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A Signal Research Publication

$3.95 $4.95 CANADA Vol. 2 No. 3





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Explosive combat in the 27th century. 1 million fans can’t be wrong.

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Letters and questions from our readers

Phantasy Star — 10 CODE BREAKERS

Hints, tips, and codes to help you get
page 46 the most from your games

The latest Sega Genesis news
and products
A listing of companies making games and products
for Genesis


New Superstar?
He's bold, he's brave, and he's the fastest videogame
hero you’ve ever seen. Meet Sonic the Hedgehog, one
of Sega’s hottest new stars!
Batman — page 38
You asked for it! Every week we receive letters about Super Hydlide, one of the most
challenging role-playing games around. Here are the answers you've been looking for.
32 Abrams
uper Strategy

Battle Tank
56 Star Control
Fourteen different cultures and fourteen
different starships clash in this battle for
control of the galaxy. At 1 2 megs, this is
the biggest Genesis game yet.

You saw it in action during Operation

Desert Storm —
now, climb into the
64 Valis III
Yuko was an ordinary college student
driver’s seat. You command the Abrams
until the night she was called upon to
Ml A1 battle tank, one of the most so- defend Dreamland. Armed with the Sword
phisticated military vehicles ever designed.
of Valis, Yuko and two companions must
defeat Glames and his Dark World sol-
38 Batman diers.
The Dark Knight faces the challenge of his
career when his archenemy, the Joker,
plots to unleash deadly nerve gas on the
people of Gotham City. Based on the hit
movie, Batman comes to Genesis!

46 Phantasy Star III

The biggest Phantasy Stargame yet. You’ll
explore seven different worlds in a quest
that takes three generations to complete.

Midnight Resistance —
page 11

King’s Bounty
eviews The Scepter of Order has been stolen, and you must
recover it. To do so, you'll have to hunt 1 7 fugitives
across four continents.

Centurion Midnight Resistance

This time the bad guys have gone too far. They’ve
You must extend the Roman Empire — and no one can rescue
kidnapped your entire family
from the tiny province of Italia to the
them but you.
entire known world.
you succeed,
If you'll

be hailed as the new Caesar.

688 Attack Sub
Experience the unique world of submarine warfare in
this detailed military simulation.
The computer game is now playing on
Genesis. The first 8-meg sports title.
Street Smart
You’re a paid fighter, but you'll never be on ESPN. You
James Pond take your bouts as they come — on the streets, where
His name Pond, and he has a license
anything goes.
to bubble. Help this unique Underwater
Agent stop pollution in the world's
oceans. Twin Cobra
The attack helicopter Twin Cobra takes to the skies in

this colorful arcade-style shooter.


June/July 1991
Robert C. Lock, Editor-In-Chief
Amy L. Pruette, Senior Art & Design Director he big news this month is game size. Ballistic's
Richard T. Mansfield, Executive Vice President, Editorial
new title. Star Control, sets a record for Genesis game size,
Selby Bateman, Executive Editor
weighing in at an impressive 12 megabits of memory.
Lance Elko, Editorial Director That's as large as many computer games, and proves that
Matthew A. Firme, Associate Editor the Genesis is capable of running some very complex
Noreen Lovoi, West Coast Editor programs indeed.
William R. Trotter, Senior Writer Is 12 megs the limit? According to people at Ballistic,
Lisa M. Bouchey, Assistant Editor there was talk of increasing the size of the cart to 16 megs to
Brian Carroll, Assistant Editor allow for saved games! In fact, the only real limit on the size
Richard Lashley, Assistant Editor of a cartridge is the cost of producing larger games. A 16-
Jeff Lundrigan, Assistant Editor meg cart would require more memory chips than an 8-meg
Gary M. Meredith, Assistant Editor cart would, and might cost well over $100. Most buyers
Stephen Poole, Assistant Editor aren't prepared to spend that much on a single game, so
Margaret Ramsey, Copy Editor videogame companies try to set reasonable limits in devel-
Melanie Poloff, Editorial Assistant opment cost.
In addition to its size. Star Control is an impressive ex-
Irma Swain, Production Director
Edwin C. Malstrom, Art Director ample of the growing trend toward more sophisticated
Laura C. Morris, Senior Graphic Artist videogames. Just a few years ago, videogaming meant
Scotty L. Billings, Graphic Artist shooting, jumping, and little more. Anyone who wanted to
Kelly E. Pinter, Graphic Artist play a more complex game —
a military simulation, for
Jan J. Sebastian, Graphic Artist example —
had to invest hundreds sometimes thou- —
James A. Casella, Publisher
sands —
of dollars in a home computer. Videogames were
thought of as kids' stuff.
Lawrence A. Fornasieri, Senior Vice President, Finance
But thanks to publishers willing to experiment with
Tom Valentino, Vice President, Finance just what a videogame can be, the "kids' stuff" notion is
Andrew Eisenberg, Vice President, Advertising Sales
changing. We've seen a lot of diversity in the two short
Dominic Mustello, Vice President, Circulation
Cindy Stump, Circulation Director
years Genesis has been around —
with new companies like
Ballistic, we can look forward to a lot more in the years to
Tracy DeAlesandro, Circulation Manager
John G. McMahon, National Sales Manager
Kathleen H. Ingram, Special Projects Manager
William H. Lock, Operations Manager
Bonnie Black, Book Sales Manager Matthew A. Firme
Pamela Lambert, Dealer/Customer Service & Associate Editor
Production Coordinator

The Game Player's

Sega Genesis Strategy Guide (ISSN-1052-763X) is published bimonthy
by Signal Research, Inc., 300 A-E South Westgate Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407, USA. National Advertising Sales: Southern California, Arizona,
Application to mail second class postage pending at Greensboro, NC, and additional Nevada:
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Corporate, editorial, production, and customer service offices are located in Greens- Regional Advertising 90505-3050
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directed to Dealer Sales at (201) 703-9500. East: Northwest:
The Editors welcome company product information for all Sega Genesis games. Such
Mariann Confrancisco John R. Zimmerman
Signal Research, Inc. Signal Research, Inc.
materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Player's Sega Genesis Strategy Guide, P.O.
Box 29364, Greensboro, NC 27429, USA. Overnight delivery parcels should be ad-
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dressed to 300 A-E South Westgate Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407. Editorial telephone Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Suite 212
and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or (201) 703-9500 Burlingame, CA 94010
acknowledged. (415) 579-0258
A publication of Signal Research, Inc. Robert C. Lock, Chairman and CEO; James A.
Norman Kamikow Marketplace Advertising:
Casella, President; Richard T. Mansfield, Executive Vice President; R. Selby Bateman,
Kamikow and Company Olivia Merritt
Group Vice President.
676 N. St. Clair, Suite 1900 Signal Research, Inc.
Entire contents copyright 1991, Signal Research, Inc. All rights reserved; reproduction Chicago, IL 6061 23-00 Route 208
in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Player's Guide, Game Player's, (312) 664-7878 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
GameTapes, and Game Player's Sports for Kids are tradenames of Signal Research, Inc. (201) 703-9500

Sega and Genesis are registered trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. Please send all advertising materials to Pamela Lambert, Production Coordinator, Game
Player's, 300 A-E South Westgate Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407.

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Super Hydlide Mega Drive To beat Blue Lobster, the boss of
Games level 1 in The Revenge ofShinobi, stand
Help! I'm stuck on Super Hydlidel I up on the platform at either side of
beat the dragon below the city, but Iwant to know if Mega Drive games the screen. Now do the spinning
now what do I do? I can't find the can be played on the Genesis sys- leap and fire shuriken down at Blue
I.D. card to get in the castle, and I tem. Lobster. After several hits he'll ex-
can't get into the Submerged Palace. plode.
I've been stuck for a week! Darion Morgan To beat the zombies in Moon-
Georgia walker, duck beside their legs and
Sarah Gold wait for their upper bodies to return.
Pennsylvania The Mega Drive is the Japanese ver- You can only damage them when
sion of the Genesis, and yes, the two their bodies are in one piece.
We've been getting a lot of letters can play the same game cartridges.
about Super Hydlide. It seems that But the plastic casings on the Genesis
many of you are having the same and Mega Drive games are different. Budokan
problems Sarah is having. Hope- Mega Drive carts won't fit in the
fully, our special Super Hydlide fea- Genesis unless you remove the car- Idiscovered this trick while play-
ture will answer some of your opening
tridge casing, or alter the ing Budokan. In the fifth match of
questions! on your Genesis. Of course, both the tournament, when you're
techniques can damage your car- fighting against Tetsuo Okabe,
tridge or system, and we don't rec- choose the bo. Hold down the B
Hockey for the ommend that you do either. button and left on the control pad.
Genesis There is an adapter available This lets you block your body.
through Ultimate Game Club which Tetsuo will strike you continu-
I recently purchased a Sega Gene- allows you to play Mega Drive ously, but he won't hurt you. Wait
sis system and enjoy it immensely. games on the Genesis safely. The until your ki is at its highest, then

I would like to know if Sega will adapter is $29.99. For more infor- hit him with a few jumping strikes.

produce a hockey game. I know a mation, call Ultimate Game Club at He will go down in no time.
lot of people who would be eager (203) 388-6741.
to see a good hockey game on Ryan Morgan
Genesis. New Jersey
Shinobi and
John Jimenez Moonwalker for the tip, Ryan!

New York
I have a question about The Re-
Good news, John! Sega of America is venge of Shinobi. At the end of the
Unlimited Shuriken
working on a hockey game for first level there is a big guy with a
Genesis. It's in the early stages of sword, and I can't kill him. And in I am a Genesis owner and my fa-
development, so we don't know Moonwalker, what is the best way vorite game is The Revenge of

much about it at this time. It could be to defeat those zombies that break
Shinobi. I saw pictures of the game
ready by the end of this year. into two pieces? in your magazine, and you had 999
shuriken. How did you get so
Michael Rude many?
Jonathan David
Here's how to get unlimited peat the entire procedure of equip-
shuriken. Go to the options screen, ping the armor, using the stick, and
and change the number of shuriken removing it. Do this until your ar- Do you have any questions,
to 00. Now leave the pointer next to mor class is below zero. Your armor hints, or suggestions about the
"shuriken," and wait about thirty class should then become very high. Sega Genesis system or games?
seconds. The 00 will change to an Keep taking off and putting on the We want to hear from you!
infinity symbol! armor until your armor class once Write to:
again goes below zero. Now, you FeedBack
should have an armor class of more 300 A-E South Westgate Dr.
Phantasy Star II than 9000! Your character is almost Greensboro, NC 27407
invincible, taking only one damage
Iam an avid Genesis player and I point per hit no matter who you're
have over 20 games. I need help fighting —
even Tsarkon himself.
with Phantasy Star II.
I have collected seven of the Jeff Karlechuk
eight items I need to proceed to Ontario
Noah. Where can I find the
Neisword, and how do I get Lutz to Thanks for the great tip, Jeff!

help me? Please help — I'm really

stuck! Call 1 -900-TIP-LINE For a FREE Membership to:

Ultimate Game Club to order can 1-203-388-5741

Mega Drive and Game
James Lebers [Call 1 -900-TIP-LINE For the Hottest New Sega 8-Bit, Genesis,
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Once you have all the other Nei I featuring almost every games ever made. From $19.99-$29.99.
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Renovation Does What
And seven year olds. And 22 year olds. And
even the old-timers at Video Games &
Computer Entertainment. Where they
awarded Renovation Products with the
Best Science-Fiction Video of 1990 for

Whip Rush — one of seven heart-

renovation products
pounding titles currently released. OF 1990

If that isn’t enough, Whip Rush was ~ Vide °G a MES

awarded the “Standard of Excellence” Entertainmei

award from SEGA.

