Question and Answer (FOE)

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1. Level of oxygen when a person feels dizziness, headache and rapid fatigue. Ans:
2. Level of oxygen present in air.
Ans: 21%
3. Level of oxygen wherein the person becomes unconscious.
Ans: 9%
4. What do you call the first phase of fire.
Ans: Incipient
5. First known firefighting unit organized thousands of years B.C.
Ans: Bucket Brigade
6. The min. temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an
ignitable mixture.
Ans: Flash Point
7. Condition that occurs when a portion of the fire gases trapped at the uppEr level of
a room ignite, spreading flame across the ceiling of the room.
Ans: Flameover
8. State at which everything in a confined area ignites at almost the same time.
Ans: Flashover
9. Heat transfer between solid like metals.
Ans: Conduction
10. Heat transfer between a solid surface and a fluid.
Ans: Convection
11. Mode of heat transfer involving two bodies separated by a distance.
Ans: Radiation
12. To prevent fire from extending to other uninvolved buildings or structures.
Ans: Cover Exposure
13. To prevent the fire from extending to other uninvolved portions of the burning
Ans: Confinement
14. To protect properties of value from preventable damages.
Ans: Salvage
15. Prevent fire from rekindling.
Ans: Overhaul
16. A device containing chemicals, fluid and gasses for extinguishing and used for
small area of fire. Ans: Fire Extinguisher
17. An upright pipe, usually in a street, connected to a water main with a valve to
which a hose can be attached. Ans: Hydrant
18. Unburned smoke is heated in the absence of oxygen and produces explosive force
once oxygen in introduced.
Ans: Backdraft
19. Carefully planned release of the products of combustion from a confined area or
structure. Ans: Ventilation
20. Firefighting apparatus designed to use diverse water supply sources as hydrants
usually equipped with a water tank and centrifugal pump.
Ans: Pumper Truck / Fire Engine
21. Firefighting apparatus usually used in firefighting operations of high-rise
Ans: Aerial Platform
22. A firefighting apparatus equipped with monitor nozzle, which can be rotated 90°
horizontally and 240° vertically.
Ans: Squirt
23. An aparatus which enables to secure water scarce areas for speedy firefighting
Ans: Water Tank
24. A firefighting apparatus capable of discharging foams which is the most effective
means to extinguish not only ordinary Class A but also Class B fires.
Ans: Chemical Truck
25. A piece of firefighting equipment used to direct or control a stream of water.
Ans: Nozzle
26. A type of flexible tube used to carru water under pressure from the source to a
point of dischraged.
Ans: Fire Hose
27. Classification of fire involving ordinary combustibles lime woods, paper, cloth,
plastic, etc.
Ans: Class A
28. Classification of fire involving flammable and combustible liquids, gasses, and
grease like gasoline, oils, alcoh, etc.
Ans: Class B
29. Classification of fire involving electricity.
Ans: Class C
30. Classification of fire involving combustible metal and alloy lime magnesium,
sodium, lithium and potassium.
Ans: Class D
31. Basic procedure in putting out fires by cooling /removing the element of heat or
reducing tje temperature. Ans: Quenching
32. Basic procedure in putting out fire by removing oxygen or oxidizing agent of fire.
Ans: Smothering
33. To know the problems and what to do in case fire starts in a particular building or
Ans: Pre-Fire Planning
34. Removal of victims from endangered areas amd bringing them to a place of safety.
Ans: Rescue
35. Basic procedure in putting out fire by removing or reducing fuel.
Ans: Starving
36. Basic procedure in putting out fire by stopping chain reaction.
Ans: Inhibiting
37. What is the third element of fire if fuel and heat are present.
Ans: Oxygen
38. Form of energy that raises temperature.
Ans: Heat
39. Any material or substance capable of burning.
Ans: Fuel
40. A chemical reaction that releases energy as heat and usually light.
Ans: Combustion
41. A rapid, self-sustaining oxidation process accompanied by the evolution of heat
and light in varying intensities.
Ans: Fire
42. The minimum temperature to which a fuel in air must be heated to start
selfsustained combustion.
Ans: Ignition Temperature
43. To put out the main body of the fire.
Ans: Extinguishment
44. A combination of material, mostly unburned hydrocarbons and a product of fire.
Ans: Smoke
45. An apparatus that protects the face and lungs from toxic smoke and products of
Ans: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
46. Protects the head from impact amd puncture as well as scalding water. Ans:
47. It protects the firefighters trunk and limbs against cuts, abrasions and burn
Ans: Protective Coats and Trousers
48. It protects the feet from burn injuries, punctures, wpunds and insulated
Ans: Protective Boots
49. A technique used by firemen to gain access to a structure whose normal means of
access is locked, blocked or nonexistent.
Ans: Forcible Entry
50. In a Class C fire, can you use water as extinguishing agent?
Ans: No
51. The most common agent used in fire suppression.
Ans: Water
52. What do you call the extinguishment mechanism wherein water-based or aqueous
agents are highly effective in reducing the temperature of fire.
Ans: Reduction of Heat
53. Tools or equipments used by firefighters to make an opening in walls and floors.
Ans: Axes
54. Tools or equipment used by firefighters to open ceiling on fire extension.
Ans: Pike Poles/Paster Hooks
55. An instrument used by firefighters to quick access to windows and roofs of one
and two storey buildings.
Ans: Straight Ladder
56. Kind 0f pumps used during firefighting operation and equipped with fire hose.
Ans: Portable Pumps
57. An essential component of every procedure carried out by firefighters.
Ans: Safety
58. Aside fom sight, sound and electronic sensors, what is another way in detecting
hidden fires.
Ans: Touch
59. A stream of water after it leaves the tip of a nozzle thru a fir hose until it reaches
the desired point of use.
Ans: Fire Stream
60. What do you call the force per unit area in a water stream.
Ans: Pressure
61. A mechanical device used to create pressure.
Ans: Pump
62. Controls the amount of water that flows to the tip.
Ans: Shutoff Valve
63. Filing up a pump with water to eliminate air locks to allow drafting.
Ans: Priming
64. The resulting surge of water when it flows thru a fire hose or pipe is suddenly
Ans: Water Hammer
65. Loss of pressure as a column of water is raised to a certain height or elevation due
to gravity.
Ans: Back Pressure
66. A pump which uses impellers to impart velocity to water by centrifugal force.
Ans: Centrifugal Pump
67. Volume of water produce per unit time.
Ans: Rate of Discharge
68. The pressure of water when at rest or motionless.
Ans: Static Pressure
69. The combustion process comsumes oxygen while producing gasses that either
physically displaces or dilutes its concentration
Ans: Oxygen Deficiency
70. Two (2) basic types of water storage containers are Ground Container and ____.
Ans: Elevated Container

