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Chapter 1 Solutions

1.1 A fluid level control system includes a tank, a level sensor, a fluid source and an actuator to
control fluid inflow. Consult any classical control text 1 to obtain a block diagram of an analog fluid
control system. Modify the block diagram to show how the fluid level could be digitally controlled.

Reference Water
Level Actuator & Level
Computer DAC Tank

ADC Sensor

Block diagram of water level digital control system.

1.2 If the temperature of the fluid of Problem 1.1 is to be regulated together with its level, modify
the analog control system to achieve the additional control (Hint: an additional actuator and sensor
are needed). Obtain a block diagram for the two-input-two-output control system with digital

Reference Water Level

Level Actuator &
Computer DAC InflowValve Tank

Reference Heater Temperature

ADC Sensor Temperature

Block diagram of water level and temperature digital control system.

Note that the DAC and ADC can have more than one input and output channel.

1.3 Position control servos are discussed extensively in classical control texts. Draw a block
diagram for a DC motor position control system after consulting your classical control text. Modify
the block diagram to obtain a digital position control servo.

For the angular position sensor we could use a potentiometer, which is often packaged with an ADC
to give a digital output.

1Seefor example: J. Van deVegte, Feedback Control Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,

Reference Angular
Position Motor Position
Computer DAC
& Load

ADC Position

Block diagram of DC motor digital position control system.

1.4 Repeat Problem 1.3 for a velocity control servo.

For the angular velocity sensor we could use a tachometer, which is often combined with an ADC to
give a digital output. Alternatively, we could use an optical encoder , which has a digital output.

Reference Angular
Velocity Motor Velocity
Computer DAC
& Load

ADC Velocity

Block diagram of DC motor digital velocity control system.

1.5 A ballistic missile is required to follow a predetermined flight path by adjusting its angle of
attack  (the angle between its axis and its velocity vector v). The angle of attack is controlled by
adjusting the thrust angle  (angle between the thrust direction and the axis of the missile). Draw a
block diagram for a digital control system for the angle of attack including a gyroscope to measure
the angle  and a motor to adjust the thrust angle .

Fig. P1.1 Missile angle of attack control.

Angle Angle 
Computer DAC Thruster Missile

ADC Sensor

Block diagram of digital missile control system.

1.6 A system is proposed to remotely control a missile from an earth station. Due to cost and
technical constraints, the missile coordinates would be measured every 20 seconds for a missile
speed of up to 500 m/s. Is such a control scheme feasible? What would the designers need to do to
eliminate potential problems?

If the missile is only observed every 20 seconds with speeds of up to 500 m/s, the missile position
could change drastically between measurements. This makes the control scheme unrealistic. The
missile coordinates need to be measured at a much higher rate.

1.7 The control of the recording head of a dual actuator hard disk drive (HDD) requires two types of
actuators to achieve the required high areal density. The first is a coarse voice coil motor (VCM)
with large stroke but slow dynamics and the second is a fine piezo-electric transducer (PZT) with a
small stroke and fast dynamics. A sensor measures the head position and the position error is fed to
a separate controller for each actuator. Draw a block diagram for a dual actuator digital control
system for the HDD2.

Position Control Coarse Recording
Computer DAC VCM +
Controller Head



ADC Position

1.8 In a planar contour tracking task performed by a robot manipulator, the robot end-effector is
required to track the contour of an unknown object with a given reference tangential velocity and by
applying a given force to the object in the normal direction. For this purpose a force sensor can be
applied on the
end-effector, while the end-effector velocity can be determined by means of the joint velocities.
Draw a block diagram of the digital control system 3.

2 J. Ding, F. Marcassa, S.-C. Wu, and M. Tomizuka, “Multirate control for Computational Saving”,
IEEE Trans. Control Systems Tech., Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 165-169.
3 F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, On the use of velocity feedback in hybrid force/velocity
control of industrial manipulators, Control Engineering Practice, 14: 1045-1055, 2006.

ADC Sensor
Normal Force Manipulator
Computer DAC
Velocity Joint
ADC Velocity

1.9 A typical main irrigation canal consists of several pools separated by gates that are used for
regulating the water distribution from one pool to the next. In automatically regulated canals, the
controlled variables are the water levels, the manipulated variables are the gate positions, and the
fundamental perturbation variables are the unknown offtake discharges 4. Draw a block diagram of
the control scheme.


Gate i-1 Gate i Gate i+1

Computer Pool i-1 Pool i Pool i+1

Level Level
Sensor Sensor

discharge discharge discharge


4 V. Feliu-Battle, R. Rivas Perez, L. Sanchez Rodriguez, Fractional robust control of main irrigation
canals with variable dynamic parameters, Control Engineering Practice, 15: 673-686, 2007.

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