Which goes to show, when you’re
a winner, you’re bound to make
some waves.
We’re making waves
with other hot action games like Final Zone,
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You can blow enemy ships into oblivion

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If action adventure is your thing, then Valis

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be released) ,
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playing action game. And with
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kS b kh' Hang on to your controller,

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Hints, Tips, and Secret Codes

Used Cartridges for $19.95!!!
Forgotten Worlds
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- Pat Ftiley
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- Rambo

T ruxton
Afterburner II tions screen. When the game begins,
We also Buy and Sell Used cartridges for Genesis, Hntendo, and TuitoGrafx stay in the upper left or upper right
16. Send Name and Address for FREE Complete Price Ust. Add $5.00 S/H.
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Money Order for Faster Processing. 90 Oay Warranty on Used Cartridges.

for the screen that offers you a choice work in levels 1-3.
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CreditCard Orders:
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Super Hang-On
Cyberball Options Screen: To access an options
screen that allows you to change the
Last Game Password : To compete in game's difficulty level, hold A, B, C,
the final game as the Minnesota and Start during the title screen.
Monsters, enter — P5BB B5PS IHEX.
You'll have lots of cash to spend on
Classified and small your team! Super Monaco GP
space Display adver-
tisers can now take ad- Race 15: To compete in the fifteenth

vantage of the targeted Ghostbusters race, enter thispassword —

2ILM F200 0000 0010 H10F B324
and highly enthusias- Cash-O-Plenty: To get plenty of ex- 5D76 CA89 EGC1 0000 0002 0000
tic Game Player's au- tra cash for better weapons and 0000 F2QO 2CAC.

dience at reasonable equipment, go to the high-rise

building. There's a safe just inside,
rates. and it's full of money. Take the Moonwalker
money, leave the building, then re-
enter. The safe reappears each time! Level Select: This trick will allow
you to begin playing on levels 1-0, 2-
Display 0, 3-0, 4-0, or 5-0. First, plug your
Phantasy Star II controller in the second controller
Classified socket. Turn the game on, and press
Protection From Attack: To avoid the A button and Up-left on the di-
rates confrontations while you're explor- rection pad simultaneously. Keep
ing dungeons, continuously turn the holding them and press Start. Now
$150 per Status Screen on and off as you walk. quickly plug your controller in the
first socket. You can do anything
column inch Super Thunder you like now, even select options.
Blade When you select a one- or two-player
game, "Round 1" should appear.
Select levels with the direction pad.
Avoid Enemy Fire: To stay out of
Call Olivia Merritt at Press Start when you're ready to go.
reach of enemy fire, first select a
(201)703-9500 for more difficulty level of Hard on the op-

LATER New! For Your Sega" Genesis System


Be a part of the elite
civilization of Darius.
Fight to keep the demonic fighting squadron to
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Licensed by Sega of America, Inc for play on the Sega Genesis"' System, Sega"' and Genesis " are trademarks of Sega of

America, Inc. Taito, The Only Game in Town Sagaia Rastan Saga II"' and Space Invaders 91 are trademarks of Taito
; ;

America Corporation. Taito ©1991 All rights reserved.

Ballistic, by Accolade
For years. Accolade has been one of games, Accolade could conceivably The first four Ballistic titles. Star
the top computer-game publishers. become as important a force in the Control, Hardball!, Turrican, and
So when Accolade announced last Genesis arena as has Electronic Arts, Onslaught, will feature box art by
year that it would begin producing another computer software com- renowned artist Boris Vallejo.
Genesis titles, it came as very wel- pany that's taking the Sega market Vallejo's work has appeared on well-
come news for Genesis players. by storm. known science-fiction and fantasy
Considering the company's vast Ishido: The Way of Stones was novels for years, and should provoke
catalog of best-selling computer Accolade's first Genesis title. It was plenty of interest on store shelves.
the only game that will be released
under the Accolade name, though.
Accolade has announced the for-
mation of a new label. Ballistic. Po-
sitioned as Accolade's "premium
brand of 16-bit software," the com-
pany states that Ballistic will stress
top-notch animation, graphics, and
sound along with challenging and
enjoyable game play. Ballistic's first

be designed for Genesis,

titles will

although the company plans to pub-

lish games for the Super NES and
TurboGrafx-16 as well.

The artwork of Boris Vallejo is

featured on the boxes for Star
Control and Hardball!.

Mondu’s Fight Palace on Hold

Nearly a year ago, Activision an- Due to recent management
nounced it would enter the Genesis changes, Activision has decided not
market with Mondu's Fight Palace, a to release Mondu at all. The game
translation of the computer game might be released by another pub-
Tongue of the Fatman. Mondu, a fu- lisher sometime this year, but
turistic combat game featuring probably not until Christmas.
fighters from every corner of the In the meantime, Activision has
galaxy, was originally scheduled for no plans to develop any new Genesis
release last fall. titles.

Mondu's Fight Palace

Renovation’s First RPG
Known for such fast-paced shooters adagon, Kefroggey, and any other you and your band stop Castomira
as Gaiares and Arrow Flash, Renova- enemies that cross your path. and save Arcus from the approach-
tion Products is now branching into Only by using magical items and ing night.
the role-playing field. The com- recruiting allies in the labyrinth can
pany's first RPG will be Arcus Od-
In this game, the Dark Lord
Castomira hatches a diabolical plan
to defeat Leaty, the Sorceress of
Light.The result will be unending
darkness for the kingdom of Arcus.
You play as one of four brave
warriors —
Jedda, Erin, Diana, and
Bead —
who are determined to stop
the Dark Lord. You must journey
through Castomira's seven-leveled You'll meet strange monsters
labyrinth, exploring mazes and The forces of good and evil as you explore the Dark Lord's
slaying the Furerain Fish, Han- clash in Arcus Odyssey. labyrinth.


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PGA TOUR THE PLAYERS Championship. TPC.TPC at Sawgiass TPC at Avene!. PGA West
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Clean It Up
If you're concerned that accumu- delicate Genesis connectors and
lated dust and grime may be affect- housing. The cleanser is nontoxic,
ing your Genesis games. Doc's Hi- nonflammable, and contains no al-
Tech Game Products might have just cohol.A chamois swab lets you wash
the thing for you. Doc's Fix-A-Sys- hard-to-reach game and hardware
AD INDEX tem cleans
tors that
dirty cartridge connec-
may cause glitches in your
For more information write Doc's
games. Hi-Tech Game Products, 1377 South
Doc's Fix-A-System uses Ultra Lilac, Suite 108, Bloomington, CA

Accolade IFC-1 2000, a detergent-based cleaning 93216.

fluid that Doc's claims won't harm

American Sammy 5

Bignet U.S.A. 31, IBC

Electronic Arts 14-15

Kaneko 73

Marketplace 10

Renovation 8-9

Sage's Creation BC
Taito 11

Ultimate Game Club 7

Game Player's:

Official Game Player's

Sportswear 13
BY ACCOLADE 1820 Gateway Drive 3255-1 Scott Boulevard, Suite 102
550 Winchester Boulevard
S. San Mateo,CA 94404 Santa Clara, CA 95054-3013
San Jose, CA 95128 (games) (games)
Populous Phelios
Ishido: The Way of Stones Budokan Burning Force
Star Control (coming soon) Zany Golf Powerball (coming soon)
Hardball! (coming soon) JohnMadden Football

Turrican (coming soon) Lakers vs. Celtics

Onslaught (coming soon) Sword of Sodan NUBY
BEESHU James Pond, Underwater Agent 30 Fitzgerald Drive
930 Carter Road Road Rash (coming soon) Jaffrey, NH03452
Winter Garden, FL 34787 Dark Castle (coming soon) (accessories)
(accessories) King's Bounty (coming soon)
Blockout (coming soon) Cartridge Caddy — organizer
Gizmo — joystick controller Might and Magic II (coming soon) Cartridge Soft Case — organizer
Striker — joypad controller System Case —
Happ Controls
106 Garlisch Drive
388 Market Street, Suite 500 (accessories) ENTERTAINMENT
San Francisco, CA 94111 10 Apple Road, #33
(games) Happ Competition Pro — joypad Beverly, MA 01915
controller (games)
Junction (coming soon)
Warrior of Rome (coming soon) Bimini Run (coming soon)
KANEKO USA BeanBall Benny (coming soon)
1370 Busch Parkway Swamp Thing (coming soon)
DREAMWORKS Buffalo Grove, IL 90505
150 Woodbridge Plaza, Suite 10201 (games)
Wayzata Boulevard RAZORSOFT
Minnetonka, MN 55343 D.J. Boy 7416 N. Broadway, Suite A
(games) Air Buster (coming soon) Oklahoma City, OK 73116
The Berlin Wall (coming soon) (games)
Shove It!

Target Earth TechnoCop

Fire Shark KYUGO TRADING StormLord (coming soon)
Trampoline Terror! COMPANY
Jesse "The Body" Ventura's Wrestling 2-6-14 Higashiyama
Superstars (coming soon) Meguro-ku RENOVATION
Wings of Wor (coming soon) Tokyo, Japan 987 University Avenue, Suite 10
(games) Los Gatos, CA 95030
Cross Fire (coming soon)
Whip Rush Afterburner II Arcade Power Stick — joystick
Final Zone Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle contoller
Granada Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf Power Base Converter — allows play
Arrow Flash James "Buster" Douglas Knockout of Master System games on
Gaiares Boxing Genesis
Gain Ground (coming soon) Columns
VALIS III (coming soon) Cyberball TECHNOSOFT
Dinoland (coming soon) Dynamite Duke 1255 Post Street, Suite 1040
E-SWAT San Francisco, CA 94109
Forgotten Worlds (games)
60525 Decatur Road Ghouls 'n Ghosts Thunder Force III
Cassopolis, MI 49031 Golden Axe
(accessories) Herzog Zwei
Joe Montana Football TENGEN
Stack Rack — organizer Last Battle 675 Sycamore Drive
Michael Jackson Moonwalker Milpitas, CA 95035
Mickey Mouse and the Castle of Illusion (games)
SAGE'S CREATION Mystic Defender
12062 Valley View, Suite 250 Pat Riley Basketball Hard Drivin'
Garden Grove, CA 92645 Phantasy Star II Klax
(games) Rambo III RBI Baseball III (coming soon)
Revenge of Shinobi Paperboy (coming soon)
Insector-X Shadow Dancer Roadblasters (coming soon)
Kageki Space Harrier II Pit Fighter(coming soon)
Shadow Blasters Strider
Crack Down (coming soon) Super Thunder Blade
Super Hang-On TRECO USA
Super Monaco GP 2421 205th Street, D-104
SEISMIC Sword of Vermilion Torrance, CA 90501
3375 Scott Boulevard, Suite 100 Thunder Force II (games)
Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tommy Lasorda Baseball
(games) Truxton Atomic Robo-Kid
World Championship Soccer Dando (coming soon)
Air Diver Zoom Task Force Harrier (coming soon)
Hell Fire Flicky
M. U.S.H.A. (coming soon) Dick Tracy
Spider-man (coming soon) VIDEO SYSTEM
Fantasia (coming soon) COMPANY
SEGA OF AMERICA Abrams Tank (coming soon)
Battle 17800 South Main Street, Suite 121
573 Forbes Boulevard 688 Attack Sub Gardena, CA 90248
P.O. Box 2167 Alien Storm (coming soon) (games)
San Francisco, CA 94080 Sonic the Hedgehog (coming soon)
(games & accessories) Super Volleyball
He's got all the makings of title character. Sega put a lot of
videogame hero. He's dashing, brave, cocky work into the game's beauti-
and supersonic. He's blue. And he's a hedgeho; ful and varied levels. They're
Sonic the Hedgehog. colorful and detailed, and
Sega's latest videogame hero, coming to stori designed to present some
this summer, seems destined to become as famou: obstacles that challenge even
character as Shinobi or Mario. Sonic has lots of Sonic's abilities.
personality —
just watch his expressions as he speeds, We've been playing a pre-
through his world, or as he waits impatiently for liminary version of Sonic, and here's
you to move him — and absolutely dazzling speed. an introduction to what could be the
No videogame you've ever seen moves as fast hottest Genesis title of the year.
Sonic does. As our hero speeds along, the bacK^ Look for a complete
grounds become a blur. Strategy Feature in our
The best thing about Sonic the Hedgehog, ext issue. But for now,
though, is that the rest of the game is worthy of :et Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sega of America, 573 Forbes Blvd.,

South San Francisco, CA 94080

Sonic begins his adventure in the Green

Sonicis ready for a fight. An evil scientist Hill zone. Collect all the rings you can as
has changed Sonic’s furry friends into you move through each level 50 rings—
insectoidsin an attempt to take over the gives you an extra hedgehog. That com-
world. puter monitor holds ten rings.

