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Sacred Heart Villa School “Maria Schinina”

181 Aguinaldo Highway, Lalaan I, Silang, Cavite

(046) 423 – 3403

Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Subject: EAPP Time Frame of the Activities: September 28-October 3, 2020
Quarter: Midterm Week: 2

Online: On or Before October 3 (11:59 pm)

Topic: Outlining


Outlining is a tool we use in the writing process to help organize our ideas, visualize our paper's
potential structure, and to further flesh out and develop points. It allows the writer to understand how
he or she will connect information to support the thesis statement and the claims of the paper.

It is a helpful guide in organizing your paper. Outlines give a visual structure to your work and
are used to show relationships and hierarchies within your content.


An outline can be a sentence outline or topic outline. A sentence outline is written in full
sentence while a topic outline is in words or phrases.

Guidelines in Writing an Outline:

1. Place the title at the center above the outline.

2. Every level of the outline must have at least two items (I and II, A and B, 1 and 2).

3. Put a period after each numeral and letter.

4. Indent each new level of the outline.

5. All items of one kind (roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numerals) should line up with
each other.

6. Capitalize the first letter of each item.

7. The terms Introduction, Body, and Conclusion do not have to be included in the outline.
They are not topics; they are merely organizational units in the writer’s mind.
Example of an Outline: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN – Scientist and Inventor

I. Experiments with Electricity

A. Studied nature of Electricity
B. Discovered Lightning Equals Electricity
C. Invented Lightning Rod
II. Other Scientific Work
A. Inventions
1. Bifocal Glasses
2. Franklin Stove
3. Daylight Saving Time
B. Scientific Studies
1. Charted Gulf Stream
2. Worked on Soil Improvement
III. Importance as a Scientist
A. Scientific Honors
B. Writings Translated into Other Languages
C. Experts’ Comments

It is up to the writer to decide on how many main ideas and supporting ideas adequately
describe the subject. However, traditional form dictates that if there is a I in the outline, there has to
be a II; if there is an A, there has to be a B; and so forth.

Example Sentence Outline

The following outline is for a 5-7-page paper discussing the educational attainment and health.

I. Introduction

A. Current Problem: Educational attainment rates are decreasing in the United States while
healthcare costs are increasing.

B. Population/Area of Focus: Unskilled or low-skilled adult workers

C. Key Terms: healthy, well-educated

Thesis Statement: Because of their income deficit (cite sources) and general susceptibility to
depression (cite sources), students who drop out of high school before graduation maintain a higher
risk for physical and mental health problems later in life.

II. Background

A. Historical Employment Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were frequently unionized
and adequately compensated for their work (cite sources).

B. Historical Healthcare Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were often provided
adequate healthcare and benefits (cite sources).

C. Current Link between Education and Employment Type: Increasingly, uneducated

workers work in unskilled or low-skilled jobs (cite sources).

D. Gaps in the Research: Little information exists exploring the health implications of the
current conditions in low-skilled jobs.

III. Major Point 1: Conditions of employment affect workers' physical health.

A. Minor Point 1: Unskilled work environments are correlated highly with worker injury

B. Minor Point 2: Unskilled work environments rarely provide healthcare or adequate injury
recovery time

IV. Major Point 2: Conditions of employment affect workers' mental health

A. Minor Point 1: Employment in a low-skilled position is highly correlated with dangerous

levels of stress

B. Minor Point 2: Stress is highly correlated with mental health issues

V. Major Point 3: Physical health and mental health correlate directly with one another.

A. Minor Point 1: Mental health problems and physical health problems are highly correlated

B. Minor Point 2: Stress manifests itself in physical form

VI. Major Point 4: People with more financial worries have more stress and

worse physical health.

A. Minor Point 1: Many high-school dropouts face financial problems

B. Minor Point 2: Financial problems are often correlated with unhealthy lifestyle choices such
unhealthy food choices, overconsumption/abuse of alcohol, chain smoking, abusive relationships, etc.

