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Solution Set for Linux System Administration.

Q.1 Attempt any three of the following:

a) Explain piping and Redirecting with proper example. Write a command to print first three
lines of the file.
piping explanation – 01 mark Example -01 mark
Redirecting explanation – 01 mark Example -01 mark
Command – 01 mark

b) What are the different duties of Linux System Administrator?

( 01 mark each, any five duties)

Installing and configuring serevr

Creating and maintaining user account
Installing and configuring application software.
Backing up and restoring files.
Monitoring and tuning performance
Configuring a secure system.

c) Explain find command with following options: -name, -user,-exec,-type

find command is used to find /search file based on the property of file. 01 mark
find /-name “tyit” find the file whose name begins with tyit 01 mark
find /-name “ABC” find file that belongs to ABC 01 mark
find /-user “ABC” –exec cp{} /dev/null executes other command 01 mark
find/ -type d
d) What are different commands for Process Management?
Explanation and example of command ( 01 mark each)
Ps, kill, pstree, killall, top

e) Explain the concept of hardlink and symbolic link. Write a command to create hard link and
symbolic link.
Explanation hard link and symbolic link 01 mark each
Difference / comparison 02 mark

f) Write a note on RPM and YUM in linux.

Concept and application of RPM 2 ½ mark

Concept and application of RPM 2 ½ mark

Q.2 Attempt any three of the following: 15

a. What are different kinds of partitions available in linux?
Primary partition -02 mark
Extended partition – 02 mark
Logical partition – 01 mark

b. What are different File Systems available on RHEL ?

(01 mark each, any five)
Btr fs

c. Write a short note on runlevel and services in linux.

Definition run level and services -01 marks each
Functions 1 ½ each

d. What are different steps to enable SSH server on RHEL?

(01 mark –each step)

e. Explain the function of passwd command with its options.

01 Mark for each option of passwd command (any five options)
-l, -u, -S, -e, -n min, -x max, -c warn, -i inact

f. What are the commands used for managing group membership? Write a command for
creating two groups and change current group assignment to other existing user.
Usermod and groupmod command - 02 marks

Command -03 marks

Q.3 Attempt any three of the following:

a) What are firewalls? How it protects the server?
Concept of firewall-02 marks
Method of filtering -03 marks
b) What are tables, chains, and rules? List common elements of rule.
Concept of table, chain, rule- 01 marks each
elements- 02 marks
c) Write a short note on Certificate Authority.
Concept -01 mark
Procedure -02 marks
Steps to create Certificate -02 marks
d) What are different steps to encrypt and decrypt files?
01 mark each step.
e) What is NFS? What are advantages and disadvantages of NFS?
Concept-01 mark
Advantages- 02 marks
Disadvantages- 02 marks
f) What are steps for setting up samba file server?
Introduction to samba server -01 mark
01 mark to each step.

Q. 4 Attempt any three of the following:

a) Write a short note on DNS and its hierarchy.
Concept -01 mark
Structure / diagram -01 mark
Explanation -03 marks
b) What are different parameter used for dhcp.conf command?
Use of dhcp.conf command-01 mark
One parameter – 01 mark
c) Discuss MTA and MDA in detail.
Concept and working of MTA- 2 ½ marks
Concept and working of MDA -2 ½ marks
d) Explain following parameter for secure internet configuration:
myhostname, mydomain , myorigin , inet_interfaces , mynetwork.
01 mark to each parameter .
e) Write down the steps to configure Apache for basic website services.
Use of Apache server-01 mark
Steps -01 mark to each step.
f) Write a short note on virtual host.
Concept -02 marks
Steps- 03 marks

Q. 5 Attempt any three of the following:

a) What are different elements of a shell script?
Concept shell script- 01 mark.
01 mark to each element.

b) Write a script that create directory with a name Mumbai, sets $user and $group as the owner
of directory and change permission mode to 770.
01 mark to each command/ step.

c) Write a short note on high-availability cluster requirement.

Concept -01 mark
Elements used in HA cluster 01 mark to each element.

d) What are the different steps to create bond device.

Concept -01 mark
4 steps – 04 marks

e) Write a short note on TFTP server package.

TFTP package introduction -01 mark
Installation step -01 mark to each step

f) Write a short note on kick-start file.

Concept -01 mark Application -04 mark

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