Sonic moves so fast he
sometimes has trouble stop-
ping. To get at the rings inside
the monitor, Sonic leaps into
the air, curls up in a ball, and
lands on the monitor.
Rings can be important to
Sonic’s health. If he’s bumped
by an insectoid while he’s
carrying rings, he loses the
rings. If he’s bumped when
he’s not holding any rings,
Sonic dies.

You’ll find springs like this all over the

game. Always look for ways to reach As Sonic crosses this chasm, the ground
places you ordinarily couldn’t. Sonic is full gives way. In this case that's good news,
of hidden surprises, so explore everywhere. though, because below is a cache of bonus

What Sonic has to ask himself here is “Do

feel lucky?” Be careful, but don’t let those
The risk pays off, and Sonic finds a secret

spikes frighten you. Go ahead and see stash of goodies.

what lies beyond them.

"Ill" il Cil a M ;i
P s
That sparkling monitor will give Sonic limited
invincibility. While Sonic sparkles, he can
dash right through any enemy that crosses With the trailing sparkles, Sonic looks like
his path. Below is a loop-the-loop. a comet. The graphics in Sonic are great!

Hold down on the control pad, Sonic celebrates at the end of Sonic takes out this crab with
and Sonic rolls forward like a the first stage. There are three a spinning leap. The more
pinball. But before he enters stages in each of the game’s creatures Sonic destroys, the
the chute ahead, he decides six zones. more friends he rescues.
to rescue a few of his friends
who were turned into insect-

TIME 0:30

Behind this lovely waterfall Sonic finds a

wealth of rings. Remember, explore as
Just as Sonic is ready to step off this much as you can. You’ll find all kinds of

swinging platform, he notices a row of useful items if you look carefully.
cruel spikes! Wait until the platform is a bit
higher, then leap over the spikes.

If you thought Sonic was fast Equipped with his new speed- Just past the loop, Sonic
before, just wait until he gets shoes, Sonic races through happens to leap into a tree.
that shoe in the monitor. It the loop-the-loop without He finds a helpful shield!
will give him unbelievable breaking a sweat.

Don’t underestimate that big ball. It can

squash our hero like a bug. The slightest
touch will start it rolling, so Sonic shoves The shining globe gives Sonic a shield of
it to the left and keeps moving.
energy. It will protect him from one hit
from an enemy.

As he speeds on to the third level of the
Green Hill zone, Sonic rolls up like a A twisting, spiked log stretches across
marble and flies through this underground this deadly valley. Precise jumping is nec-
tunnel. essary — and a shield wouldn’t hurt, either.

''SCORE*' 2 11 00
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2 28

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Sonic reaches the first boss. Stay up on

the ledge and leap on the boss’s head, but The Marble zone is a place of fire, up-
watch for his giant ball and chain. Re- heaval, and underground passages. To the
member to always keep at least one ring left is a secret passage to the underground.
— if you’re hit, run after that ring before Wait for an opening, then quickly slip
it gets away! through.

Sonic has more going for him In the Starlight zone, robots Not even Sonic can survive a
than just speed. He’s clever, and machines try to stand in fallfrom these platforms.
too. Here, Sonic pushes a Sonic's way. Some robots ex- There’s no ground below, and
marble block onto a switch, plode as you get near them. no safety net.
which will raise that spiked



P S:
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R^ I

V Sonic is in a jam, caught in a

You’ll encounter loops and tunnel lined with springs. Will
twists in the Starlight zone he rescue his friends? Will he
like nothing you’ve seen be- defeat the evil scientist? We’ll
fore. Here Sonic rushes down take a closer look in the next
a near-vertical slope, then
through a series of loops.
issue! GP
... .I,

Super Hydlide is a super curiosity. Although the game has been

out for a year and a half or so, we still get mail every week from
readerswho are just plain stumped. Super Hydlide has proven
tobe more challenging than anyone expected.
Well, you asked for it —so here are some answers to the
most frequently asked questions about the game (and any
other helpful hints we could find).
If you haven't done things in the same order as they're

presented here, don't worry. You can wander anywhere, so

just start out from wherever you are.
To begin, you should know that it's possible to get free experience points. Go to the pond
in the middle of the City of the Woods (the first city in the game) and stand at the pond's edge,
just left of the south end of the bridge. "Use" a coin, then search the ground. Y ou'll get "lucky"
and find 30 experience points.
You'll reach the first couple of experience levels with just a few hundred points, so repeat
the "use" coin trick until you've raised your level a bit. If you set the game speed to "slow"
before starting, very little game time will pass. Keep at it until you're at a high-enough level
that your Load Capacity allows you to carry a ration of food, and your Agility keeps you from
being hurt by the Cannibals out in the wilderness. Free experience is also handy for buying
the first two or three spells, and later in the game you can use the same trick to push yourself
over the top if you're a few points shy of gaining another level.

I'm having trouble finding the Heavenly

City and the caves. I have also heard about
an old warehouse. Where can I find these
— Eric Bivens, Florida

The caves, also known as the City of the

Dead, are actually under the old ware-
house, which you'll find in Subterra-
nean City. Loot the warehouse for ev-
erything in it, but don't venture into the
The entrance to the Subterranean City is
caves until you've visited the King of
underneath this tombstone. You don't
even have to search —
just bumping into the Water Palace.
it is enough. Getting to Heavenly City is a little

more complicated. The tower to the

north of the City of the Woods points
the way there. In the southeast corner of
the fourth floor is an alcove that looks

likeanother set of stairs. Search it, and

you'll turn on an elevator. Heavenly
City is on the 1 98th floor, but first you'll
have to defeat the Hellsmoke. The
Hellsmoke is tough, and fighting him
could take all day —
it's a good idea to

be fully rested and have plenty of ra-

tions before you face the Hellsmoke.

You can’t convince the warehouse guard

to let you in, but there’s a secret way.
Use the same trick you used to get the
10,000 in gold: Walk through a wall.

The entrance to the City of the

Dead is inside this chest. The
firsttime you look, though, you
have to search all the other
chests before you’ll find it.

These double doors in the northern tower The Hellsmoke is the first boss you'll
are the entrance to the tower’s elevator. face.It helps to have a long-range weapon,
They won't open until the power is turned so hang on to the Arrow you found in the
on. warehouse. Set the game speed to slow,
so you have time to dodge.

Once you have the Cloud Stone, it’s safe

to exit the tower and follow the cloud Walk around the outside of Heavenly
path to Heavenly City. You can practically Castle and jump through this hole in the
walk on air, and you won’t die if you fall.
clouds. You’ll float to the ground and land
right outside the entrance to the Water
How do I get inside that second
door in the building where you
can sample the music? — Mike
Rodriguez, New York It takes guts and a
long life bap to beat
the dragon. When
The answer is you can't, at one of its necks is
totally extended, at-
least not now. In fact, you
tack the open
can't go through this door
until after you've already to kill all three heads
beaten the game. The sole before it’s beaten.
purpose of this door is to re-
play the game's ending se-
Where can you get ID cards for the castle? Also, I
can't seem to find the palacesubmerged beneath

limn nilJennifer Johnson, North Carolina
the lake.

To the northeast of the City of the Woods is a

large castle known as the Water Palace because
it’s almost completely surrounded by water.
The ID card to get into the Water Palace is,
believe it or not, inside the Water Palace! Once
you get inside, you'll find it in the sleeping

This lake one screen north and three

chamber. So how do you get inside in the first
screens west of the City of the Woods. place? By falling from the castle in Heavenly
Stand on the shore and use Jeem’s scroll City, directly overhead.
to raise the Submerged Castle. The king of the Water Palace is a collector
of rare and strange items, and he's looking for
the Dragon Fang. There just happens to be a
dragon in the City of the Dead. Now is the
time to venture into those caves beneath the
warehouse. After you slay the dragon, the
king will let you into his treasure room. There
you find Jeem's Scroll, which you'll need, and
a few "joke" items. Sell the joke items for
some quick cash. Jeem's Scroll is used to raise
Dsy 42 the Submerged Palace from the lake.
T »t 22 OO

The spacesuit is in the northwestern

corner of the second floor of the Sub-
merged Palace. There’s no chest, so just
stand here and search. Be prepared,
though — it weighs 10,000.

This chest will be empty until you’ve been

to the computer. Come back afterwards

[Ma9icyo>wt and it’ll contain the space compass.

Day SO
T * 20 S3

You’ll have to access the computer two

times to get the whole story. Just off to the
right on the north wall is the teleporter, but
it won’t work until you go to the spaceship.
How do you free the fairy? — Travis Premore, New
York I
y 3rM

You'll find the fairy on level 3 of Kaizack's ship.

Follow the southwest walkway from the trans-
porter, and the fairy will be in a cell on the
western wall. Finding the fairy isn't the same
thing as freeing her, though. For that, you'll have
to go to the fourth level, where you'll find an
identical cell full of locking mechanisms. Release
the lock, then go back and get the fairy. Now
you're ready to take on Kaizack.
Space is full of enemies. Don’t spend too

much time fighting you have a long way
to “walk,” and only one day to get there
[although you can still come back with a
Move spell].

The ship's entrance is toward the rear of

from the south.
You've probably been to this mysterious
gateway before. It can zip you around to
different islands, but with the Time-Door
Talisman, you can travel to the first

Stand on this island in the center of the

first dimension and use the Horn. Its
The seal on the monastery door
blast will carry you to the City of Illusion. will crumble away with holy wa-
ter. The monastery is dark inside,
and filled with extremely danger-
ous monsters.
In the Submerged Palace I turned off the laser barriers
in the second floor, but where's the spacesuit? If I get
it, where do I go next, and where is Veralis? — Justin
Opitz, Texas

Once you turn off the barriers, go to the north-
western corner of the second floor. The spacesuit
isn't in a chest —
just search until you find it.
Equally important, however, is the space com-
pass, and to find that you'll need to go to the
third floor. You won't find the compass until
you access the Palace's computer twice.—
Once you have the spacesuit and compass,
head for outer space through that giant crack in
the ground. Use the compass and it'll point you
in the direction of the spaceship. Then get ready
for a long space walk. Check the compass every
so often, just to be sure you're going the right
way. It takes a long time to get there.
The spaceship only has one level, and there
are only a couple of items you need to find the —
Fairy-Made Helmet and the Horn. Also, be sure
to access the ship's computer. Use the ship's
teleporter (located on the north wall) to travel
down to the Submerged Palace. This lets you get
rid of the space suit (which is really lousy armor)
and the compass (which is heavy) because you
can now use the teleporter in the Submerged This prisoner in the City of illusion will give
Palace to reach the ship. you the Exit Talisman. Without it, the
The ship's computer gives directions to the journey to Kaizack’s ship is strictly one-
Time Door Talisman, which allows you to use way.
the Time Door. The Time Door will take you to
the first dimension, where you'll find the City of
Illusion. Buy a few vials of holy water in the
store, and sleep in the hotel so you can return to
the city with a Move spell. Now you'll have to
go back to the City of the Woods because no-
body in the City of Illusion will talk.
The holy water will break the seal on the
monastery door (in the northwest section of the
City of the Woods), and inside the monastery
you'll find the Flaming Sword and Veralis. Af-

ter defeating Veralis, go back to the
store in the City of the W oods, where you'll find
the Fairy-Made Armor on sale. Now the people
The Statue of Veralis works only at
in the City of Illusion will talk you. By following
midnight, and then only when you’re
their advice you'll find Kaizack's ship. standing on this exact spot. It’s the place
where the rock looks as if it’s been moved

