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Prepared By: 
Jordan Davis, Chandhni Jayakanth (CJ), Summer Peterson, Jordan Graham 
COM 475: E-Commerce Advertising 
Instructor Daniel Petek 
February 20, 2020 
Table of Contents 
Brand/Product Overview…………………………………………………………………………...3 
Current Amazon Status……………………………………………………………………………..4 
Competitive Review………………………………………………………………………………….5 
Amazon Media Recommendation………………………………………………………………...7 
Sponsored Brand Ads……………………………………………………………………….7 
Targeting Recommendation………………………………………………………………………..8 
Broad Match & Out of Steam Video………………………………………………………9 
Budget Recommendation………………………………………………………………………….10 
Recommended Keywords Summary……………………………………………………10 
Citation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….11 
Brand/Products Overview 
Franklin Barbecue is a restaurant in Austin, Texas. It started as a barbecue trailer in 2009 
and then went to a brick and mortar in 2011. Owner Aaron Franklin and his restaurant, 
has been featured on different television programs and on the movie Chef. They have a 
separate website where they sell merchandise. They do not sell their sauces yet on their 
own website. They do not sell their own sauces on Amazon. This brand also sells their 
own books on Amazon as well. 
Product Overview: 
The extra content includes videos on one of the product’s pages about barbequing. 
Videos are not about Franklin Barbecue. The description for this product is “An Austin 
Tradition.” There are only two photos of the product. This brand does not own the buy 
box. They sell it in a pack of three or they sell them individually. The three flavors are: 
Pork, Espresso, and Texas style. 
Current packaging and flavors of Franklin's Barbeque 
Current Amazon Status 
Assessment of ATF/BTF 
● For branded keywords:  
Franklin Barbecue sauce shows up primarily on branded keywords (such as 
“Franklin Barbecue sauce”, “Franklin BBQ sauce. We also found that Franklin Barbecue 
sauce did show up above the fold, however it was not featured as a sponsored brand or 
Above the fold​, first product that shows up. Stonewall Kitchen is a sponsored 
brand when searching up Franklin's Barbeque Sauce, and Yong G’s barbeque sauce is a 
sponsored product when searching Franklin's Barbeque Sauce.  
● For unbranded keywords:  
We searched unbranded keywords (such as “barbeque sauce”, and “bbq sauce”). 
When searching up “barbeque sauce” it comes up on the second page ​below the fold​. 
When searching up “bbq sauce” it shows up on the 4th page ​below the fold​.  

Screenshot from Amazon:  
Franklin Barbeque does appear above the fold in its own branded keyword search, however 
it shows up below the fold for unbranded keywords. 
Competitive Review 
Rufus Teague: 
Rufus Teague has multiple pictures of the different products. They also have a long 
product description with A+ content to go along with it. Their product is fulfilled by 
Amazon. There isn't any high fructose corn syrup in their sauces. They have five 
available flavors: Honey Sweet, Touch O’ Heat, Whiskey Maple, Blazin’ Hot, and Smoky 
Apple. The price for this product is 32 dollars for a package of two. 
Republic Craft: 
For this product there are only four different photos of the product. The product 
description is not very long and it also has no A+ content. There is no high fructose corn 
syrup in their sauce. The price of this product is $10.95 for a single bottle and it comes in 
one flavor. 
Hak’s BBQ: 
For this product there are multiple photos of this product. It shows three bottles in their 
photos. In the product title it doesn't specify that it is a package of three. Their product 
description is long and it includes A+ content. Their products do not have any high 
fructose corn syrup. They have five flavors which include: Brown Sugar Roasted Garlic, 
Chipotle Bourbon, Smoked Maple Mustard, Pineapple Habanero, and Thai Chili 
Tamarind. It costs $25.99 for a pack of three. 
Kosmos Q: 
This product has multiple photos showing the product. Their product description is long 
and includes A+ content. There are seven flavors and some contain high fructose corn 
Price ranges from $16.95-$19.95 depending on the flavor. The seven flavors include: 
Cherry Habanero, Competition style, Honey Jalepeño, OPX-1 Secret, Peach Habanero, 
Sweet Apple Chipotle, and Sweet Smokey Smoke.  
Amazon Media Recommendation 
Rationale​:  While  looking  at  the  Sponsored  Brand  Ads,  Franklin  Barbecue  is  not 
defending  their  own  turf.  There  are  multiple  ads  for  brands  like  Stonewall  Kitchen  and 
Bunsters.  People  are  familiar  with  the  Franklin  Barbecue  restaurants  but  not  with  their 
sauces.  Therefore,  it  would  be  essential  for  Franklin  Barbecue  to  focus  on  ​Sponsored 
Brand Ads​ with their three trademark sauces. 

Screenshot from Amazon: An image of the organic search. It is evident that both brands 
‘Stonewall Kitchen’ and ‘Bunsters’ have invaded the turf of Franklin Barbecue Sauce. 
Benefits of Sponsored Brand Ads​: 
- Owning their own turf as well as other search result pages 
- Raising brand awareness 
- Showing  off  the  three  different  ASINs  of  their  three  different  flavors  of  barbecue 
sauce - Texas, Espresso, and Pork. 
Target Recommendation 
Why we choose to use broad phrases for our key words; 
We decided not to do an exact match because we didn't want our consumers to not be 
able to find us due to misspelling. There are many different ways to spell out Barbecue 
sauce so we wanted to keep it broad in order to reach more. We also decided to use taste 
descriptors in our key search terms. Mintel found that when it came to condiments 
people were interested in the taste and flavor. We included broad phrases such as “sweet 
barbecue sauce” and “tangy barbecue sauce”.  
Figure 1: Condiments attributes, new any rank, September 2019  

Figure 1: From Mintel, 2019. “How dip and condiment brands are stepping up to 
the wellness challenge”, p. 1 
Why we choose to use an out of stream video: 
We chose to use video advertisements because Franklin has a large following at its store 
locations. People line up hours ahead of opening just to get a taste of the barbeque sauce. 
Showing the popularity of the brand will allow Franklins to reach the 26% of customers 
who value brands. Video ads are also a great time to talk about the taste which is 
important to 65% of consumers and popularity of the different flavors offered by 
Franklin. We chose to do out of stream video because we can target customers already 
looking for food or food recipes. Out of stream videos are also slightly more affordable 
and would allow Franklin to become more discoverable. 
Payment  Method​:  Sponsored Brand Ads target high purchase intention shoppers but the 
company  can  set  up  their  own  pricing  ahead  of  time  or  set  up  for  it  to  be  cost-per-click 

Image: Here is a brand ad that we came up with. This is to showcase how it would look on 
organic search returns. 
Budget Recommendations 
We recommend a budget of $200 for Ad campaigns that includes $95 towards Sponsored 
Brand Ads and $105 for Out of stream video ads. 
Targeting  Keywords  Timeline  Number of  Cost 
Methods  clicks/views 

Brand ads 

Broad Phrase  9 Keywords  2 Weeks  380 clicks  $95 


Video Display         

Out of stream      5000 views  $105 

Keyword Recommendation Summary 
Targeting Methods  Keywords 
Broad Phrase Match  Franklin BBQ sauce  Sweet Barbecue sauce 

  Franklin Barbecue sauce  Texas Barbecue Sauce 

  Tangy Barbecue Sauce  Barbecue Sauce 

  BBQ Sauce  Gourmet BBQ Sauce 

  Gourmet Barbecue sauce  Pork barbecue sauce  


“Sauce - Franklin Barbecue: Austin, Texas.” ​Franklin Barbecue,​ 

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