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Question [Arana sl depos s 4m. tik and underng ti cay having tlckness of $m. Tore 2 wator tab at he race of me sol and ine clay, Unt welt of sands 18 6kNm and saturate unt wage ay 17 8 kN +.What she fective sors a the bottom ofthe clay in kPa ‘ueston2 Teoome | granular sl epost s 4m. thik nd undeying itis 2 lay having tieknoss of Sm, Thar i water ale athe reise fhe sande olay, Unt weight of san ie 15.6 KNm and saturate uit weight of yi 17.8 KN. “the water table rises fo the evel ofthe ei surface, whats the elev stuss at he tom fhe dyn KPa? question 3 =. | ‘A granular sil deposit lm. hick and underyng saclay having a hcknoss ofS m. There sa water able atthe interface ofthe sol ang ho ay: Unit weight of sand| 18.8 ein and saturated unt welght of clay Is 17 BANIn? {fhe waters 31m. above te sol surface, whats he efetve stress atthe bottom ofthe ay in kPa? queswon ‘Auniform sol deposit has 8 void ratio of 60. ana spy of 265, The natural ground mater tables located a a distance" below te ground surface. The neutral pressureat a depch of 6m below the ground surface s 3424 KPa, Duet capllary moisture, the average degree of saturation ebove the ground water table 550% +. Compute ho vale of". ‘uestions | ‘Auniform soil deposit has a vod rato of 0.60. ard asp gr of 265. The natural round ater table slocated at adstanceh* below the ground surface The neutral pressure ata depth of 6 m. below the giound surface is 3434 KPa Due to caplary ‘moisture the average degree of saturation abave the ground wate table ls 20% +. Compute the total eectve vertical pressure ata depth of 8m, below the ground sutace KPa questions ‘Auniform soll deposit has 2 vod ratio of 0.60. and of 2.65. The natural ground water tables located at a stance h* below the ground surface. The neural pressure ata depth of 6m. below the ground surface is 3424 kPa, Due to caplary moisture the averoge degree of Saturation above the ground woter tables SO +. Compute the ntraotectveprossure a a dopth of 6m. question? 2s ‘Athi tor of day undedosa sand formation hasing a thickness of Sm, The grounawatr i lested 2m. blow the ground surface, Specie gravy of snd and dayis 2.65 with sand having an average void ratio of 0.52. The clay hase wate content of oy 1. Compute the saturated unt wlgnt of ay. quesvon {pone ESS ‘thick later of clay underlies a sand formation havinga thickness of Sm. The groundnater i ocated 2m, below the ground Surface. Spite gravity of sand and cay 52.65. wah sana haung an average vad rau9 082 The Cay has awster content oF a 1.Compute the total stress at a depth of 10m below ground surtace questions | Athick ater of day undertiesa sand formation having a thickness of 5m. The groundater is located 2m, below the ground surface. Speci gravy oF sand and clay 2.65, wit sand having an average void rato of 052. The cayhes 8 weter content of ae 1 Compute the effecve stress ata depth of 10m below round surface, ‘quesuon 0 ‘thick day layer underlies a send formation having thickness of 45m. The groundwater is located 2m below the ground furace Spee! gravy of sane ard ly is 2.65 wh sand having an averagevols rato oF O82 The cay has awater coment of 4208 degree of saturaton above the water tables 037 1 Compute the unit weigh of sand above the water table. question 11 [thick day layer undertosa sand formation having a thickness of 4.5m. The groundwater i located 2m below the ground Surface. Specie gravity of sand and clay is 2.65 with sand having an average void aloof 0.82, The cay has awater content (OF 42M degree of saturation above the water table is 0.7, 1.Compute the total stress ate depth of 10m below ground surface question 12 2potes [A thick ay layer underlies send formation having thickness of 45m. The groundwater is located 2m below the ground Surface. Spec gravy of sand ard clays 2.68 with sand having an averagevold aie of O82. Te cay has awater content (OF 2% degree of sturation above the water table is 037. 