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Today we will present to all of you our revolutionary Project, our invention “The Bubble sugphone”. Later we will explain
why we called our invention this way.
First of all, we will start this presentation telling you when, how and why we thought of its creation.
So, a long time ago, more specifically almost 30 years ago, an engineer (expert in technology) went to Germany as a
guest of one conference about future revolutionary inventions to be launched for sale, in that conference, this engineer
named Snockshbit met other people, a Candy expert named Willie Wonka and a physical engineer named Vasily
They were talking about how they 3 together could create a revolutionary object according to their knowledge. So, first
they thought of and object of daily use, “A phone” secondly they thought in the material of this phone; they wanted it to
be cheap, so they thought about sugar. They thought about the way to make the phone with sugar fibers.
One year later, in Germany 1991, they started to create a model of this phone. They wanted to create something
revolutionary, something that no other cellphone had, they thought about the public. The public likes the
entertainment, the public likes to sing, likes to be heard, likes the cheap things and better yet, people likes the things
that can be submerged in liquids without suffering any damage. Those 3 experts, wanted to gather all this in one thing,
they wanted all this characteristics in the creation of the "Bubble sugphone" There were failures (some problems) in its
production, so they went on and on until they created the final model in October 20 th 2000.
Those 3 people are us, me as Snockshbit (the technological engineer), Juan Vicioso as Willie Wonka (the Candy Expert)
and Durán as Vasily Kamotsky (the physical engineer).

Luego Juan Vicioso continúa diciendo;

Now we are going to talk about the main features of this phone: the main features of our product are: It has a Hologram,
you can watch videos, watch movies or look at information in 3D, so you don’t need to watch the screen of your
cellphone all the time which can be exhausting. The second characteristic is that it is made of sugar, so it’s cheap. Also it
is water prove, you can submerge it underwater, you can also take pictures under the water, you can even sing under
the water without a problem, that is because under the water it can create an air bubble. As the last feature, this cell
phone has an amplifier, then at long distances just by talking to the cell phone in front of you, all the people around you
can listen to you, useful if you need to provide important information and you do not have a microphone close.
So, let’s talk about how can be used our revolutionary phone: The cell phone we saw has several characteristics, but it is
very simple to use. The cell phone in the physical part, will have a few buttons. Some of them are: On and off button,
volume buttons, and a specific button dedicated for the hologram and the air bubble. What you have to do if you want
to activate the hologram, is to press that button only once, the cell phone will show you what you are seeing on the
screen in a hologram, in this way you can rest your eyes, watch movies and others. And if you want to activate the air
bubble, when you are in the water, just press this button for about 3 to 4 seconds and this function will be automatically
activated, it’s very useful to activate this function under the water if you want underwater entertainment, such as
example watch movies or even sing, all of this under the water. And the cell phone also comes with an application
dedicated for the amplifier, you have to open the application, speak in front of the cell phone and the whole audience
will hear you.
Y Durán termina diciendo:

Who can use our product?

This phone can be used by anyone, there are no restrictions. But our product is more dedicated to those who are
teenagers and adults. Teenagers because they could swim or have underwater entertainment, and adults because they
could take advantage of the hologram for conferences or virtual meetings.
The price of our "bubble sugphone" is relatively cheap, for the price we thought of all the specifications and the material
of this phone, The normal price of a cell phone made of metal and carbon fibers is about 900 or 1000 dollars, but our
phone will cost just 500 dollars, Keep in mind that the other phones are more expensive and don’t have any of the
specifications of our product.
Ok, it was already clear that our product is unique, it gives you underwater entertainment, you can watch movies or look
at information it in 3D using the hologram, and you can sing underwater using the air bubble. And if you want to give
information to an audience, in case you don’t have microphones and speakers, just open the amplifier application and
give the necessary information. For all this and for the cheap of our creation you should buy this revolutionary product.
Thank you for listening our presentation

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