Tf »IilP Ti mm ii^alllPWMwwi iimimi

gsr irtnnru
You’ll find the fairy
I'm having trouble defeating Kaizack.
shield in a chest on
the first floor of I've destroyed four of his humps, but
Kaizack’s ship. I can't seem to kill him. Please help!
You’d better use — Byron-fames Alcid, Ohio
the new shield
soon, because 1 1 I I I I'fTl |
I Have
ac<r«t red
Kaizack's attack Kaizack is tough, and faster than
robots will punch
anything you've fought before.
EXP =326 through anything
Slowing the game speed will just
slow you down (but not Kaizack),
so set the speed on "fast" or "fast-
est." Make sure you've got extra
It s easy to fall off
these walkways, food and Life-Water (get it in the
and you won’t sur- [A-»v» C‘CSS
store in Heavenly City this is —
vive the fall. Set the very important). Shoot his
game speed a "humps" (or shoulders or knees
notch slower than — it's hard to tell). This will im-
what you normally mobilize him. Now just stay out
use. Baidorce
of the way of his shots until 13:00
or 19:00, when your food ration
will kick in and raise your life
meter. Now jump in his mouth —
This alcove
southwestern cor-
in the that's right, let him swallow you —
and keep firing. You'll immedi-
ner of level 4 con-
ately start to lose energy as
tains the lock
mechanism for the Kaizack digests you, but if you
fairy’s cell. If you can last about three seconds, he'll
I have go back to the be destroyed from the inside out!
fairy’s cell on level
3, she'll be free. GP

Kaizack s humps can only be at-

tacked from below, so stay at the
bottom of the screen and shoot Kaizak can only fire at certain angles, so
upwards. Use an invulnerability once his humps are gone, pick a spot on
spell or fake medicine before en- the screen where his shots can’t hit you
tering to help even the odds. and wait for the moment of truth.




Iwn ofiphendl mwmSSKm.

J^Juli^Gae^ w Wi \
^#( y jjjjgt.
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W \ jHylU fl
a -fleet approaches thus \

I Thi s war fa re systei^®^

/W& 11
•W^P'^'mula 1 ,

K ^ M :
M K ikf

with four scenarios^®

W *•

. land battle, and fortres

ferr IIKSt Hi l(|4

Finish one scenario, am

perfectly to start thM
and to meet some of tB
in the known world. ^
Test your wits against
military leaders of all t
invincible strategy of \



S3©VHOKKAIDO. 064 JAPAN TEL.(01 1)56 1 -1 370
fa*. (415)296 -3882 JElfr&&)2g


Considering the M1A1 Abrams battle tank's role accomplish your mission. The action sequences are
in Operation Desert Storm, Sega's Abrams Battle intense, and you may find yourself under missile as
Tank could be even more popular now than when well as shell attack in some scenarios —
not to
Electronic Arts released the PC version in 1989. mention Russian gunship helicopters.
Sega has translated the computer version into a It may take you awhile to master the controls
videogame with virtually identical graphics (good), available in the four stations, and it's easy to get
and somewhat simplified controls (even better). confused during a heated battle. The first thing to
The game places you in a NATO military learn is the difference between heading (the direc-
action, as you use your tank to help repel a Soviet tion in which the front of the tank is pointing) and
invasion. You can tackle eight different mission bearing (the direction in which the turret is pointing).
scenarios — some offensive, some defensive, Monitor your bearing and heading often. Remem-
daytime or night —
or fight an entire World War III ber that you can see better (and access the strategic
campaign. You move between four different sta- map) from the Commander's Station, check on
tions (Commander, Cupola, Driver, and Gunner) speed and fuel consumption from the Driver's
inside the tank, and various screens are easily Station, and aim and fire the main gun only from
accessible to show you a large-scale map of the the Gunner's Station. Once these distinctions be-
battle zone, the heading and bearing of your tank, come automatic, your performance in battle will
how much damage you have sustained, etc. improve dramatically.
Tank motion and maneuverability are ex-
tremely realistic —
it's great fun to open the throttle Sega of America, 573 Forbes Blvd., South San Fran-
and go joyriding over the German country-
just cisco, CA 94080
side, even though that probably won't help you

The Colonel issues your or- At the supply depot, you A box appears near the
ders at the start of each can customize your ammo cross hairs when your com-
mission, and critiques your load to match the needs of puter has acquired a target.
performance —
none too the upcoming mission. The box tells you what the
gently — at the end. Learn the capabilities of target is, and how far you
each type of ammo as soon are from it.
as you can.

'O' -a' p

o' '


' o'
• " ‘


Pop-up menus give access to When the range figures turn When you take a hit, you’ll be
most of the game’s options, red, your target is within told which direction the shell
and allow you to change point range of the ammo you’re came from. Turn quickly to
of view within the tank. using. face the attacker — your
tank’s armor is more vulner-
able to attacks from the rear
or sides.

itlf-?® ccslrcvcc

If you hit an enemy, you'll be informed. Watch out for Sagger missiles.
As soon as the kill is confirmed, quickly They’re fired by infantrymen, so
choose another target. they’re small targets and often dif-
ficult to find. Saggers can do exten-
sive damage to your vehicle.

^ 1)56 hills and other terrain features for

cover and observation. But be careful
enemies may be waiting for you on the
other side of the hill.

The Commander’s Station gives you ac-
cess to large- and small-scale maps of
the battle zone. Refer to them often, or
you may find yourself wasting precious
fuel and ammunition.
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mss I OH SUMMARY for
SCORE: 133
Cfilj ora tf the three bases «as
•icslrovcii Ihe Strict adrancc was
slMictj tut net stcttct the future
doesn't loot: send.

'5tm for lurch at terser Hsus?!

Vc« rest hare teen Its* ccirs
5Crt IMht ittctsc iti sure ccrcr t
tekire cut these Uses* like sou cere
sKttsec tc he dot os*

Sometimes your targets in- If you quit a mission before Each mission ends with a tally
clude enemy buildings as well the job’s done, expect a of how many targets you
as vehicles. You may have to chewing out when you get knocked out. In the World
change ammunition types in back. War III campaign, a running
order to do any damage. score is kept and you can
earn promotions.

Anything that emits heat —

hills and trees as well as en-
emy tanks —will show up as
red shapes.


trCfi - c cestrct-tc

co:?riEfTEB nr.T.^
O IttP-Z
O IIP-70

You identify and lock on to targets with Your military record (in this case, a
thermal sights just as you would in a mediocre one!] is updated as you complete
daylight mission. each mission.
f ,

This mountain pass is treacherous the —

enemy has placed Sagger batteries on
both sides of it. Proceed slowly targeting

every few seconds until you're within

range of the Saggers.

1 1 1
1 1 II 1 1 —
_• -a-

Learn what each kind of ammunition is Your coaxial machine gun is useful against
best suited for, and tailor your load ac- missile batteries, infantry, and lightly ar-
cordingly. Every mission may require a mored vehicles, although its range is lim-
different mix of shells. ited. Use it when you’re near the enemy to
avoid wasting shells.

If you don’t have time for a whole cam- Destroyed enemy vehicles are repre-
paign, you can select one mission. There sented by gray, triangular rubble heaps
are three levels of difficulty, and you can — not very realistic, but useful as
choose either day or night actions. markers.

In the Moselle Defense mission, try If you run low on ammo or fuel, head back

knocking out the bridge to shut off enemy to a friendly base and restock. Your
reinforcements. damage will also be repaired.

The diagram just below the

“heading” read-out shows if
and where your tank has
sustained any serious dam-
age. If the damage is severe,
head back to base. It’s better
to limp home for repairs than
to die on the battlefield.

From the driver's position, you can check

fuel, speed, and engine temperature.
lf you need a sudden burst of high speed, Access this screen to get detailed in-
disengage the governor. Remember that formation on the tank’s status and

B if you run the Abrams flat-out for long

periods of time, you risk burning out the

supplies. Remember
your fuel supply.
to keep an eye on

Sometimes you’ll see the infantrymen

aiming Saggers at you. Use your machine
gun or just run over them —the result is
the same at such close range.

Matthew A. Firme
Gotham City is planning its bicen- But in his hideout at the old Axis As Batman, theCaped Crusader,
The dark, tow-
tennial celebration. Chemical plant, the infamous Joker you'll battle the Joker's thugs in the
ering skyscrapers of Gotham's fa- is at work on his own twisted plans. Flugelheim Museum. You'll race
mous skyline are being sandblasted He has concocted a terrible nerve gas through the streets of Gotham City
clean; the streets are hosed and that distorts its victims' faces, freez- in your Batmobile, and take to the
washed; and banners hung every- ing their features in a parody of the skies in the Batwing. Finally, you'll
where proclaim the city's 200th an- Joker's own hideous grin. Death climb the towering Gotham Cathe-
niversary. Local businesses, the follows quickly. And now, while the dral to face the Joker himself.
news media, and the city govern- eyes of the nation are focused on
ment are working together to paint Gotham City and its celebration, the Sunsoft, 11165 Knott Avenue, Cy-
a festive facade over the gloomy Joker moves to unleash his nerve gas press, CA 90630.
metropolis. on the innocent people of the city.


DEED IS TOjbO%* riraisOK.

Digitized scenes from the Like a specter, Batman Use the low side-kick often.
movie highlight the story of drops to the streets of By crouching and striking
Gotham City’s celebration Gotham City. The thugs who with a low kick, Batman can
and the Joker’s evil plan. stand in your way in stage 1 often duck under an enemy’s
aren’t very tough, so this is attack.
a good opportunity to
practice your moves.
These thugs don’t have the sense to come The Boxer is the boss of stage 1 He’s

in out of the rain. You’ll have to show them powerful, but sluggish. Jump to avoid his
how dangerous a thunderstorm can be. charges, then throw punches as soon as
you land. Save your Batarangs fortougher


E —— — 6


The abandoned Axis Chemical

factory is a dangerous place.
This pipe can suddenly burst
beneath your feet, so be ready
to jump.

Laser cannons are placed all over the Punch the laser cannon to destroy it
factory. Duck to avoid their deadly laser before you start down this corridor.
blasts, but keep an eye out for sneak
00025000 El

When this bazooka-toting thug comes into Watch for power-ups. The heart above
view, keep a close eye on him and be ready this bazooka man will restore your life
to duck. If he blasts you with his weapon, meter.
you’ll lose a life.

Exploding pipes are always a D There, in the upper right

danger. If you lose your foot- I corner, is the archcriminal
ing here, you might plummet I Jack Napier! Somersault to
to your death. the center platform, then
again toward Napier.

Batman reaches Napier, knocking him Watch out for these guys in the
off the platform and into the chemical Flugelheim Museum. Most are carry-
vat below. The corrosive chemicals ing guns, although they’re a bit slow on
turn Napier into the Joker. the draw. Remember, you can defeat
some bad guys merely by jumping on

Axel, the ax-wielding terror of the Itlooks easy, but leaping and climbing
Flugelheim Museum, hurls his hatch- up this spiny shaft can be lethal. Be
ets with deadly force. Move in close and sure to grab the one-up at the bottom
use the low kick. right corner of the shaft!

Another burly ax-man awaits

you at the top of the shaft.
Close in on him quickly,
striking with a barrage of

00071900 El

Sinbad attacks, scimitars flying. Watch As the Joker watches from a balcony,
his pattern —
each time he rushes Crusher enters to challenge Batman.
toward you, leap over him. When he Crusher’s most lethal technique is his
lands, strike with both fists. flying belly-flop. Fortunately, it’s easy to

(GG 105800 Z 11

In stage 4, you’re racing through

Gotham City in the Batmobile. Your
main weapon is a high-powered ma-
chine gun, but you also have a supply
of heat-seeking missiles.

