With The Phenomenal Rise of Internet Use Around The World

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With the phenomenal rise of internet use around the world, and with almost

everything today found in the cloud, data protection laws have become important tools
in protecting the privacy of individuals and consumers everywhere. Without these laws,
personal information is vulnerable to misuse, which can not only lead to a breach of
privacy but to cybercrimes like identity theft and transaction fraud, as well. The DPA
brings the Philippines up-to-date with international standards on data protection. As one
of the world’s largest users of the internet, the country needs to ensure that its citizens’
fundamental right to privacy is protected and preserved. By safeguarding the privacy
rights of Filipinos, the DPA paves the way for a sustainable free flow of information
where consumers feel safe to give out their personal data, and government and
businesses are accountable for the responsible use of the information they collect.
Moreover, the Philippines has a fast-growing business outsourcing industry where data
is transmitted and processed in large volumes every day. The DPA provides BPO
clients local and international with the assurance that the data involved in their day-to-
day operations are protected and secure.

Now as a netizen, the proper observation of privacy and confidentiality shall

provide myself the appropriate action in dealing with matters that involve personal
information and properties. Those practices shall help me develop respect for other
people on the web despite being anonymous. Privacy will continue to be an issue/topic
of conversation in the future; it is intricately connected to new media and user profiles,
affects everyone, both online and off, and it ties in with many concepts from class. I
wanted to connect an aspect of the topic that many people are intimately aware of
(social media and individual consumer privacy) with a topic that many have heard of but
may not be able to connect to themselves (government abilities re: intrusions of
privacy). One of the methods I thought would be understandable and connect to both of
the previous topics was data mining, in particular the use of cookies. The parallels of
these subjects help form part of the picture of online privacy as it is today and potentially
how it could be in the future.
Some people maintain one or more online identifies that are distinct from their “real
world” selves; others have a single online-self that’s more or less the same as the one
they inhabit in the real world. Why is the digital self so important? The simple reason is
that once you go online as your real self, using your own name or appearance, you
have an online presence that can be traced back to you in the real world. Your online
presence is hard to hide, difficult to control, and easy for recruiters and hiring managers
to find. Because of this, it’s important to manage your online identity carefully, to ensure
that your public image, your brand ,is presented in the best possible light.

PS: Don’t forget to smile Babe and always know that I love you so much and your boo
has your back always despite the distance

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