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Castle Blackbird

To Play, You Will Need:

• These rules.
• Copies of the dramatis personae provided in this document for
A Dark 19th Century Game by GremlinLegionsTM the players, or copies of the blank character sheet if they wish to make original characters. • Writing utensils, and plenty of blank paper to write notes,
sketch maps, or to wad into balls and throw at the dog.
• Six-sided dice in two colors – white Story dice, and black
Based On: Effort dice. It doesn't really matter what colors are used, as
Lady Blackbird by John Harper long as there are only two colors and your group agrees which
Blackbird Pie by Jamie Fristrom is which. The players each start with one Story die, and seven
Ravenloft and Masque of the Red Death for AD&D 2nd Edition by TSR Effort dice. Pools of additional dice should be within easy
reach of the players.
With Inspirations: • Red Experience tokens. The Game Master will have a pool of
them for later distribution – six or eight per player should be
Soul Eater by Atsushi Okubo sufficient.
Berserk by Kentaro Miura • Plenty of imagination and enthusiasm.
Priest by Min-Woo Hyung
Le Chevalier D'Eon by Tou Ubukata
Hellsing by Kouta Hirano And These May Be Helpful:
Koudelka by Yuji Iwahara • Markers or miniatures to represent the characters and their
Comics adversaries. While normally we'd discourage their use for a
Hellboy and B.P.R.D. by Mike Mignola, from Dark Horse Comics narrative game, they can be handy sometimes to show relative
Gotham by Gaslight and The Doom That Came to Gotham by Mike distances and positions.
Mignola, from DC Comics • Old atlas and city maps, Victorian-era photos, costume books,
Gotham Central from DC Comics and other visual references.
Knights of Pendragon from Marvel Comics • A book of names. This is useful for both GMs and players
Television/Movies alike, who may need to come up with names of friends,
Bram Stoker's Dracula
contacts, and enemies on the fly, and wish to avoid a slew of
Dark Shadows
NPCs all named ”Sven” or ”Hershel.” Baby name books are
Being Human good, cheap, and readily available, though perhaps a little
Doctor Who, classic episodes ”State of Decay,” ”The Talons of Weng- embarrassing at the game table. We prefer Gary Gygax's
Chiang,” ”Image of the Fendahl,” and ”Ghost Light” Extraordinary Book of Names from Troll Lord Games, which
Torchwood, episodes ”Small Worlds” and ”Countrycide” guarantees you'll never have a duplicate name, ever again.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Murdoch Mysteries
Roleplaying Games
Call of Cthulhu and Cthulhu by Gaslight by Chaosium Version 11.24.10
Trail of Cthulhu by Pelgrane Press
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay by Games Workshop/Fantasy Flight Games
Works of Literature
Bram Stoker Mary Shelly
Robert Lewis Stevenson Edgar Allen Poe
H.P. Lovecraft H.G. Wells
Jules Verne Arthur Conan Doyle
Oscar Wilde

Benighted Times
Heraldic Crests Medieval Dingbats
Kallot PR Astro
PR Compass Rose PCOrnaments

Image Resources:
Split Eye Productions – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300,
San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Europe by Gaslight Secret Societies
The late 19th Century is a time of prosperity for the civilized The courts and board rooms are not safe from corruption or
world, after the chaos and upheavals of the past century. During influence, often being manipulated by secretive societies and
the height of Victorian England and Europe's Belle Epoque, criminal masterminds. These groups have exclusive memberships
the older nations expand and fortify their territories in the New and guard their plans under the guise of rituals and tradition,
World, Asia, and the dark continent of Africa, while younger, while quietly gathering money and power to use for their own
upstart nations like the United States and Japan grow in power ends. Some have actual, esoteric goals, whether the practice of
and prominence. occult arts, the collection of hidden truths, and even the hunting
of legendary creatures.
The affluent classes of this time enjoy prosperity and amenities
that make their lives increasingly comfortable. The Industrial Foremost among these secret societies are the Freemasons
Revolution introduces great advances in technology and and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Masons
conveniences become more accessible to those with wealth and hold considerable influence in many corners of society, and
power, such as telephones, electric lighting, and improved health membership is seen as a secure path to success. While they keep
care and medicines. The elite are able to travel in comfort aboard their membership hidden, their power and prominence makes
luxury steamships and locomotives, live and work anywhere secrecy impossible, and whispers abound about which politician
within Europe, and explore and gallivant to their heart's content. or mogul might be found on their rosters. The Golden Dawn
seeks, instead, wisdom and eldritch power, gaining strength
Things are not so pleasant for the working classes and the poor, through the popularity of spiritualism and mediums. Unlike the
and society's rapid modernization becomes a curse. Entire Masons, they don't camouflage their existence, and have several
neighborhoods become slums and stately homes become row prominent and visible members, including entertainers, writers,
houses, in some cases with as many as fifteen people residing in and eccentrics. Their stranger practices, however, are kept behind
a single room. Life is difficult and unrewarding, and the average closed doors, and would lead to scandal and even persecution if
person barely earns enough to sustain themselves, much less their revealed.
families. Both children and adults work long hours under terrible

