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Foster care is perceived to be the best and most widely applied form of alternative care for

children besides their maternal home, because it most often occurs within the family context and is

supposed to offer safety and protection to children [ CITATION Bon13 \l 1033 ]. Foster care is the
temporary placement of a child who is not available for adoption and whose biological family cannot take
care of him or her. A foster parent is an approved person who is not the child’s parent or guardian.
Preference is given to family placement before non-family members or cluster foster care is considered.
Foster care occurs on order by the Children’s Court under the supervision of a social worker and a foster
care grant is awarded to the foster family

In the Philippines, in 2006 about 36 million were estimated to be children under 18 years old. This
accounted for 41.73 percent of the total population at the time (around 86.264 million) who need support
or are dependent on the adult population. Children were found to be among those considered the poorest

among the basic sectors [ CITATION Yac11 \l 1033 ]. In terms of care, residential and foster care
remains to be the primary response to child abandonment, neglect and abuse. [ CITATION Gra18 \l
1033 ] While the idea is to provide children with a place to go when home is not safe nor an option for
them, residential care often referred to as an “orphanage” or “institution” is sadly far from what it was
hoped it should be. These facilities, or care provided in any nonfamily- based group setting, such as
places of safety for emergency care, transit centers in emergency situations, and all other short and long-
term residential care facilities including group homes, are few of the many forms of alternative care

Many orphanages are in a poor and dilapidated state and are designed to provide shelter for
orphans in an institutionalize form, this has a tremendous influence on child development due to the lack
of good environment and ill-management of under staffing which causes lack of attention, care and

individuality[ CITATION Abd17 \l 1033 ] .The state of orphanage shows that orphanages were not
specifically design to house orphan but rather they were converted to be orphanage after their
construction. Most orphanage lack the required provision of incorporating culture and traditional family
setting in the design of the facility which serve as a means of connecting the orphans with their cultural
and social environment.

Supporting the development of children with multiple disabilities and raising the level of their
autonomy requires the creation of a safe and inspiring environment. Conditions which it is supposed to
provide decide about the effectiveness of the support and, in consequence, of the whole rehabilitation
process. Developing the concept of rehabilitation space for children with complex, coupled or multiple
disabilities, including intellectual handicap, requires making continuous attempts to formulate strategies
for providing children with the most comfortable and independent ways of taking advantage of the existing

architectural facilities [ CITATION Bor17 \l 1033 ].

In the field of architecture, the issue of accessibility has been a concern in the principles of
universal design, the idea involves creating spaces accessible for all people regardless of their physical or
mental limitations. This set of design principles mainly concerns persons with the dysfunctions of
movement, hearing or vision, while the problem of development and rehabilitation of children with multiple
disabilities is so complex, which leads to provide practical solutions. Persons suffering from limited ability
do not constitute to a homogenous group due to genetic defect, disease, damage or injury that results in
the loss or limitation of a particular function or skill, depending on the stage of the child’s development
when the incident occurred, this leads to a variety of psychological or social consequences or in other
ways affects further development and activity of the individual in the social environment. Another factor
that hinders everyday functioning of both disabled children and their closest surrounding tends to be and

this occurs most frequently the overlap of different limitations [ CITATION Bor17 \l 1033 ]

It assumed that the rehabilitation space is a significant part of the support system, understood as
the action which is: intentional, complex, applied systematically and individually differentiated. The
support process involves activating the development-enhancing factors and it should be perceived as one
of the first stages of the disabled children’s rehabilitation leading to their autonomy in the adult life. These
successful developments of autonomy depend on the needs and possibilities of a disabled person as well
as on their environment.

In addition to this, [ CITATION Ste17 \l 1033 ], to provide a proper conceptualization of needs

and initiating a shift in thinking about needs instead of problems, this reveals three other key points for
practice and future research. First, more research is necessary about children’s physiological needs
besides medical health, psychological needs besides mental health and self-actualization needs besides
education. While screening at the start of a placement ensures foster families can satisfy children’s basic
physiological needs (such as enough food and clothes), the question remains if this is sufficiently
monitored throughout a placement. In addition, although mental health problems of children are a great
concern for their caretakers, other psychological needs such as identity and autonomy development
should be more often researched in order to satisfy these needs. Moreover, while the need to receive an
education is important for children, self-actualization includes more than just education, and can be
achieved through leisure and hobbies.

According to the study conducted by [ CITATION Kha16 \l 1033 ] when a child enters to a
properly designed internal space, sense of belonging would be created in him/her after seeing a space in
accordance with his/her age and spirits. This is because a child feels satisfaction and tendency to trust in
the environment introduced.

Space and environment can affect physical and mental growth of children. Estimation of each
effective need in growth of child needs a space to encompass all factors and instruments to meet needs
and provide required conditions. The more the relationship between children and sky, green space and
nature and open land, the more the desired space is created for them and this is same environment that
can empower creativity and innovation of children (ibid, p.30).

