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Submitted by: Pauline R.

1. What are the adrenergic bronchodilators?
 Adrenergic bronchodilators (specifically beta2-adrenoreceptor agonists) dilate the bronchi by a
direct action on the beta2-adrenoreceptors on the bronchial smooth muscle and relax the
muscle. There are two categories of beta2-adrenoreceptor agonists used in asthma. The short
acting adrenergic bronchodilators are used on an as needed basis to control symptoms of
asthma. The longer acting bronchodilators are used regularly, twice daily, as adjunct therapy in
patients whose asthma is poorly controlled by inhaled corticosteroids.

2. What are the three types of adrenergic bronchodilators? Enumerate and give examples for each.
 The three types of bronchodilators used for treating asthma are; 1) beta-adrenergic
bronchodilators; 2) anticholinergic bronchodilators; and 3) xanthine derivatives. The xanthines
come from a variety of naturally occurring sources. These drugs were once the main treatment
choices for asthma and bronchospasm. However, because they have a relatively narrow
margin of safety and interact with manyother drugs, they are no longer considered the first-
choice bronchodilators. Sympathomimetics are drugs that mimic the effects of the sympathetic
nervous system. One of the actions of the sympathetic nervous system is dilation of the
bronchi. Patients who cannot tolerate the sympathetic effects of sympathomimetics might
respond to the anticholinergic drugs ipratropium (Atrovent) and tiotropium (Spiriva). These
drugs are not as effective as the sympathomimetics but can provide some relief to those
patients who cannot tolerate the other drugs. with increased rate and depth of respiration.

3. What are bronchospasm?

 Bronchospasm occurs when the airways (bronchial tubes) go into spasm and contract. This
makes it hard to breathe and causes wheezing (a high-pitched whistling
sound). Bronchospasm can also cause frequent coughing without wheezing. Bronchospasm is
due to irritation, inflammation, or allergic reaction of the airways

4. What are catecholamines?

 Catecholamines are hormones made by your adrenal glands, which are located on top of your
kidneys. Examples include dopamine; norepinephrine; and epinephrine (this used to be called
adrenalin or adrenaline). Your adrenal glands send catecholamines into your blood when
you're physically or emotionally stressed

5. What are the side effects of albuterol?

 Side effects of albuterol include nervousness or shakiness, headache, throat or nasal irritation,
and muscle aches. More-serious — though less common — side effects include a rapid heart
rate (tachycardia) or feelings of fluttering or a pounding heart (palpitations)

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