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When I was 13 years old, I was afraid of physics, although I liked me

after knowing more about it. And I met a fascinating theory that
Einstein, a brilliant scientist, wrote it. This theory describes a world
other than the one we know.
Why is Albert Einstein my inspiration?
I find his thinking very innovative for his time. When he was young,
every teacher who teaches him said he wouldn't have any future.
Growing up, Einstein showed all the intellect that characterized him
during his adult life. However, when he saw what his work could do in
the wrong hands, he worked less in science and started to work more in
his second passion, the peace.
Nowadays, he continues to inspire many people, thanks to his
contribution to science. Notwithstanding, he was a pacific person who
thinks that the knowledge could bring us peace.
He has a significant impact on my life because he showed that science
and peace must go hand in hand and not be enemies. All that's what I
want to represent in the future with the work that I develop.

Naomi Ayelen Becerra Morales

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