) and Alan
presented Red Empire, a seven-part mini-series on the Soviet
Greenspan (right) at the White
Union produced by Yorkshire Television.[49]
House, November 2005
Conquest died in 2015 in Stanford, California, at the age of 98, of
respiratory failure as a result of Parkinson's disease.[1][16]

Awards and honors

Conquest was a Fellow of the British Academy, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the
Royal Society of Literature, and the British Interplanetary Society, and a Member of the Society for
the Promotion of Roman Studies.[9] 7/13
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His honours include

Presidential Medal of Freedom (2005)[50]

Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG; 1996)[51]
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE; 1955])[52]
Commander Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (2009)[9]
Estonian Cross of Terra Mariana (2008)
Ukrainian Order of Yaroslav Mudryi (2005).[53][54]

His awards include:

Selection by the National Endowment for the Humanities to deliver the 1993 Jefferson Lecture
(the highest honor the U.S. government bestows for distinguished intellectual achievement in the
Richard Weaver Award for Scholarly Letters (1999)[5]
Michael Braude Award for Light Verse (American Academy of Arts & Letters,1997)[5]
Dan David Prize (2012).[55] Conquest was a member of the advisory council of the Victims of
Communism Memorial Foundation.[56]
Antonovych prize (1987)

Selected works
Historical and political

Common Sense About Russia (1960)

Power and Policy in the USSR (1961)[5]
The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities (1960)[5]
Courage of Genius: The Pasternak Affair (1961)[5]
Russia After Khruschev (1965)[5]
The Politics of Ideas in the U.S.S.R. (1967)
Industrial Workers in the U.S.S.R. (1967)
Religion in the U.S.S.R. (1968)
The Soviet political system (1968)
Justice and the legal system in the U.S.S.R. (1968)
The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties (1968)
The Great Terror: A Reassessment (1990)[5]
The Great Terror: 40th Anniversary Edition (2008)[5]
Where Marx Went Wrong (1970)[5]
The Nation Killers (1970)
The Human Cost of Soviet Communism (Prepared for the Subcommittee to Investigate the
Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on
the Judiciary, United States Senate, 1970)
Lenin (1972)[5]
The Russian tradition (with Tibor Szamuely, 1974)
Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps (1978)[5]
Present Danger: Towards a Foreign Policy (1979)[5]
We and They: Civic and Despotic Cultures (1980)[5] 8/13
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The Man-made Famine in Ukraine (with James Mace, Michael Novak and Dana Dalrymple, 1984)
What to Do When the Russians Come: A Survivor's Guide (with Jon Manchip White, 1984)[5]
Inside Stalin's Secret Police: NKVD Politics, 1936–1939 (1985)[5]
The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (1986)[5]
The Last empire: nationality and the Soviet future (1986)
Tyrants and Typewriters: Communiques in the Struggle for Truth (1989)[5]
Stalin and the Kirov Murder (1989)[5]
Stalin: Breaker of Nations (1991)[5]
History, Humanity, and Truth (1993)[5]
Reflections on a Ravaged Century (1999)[5]
The Dragons of Expectation: Reality and Delusion in the Course of History, W. W. Norton &
Company (2004), ISBN 0-393-05933-2

Journal articles

The Limits of Detente. ( Foreign Affairs, 46(4), pp. 733–742.

Stalin's Successors. ( (1970) Foreign Affairs, 48(3), pp. 509–
A New Russia? A New World? ( (1975) Foreign Affairs, 53(3),
pp. 482–497.
Revisionizing Stalin's Russia. ( (1987) The Russian Review,
46(4), pp.386-390.
Academe and the Soviet Myth ( (1993) The National
Interest, 31, pp. 91–98.
Toward an English-Speaking Union ( (1999) The National
Interest, (57), pp. 64–70.
Downloading Democracy ( (2004) The National Interest,
(78), pp. 29–32.


Poems (1956)[5]
Back to Life: Poems from behind the Iron Curtain as translator/editor (1958)
Between Mars and Venus (1962)[5]
Arias from a Love Opera, and Other Poems (1969)[5]
Forays (1979)[5]
New and Collected Poems (1988)[5]
Demons Don't (1999)[5]
Penultimata (2009)[5]
A Garden of Erses [limericks, as Jeff Chaucer] (2010)[5]
Blokelore and Blokesongs (2012)[5]


A World of Difference (1955)[1]

The Egyptologists (with Kingsley Amis, 1965)[1]

Criticism 9/13
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The Abomination of Moab (1979)[1]