Even in the heart of the city, the Joker’s The nuclear-powered Blaster is waiting
tanks try to stop you. Keep your eyes for you at the end of the road. Use your
open for extra missiles. missiles, and zigzag in and out of the
Blaster’s fire.

Inthe second part of stage 4, you’re Use your jumping attack to knock the
back on your feet. These white-faced mimes from their perches. The stout
mimes are everywhere, and getting mimes can breathe fire, so watch out.
past them requires precise jumping Ifyou’re low on lives, try walking off the
and lightning attacks. HMBEpgSB edge of this platform. Three one-ups
are hidden below.

The funny look of these balloons is very

misleading. They’re full of the Joker’s
deadly nerve gas, and you must destroy
them before innocent people are killed.
OD05V500 El

The final stage takes Batman to Gotham

Cathedral. Get ready to face some stiff

Sinbad is back, and so is each of the Finally, you've defeated the thugs on
other stage bosses. You have to fight
the Gotham Cathedral’s ground floor,
them all if you hope to find the Joker.
Mow it’s time to begin the long climb up
the bell tower.

The gargoyles in the walls breathe Don’t risk leaping into those spikes.
flame, and those red-jacketed toughs Knock that thug off the platform at
hurl dynamite.It seems that someone the right, then use your Bathook to
doesn’t want you to climb this tower! continue the climb.

nr- YP £0001700 immmw 3

Start collecting all the Batarangs you When you reach this platform at the top of
can, and don’t use any unless you the second tower, you’ll have to leap blindly
absolutely have to. You’ll need them to as far to the left as you can. Batman will fall
survive your encounter with the Joker. down the left wall and land on a ledge leading
back to the first tower.

From here on, each move is critical. At last, you’re face-to-face with the
Even these blocks give way beneath Joker! Only one of you can leave Gotham
your feet, and a fall now means starting Cathedral alive.
all over again.

Ithousand years ago, the planet washed ashore in the Orakian lands. the entire game through. You'll play
Landen was nearly destroyed dur- The noble Prince Rhys found her through three generations, in which
• ing acivil war. The evil Laya at- and cared for her. Their relationship your characters will eventually

tempted to take over the planet, and became very close. Then, on the day marry, grow old, and die. The events
a brave man named Orakio sought that they were to be wed, a Layan and goals in each generation vary
. to stop her. In the final battle, both dragon swooped down and carried depending on who you marry. You
Laya and Orakio were killed, leav- the bride away. Furious, Prince Rhys can complete this game over and
ing behind few survivors and a bar- charged off to her rescue — un- over and take a different route every

ren, war-torn planet. knowingly setting into motion a time.
Centuries of reconstruction fol- chain of events that will change his And once you finish the game,
lowed, and the Layan and Orakian world forever. you'll finally learn what happened
lands became isolated from one an- Phantasy Star III is much larger to the cast of Phantasy Star II\

• other. All communication with other than the first two Phantasy Star ad-
planets in the solar system was lost. ventures. It spans seven planets and
Landen stood divided and alone. two moons. The game is so large, in Sega of America, 573 Forbes Blvd.,
One day, a mysterious woman fact, that no one character can see South San Francisco, CA 94080

’> *

Brave Orakt* se«9kt te

fail the evi sckeees of

A thousand years ago the sorceress evil

Laya laid waste to Landen and to anyone As you talk to the townspeople when you
who opposed her. Luckily, her reign was start the game, you quickly learn where
cut short by a young man named Orakio you should go first. Head toward the castle
and his army of cyborgs. gates, in the northern part of town.

Everyone’s excited about the wedding today — your

wedding! After speaking with the royal guards, walk to
the left side of the castle to meet Maia, your bride.
There’s only one thing interfering with your relationship
— she has amnesia and can only remember her name.

Just as the ceremony begins,

Maia is kidnapped by a Layan!
Rhys is filled with rage and
demands that the King de-
After you’ve opened the chests clare war on the Layans. The
When you reach the dungeon, you notice a girl by the cell King replies by tossing Rhys
you find that someone has left door. Her name is Lena, and in the dungeon to cool off.
you three treasure chests she wants to help you escape.
containing 300 mesetas, a She doesn’t tell you anything
monitor, and a knife. Maybe about herself or why she is
the King’s not so bad. helping you, but have patience
— you're destined to meet

TWe satPk

Be sure to stop by the weapons shop before leaving town.

Before you set out on your Use the 300 mesetas that you found in the dungeon to buy
search for Maia, gather all either a short sword or another knife. If you hold two
of the information you can knives in combat [one in each hand), you’ll get to attack
from the villagers. They know the enemy two times instead of one.
a lot about the world and can
give you a few pointers.

point you
save the
iavnrai^iKsranrsB w * ii«M jj

| earn that

I can ^e a
game. You r-a—i
can do this „,=-y, |M I cruel and
*7 Bile I ruthless

Da 11,
place. His

building J

marked with a picture of a vase. If your first lesson is with the Chirpers. Although

quest should meet an untimely end, you’ll they’re not as dangerous as the other
start the game from the point at which you beasts roaming Landen, there are lots of i

last saved. them, and the many battles will take their

Make your way south to the
town of Yaata. You’ll notice To the southeast and across
that there’s a boat on the a bridge lies llan. The townsfolk
shore, but its captain won’t there speak of a curious lady
sail anywhere without a cyborg by a lake to the northeast.
on board. Could she be the cyborg you’re
looking for?
When you reach the lake,
your suspicions are con-
firmed. Mieu is a cyborg who’s
been waiting centuries for a
f descendant of Orakio to com-
mand her. Her claw weapons
are great in combat, and her
healing techniques are very

When you reach the
island,you find a large
cave. The monsters
En route to the island the 23
tp e inside are stronger
captain points out an ancient, ? 1 than any you have
sunken palace. Legends say faced thus far, so
that Orakio’s sword impris- watch your step.
ons the evil Darkforce there.
Darkforce. .doesn’t that name

sound familiar?

At the end of the winding halls

and corridors of the cave you
meet Lyle. Lyle is a strange
fellow. He politely hands over
the sapphire, and then disap-

You will meet Lyle again a little later in the game, and this time he will join with your party. You’ll
also acquire one more member — a cyborg named Wren. But just when you begin to trust Lyle,
he challenges Rhys to combat!

When you defeat Lyle, he

humbly returns to your group,
although the reasons for his
actions remain a mystery for
you to unravel. At this point
you once again meet Lena,
who joins your group. She
tells you that you must jour-
ney to Aridia to adjust the
satellite control system
When you stand in just the
right spot, themoons trigger
a land bridge which surfaces
from the ocean depths. Con-
tinue across the bridge until
you reach the land of Cille.


.< •

You’ve finally found the castle where Maia is being held— but
how do you get in? Try searching near the fountains. The king
of Cille will attack you. This will be your toughest challenge
yet, but Maia’s freedom is on the line! i

You did it! Maia is safe and now the two of you We chose to marry Maia.
can finally be married! But wait — it seems H marrying Maia, Rhys gained
that Lena has grown close to you during your
adventures, and she wants to be your bride

control of the land of
and ruled it justly for
as well! The choice is not an easy one — QB years.
choose Maia, and your adventures will con- BB
tinue with your son Ayn. Choose Lena and
continue the game with Nial.

<4 .

genera- m
tionofthe Tike Hie* in Wren in
game. After years of peace a new evil — fin tikis Satellite-
an army of cyborgs — threatens the
people of Cille.
King Rhys tells Ayn to take the Mieu
and Wren cyborgs to find a place
called the Satellite. Hopefully the
people can find shelter there before
the cyborgs reach them.

Revisit some of the old towns

from the first generation. The
people there have new infor- As the cyborgs near Cille, When you reach your family,
mation that can point you in your family retreats to a cave you find that Lyle is waiting
the right direction. on Aridia. The cave is located there with some shocking
to the left of Hazatak, and news. Thea, his daughter,
beside it is another cave you has been kidnapped and taken
can’t enter. to the east. He asks you to
rescue her and gives you a
key you’ll need.


THEA "Tf»Sak: 5*«’te LVLE “Affsi *€ r-ds ci»M

Let's Set eat express »» 9ratite<e«

When you Thea, she joins your party. Take her back to Lyle and he
find will
give you the Twins Ruby. You can’t continue your mission without it.

Use the
Twins Ruby
to enter the
cave that
lies north of
The ene-
mies inside
are very strong, so take a healthy supply of
Antidote and Trimate.
As you travel through the
cave, be sure to locate all of
the treasure chests. Many
valuable items can be found

While traveling in the cave, you meet Sari. You learn that she is Lena’s
daughter, and that she has the Power Topaz, an item you need desperately.
She won’t give it to you willingly, though. She will hand it over only if you
defeat her in combat, and then she will join your party to help guard it.

LVLE ”At list I «?»*tell

•» v i ssS-fce secret*

You must travel down the Dragon’s Spine to meet an old friend, who will give
you a lift to the Engineer’s Island. Be ready for a surprise!

. r

1 — — —-
I t 1
You climb aboard the space jet, and you're lifted into space. From this vantage point you see that
allof the planets are actually connected by a large framework, and together they form the
ultimate space ship! You'll land on the legendary Satellite. Be ready for the meanest enemies the
galaxy has to offer!

SIREN “B& *8«’ve f.


me after 41 * r*feb J<


Aboard the you confront Siren, leader of the cyborg rebellion. Remember to have lots
of Trimate, and to save Mieu’s and Sari’s technique points for healing the group during battle.
When you defeat Siren, he escapes, vowing revenge.
T • • . • ^ ^ • • .
. •
T • • . •

- . t + . f

As the third generation begins, you learn that Siren has

returned to extract his revenge! King Ayn sends his son Crys
It is once again time to choose
on a mission to find and destroy Siren.
a bride. Thea and Sari both r' •

want to marry Ayn. (We chose

to marry Sari and continue
our adventures using their son 4
. r . ^ . r

It appears that there is more
to the Wren cyborg than any-
one expected. Townspeople
speak of extra cyborg parts v •

which enable him to fly, swim,

and submerge!

. 4 .


Once you find the Wren parts that allow him to dive, return to Aridia. Travel > •

along the right side of the river, which lies south of Hazatak. When you
reach a certain spot, Wren transforms into a submarine. He’ll take you to
a hidden world within Aridia. i
r r

Return to the crazed cy-

borg that you met to the
north of Hazatak, on
Aridia. When she recog-
nizes Orakio’s sword, she will give you Miun’s
claw, another of the legendary weapons you’ll
need for the final battle. Once you’ve collected all
five of the ancient weapons, travel to Sage Isle on
raconia to learn the name of the awesome
power that can defeat the Darkforce!
The people of Earth thought they cunning adversary.
were alone in the universe. But The different alien crews really
within moments of the first meeting add spice to the game. From the
with the alien Chenjesu Broodhome creative cowardice of the Spathi to
warship. Earth's leaders knew their
Gary Meredith the vowel-hating Mmrnmhrm, this
world would never be the same. The Alliance members are in the same is a galaxy of unforgettable charac-
Chenjesu told Earth's leaders of the boat, so could be an uphill battle
it ters. Detailing the motivations of a
Ur-Quan Hierarchy, a ruthless con- against the seemingly superior forces race such as the ultra-homely VUX
federation of planets bent on galac- of the Hierarchy. Aside from the (Very Ugly Xenoform) or the play-
tic domination. The Hierarchy is now low morale that plagues much of the ful, elflike Ariloulaleelay gives the
headed for the Solar System. Earth's Hierarchy, your only advantages game real depth.
only hope of survival is to accept the will be your fighting skills and your Star Control is a fascinating
Chenjesu's invitation to join the Al- strategic abilities. mixture of arcade action and strat-
liance of Free Stars. The many different ships and egy, with gorgeous graphics, hu-
As Star Control begins, the Alli- the wide range of scenarios (the Sega morous characterizations, almost
ance and the Hierarchy are locked in version features more scenarios than limitless variety, and addicting,
battle. Unfortunately, Earth is not the original PC version of the game) open-ended game play. If you're
exactly prepared for interstellar keep Star Control fresh, game after looking for a game that really shows I

warfare. Due space

to cuts in the game. There are 14 different ships, what the Genesis system can do, this
program, most of the Terran space each with unique weaponry, crews, is it.

fleet has been assembled from what and flight characteristics. It's espe-
military odds and ends happened to cially nice that no ship is so power- Ballistic, 550 S. Winchester Blvd.,
be lying around. Many of the other ful that it can't be defeated by a San Jose, CA 95128

Playing as a human allows In the practice mode, you The most powerful ship in
you to control both strat- choose the matchups. This the galaxy is the Ur-Quan i

egy and tactics. Choosing screen even allows you to Dreadnought, also known
the cyborg option leaves pit two ships of the same as a Planetary Siege Unit.
the actual combat to the design against one another. Its devastating firepower
computer, while the can make even the most
psytron controls only inept commander a formi-
strategy. dable foe.