1. A type of occupancy in which 50 or more people gather together for the purpose
such as entertainment, worship, amusement, etc.
2. A type of occupancy in which six or more people gather for purpose of instruction.
3. A type of occupancy used for the purpose of selling merchandise or goods.
4. A type of occupancy where a building or structure in which two or more classes of
occupancies are present.
5. A type of occupancy in which buildings used for the purpose such as treatment or
care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness
6. A type of occupancy wherein a building which are designed for making products
of all kinds and devoted to operations such as processing, assembling, mixing,
packaging, etc.
7. An occupancy where buildings are used for transacting business like office for
lawyers, doctors, dentists, court houses, libraries, etc.
8. Any subtance or material in any form or quantity which poses an unreasonable
risk to safety, health and property.
9. Any act or condition which increases or may cause increase in the probability of
the occurence of fire or which may hinder, delay, obstruct or interfere with
firefighting operation.
10. The act or process of removal or nuetralizing fire hazard.
11. Any liquid having a flash point below normal room temperature, 37.8°C or 100°F.
12. Any liquid having a flash point at or above normal room temperature, 37.8°C.
13. Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with an organic matter or certain
14. A written authorization granted by building officials allowing an applicant to
proceed with the construction of a specific project.
15. How many centimeters is the equivalent of one (1) unit width of exit?
16. The weight of all the permanent parts of the building/structure.
17. A tool or implementing arm or mechanism of Fire Prevention and Control to
determine the defects,deficiencies or violations of a building.
18. The number of a person that can occupy a given area and vacate same area in a
given time.
19. What is the minimum height of a building from street level requiring for a stand
pipe installation?
20. Refers to all measures towards the avoidance or occurence of fire.
21. Refers to all measures to avoid fire spread.
22. The element of Fire Prevention and Control that involves fire safety inspection,
fire protection system and pre-fire plans.
23. The element of Fire Prevention and Control that undertake seminars, trainings or
fire drills.
24. The element of Fire Prevention and Control involving fire code.
25. Science that deals with the study on the composition and structure of fire.
26. A violation described as multiple electrical connection.
27. A continuous and unobstructed route to exit.