1. Grimes, William (4 August 2015). "Robert Conquest, Historian Who Documented Soviet Horrors,
Dies at 98" (
-documented-soviet-horrors-dies-at-98.html). The New York Times. Archived (
B51x) from the original on 16 May 2016.
2. Encyclopedia of British Writers, 19th and 20th Centuries by Christine L. Krueger page 87
3. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Volume 2 By R. Reginald, Douglas Menville, Mary A.
4. Supplement to the Alumni Register (October 1920), "Pennsylvania; A Record of the University's
Men in the Great War", University of Pennsylvania General Alumni Society, 1920, page 40.
5. Brown, Andrew (15 February 2003). "Scourge and poet" (
3/feb/15/featuresreviews.guardianreview23). The Guardian. Retrieved 4 August 2015.
6. "Robert Conquest" ( Hoover Institution.
Retrieved 11 February 2019.
7. "Vale Robert Conquest, Historian and Poet" (
ert-conquest/). Quadrant. Retrieved 15 October 2015.
8. "No. 34837" ( The London
Gazette (Supplement). 23 April 1940. p. 2459.
9. "Robert Conquest, historian – obituary" ( The Daily Telegraph. 4 August
2015. Archived from the original (
onquest-historian-obituary.html) on 4 August 2015.
10. Leigh, David (27 January 1978). "Death of the department that never was" (http://www.cambridge The Guardian. Retrieved 11 September
11. Timothy Garton Ash. "Orwell's List" (review), New York Review of Books, 23 September 2003.
12. Samuelson, Lennart. "A pathbreaker. Robert Conquest and Soviet studies during the Cold War"
Baltic Worlds. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
13. Homberger, Eric (5 August 2015). "Robert Conquest obituary" (
s/2015/aug/05/robert-conquest). The Guardian. Retrieved 11 September 2015.
14. Lyons, Richard D. (5 June 1994). "Frederick A. Praeger Dies at 78; Published Books on
Communism" (
lished-books-on-communism.html). The New York Times. Retrieved 27 July 2018.
15. Conquest, Robert (1968). The Great Terror (1st ed.).
16. Cronin, Brenda; Cullison, Alan (4 August 2015). "Robert Conquest, Seminal Historian of Soviet
Misrule, Dies at 98" (
ule-dies-at-98-1438714647). The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 4 August 2015.
17. Robert Conquest, Preface, The Great Terror: A Reassessment: 40th Anniversary Edition, Oxford
University Press, USA, 2007. p. xviii
18. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror: A Reassessment, Oxford University Press (1990) ISBN 0-19-
507132-8, pp. 466–75.
19. Conquest, Robert. "Letter to the Editors" (
ingsley-amis-and-the-great-terror), The New York Review of Books, 12 April 2007.
20. J. Arch Getty; Gábor T. Rittersporn; Viktor N. Zemskov (October 1993). "Victims of the Soviet
Penal System in the Pre-War Years: A First Approach on the Basis of Archival Evidence" (http://s (PDF). American Historical Review. 98 (4): 1043.
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21. Defty, Andrew (2 December 2013). Britain, America and Anti-Communist Propaganda 1945-53:
The Information Research Department (
=PA3). Routledge. p. 3. ISBN 978-1317791690.
22. Wheatcroft, Stephen G. (1999). "Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police: The
Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data. Not the Last Word" (
WCR-Secret_Police.pdf) (PDF). Europe-Asia Studies. 51 (2): 340–342.
doi:10.1080/09668139999056 (
23. Wheatcroft, S. G. (2000). "The Scale and Nature of Stalinist Repression and its Demographic
Significance: On Comments by Keep and Conquest" (
s_KEP_CNQ.pdf) (PDF). Europe-Asia Studies. 52 (6): 1143–1159.
doi:10.1080/09668130050143860 (
PMID 19326595 ( S2CID 205667754 (https://api.sem
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External links
Robert Conquest ( on IMDb
Scourge and Poet (,12887,902797,00.html), a profile
of Robert Conquest
articles by and about Robert Conquest at the New York Review of Books (
"Stanford legend Robert Conquest: new books at 93 for the historian and poet," (http://news.stanf by Cynthia Haven, Stanford
Report, August 16, 2010 12/13
29. 10. 2020 Robert Conquest - Wikipedia

Where Ignorance Isn't Bliss (, article by Robert Conquest at National
Review Online
His biography (
t.html) at the Hoover Institution
Great Terror at 40 (
Elizabeth Farnsworth talks with historian Robert Conquest about his new book Reflections on a
Ravaged Century (
rgen/july-dec99/conquest_12-24.html) at PBS
Robert Conquest profile at Spartacus site (
Robert Conquest's profile at Stanford University, Ukrainian Studies Department webpage (https://
Remembering Robert Conquest (
The Hoover Institution.
Appearances ( on C-SPAN
Dunlop, J., & Naimark, N. (2016). "Robert Conquest, 1917–2015". Slavic Review. 75(1), 238–
239. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.75.1.238 (

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