IbbbdbI ggaL<so
Countering .
Looking as if

the Dread- F itmight have

nought’s been as-
might is ^
the Chen- ::r' f from parts
jesu Brood- :

: llETX < found at a

home war- Pentagon
ship. Not wj- ‘1 1 rummage
as impres- sale, the
sive in sheer firepower, the Broodhome Earthling Cruiser nonetheless has a couple
relies on its D.O.G.I.’s living projectiles — of effective, not always dependable, tricks.

that home in on an enemy ship and drain It’s short-range lasers are very effective
its power. against the tiny Ur-Quan fighters.

|_OST ir. SfME

! fHI(T»Ft W-TF*- STRf«l« MfcS KC«l.Tfi.Ll S-EtT
tCtf »:T< Y-JZtffZ+'iI TEFJJTtf i


CfSKFtfTKI. TfrE Ci-X»-:Ea C^FTf4« HfS FLU TEI (•

C«‘T«r C«XS SC<«- ffTCF

The Lost in Space scenario places a Formerly inhabitants of Earth, the

lone Chenjesu Broodhome in Hierar- cloned Androsynths have forged an
chy territory. The Chenjesu com- alliance with the Hierarchy. Here,
mander must establish a colony to their ships form the first line of
support his ship while fending off attack against the Chenjesu. As the
Hierarchy attacks. Chenjesu commander, your first
priority should be to establish sup-
ply colonies.

Mo!»<=uii- safe The Andro-

1 synth Guard-
iwjnchi^ * ian, considered
* 5 one of the most
beautiful and
£7 Chaos™ ' T“SS sophisticated
=r=rcf *rraccaac _„„ ^
fr-a<*3>9 1ST s P ace shl s
P :

uses guided
yfj . |~a!
i V\t /in B
" [ : ;
•; -
acid bubbles as
...i in ii
“ ts ma n wea p.

on. It can also transform into a cometlike ramming

vessel, very effective against larger ships such as the

<ai i St I UK
j&pf -

T*c <1 I IWCt KKUS1CS ?

Even in superior numbers, the The odds change when an Ur-

Androsynth Guardian ship is Quan Dreadnought appears
no match for a well-piloted on the scene. With its im-
Broodhome. The races of the pressive straight-line speed
Alliance have cause to and long-range fusion can-
celebrate... for now. nons, a single Dreadnought
is cause for concern.

The Dreadnought commander posi- When the Dreadnought suddenly

tions his ship for maximum effect. appears above this Alliance planet,
From here, the options for attack the only ship in the area is a Yehat
are numerous. Terminator. Fortunately, the Yehat
are one of the few Alliance races
not intimidated by Ur-Quan might.

The small
size of the
Yehat Ter-
m n ato r

belies the
power of
its main
weapon, a
Considered crazy by some, the
pulse cannon that allows the Terminator
Yehat will aggressively attack
to operate much like the fighter planes of
a more powerful foe. Hit-and-
Earth’s World Wars.
run tactics are your best bet
while piloting the Terminator.
TheYehat Even
force though a
shield is . , , Termina-
resistant '
to even run rings
the pow- around a
e r f u I

blasts of nought,
a Dread- the Yehat
nought fusion bolt. If you're an Ur-Quan are ultimately no match for the combined
commander, stand off and let your fight- attack of the Ur-Quan‘s auxiliary fighters.
ers peck away at the Terminator's de-

IfESS f TC £*TTlf

In another part of the galaxy, the The Showfixti Scout’s small size
struggle for freedom continues. A makes for considerable maneuver-
Showfixti Scout prepares to do battle ability,which suits the Showfixti hit-
with an Avenger, a product of the and-run battle tactics perfectly. Note
utterly evil llwrath. also the “Glory” device —
a kamikaze-
like suicide weapon.

Because of the short range As proteges of the Yehat, the

of its primary weapon, the Showfixti show the same dis-
llwrath Avenger must utilize regard for danger.
its exceptional turning ability
and its cloaking device to get
fairly close to its intended
-f c*t_o*r*

FHSS f Kn TC Ei«l E*TTU The small Scout’s maneuver-

ability makes it a tough tar-
get to hit. The Ur-Quan de-
In what would appear to be the
cide to send in the auxiliary
David-and-Goliath battle of the con-
a lone Showfixti Scout has the
nerve to stand up against the
Hierarchy’s flagship.

As the '
Showfixti ,

you should In this scenario, the Chenjesu ven-
use your ture into uncharted territory, only
superior to be confronted by the Umgah and
speed and ' •
. the llwrath.
the gravita- - *
a nearby planet to wear out the fighters while
waiting for an opportunity to attack.

While nominally
members of the
Ur-Quan Hier-
archy, the
Umgah really
see themselves
as apart from
the conflict.
They think the war is just an intergalactic practical
The Umgah
Drone may
not seem
like much,
but it boasts
DBQD ! some weap
on, an anti-mattercone which serves as
both a weapon and a shield.
From its central position, the
Chenjesu Broodhome has an excel-
lent opportunity to take the offen-
sive. Check for possible threats to
other Alliance emplacements before
committing your ship.

The range of the Chenjesu crystal

proximity projectiles is considerable,
enabling a captain to attack from
beyond the range of most enemy
The Broodhome possesses power-
ful engines, but like the Dreadnought
it handles like a garbage scow. This

can be a liability in a tight dogfight.

Even a rug- ^ l (3) f

ged Brood- Ny-.
home can
be destroy- .
\ J<- i
v> '
ed if it col- l

lides with a v:
Ur-Quan —t* hk****»» Kmscs t«
are the old-
est race in the universe, and supposedly above
gloating. Yeah, sure they are.
lIssL An ' nter '
e s t i n g
v — the Andro-
synths ver-
m a d i c
Syreens. The Syreens, a race of humanoid
females, rely on psychological weapons to
weaken their foes.
The Syreen Penetrator is feared by
the Hierarchy captains, though not
for its main weapon. Its real effec-
tivenesscomes from its Syreen Song
Hypnotic Field Generator, which in-
cites enemy crews to defect.

1 3ER£*
r*r r


14 . r*u

Since the Penetrator is lig itly ar-
mored and equipped with rather
ineffective missiles, it’s im|jortant
that the Syreen song be l sed to The Penetrator’s light construction
fortify the Syreen ship while weak- gives it great maneuverability. If

ening the adversary. only it had a bit more speed.

l 4
ntn tvit
The best
Syreen tactic
is outma-
neuver the
V !1,=
E Z/eyy-
acid blobs
while circling
around the
IE3 Androsynth
ship and using the Syreen song. Attack
1 when the
Guardian’s fuel level is low.
Timn a***-

The laser
is the
of the two
BQD weapons,
but you
The Mmrnmhrm are a technically have to move in close to use it.
advanced, vowelless race of robots.
Their X-Form ships can transform
from a quick but slow-turning ship
to a very maneuverable one.

In this battle of the titans, it's a

matchup between D.O.G.I.’s and
The Broodhome
auxiliary fighters.
Mmrnmhrm missiles take a curving should withstand the fighters’ on-
route, which makes them perfect slaught long enough for it to weaken,
for attacking the Umgah's anti- then attack the Dreadnought.
matter cone. The missiles don’t
pack much power, so several direct
hits may be necessary.

have sur-
the Dread-
the Chen-

at long range and fire crystal proximity bombs

until the Ur-Quan juggernaut expires.

As Yuko Ahso falls asleep, visions of Yuko must save both Dreamland ergize your team's weapons and
Dreamland wash over her mind But . and the Earth from destruction. A magic to incredible levels.
tonight isn't like most nights. Dream- long, difficult battle lies ahead. You must use the characters'
land's queen, Valia, appears to Y uko. Yuko must use both her Valis wisely to save Dreamland
The queen tells Yuko that Dreamland sword and magic to battle Glames and Earth from certain doom. Re-
is under attack by Glames and his and his troops through three big member, you're not just fighting for
Dark World soldiers. Glames's con- stages of sorcery and bruising fights. our world, but for a good night's
quest of Dreamland is almost com- Besides playing as Yuko, you can rest, too.
plete — the Earth is next. switch between two other charac-
In Renovation's Valis III, you ters, Cham or Valna, who have their Renovation Products, 987 Univer-
play Yuko, an ordinary girl suddenly own special arsenal. The Dark World sity Avenue, Suite 1 0, Los Gatos, C
called upon to be the Warrior of soldiers are strong, so balance the 95030
Valis. Along with a few companions. odds by grabbing power-ups to en-

The eye-catching cartoon A blustery wind sweeps the Dodge the hot flames this
segments scattered rooftops, so leaping around dragon spits at you, then
throughout Valis III often this cityscape is risky busi- hammer the beast with your
contain valuable informa- ness. To make this jump sword.
tion. Watch them carefully! safely,knock that demon-
hound out of the picture.
S *. 5P

The only way past these The punishing blows of In the rolling countryside of
water barrels is to slide Yuko’s sword are effective stage 2, it's important to
underneath them. Later against Garther, the boss grab all the weapon power-
you’ll that the slide
find of stage 1. Dodge his ups you can. Keep track of
technique works great in swinging mace and fireballs, your weapons’ power levels
fights, too. then attack his midsection by the sword and magic
and head. gauges at the top of the

Flying jaws of death constantly dive at you in

these hills. You can dodge their attacks and
make this jump by using your slide technique.

Be sure to use Cham on this strange boat

ride because the long range of her whip will
come in handy.

This heart-shaped power-up restores a small

but crucial portion of your life energy.

You can collect many sword and magic

power-ups on this lake, but you’ll have to
contend with these water demons. They
spring out of the water and spout lethal orbs
of energy at you.
Suddenly, the glassy surface of the lake
erupts — a deadly reptile surfaces beside
your splintered boat. Use Cham’s whip to
trap the serpent in the right corner of the
screen and kill him.

Cham’s whip doesn’t pack the punch of

Yuko's sword, but it keeps this armor-plated
guard at a safe distance.

Bugs, bugs, everywhere. Streams of para-

site-crawlies pop out of these flower buds
[above you) and drain your life energy if they
crawl on you. Grab the energy power-up
underneath this ledge and move.

Only Princess Valna’s magic

can defeat Kolilanba, the
boss of stage 2 Stay to the

far right of the screen so

you can dodge his lunging
attacks and sweeping tow-
ers of fire. Use Valna’s la-
ser bolts to retaliate from a
safe distance.
To open the door to stage 3, ring the Bell of
Justice three times. It’s not as easy as it
sounds. Moving platforms make it difficult
to remain in position, and it takes several

solid hits to make the belltoll once.

As you ascend into Sutherland, not everyone In this room, stand in the middle and pre-
you encounter is an enemy. Some strangers pare yourself for a long fight. Countless
are simply curious about what you’re doing waves of gladiator-goons charge you from
up here. out of the darkness.

Here in the heavens, the mystic The metallic shells and

Nizetti releases the full power of electrical defenses of these
Yuko’s Valis sword. A glowing hovering pests make them
light swirls around the warrior difficult to beat. Just jab
princess, transforming her and them with Yuko’s sword to
the Valis sword into a dynamic freeze them for a split
fighting force. second, and run past them.