1. An act committed by any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another.
2. What is the penalty imposed to any person who commits arson? ✏prision mayor
3. Type of fire wherein total damages do not exceed 5,000 pesos. ✏index fire
4. Investigation report made just after responding to a fire incident.
✏spot investigation report
5. Investigation report indicating more details on the fire incident which follows after
Spot Investigation Report.
✏progress investigation report
6. Investigation Report finalizing/closing a particular fire incident.
✏final investigation report
7. A sudden conversation of potential energy into kinetic energy in the form of rapidly
expanding gases usually accompanied by heat and light.
8. Code with the primary objectives of establishing basic materials quality and
electrical work standards for the safe use of electricity.
✏Philippine Electrical Code
9. What are the six cardinals points of investigation.
✏what, when, who, where, why and how / 5W & 1H
10. The collection of facts inorder to identify the guilty part, locate the guilty party
and to provide evidence for his guilt.
✏criminal investigation
11. The three (3) I's of Investigation are Information, Instrumentation and ___.
12. In this crime scene search method, three (3) searchers follow each other along
the path of a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling in towards the center.
✏spiral search method
13. This crime scene search method, one searcher is assigned to each subdivision
of a quadrant, then each quadrant is cut into another set of quadrants.
✏zone search method
14. The force that impels one to do an act or that induces a criminal to act.
15. In modern sense of the term means THE ACTUAL COMMISSION OF THE
✏corpus delicti
16. Refers to the accomplishment of the criminal act. ✏intent


1. The number of leaves that an employee can earn within a year. ✒30 days
2. To what office shall Fire Code Fees be paid.
✒local treasury

1. The decree creating the Fire Code of the Philippines.
✔PD 1185
2. The decree separating the police, fire and jail management.
✔PD 765
3. When did the fire code took effect.
✔June 27, 1978
4. First Filipino Fire Chief.
✔Capt. Jacinto Lorenzo
5. The incident that occurred in 1911 in New York which lead to the adoption and
promulgation of Fire Codes.
✔great triangle fire
6. Organized in 1896 to set standard fire prevention and fire procedures.
✔National Fire Protection Association 7.
The location in which a crime occurred.
✔crime scene
8. Self-incrimination statement of a suspect short of acknowledgement of guilt.
9. A direct acknowledgement of one's guilt, or some essential parts of the commission
of the criminal act itself. ✔confession.


1. Improper ventilationay reault in a?
2. A column of hot genes, flames and smoke rising above a fire?
3. A transition in fire development wherein a substance reach temperature more or
less simultaneously and fire sprwad rapidly throughout the space?
4. One of the most common methods of extinguisher is ____ with water.
5. The fire can be extinguished by stopping the flow of liquids as gaseous fuel or by
removing solid fuel in the path of a fire.
6. Another method of fuel removal is allow a fire tip burn until all ___.
7. An extinguishment theory that separate the fuel from oxygen by blanketing in
8. A fire extinguishment theory that utilize extinguishing agents such as dry
chemicals, AFFF, CO2 or halons. ✔CHEMICAL FLAME INHIBITION
9. Most ignitable liquids have specific gravity of less than 1 use of ___ the fuel can
float on its while continuing to burns and it could unintentionally spread the fire.
10. Gases that are less dense than air tend to rise and dumpster when released, an
example of which is ___.
11. Gases are viprr with viper densities greater than tend to huge the ground and trails
as directed by terrain and wind. Example of which is ___.
12. A type of size-up that generally occurs during inspection of the building which is
made prior to the fire.
13. Knowing the location of the emergency will provide knowledge as to the number
and types of companies that can be expected this size up is known as ____.
14. Is the immediate estimate of the situation made by officer in charge of the fire
upon arrived at the scene.
15. Must be initiated before any other operations commences that include sheltering in
place or relocation rather that removal.

16. Is the removal of smoke, heat and toxic gases which require timing in relation to
rescue of fire attack.
17. Is a property conversation method which include throwing covers and making of
catch all the chutes.
18. Is the final task performed by firefighters at the scene of the fire?
19. Is the action which is necessary to contain the fire in the smallest parable area?
20. As use in the fire sue it means any building or materials that is likely to become
invalid either directly or indirectly with existing fire?
21. Is an overall plan for controlling an incident of situation and describing how in
general terms the operation will conducted?
22. Action of action taken to achieve the chosen strategy?
23. Created for specific incident based on priorities and tactical objectives?
24. When marginal strategy is utilize by a commander the incident priority is ___.
25. The incident priority which focus much on extinguishment of fire.

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