Summary Product Distribution

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Andrea Becerra Rodriguez

October . 2020

SENA - Financial Administrative Center

Evidence # 4
Linguistics Área
Summary "Product distribution: the basics"

According to the publication of Smarta (SF) distribution of products Basic concepts

explains the need and importance of a logistics operator at the time of transporting their
merchandise, for them the client must take into account choosing the correct mode of
transport, find a balance between time and budget constraints and meeting customer

An important factor when choosing the mode of transport to transfer the products is the
budget and the speed in which the product must be delivered according to its
characteristics, such as perishable, if they are dangerous substances, if the
merchandise is valuable or expensive, the amount of product that is required to be sent,
as well as ensuring that the means of transport in which the product will be taken is
reliable and safe.

According to the characteristics of the product, the conditions and regulations of how
they must be transported must be classified and reviewed, for dangerous products,
there are several guidelines that must be met. The corresponding entities should be
called to legalize all the documentation required to comply with the legal regulations to
transport the products. If your products are expensive or if you send them by sea, it is
good to consider insuring them. This will come in the form of maritime or goods-in-
transit insurance, and will be paid for by the buyer or seller. depending on what the
terms of trade are. If you think insurance is necessary, make sure you have agreed the
terms with your provider or customer to avoid confusion. If your cargo is valuable, it may
be necessary to use vehicle tracking, this allows you to verify in real time where your
merchandise is. While damage in transit is quite common, it is generally the
Summary "Product distribution: the basics"
responsibility of the supplier to ensure cargoes are properly listed and labeled to reduce
Which means of transport will be used will depend on the conditions that have been
agreed with the client, it is also important to take into account to secure the
merchandise and be clear when negotiating what will be the responsibility that the

supplier and the client will assume. . The modes of transport are the road: it is
characterized by its flexibility, however it is not friendly to the environment, since today
companies that require hiring a company are interested in aspects such as the
environment, since their policies are oriented to the preservation of the environment in
many cases is a sales promise that differentiates them from the competition. Rail,
compared to highway, is often inflexible and expensive, it is recommended when using.
for long trips in which what is transported goes from the point of origin to the destination
or in which it is not necessary to use another mode of transport. This is the
transportation of coal. However, there are countries in which this modality shows
relevance and great importance in the transport of goods due to low costs. Air is one of
the fastest to travel long distances, but more expensive because it involves the payment
of tariffs, and generally you have to pay taxes, in addition to the merchandise being
measured by kg. Maritime or fluvial: compared to air transport, it is usually much
cheaper, although it has its limitations such as the availability of ports, but it is very
convenient for the transport of bulk, solid merchandise and containers, machinery and

The article aims to make known the importance that should be taken when choosing the
means and conditions of transport, to minimize costs, ensure that the product arrives in
good condition and thus obtain customer satisfaction.
Summary "Product distribution: the basics"


Budget: presupuesto.
Buyer: comprador.
Cargo: carga.
Customer: cliente.
Goods: bienes.
Guidelines : directrices
Hazardous products: productos peligrosos.
Logistic : logístico
Operator : operador
Port: puerto
Promise of Sale : promesa de venta
Rail transport : transporte por tren
Shipping: envío.
Supplier: proveedor
Tariffs : Aranceles
Transport: transportar.
Summary "Product distribution: the basics"

Table of Contents

Summary Product Distribution “The Basics” 2

Summary Product Distribution “The Basics” 3

Glossary 4

Table of Contents

References 6
Summary "Product distribution: the basics"


Tomado de Smarta Startup Loans. (s.f.) Product Distribution: The basics. Consultado el
15 de mayo de 2016.

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