You’re surrounded by the haunting yowls of

the stage boss, Zalude, echoing through
these chambers. Grab some sword power-
ups while you have the chance.

Zalude is a boss with many talents, including lightning-quick

charges, a huge mace, and spiked balls that shoot out of the floor.
But Cham’s agility tames Zalude’s wild charges, and she can pin him
against the wall with her stinging whip.

Some helpful strangers in the Iceworld offer

information about the slippery terrain ahead.

Made of solid ice, this guy packs quite a

wallop if you don’t get out of his way. Use
your whip to shatter those iceblocks he
drops on you.

Jr V r '

K a* / * \v

, / 4*
, | f / 1
"* y* y*

Red-hot spikes of rock stab

through some of the walls in these
crystalline caverns. In this tight
squeeze, crouch down on the front
of this slippery platform, and then
use your slide technique to reach
the ledge.

As the platforms move back and forth, you Late in the mission, this large heart-shaped
must jump over the sizzling spikes jutting power-up is a welcome sight. It fully restores
from the At the same time, helmet-
icy floor. your life-energy.
like objects swoop down to knock you from
your perch.
If you jump across these wide pits, you’ll ram
into those spikes hanging from the ceiling.
Use your slide technique here.

When you reach this area, slide to the edge of this moving platform
and stop. Next,slide again when the ledge comes to a halt, and then
run past the bobbing fireball.

Asura is the last boss you’ll face until you

meet Glames. Stand in front of Asura and
him with Cham’s whip. The blows of the
whip shield you from Asura’s attack, and
convince him to step aside.

As you get closer to Glames, things begin
looking stranger every step of the way.
Here, slide quickly underneath these blocks.
Like a guided missile, that fiery eyeball below
you will hunt you down until you destroy it.
The troops are extremely difficult to defeat
inGlames’s last line of defense. To keep all
of your characters healthy in these final
battles, switch between your warriors so
that no one takes all the punishment.

The thick, dank atmosphere With thousands of years Earth’s fate depends on this
in this room is filled with the under his belt, IMizetti is stellar showdown between
sour smell of melting rock. wise and knows about many good and evil. Only Yuko
Acid drips from the ceiling. things — listen to what he and her Sword of Valis stand
Dodge this dangerous rain, says. between us and the master
grab the magic power-up, of evil —
Glames, King of
and run. I the Dark World.

V •

William R. Trotter

^3 was one of the best

enturion Chariot races are a sure-fire way
computer games of 1990, and it's a to gain popularity, and tomake a
pleasure to report that the new Sega few coins on the side. Some of
version has all the virtues of the Centurion's finest special effects are
original: great graphics, dramatic found in these breathtaking scenes,
soundtrack, strong role-playing ele- which were modeled on the race
ments, and terrific animated battle scene in Ben Hur and which even
scenes. allow you use such creative strate-
Each game of Centurion begins gies as bribing opponents or drug-
in 275 B.C., when Rome was only a ging their horses.
small, aggressive city-state. Rome is Keep track of the changing Centurion looks great and is
ready to expand throughout the strategic situation and of marvelous fun to play. Although
known world —
but only if it can
the movements of barbar- there have been other games based
survive successive onslaughts from on this subject, most aren't in the
ian armies on this hand-
all directions by marauding armies same class — er, legion — as this
some map screen. classic piece of cinematic entertain-
Your rank, from mere officer to
proconsul and beyond, depends
only partly on your battlefield lead-
ership. It also hinges on your status
as a public figure, and on how well
you uphold the honor of Rome as —
a diplomat, ally, and administrator.
The heart of the game is in its
battle screens, where you wage war
The animated battle scenes
against all sorts of armies. You face
are wonderful. You can give everything from wild-eyed barbar-
orders to any unit within ian hordes to powerful Carthaginian The chariot races offer
your radius of command armies equipped with war elephants
some truly spectacular
(the dotted white line). (wait until you hear them bellow
graphics as well as a really
and roar!). You can give orders to
There is but a single Roman le- each unit, adopt big formations for novel kind of arcade action.
gion, and you are its commander. your whole army, or unleash the
Your ultimate goal is to rule the legion for a bloody melee. The ani-
world as the mighty Caesar. There is mated armies march, hack, and slash
no "right way" to win in Centurion. with great vigor.
The rules of empire-building keep When you reach the middle lev-
shifting and there's rarely enough els of the game, you can also raise
money or manpower to do every- and command navies, then lead
thing you want. Besides waging wars them into ram-and-board sea battles, Electronic Arts, 1820
of conquest and defense, you'll have complete with whooshing fireballs.
Gateway Drive, San
to keep the loyalty of the Roman Obviously inspired by the naval
Mateo, CA 94404
people by staging gladiatorial spec- battles in Ben Hur and Cleopatra, these
tacles and chariot race. scenes feature spectacular graphics.
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• *7
^3^ Brian Carroll

I n 1985, Accolade released a PC game system or computer. Your feel

baseball simulation now considered for the game should become as com-
a classic —
Hardball!. It sold more fortable as a favorite baseball glove
than 500,000 copies and inspired a in less time than it takes to turn a
follow-up edition. Hardball II. Now, double play.
six years later. Accolade's new Most remarkable is Hardball!' s
videogame label. Ballistic, is hoping handling of the pitcher-batter
its Sega Genesis version of Hardball! matchup. Its complexity makes pos-
will enjoy similar success. There is sible the "mind games" that are as
every reason to believe it will. much a part of baseball as sacrifice
Like the PC version, the video- fliesand the seventh-inning stretch.
game not only serves up a very real- Each hurler has a wide range of
The key to making the clutch
istic game of baseball, but also cap- pitches available to him, which he grab is to follow the shadow
tures the flavor of an afternoon at can throw for either perfect strikes of the ball on the field.
the ballpark. The game does this by
authentically rendering the sights home runs. It also means that solid

and sounds of baseball. You'll see defense is rewarded, and stupid

windups and bat-
realistic pitchers' mistakes are punished fairly.
ters' swings. You'll hear the pop of a Because Hardball! isn't licensed
ball finding its way into a fielder's by Major League Baseball, you won't
glove, the whoosh of a hitter's missed see any celebrity names or famous
swing, and the crisp crack of a clean ballparks. The cities of the Ameri-
hit through the gap.
can and National Leagues are all
With few exceptions, the game represented, though, so you'll be able

play in Hardball! is as smooth and

to play as your favorite team any-

natural as any baseball game for any

Each pitcher in Hardball! way. The great variation in the teams'
has an arsenal any major abilities adds to the realism — as
leaguer would give his right you get to know the teams, you'll
develop your own preferences.
arm for (or left arm, if he’s Hardball! is a great game. Easy
a righty). to play and terrific to look at, it could
or unhittable balls. Hitters, mean- easily become one of your favorites.
while, can position themselves any-
where in the batter's box, and can
either pull the ball or stroke it to the
opposite field In other words, every

pitcher is Roger Clemens, and every

Make sure you react to the hitter is Wade Boggs.
ball as soon as it is hit. A Fortunately, these terrific play-
split-second delay can be ers get to ply their trade on an even
playing field. Unlike those in most
the difference between Ballistic, 550 S. Winches-
baseball videogames, this game's
holding a man
to a single ter Blvd., San Jose, CA
ballpark has reasonable dimensions,
and allowing him to leg out 95128
which means you won't see an unre-
a double. alistic number of inside-the-park
Lisa M. Bouchey
^3uper spy James Bond, secret
agent #007, has been skirting danger,
nabbing bad guys, and single-
handedly saving the British Empire
for years. But England isn't in dan-
ger in this new game from Electronic
Arts. There's a different sort of
trouble brewing, and it's up to a
different sort of spy to save the day.
His name is Pond, James Pond,
and he's the only fish in the sea big
enough to stop the evil Dr. Maybe In mission 2, your assign- You’ve discovered the wreck
from polluting the ocean with ra- ment is to rescue seven of a sunken ship in mission
dioactive waste and oil spills. In James from a pond
friendly fish 4, and legend has it she
Pond: Underwater Agent, you play a contaminated with illegally was loaded with gold when
fish with a mission — actually 12 dumped radioactive waste. she sank. Recover the loot
missions, each one more difficult
than the last.
Lead at least five fish to from the underwater cav-
At the start of each mission, a safety to complete the mis- ern, but watch out for pi-
message appears on-screen with sion. rate ghosts.
your instructions. James Bond fans You'll find secret rooms, bonus are worth 5,000 each, a gold cup
will feel right at home, if a little out items, hidden treasure, and assorted trophy scores 10,000, and each trea-
of their element. Mission names, enemies in each mission. Secret sure chest is worth 20,000 bonus
from "A View to a Spill" to rooms can be good, bad, or neutral, points. Starfish bounce around the
"Fishfingers" and "Orchids are and the music you hear when you seabed and are tough to catch, but
Forever," are derived from the titles enter will tell you what kind of some of them are worth the effort.
of 007's books and movies. cavern it is. If it's a good room, grab An arcade-adventure game with
allthe goodies the first time you're a conscience (what other game lets
there —if you lea ve a room without you save the world from environ-
grabbing everything and try to re- mental threats?), James Pond's
enter, the room will turn bad. graphics and storyline should ap-
The bottom of the seabed is lit- peal to players of all ages. Game
tered with bonus objects. You can play isn't as challenging as in other
use some of the objects as soon as Genesis games, though, making
you pick them up, but others have to Pond best suited for younger or be-
be used somewhere else in the game. ginning players.
Bouncing objects usually do some-
thing, good or bad. For example,
Six lobsters are trapped in glue pots and bombs bounce, and
cages in your first mission. they're unhealthy for our hero. But
clocks and potion bottles bounce too, 820
You must find a key to un- Electronic Arts, 1
and they work to your advantage. Gateway Drive, San Mateo,
lock at least four of the
Super bonus items, or hidden CA 94404
lobster cages to earn your treasures, can up your score by as
“License to Bubble.” many as 20,000 points. Golden coins
Matthew A. Firme \a\£
I f you want a good introduction to villain you don't hold papers on, he
the world of role-playing games. goes free.
King's Bounty is a great place to start. Of course, there's more to the
Unlike some RPGs, in which success game than just walking up to a castle
depends on battle after battle in an and fighting. You first must be sure
effort to accumulate hit points. King's your army is strong enough to do
Bounty is a game of accumulating the job. That's where the money, so
money. And best of all, you can find important to your success, comes in.
lots of money without ever facing an Just asyour king pays you bounty
enemy. money and allowance, you have to
The game’s auto-mapping pay your troops. You also must pay
feature is very handy. Don’t a fee when you recruit new soldiers.

waste days traveling where You can lead up to five different

groups (peasants, archers, and
you’ve already explored.
pikemen, for example) at a time, but
pieces of the map are scattered across the number of soldiers in each of
the continents. those groups depends on your
Basically, you hunt the villains leadership ability. You grow more
down, storming their castles and powerful as a leader by distributing
bringing them to justice. As you do the spoils of your battle amongst
this, you accumulate pieces of the your troops, and by winning pro-
The sorceress is able to map. You're also paid a handsome motions from King Maximus.
learn more spells and de- bounty for each villain. You can only King's Bounty is designed to let
collect bounty on a villain if you you explore your world right from
liver them with greater
have a contract on him, though. If the start. You can rent a ship and
power than the other char- you storm a castle occupied by a explore the shores and rivers of all
acters. She’s a good choice four continents in safety, and from
for beginning players. your ship you can see treasures, en-
emies, and castles. In this way you
You play as any one of four
can find enough money to hire a
characters. All are loyal to King
top-notch army without risking a
Maximus, who has ruled your
battle you might lose. Of course,
world's four continents with the
you'll have to fight sooner or later.
Scepter of Order. But a gang of vil-
lains, ledby the hideous Arech
Dragonbreath, stole the scepter from
Maximus. Now the world is a
splintered, feuding place.
Each time you bring a villain
Your job is to help the king re-
to justice, a new portion of
cover his scepter. To do this, you'll
have to assemble the map showing the map is revealed. Some-
Electronic Arts, 1820
the scepter's hiding place. The map times, you’ll be able to tell
Gateway Drive, San
was cut into 25 pieces, and the 17 where the scepter is with- Mateo, CA 94404
villains who helped Dragonbreath out seeing all the pieces.
each have a piece. The other eight
Jeff Lundnigan

