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This study used quantitative research design. This research study

involved survey using questionnaire and the data gathered from the

respondents will be utilized. This is used to discover and find facts with

adequate and accurate interpretation.

This study had to undergo the following phases: (1) Conceptualization of

Problem, (2) Selection of Research Instrument, (3) Secure Ethics Clearance, (4)

Data Gathering, (5) Data Analysis, and (6) Analyzing and Interpreting of the



In this study, we conducted a research in at-least (3) tourist spots inside

Zamboanga City, the description of the land area, the population, etc. shown

and elucidated below.

1. Sta. Cruz island- is a small inhabited island in Zamboanga City in the

southern region of the Philippines that is famous for its pink coralline

sand.[2] The island, located 4 kilometers (2.49 mi) south of downtown

at the Santa Cruz Bank in the Basilan Strait, boasts the only pink

sand beach in the Philippines. The color of the sand comes from the

pulverized red organ pipe coral from eons of surf erosion mixed with

the white sand.[1] (

2. Mangroves conservation- In the city’s East Coast particularly, the

coastal areas were teemed with mangrove trees from Rio Hondo,

Sta.Barbara, Talon-Talon, Mampang, Taluksangay, and upwards. It

has served as a source of income for people living in these barangays

particular for fisher folks and seaweed farmers.

3. Pasonanca Tree house- Originally constructed to be the "Youth

Citizenship Training Center" in April 1960 with the generous

assistance of the city council. This Pasonanca Tree House is visited by

thousands of visitor per year. For a minimum fee you can rent this

tree house. Then you can boast to your friends that you spent the

night in a tree house. It has all the amenities of a small motel room.


The target respondents of this study are the following; (1) Community (2)

Authority of the sustaining the tourism (3) tourists or visitor of at least (50)



The researchers were interviewed the respondents in gathering a data.

The researchers will intentionally reach out where the respondents located.


The data gathering tool was subject to validity and reliability procedure.

It was submitted to a panel of experts to determine whether the items on it are

valid and reliable.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the instruments preparation, the researchers asked permission to

University President to conduct the study. As soon as the approval from the

president was granted, the respondents were determined, add the schedule, as

well as the venue for the administering the questionnaires were set the

respondents were given consent form to fill out their willingness to participate

in the study.

The researchers applied for Ethical Clearance from the College of Liberal

Arts before approaching the individual respondents. Each respondent was

asked by the researchers to inquire about their willingness to be part of the

study. They were asked to sign the informed consent from based on the

protocol from the Ethics Committee of the College of Liberal Arts.

Data Analysis Procedure

The questionnaire for the survey was checked and recorded by the

researchers. The researchers prepared a questionnaire having open-ended


Validity and Reliability

Validity and reliability are independent of each other. Measurement may

be valid but not reliable or reliable but not valid. The research instruments will

be passed to the panel of experts first and will be validated by three (3) English

teachers to examine its validity. The instruments will be passed on the Ethics

Committee of College of Liberal Arts for approval, to check and examine its

validity and reliability.


Scoring procedure for the effects of tourism in Zamboanga City

The questionnaire and the questions for survey purposes was checked by

the researchers after retrieving the data from the respondents. The items under

each category in terms of questionnaire-checklist have given weight base on the

legend. Collected data were tallied and evaluated through frequency method by

finding its mean.

STRONG DISAGREE- not factor at all.

DISAGREE- when there is lack or non-existence of factors cited.

UNDECIDED- there is the presence of the factor but substantially unclear.

AGREE- some factors can be substituted to cope with the substantial presence

of factor cited.

STRONGLY AGREE- when there is the substantial presence of factors cited.

Category Symbol Weight
Strongly Disagree SD 1
Disagree D 2
Undecided U 3
Agree A 4

Strongly Agree SA 5

Figure 1 Scoring procedure of how does community, authority and

tourists/visitors sustain the spot.


In this last part will tell the consideration of the respondents with the

absence of subjective questions and will not let the respondents put into harm.

The respect and dignity of respondent’s push through and must undergo to

consideration and will not go beyond boarders.


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