1. Compute the etfectve stress ata depth of 1om below ground surface Figure shows layer of granular sol ina tank where upward seepage is caused by supplying water though te valve athe bottom of {ark The rte cf water suppl i kap constant. The vod rate of sande 0.55, spr Gq=260 crose sectional area of ank = 05 12. And hydraulic conductivity of sand = 0.1 cmisec. +. Whats te rate of upward seepage in msec +. Tota tose at point From the figure shown, Hy 60, H = 0,80 m. and n= 0.46 m, The sad has @ saturated unit weight of 18.65 kNim®, Hydraulic ‘conductivity of sand K 12 emisec. If tho cross sectonal area of tank= 0.48 m2, determine the following 1. Pore water pressure at From the gute shown, Hs = 0.60, He = 0.90 m, and h = 045m. The sad hes a saturated unt weight of 18.65 kNIm®, Hydraule ‘conductviy of sand K = 0.12 cm/sec. the cose sectonal ara of an +. Etoctive ease at. 48 m2, determine th flowing Fram ha foe shown, Hs =0.6, Hy =090"m andh= 045m Thesachas atria unt eight of 18.654Nn9. rae conduct of and K = 12 enc. he res sectona ara otk =€48 m2, determin th flowing ‘Rai of upward seepage of waar in Rerlec.c-ka Consider the downward flow of water through a layer of sand in the tank as shown, Voids ratio of soil = 0.52 Spor. =2.70 Compute the value of hy. 0.436 Consider the downward flow of water through a layer of sand in the tank as shown. Voids ratio of soil = 0.52 = 2.70 a. Compute the effective stress at A. saa Consider the downward flow of water through a layer of sand in the tank as shown. Voids ratio of soll = 0.52 a. Compute the effective stress at 3198 ‘question irs Alne along which «wate paricle wl travl rom upstream othe dounstream sein the permeable so medium. question 22 2poins combination of number of fow ines and equipotent nes. question 28 re Aline along whch ho potntal head at al pis is equal. Tho answer her is equpotental Ene, rot equipment ie as witan inthe lecture ie. Apiogy for he mstako) Just typo equpotnta ine, equpecrtine ‘Question 24 pots ‘The estimated primary consolidation settlement ofa day layer heving 3 tickness ef 45 ms 300 mm. The cay layer i rained sthetep ony. +. Compute the average clegre of consolation forthe ly layar when the settlements 75mm. n ‘question 25 2 points ‘The estimated primary conscidation settlement ofa cla ayer ‘having thickness of 45 mis 300 mm, The clay layer i drained sttnetep only. +. How lanai it take fer Som consobdaion to accur ifthe ceatficient ef consoldation 0004 emrsec in days. question 26 ‘The estimated primary consoldation setement of ly layer hhavng thickness of 4S. 200 mm. The clay layers drained atthetop ont. ‘ifthe 4m clay layers drained on both sides, how long wilt take for SO cansobdation to occur? (Use T¥= 0.197) ‘The sil shown has its properties. Asurcharge of 140 kPa is applied atthe ground surface. {Estimate the primary consolidation settlement of the day layer assuming that tis normally consolidated in mm. ‘The soll shown has its properties. A surcharge of 140 kPa is applied at the ground surface +.Estimate the primary consolidation settiementin mm ifthe preconsolidation pressure Is 160 kPs, Assume Cs = (sic ‘question 29 | Fora normally consolidated cay, the folowing are given. “hiekress of day 4m. Pos 50K BP +Po= 120Kea Hydraulic conductivity Kot the cla “An how many days wl ttake fora 4m. thick day layer (rained on beth sides) inthe field to reach SO% consollation? Answer in x10-7m2/sec 1107 msec, ‘question 30 pois ora normaly consolidated cay the following are gen. ‘Thickness of clay» 4m, PonsDkba +P T20Khs Hydraulicconductivty Kofthe day =3.1 «107 msec Compute the primary consolidation setlement of the lay layer in men question 31 2pates Fora normally consolidated clay the following are given Thickness of cay =4m, Po s0KPa, Boro 120KPe Hydraulleconductlvty ofthe day = 3.1 107 msec. 1.Whatis the setlement when it reaches S0¥ consolidation? question 32 pote ‘An thick layer of saturated clay under a surcharge loading “nderwent BO primary consoldation in 70 Gays. The clay ayers ‘rained both top and bottom, (Use 0.567 for To BO) “Find the coeticentof consolidation of ely for the pressure range. in samiday question 33 2 pein ‘An Bm. thick ayer of saturated lay under a surcharge loading lnderwert 0% primary consolation 70 days. The lay ayer is ‘rained both top and bottom. (Use 0.567 for Tv 80%) + How long in minutes wl take to undergo 80% consoldation Inthe laboratory fora similar consolation range of 1260 mm. thick saturated cay under surcharge loading, The saturate cays drained both top and botiom. in ‘esti 4 2 pois ‘An m. the layer of saturated clay under a surcharge loading underwent 80% primary consolidation in 70 days. The day layers {rained both top and bottom, (Use 0.367 for Tvof 80%) {if the8 my. hick cay lyer nthe fd under a gven surcharge wl undergo 175 mm, of total primary consolidation setlement, esimatethe time requied forthe hrst50 mm of settlement if ve frst 80 rm. of selement ‘kee 120 days. Om ys) ‘question as Given the fllowing data fora normally conscldated clay specimen on both sides. sasira =288 kPa Py Po ‘Thickness of y= 20 ‘Time for 50% consolidation = 2 min, 1. Compute the coefient of compressitiliy, (question 36 {Sven the following data for a normally consoldatd clay specimen on both sides. Py taka 10 PpezeakPa —@2=09 “TMckness of cay = 30, “Time for 50% consolidation = + Compute the coeficient of consolidation of clay fer 50% consolidation in mZ/min. Answer in_x 10Smn2/min ‘question 37 Given the fllowing data fora normaly consolidated clay specimen on both sides. Py = take 110 Ppezeiea «2 =09 Thickness of day = 30, “Time for $0 corsaldation. poms +. Determine the hydraule conductivity in vin ofthe clay forthe loading range. Answer in _x1°7m2/min ‘Question 38 ‘Given the fllowing data fora normally consolidated clay specimen on both sides. siaskes etn 1.40 porzeaies = e209 Thickness of ay = 30 “Time for 0% consolidation =2 min. + How long days wilt ake for 1.8m. clay layer inthe fd (drained on one side o reach 60% consolidation? (Use v=0286) ‘The sail profile shown is a section ofthe proposed construction of highway aridge.A permanent surcharge BP = SO KPa ls applied a the ground surface. Thickness of clay layer is 6m. The day is normaly consolidated, Coefficient of consoldation is 0.40 m2/month, +. Compute the primary consolidation settlement ofthe bridge without precompression. in mm question 40 roms ‘The laboratory consolidation data for an undisturbed cla specimen are as follows eretaz py=90Kr2 30 40 kPa +. Compute the value of he compression index. ston ‘The laborstory consolidation data for an undisturbed cla specimen are 8s olons: ere 2 Py 90K 2-050 Py 460KPs +.Compute the value ofthe sual index assuming ti equal to 116 the value of che compression index. question 2 ‘he laboratory consoldation data for an undisturbed day specimen are as follows e1= 112 Py=90KP2 2-050 Pp 460KP2 + Compute the vod ratio fora pressure of 6004 questions ‘The laboratory consolidation data for an undistrbe day specimen areas follows ers1t2 Py=90kPa 25090 | Pp = Aco KPa +. Compute the coetient of compress, Question 44 io ‘The laboratory consoldation dat for an undisturbed day specimen ate as follows: 192 Py=90KPa e2=050 | Pp =460K02 Compute the value ofthe coefficient of volume compressibilty {Asoil formation shown in the figure has its ground water table located at 2m. below the ground surface. The ground surface is ‘subjected to uniformly cistributed load of 40 kPa, + Compute the primary compression index. Figure has its ground water table located at 2m. below clstnibuted load of 40 KPa, he ground surface. The ground surface is subjected to uniformly +.Compute the primary consolidation settlement of the normally consolidated clay layer. 10 figure has is ground water table located at 2 m, below the ground surface. The ground surfaces subjected to uniformly asiributed oad of 21a. +-Compute the secondary settlement of the day layer S yrs. Alter the completion of primary consolidation setlement. ‘Time for completion of primary setiement is 1.5 years. Secondary compression index is + 0.02 question at i Anarmally consolidated cay layer 3 m.tick has vod rato of 1.10 Liquid itis equal 40 and the average efecive stress on ‘he clay layer was BD kPa, The average stress anitis increased to 120 KPa. as a result ofthe consruction ofa foundation. c= 114ce +. Compute the consolidation selement that the day layer undergo Question ss | the clay layer wes Bd KP The average siressonitis increase to 120 KPa as result the construction ofa foundation. Ce = mace 1.ifthe day layer I preconsolidated, compute the consolidation settlement ithe precorsoldation pressures 96 kPa Question 50 2 eins ‘Anormaly consolidated clay ayer 31m. thick has. avo ratio of 110 Ligu limi is equa 040 and the average affective stress on ‘the clay layer was 80 kPa The average stress on itis increased to 120 KPa. asa result ofthe construction ofs foundation. C¢= Mace +. Compute the consolidation settament ifthe preconsolidtion pressures 130 kPa | unflorm sol ceposithas aod rte oF 0.60, anda pg of 2.65. Te natura ground water ables cated at aletance nr beiow ‘he ground sutace, Thereutal pressure at depth of 6m. blow th round surfcels 34.2443, Due caplarymostre he verge degre of sturatonsbove te ground water table 50% ‘Compu ne vie ot questions eat gtne ‘Aunflorm soa seposit has a vod tate of 60, and asp 25. The natura ground water ables ated at adstance below ‘e round sue, Thereual presse adept of 6m. blow the round surfaces 3434423. Duelo capilry mast, he verge degre of stration above te grouna wate table 50% Compustat fecv vorcal rossi ata depth fm. lowe gourd sures in KPa ‘A unflorm sol deposithes od ete oF 060, anda pg of 2.65. Te natal ground water ables cated at a etancen°beiow ‘he ground sure, Thera! presse ats depth fm. alow tha ground auaele 242440, Due caplry mature ne ‘verge degre of saturation sbove te ground wale table 50% Compete aerate presse ata dept fm

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