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Adjectives that Specifiy Prepositions


anxious about appropriate for afraid of dependent on comfortable with

We are anxious about it. Jeans are not appropriate for it. The dog is afraid of you. He is dependent on them. We are comfortable with him.

enthusiastic about famous for capable of kind to content with

She is enthusiastic about it. She is famous for her art. He is capable of doing it well. He was very kind to us. We are content with

happy about responsible for fearful of nice to good with

She is happy about the news.. He is responsible for it. He was fearful of his father. My mom is nice to me. Justin is good with people.

sad about sorry for fond of polite to effective with

We are sad about your loss. He is sorry for doing that. She is very fond of him. She is polite to them. He is effective with his words.

sorry about suitable for guilty of open to ill with

He is sorry about something. That is not suitable for kids. She was guilty of the crime. She was open to his ideas. My mom is ill with a cold.

optimistic about thankful for Independent of She is relevant to patient with

He is optimistic about it. He is thankful for your help. independent of her parents.. The book was relevant to us. She is patient with students.

angry at good for respectful of rude to popular with

He's angry at his friend. A ticket is good for one game. He is respectful of his elders. She was very rude to them. He is popular with friends.

bad at different from proud of responsible to reckless with

He is bad at writing people. This is different from that. She is proud of her son. He is responsible to his boss. He is reckless with his car.

good at separate from suspicious of similar to skillful with

Justin is good at math. Yours is separate from mine. She is suspicious of them. This is similar to that He is skillful with a brush.

Prepositions may vary with dialectal usage.

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