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Role of Women

Long long ago the role of most women in society was to become a mother, and to do all sorts of
household chores like cooking, washing, cleaning, harvesting and so on. But today women are
playing important roles in all spheres of life. They have been able to prove their worth. They not
only do their household work but also work outside of their houses. They are contributing much
to the economy of the country. Now it has come to the realization of the men that true
development of the country is never possible keeping half of the population idle at home.
Women are an integral part of today's society. They have an active social life. They participate in
various social and cultural functions. A woman today no longer lags behind the man in the most
occupations. She plays the games of football, cricket, and hockey. She draws the attention of the
world as an athlete. The women can no more be kept behind the curtains doing only domestic
duties. Our society is accepting the wider participation of women. They are working as pilots;
and they are even holding the helm of a country's administration. The women now work in
offices both as clerks and as officers. They participate at Assemblies and Parliaments as the
people's representatives.
But women still need to struggle because there are still some unfairness and social injustice on
women. For example, every year, there are thousands of girls on earth forced into early marriage
younger than 16 when they should be only at school. There are still some men committing sexual
violence (e.g. rape) and domestic violence (e.g. wife beating) and verbal abuse on women (e.g.
catcalling) all over the world. Such things are manners of uncivilized men. The more educated a
country is, the less sexual abuse and violence and domestic violence there are. The more
educated its people are, the safer is a country for women. Indeed, we all both men and women
should work together to get a society of equality and justice, good and safe for everyone.
1. What were the only duties of most women long long ago?
2. What does the phrase ''half of the population'' refer to?
3. What would happen to the country if all women are kept idle at home?
4. Why can we say that women are integral part of todays' society?
5. Provide three examples of careers in the passage, proving that women are as capable as
6. Provide two examples of manners of uncivilized men given in the passage?
7. When can a country be safer for women according to the passage?
8. Whose duty is it to build a society of equality of and justice?
9. Should women be only kept at home? Why or why not?

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