You can play some games obses- maximum of six keys at a time. You It can be a little awkward to control
sively for weeks before they crack have choose weapons carefully,
to this at first because you use the "B"
and let you win. Other games, because you won't get another choice button to rotate your character's
though, surrender without much of until the next stage. torso through eight firing positions.
a fight. Midnight Resistance, devel- You can use both a rifle and a It's a skill that improves with prac-

oped by Data East, is one of these — launcher in each stage. The most tice, though, and in some stages this

you might enjoy the battle, but it just useful gun overall is the 3-way, ability is almost essential.
doesn't put up much, well, resis- which fires a spread of bullets. The Although Midnight Resistance is
tance. best launcher is probably the one an 8-meg game, its graphics are only
that fires homing missiles, since they
seek out enemies.
One unusual feature of Midnight
Resistance is that the fire button acts
more as an on /off switch than a
trigger. Once the gun has been
switched "on," it will continue firing
on its own. This means less thumb
Also interesting are the different
Look at all the weapons
ways you can choose to control your
lockers before choosing character. You can select either a
The 3-way gun is useful here
your weapons. Sometimes traditional, shoot-where-you're- because it lets you destroy
you’ll find the same item in facing control system, or one that those electrodes while
two lockers, and one will allows your character to shoot in a staying out of the way of
completely different direction than the boss’s laser beams,
“cost” less than the other.
the direction in which he's running.
You are a professional soldier, average — in fact, the game looks a
who for years has fought against lot like the NES title Super-C. It's not
South American drug lords. In a a particularly difficult game either,
twist on the "somebody has kid- even on its "very hard" difficulty
napped your girlfriend /sister/ level. This doesn't mean that it's not
princess" storyline, the bad guys in an enjoyable game. It has a number
Midnight Resistance capture your of challenging sections, and it's ex-
entire family, including grandpar- tremely playable. The game just
ents.The government can't help, so doesn't take very long to get through.
there's only one thing to do: Go in
there and get them out yourself.
As you fight your way into the While the graphics aren’t
enemy stronghold, some of your dazzling, they’re often very
attackers drop keys. You collect these good. Those planes are
keys and use them at the end of
every stage, where special weapons
getting ready to attack — Sega of America, 573
keep running back and forth Forbes South San
are locked in display cases. Some
while fighting them, or Francisco, CA 94080
cases take more keys than others to
open, and you can only hold a you’re likely to get bombed.
%ait^ Gary Meredith

I n the murky world of underwa- ables, including temperature gradi- possible into a world which, in real-
ter warfare, nuclear missile subs are ents and boundary layers, sonar ity,consists largely of waiting
hunted by killer attack subs. Life sound channels, and various types around.
aboard a missile submarine is com- of weaponry and the damage they 688 Attack Sub is a welcome ad-
paratively leisurely, while an attack can do. Despite the level of detail, dition to the steadilygrowing adult
sub's crew is constantly under pres- the game never bogs down in overly market in videogaming. It's an ex-
sure — ferreting out the missile subs, involved procedures. In fact, the cellent simulation, with outstand-
trailing them, cataloging their sound game actually plays more smoothly ing graphics and digitized sounds
signatures, and keeping track of on the Genesis controls than it does (including Russian dialogue). Events
them at all times. on a PC keyboard. of the past few years may have made
The main action screen is a view some of the game's scenarios obso-
of thesub's control room. Here you'll lete,but that shouldn't detract from
find individual action stations for your enjoyment of the game.
steering, systems monitoring, com- If your arm's a bit sore from all

munications, navigation, weapons those hack-and-slash adventures,

control, sonar /radar, and periscope. this nice, cool, 1500-foot plunge into
The periscope is where you'll prob- the North Atlantic might hit the spot.
ably spend a lot of your time, since
it's from here that adversaries are

The CONN (conning tower)

is where all the action be-

gins. From here, you can

access all other stations.
Check with the radio room
to receive your orders.
688 Attack Sub places you in You target enemy vessels
command of a killer submarine, ei- by clicking on a ship once
ther an American Los Angeles-class All ship functions are moni-
it’s in range [approximately
or Soviet Alfa-class. In a variety of tored from the CONN sta-
10 nautical miles). Be sure
realistic scenarios, you'll perform the tus panel, which shows how
missions that are part of modern you’ve loaded and armed a
the sub is performing.
submarine warfare — from the rou- few torpedoes before at-
tine surveillance of missile subs to targeted and weapons fired. But tacking.
rehearsal exercises with surface you'll need to access the other sta-
ships and aircraft, preparing for all- tions often,and here the advantage
out nuclear war. of the Genesis controls ismost evi-
Almost a carbon copy of the very dent. You can quickly and smoothly
popular PC game of the same title, switch from one ship station to an-
Sega of America, 573
688 Attack Sub is a finely detailed other —
which is important, since Forbes South San
simulation with enough realism to the designers have compressed the
Francisco, CA 94Q80
satisfy serious students of subma- time frame of the game. This is an
rine warfare. There are lots of vari- effort to inject as much action as
Stephen Poole

Tired of saving the Earth from You can wager your winnings
outer-space marauders? Weary of on each fight, but the size of your
shooters that make you select a dif- bankroll only has a cosmetic effect
ferent weapon for every new enemy on the game's ending (should you
you meet? A little bored by role- win the tourney, that is). You'll end
players, with their magic spells, hit up as a well-dressed champ with a
points, and lackluster action? If so. beautiful girlfriend, or a penniless
Street Smart may be just the thing to warrior with only his honor to com-
get rid of your videogame blahs. fort him.
Street Smart doesn't waste any Although Street Smart has a nice
time getting to the rock'em, sock'em look and smooth animation, it
action that makes up the bulk of the Avoid Larry’s rolling kicks doesn't expand the boundaries of
game. You've entered a nine-round at all costs by leaping as the punch-and-kick style of game.
street-fighting tournament, where soon as he hits the deck. But players who thrive on basic,
each contest is a fight to the finish barehanded action will find Street
and the only weapons allowed are way, your moves are limited to Smart right up their alley.
hands and feet. jumps, kicks, punches, and one spe-
Each of your foes is unique in cial technique. (The wrestler un-
size, strength, and fighting style, and leashes a series of spinning kicks,
they get tougher as you advance in and the martial artist throws a flurry
the tourney. Actually, they only get of punches.)
physically tougher —
your first op- After a victory, you're awarded
ponents are as quick and skillful as bonus points based on your perfor-
the fighters you face at the end of the mance. You use these points to in-
tourney. crease your stamina, strength, or
You can play as a martial-arts defensive powers, but your oppo-
specialist or a pro wrestler. Either nents always have an edge in at least
one of those areas. You can offset Mr. K may look massive,
their advantage by remembering a but if you’ve made it this far
few simple tactics.
it’s only a matter of time
The back-flip is a great move for
before you take care of him.
a couple of reasons. It can propel

you to safety as your adversary is

about to strike, but you can also use
it on the Turn your back to
your opponent, and as he closes in
you can flip over him and land sev-
eral blows before retreating.
Don't try to go toe to toe with
any of these guys. It's best to "stick

pavement. He’s pretty

and move" —
leap in close, get off a Treco USA, 2421 205th
quick punch or kick, then immedi- Street #204, Torrance, CA
sluggish, though, so move ately jump away. Mastering this tac- 90501
in and strike before he can tic is crucial, especially when your
respond. stamina is running low.
# *
Richard Lashley

^^ur helicopter skims through the

cool morning mist. At this low alti-

tude, the enemy won't see you until

it's too late. As you spring from be-
hind a line of trees, the thump of
your rotors shatters the dawn still-
ness.You lock missiles on target.
You and your Cobra attack copter
are the enemy's worst nightmare.
Twin Cobra is an arcade shooter
that has all the thrills of helicopter
combat. From your overhead per- The blue power-up supplies Your bombs are highly ef-
spective, you fly a hi-tech fighting good defense against large fective against enemies. But
machine through dogfights and frontal assaults. This they can hurt you, too, be-
ground attacks. Tanks, helicopters, power-up’s spread of fire cause the bright flash of
and antiaircraft guns constantly try
enables you to attack many the explosion hides any
to knock you out of the skies. Even
targets at the same time. stray shots your enemies
with all this action on-screen at once,
your copter's movement, while a bit in front of you. Be careful and don't
might have fired before they
sluggish, remains silky smooth. be greedy. Instead of swerving were destroyed.
Twin Cobra has rapid-fire guns around trying to rack up a few more To obtain extra bombs, destroy as
that save your trigger finger from kills, your best bet is to keep it straight many of the troop-carrier copters as
undue stress. A nice feature, because and simple, and stay alive. possible. Some of them will leave
you'll do a lot of shooting. You're Shooting down opponents and behind extra bombs after you blast
often completely surrounded by attacking ground targets are only a them out of the skies. The best
enemies, and must chop out a path few of the tasks in this game. There's strategy is to save most of your
some strategy in determining when bombs to fight bosses.
to change to a different weapon. Twin Cobra supplies hours of
When you destroy one of the addictive arcade action that draws
enemy's large troop-carrier heli- you back, round after round. Al-
copters, a power-up is released. As a though you might find that your
general rule, a blue power-up is the helicopter maneuvers a bit slug-
best choice because its broad spread gishly, you'll still enjoy this enter-
of fire shoots down multiple bogeys taining package of sights, sounds,
simultaneously. Be careful, though: and fun.
power-ups are dangerous to chase
down. They fly all over the screen,
Above these dangerous city and you can become distracted as
streets, the four-directional you pursue them.
fire pattern of the yellow Although you have unlimited
ammo, your bombs are not an end-
power-up works great. To
boost your lasers even
less resource — you have only three Treco, 2421 205th Street,
when you start this mission. With a D-104, Torrance, CA 90501
more, pick up the yellow stunning flash of energy, your bombs
disk floating behind you. damage all opponents on the screen.

c KOIMAMI 1990 c //

Licensed by konami
Mid-April 1991

mm &

B yJm'o.v i nqgon y a
I ,singl block the entire
ond enemiesa&ppearatOlblock
ygur^path or maybe a valuable item

.you get through.

Beautiful g r a ph ics |a n3Eu per t> /sound affects

OFFICIAL have both been upgraded to the hilt.


SEAL OF WL/i CO., Ltd.

Bignetu.s.A, INC.
388 Market Street, Ste 500, SanFrancisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415)296-3883 Fax:(415)296-3882




Give or take a few enemies, time Once inside, you'll have a limited
delay bombs, laser cannons, and sinkholes, amount of time to set off time delay bombs at
but who's countinq. Because you'll need all key locations inside the compound and get
your skills, good judgement, and quick past the patrolling guards.
reflexes to crack this game. If you need help, use

In Crack Down, you the two-player split-screen

must accept a top-secret mode. This special option
mission to re-take control of allows you and a friend to
a heavily guarded facility blast away with your
where artificial life systems weapons as two separate
are created. The only teams within the facility.
problem is that their evil So if you want a
leader wants to use them to game that has an attitude,
take over the world. And they make a reservation to play
don't appreciate well-armed, Crack Down. We have just
visitors, spoiling their plans. enough room to fit you in.

1 2062 Valley View, Suite 250/ Garden Grove, CA 92645/ (714) 893-0309
©1990 SEGA • Distributed by SAGE'S CREATION, Inc. • Licensed by Sega Enterprises Ltd. for play on the Sega Genesis System • Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd.

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