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Bernard Lesage Alain Laberge

Président Directeur général


October 28, 2020

Dear parents and legal guardians:

The continuing pandemic in the Winnipeg area is resulting in more and more confirmed cases and forcing us
to make a difficult but necessary decision.

Recent results from Winnipeg regional health indicate that there is an increasing number of reported cases
in the area and although the vast majority of these cases come from outside our schools, they end up having
an impact on our students and our staff. In particular, we note a resurgence of cases at Collège Louis-
Riel. Although public health tells us that there are four new confirmed cases, in order to minimize the risk of
transmission, we ask all parents to keep their children at home until November 6, inclusive. Students will be
able to return to school on November 9.

We understand that this is an unexpected inconvenience, but know that this decision is made in the best
interests of students, school staff and community health.

During this period, students will be able to continue their education by remote-learning with CLR teachers.
They will be in touch with students and families by Friday.

Cohorts and individuals in isolation will continue to be required to comply with isolation restrictions. Those
who have not received such a directive are encouraged to limit their interactions with people outside their
homes so that together we can work to ensure a return to school as soon as possible.


Alain Laberge


1263, chemin Dawson tél. : 204 878-9399 et 1 800 699-3736

Lorette (Manitoba) R5K 0S1 téléc. : 204 878-9407
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