Results and Discussion

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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered in the study to

answer the problems raised in the previous chapter. This study utilized the tabular and

textual modes of presentation. The research problems enumerated in Chapter 1 serves

as the guide for presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.



1. Makes it hard to
complete my homework
2.58 Rarely

2. Makes it hard to spend

time with friends.
2.74 Sometimes

3. Makes it hard to take

part in school activities.
2.90 Sometimes

4. I rather choose to work

than to take full rest.
3.10 Sometimes

5. I got behind in my
studies because of my job.
2.68 Sometimes

6. I found it difficult to
balance the demands of
2.74 Sometimes
my work and study.

7. Makes me feel tired at

3.00 Sometimes

8. My parents want me to
work to pay school
Range (weighted mean 2.29 Verbal Description Rarely
9. I was too tired after 4.21 - 5.00 Always
3.41 - 4.20 2.97 Often Sometimes

2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes

10. Makes me hard to
1.81 - 2.60 Rarely
choose my priorities.
2.74 Sometimes
1.01 - 1.80 Never
11. I don’t have time to
2.45 Rarely

12. I got more engage in

work rather than to study.
2.74 Sometimes

13. My works makes me to

2.81 Sometimes

14. Makes me too stress to

2.90 Sometimes

15. Working motivates me

to stop study.
2.23 Rarely

TOTAL WEIGHTED 2.72 Sometimes


Figure 7 . Challenges Encountered by Working Students

As the data show in the Figure 7, respondents have agreed on the enumerated

challenges that they encountered while working with the total weighted mean 2.72. In

the item “I rather choose to work than to take full rest”, it got the highest average of

response came from the respondents which is 3.10. While in the item “Working

motivates me to stop study”, it got the lowest average response came from the

respondent which is 2.23.



1. I want to earn money.

4.10 Always
2. I want to gain skill for
4.10 Always

3. I want to be
3.87 Often

4. I want to help my 4.39 Always


5. I want to meet
different people.
4.00 Often

6. I want to buy things

that I like.
4.13 Often

7. To save for tuition.

3.90 Often

8. To pay back debts.

3.61 Often

9. To spend it on
3.58 Often

10. To spend it to
personal items.
3.65 Often

11. To work with my

3.29 Sometimes

12. To get a reference for

the future.
3.65 Often

13. To fill in time.

3.45 Often
14. Let me pay debts.

3.61 Often

15. Because my parent

wanted this.
3.00 Sometimes

16. To pay school

3.52 Often

17. To gain work

3.90 Often

3.75 Often

Figure 8. Motivation of Students to Work

Range (weighted mean Verbal Description


4.21 - 5.00 Always

3.41 - 4.20 Often

2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes

1.81 - 2.60 Rarely

1.01 - 1.80 Never

As figure 8 shows above, with a total weighted mean of 3.75, the respondents

frequently agreed that working motivated them to study. In the enumerated items
about being motivated while studying, participants agreed in the statement, “I want to

help my family.” with the highest average of 4.39. Meanwhile, participants are

uncertain in the statement, “Because my parent wanted this.” with the lowest average

of 3.00



1. Accept responsibility 3.97 Often

2. Make decision 4.06 Often

3. Obey instruction 3.87 Often

4. Be punctual 4.13 Often

5. Be organized 4.00 Often

6. Communicate with all 4.32 Always

levels of people

7. Be more confident 4.13 Often

8. Learn about the 4.10 Often

9. It eagers to finish study 4.03 Often

so I can use my skills to

10. To gain soft skills. 4.10 Often

11. Ability to manage 4.10 Often

school expenses.

12. Be engage in 3.97 Often

problem – solving.

13. Be mindful of
3.94 Often

14. To increase existing 4.06 Often


15. To increase existing 4.32 Always




Figure 9. Benefits of having a Work while Studying

Range (weighted mean Verbal Description


4.21 - 5.00 Always

3.41 - 4.20 Often

2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes

1.81 - 2.60 Rarely

1.01 - 1.80 Never

The figure 9 above shows that participants frequently agreed in the

enumerated benefits in working while studying towards on the total weighted mean

4.07. As regards to the benefits of working student, communicate with all levels of

people and to increase existing independence is appeared to be the highest with a

weighted mean of 4.32. The top five (5) items with the highest average response came

from respondents about benefits of having a work while studying are:

1. Communicate with all levels of people.

2. To increase existing independence.

3. Be more confident.

4. Be punctual.

5. Ability to manage school expenses.

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