The environmental parameters are related to the operation of installed building systems. This
calls for efficient, flexible, and diverse environmental system controls to aid in satisfaction and comfort in
the buildings as the attainment of a good indoor climate is paramount since people spend about 80% of
their time in homes or offices have shown that outdoor temperature as well as windows and shades
operation has effects on the thermal and visual performance of buildings. A poor environment has been
linked to unsatisfactory development in children. A high infant mortality and a rapid intellectual
deterioration have been reported by and have demonstrated that many of the cognitive and social deficits
among children raised in poor surroundings were ameliorated after improvements in their Environment

[ CITATION Sim12 \l 1033 ].

Rainwater harvesting as a part of the source control measures contributes to the sustainability in
water management in general. Effective use of rainwater from capturing rainwater for further reuse
represents one of alternatives of saving drinking water. The reuse of rainwater minimizes the flow of
rainwater to wastewater disposal. The advantages of using rainwater harvesting system design is to
lessen the water demand for a building. The design of the system as an alternative source of water would
avoid wasting precious drinking water, which is used for flushing of toilets and watering plants

[ CITATION Zel14 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Lee15 \l 1033 ] Improving building energy performance using the stack effect to
dissipate heat as well as shading devices to screen undesired solar heat transmission is capable using
double skin facades (DSFs). At the beginning of the 20 th century the design of exterior building envelope
with a high window to wall ratio was free from the building structural concerns. And the development of
the transparent glazing materials in the building envelope allowed fully glazed facades for the positive use
of daylight harvesting and a visual connection with outdoor environments, highly-glazed facades for the
positive use of daylight harvesting and a visual connection with outdoor environments, highly glazed
buildings were also vulnerable to unwanted solar heat gain, thermal discomfort and building energy loads.
As one of high-performance building facades, the double skin facades (DSFs) comprise of the air
cavity between two layers leading to decrease cooling loads by the solar chimney effect and to increase
heating loads with thermal insulation, adjustable shading devices in a ventilated cavity to protect the
indoor space from the outdoor solar irradiance. The use of air cavity as acoustic barriers and their curtain
wall glazing system offer occupants the wide view to the outside. The design strategy of double skin
facades (DSFs) as a naturally ventilated building can be the solutions to achieve natural ventilation
availability, thermal comfort, daylight harvesting, urban noise transmission loss, and view accessibility.

One obvious strength for a child center is its interconnectedness and interdependency on
orphanage. Farm was conceived during the earliest days of the orphanage to meet the nutritional
requirements of the children. Its reach and usefulness have impact, for a farm is used to make a
difference in the lives of local stakeholders and families, who are connected to the orphanage by the
increase in the health of orphan children (with the expressed goal of healthier communities requiring less
orphan care and support). The farm has incredibly tight nutrient and water cycling that uses very low
inputs while delivering high outputs, which would be attributed to careful management, dependence upon

microbial action (effective microorganisms – EM) and letting nothing go to waste [ CITATION Bic13 \l
1033 ].

Assuring food security in the 20th century within sustainable planetary boundaries requires a
multi-faceted agro-ecological intensification of food production and the decoupling from unsustainable
resource use. The greatest increase in worldwide human population occurs in urban areas. Food security
and infrastructure become a central issue and aquaponics may be one solution. Aquaponics has the
potential to be an integral part of the “blue and green” infrastructure. It can be integrated into the local
water cycle (using treated grey water and rainwater instead of freshwater). Local energy flows (for
example the watergy concept) and local biomass cycles (re-use of nutrients). This involves an increase in
productivity and resource use efficiency, solutions in the reduction in food waste. The production of
aquaponic food is highly efficient, because it re-uses the nutrients contained in fish feed and fish feces to
grow the crop plants in an ecological cycle. Its potential to improve sustainability in terms of food security

and as an alternative to intensive fisheries or aquaculture [ CITATION Kon16 \l 1033 ].

[ CITATION Hen20 \l 1033 ]The implementation of a photovoltaic and solar thermal (PVT)-
collector to a heat pump (HP) heating system indicated that well designed PVT- HP systems lead to an
increase in the overall energy saving gains. The photovoltaic (PV) operates at excellent efficiencies due
to the cooling of the cells, and on the other hand, the thermal collector can utilize the waste heat of the PV
modules. Latter can use to increase the performance of the HP due to the regeneration of the soil or lifting
the inlet temperature of the evaporator. The PVT-collector provides thermal energy to increase the inlet
temperature of the evaporator and to raise the ground temperature level to obtain higher coefficient
performance (COP), and hence higher seasonal performance factors. By use of the PVT system, a proper
control strategy was defined. On the sink side of the HP, a thermal energy storage tank was used to
provide energy for domestic hot water and space heating, where else for the latter, the heat is provided to
a floor heating system.

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