VII. Conclusion

A. Restatement of Thesis: Students who drop out of high school are at a higher risk for both
mental and physical health problems throughout their lives.

B. Next Steps: Society needs educational advocates; educators need to be aware of this
situation and strive for student retention in order to promote healthy lifestyles and warn students of
the risks associated with dropping out of school.


Directions: Read and analyze the text very carefully and create a topic outline or a sentence outline.

Your teeth and the structure of your mouth play important roles in your ability to eat, speak,
and stay healthy. Everyone has several different types of teeth. Each type has a unique name with
specific number of teeth, has development, has a slightly different shape, and performs different jobs
and purpose.

The teeth in the front of your mouth, and the easiest to see, are called incisors. There are four
incisors on the top and four on the bottom. Incisors are usually the first teeth to erupt — at around 6
months for your baby teeth, and between ages 6 and 8 for your adult set. Incisors are shaped like tiny
chisels with flat ends that are sharp. These teeth are used for cutting and chopping food. They are the
first teeth to chew most food we eat.

The pointed teeth on either side of your incisors are called canine teeth. People have a total of
four canine teeth, two on top and two on the bottom. Primary canines generally appear between 16
and 20 months, with the upper canines coming in just ahead of the lower canines. Because they are
pointed and sharp, they are used to tear food.

Next to your canine teeth are the premolars. You have eight premolars in all, four on top and
four on the bottom. The first premolars appear around age 10, with the second premolars arriving
about a year later. They have a completely different shape than both the incisors and canines. That is
because premolars are bigger, stronger, and have ridges – all of which makes them perfect for
crushing and grinding food.

Finally, there are your molars. You have eight of these, four on the top and four on the bottom.
Molars are the toughest of the teeth. They are wider and stronger than premolars, and they have
more ridges. Molars work closely with your tongue to help you swallow food. The tongue sweeps
chewed food to the back of your mouth, where the molars grind it until it is mashed up and ready to
be swallowed.

By age twenty, four more molars grow in the back of the mouth, one in each corner. These are
called the wisdom teeth. They appear between 12 and 28 months, People do not need wisdom teeth
now, but many years ago these teeth were necessary to help people chew tough plants, which were
an important part of the human diet. Now, many people get their wisdom teeth pulled by a dentist, a
doctor who takes care of teeth, to keep them from crowding their other teeth.

The next time you eat, pay attention to which teeth do which jobs. Having a cookie? Incisors
do a good job of biting into that tasty treat. What about a carrot? Those molars get the job done, not
the teeth in front. How about a slice of pizza or a piece of bread? Your canines will help you tear at
the food, and your premolars and molars will help you grind up that pepperoni pizza or peanut butter
and jelly sandwich.


Directions: Study the outlines based on the passages and answer the questions that follow.

The English Lab, housed in the Administration building, consists of two adjoining rooms which contain
70 Macintosh computers and 2 laser printers. In addition to a server which allows instructors to make
assignments and materials available over the Internet and to the local intranet, each computer in the
lab contains a word processor, a web browser, telnet and hundreds of commercial and teacher-
authored programs appropriate for students who are building their English skills. There are also 3
video stations, and a terminal to the college VAX machine which is used for record-keeping.

I. English Lab

A. Physical Plant

1. in Administration building

2. two adjoining rooms

B. Resources

1. computers

2. video stations

1. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?

A. English Lab
B. Resources
C. Computers
D. Two adjoining rooms
E. Physical Plant
2.In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. Physical Plant
B. Resources
C. Physical Plant and Resources are equal adjoining
D. Two adjoining rooms
E. computers

Look at this outline

I. Types of measurement
A. Volume
B. Length
II. Types of money
A. United States
B. Other Countries
3. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?
A. Types of Money
B. Types of measurement
C. United States
D. "Types of money" and "Types of measurement" are equal
E. volume
4. In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. Other countries
B. Francs
C. Inches
D. they are all equal.
E. Miles
5. In the above outline, which item is in the wrong place?
A. Pesos
B. Yen
C. Types of measurement
D. Pints
E. Quarts

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