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When will my life begin?

• professor • sketch
• morning • time
• art • ear
• judgment • sun
• laundry • star
• box • room
• enthusiasm • place
• fifteen • letter
• read • owl
• reflection • tomorrow
• recommendation • night
• hearing • birthday
• gallery • mail
• phone • glow
• play • mother
• flower
• life
• darts
• pencil
• mouse
• lizard

7 AM, the usual 1) ____ lineup: And I'll reread the books
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all If I have 10)___ to spare
clean I'll paint the walls some more
Polish and wax, do 2) ____, and mop and shine up I'm sure there's 11)___ somewhere
Sweep again, and by then it's like seven 3)___ And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair
And so I'll 4)___ a book Stuck in the same 12)___ I've always been
Or maybe two or three And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
I'll add a few new paintings to my 5)___ And wonderin' and wonderin'
I'll 6)___ guitar and knit When will my life begin?
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my 7)___ begin? And 13) ___ night
Lights will appear
Then after lunch it's puzzles and 8) ___ and baking Just like they do on my 14)___ each year
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess What is it like
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making Out there where they 15)___?
Then I'll stretch, maybe 9) ___, take a climb Now that I'm older
Sew a dress! 16)___ might just
Let me go...

Chores- Sew-

Sweep- Room-

Knit- Stuck-

Pottery- Wandering-

Candle- Glow-

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