Buried Horrors
conditions. The criminal classes fare only a little better, but more
opportunities are available through cunning and deceit. Knowing
what to steal, when to kill, and who to blackmail becomes a path Despite the reasoning and scientific advancement of this
to power and prosperity for the most devious. era, superstitions still run rampant, and strange murders,
disappearances, and disasters will still be quickly blamed
Civil Unrest on vampires, wolfmen, ghosts, and Satanists, particularly if
sensational claims sell newspapers. However, some incidents
While international relations are relatively peaceful, after the will, indeed, have strange circumstances and events which baffle
horrors of the Franco-Prussian War and the American Civil War, the authorities and investigators, and there are many individuals
this is by no means a time of social tranquility. New philosophies purporting psychic or magical powers, such as the Golden
and schools of thought spread through the intelligentsia and the Dawn’s own Alestair Crowley.
common classes alike, and some of the most dangerous ideas
find purchase with ambitious or fiery individuals. Some take The gypsies will also tell disturbing tales of reclusive immortals
up the banner of social equality and economic empowerment, who control beasts of legend, and pull the strings of power in
such as the Feminists, Abolitionists, and Socialists. Others are royal houses and radical groups alike. They are called the Seven
conservative, such as the Temperance League, fighting against Lords, described as heroes from a war lost to time who were
what they see as moral corruption. Others are more extreme, like tasked with guarding mountain crypts of ebony and granite.
Communists and anarchists, who use intimidation, violence, and The passing centuries left their souls vulnerable to the horrors
even explosives to wreak terror upon the lives of the public. they guarded, causing them to shrivel and die, leaving behind
demonic servants in the form of men. They have since turned
The territories are also unstable, as the natives grow restless the stone prisons into massive fortresses and castles where evil
under the yoke of colonial rule. Rising tensions from being things grow. Scholars would label these legends as morality tales,
exploited by European businesses and governments eventually attempts to personify the Seven Deadly Sins of the Bible. Those
turns to discontent and revolt. Across the developing world, with close ties to the gypsies claim otherwise.
colonies suffer setbacks and sabotage, sometimes even rebellion.
Foreigners also emigrate to Europe, taking jobs as cheap labor
and personal servants. They bring with them their strange
traditions, addictive drugs, inscrutable methods and criminal
The Rules Conditions
Conditions are effects and constraints that may be imposed on
When your character confronts a Challenge, whether a difficult a character as a consequence of his actions and failures. Exactly
task, obstacle, or adversary, you will need to roll some dice to how they affect the game will depend on the situation: they may
see if he succeeds. Take your starting Story die, and add one if act as limitations against certain Traits or Tags; they can restrict
you have a useful Trait, and one per applicable Tag related to certain options for how the story progresses; they could be treated
that Trait. Characters cannot use more than one Trait at a time. If like Challenges for the characters to overcome; or they may
the collected Story dice don't seem like enough, you can spend simply be narrative cues on how the characters should act, or how
Effort dice to include applicable Tags from other Traits on a the world reacts to them. There are thirteen Conditions common
one for one basis. If any of your friends are feeling generous, to Castle Blackbird, and the GM and players alike may feel free
they can give you one of their own Effort dice to your roll. to create new Conditions that better suit their own story.
Take your dice and roll them. Each die resulting in a 4 or greater • Afflicted: The character’s fitness or reasoning are diminished
counts as a Hit, and if the total equals or beats the Challenge, by disease, poison, or possibly a curse. What might help him
you can describe how the character succeeds. All of the Story recover?
and Effort dice used are discarded, with the exception of • Controlled: Whether through seduction, deception, possession
the character's starting Story die. The GM will describe how or hypnosis, the character's action are not his own.
this affects the story, particularly if information or clues are • Deceased: The character is presumed dead. Perhaps he is
uncovered. missing or comatose, or perhaps he may rise from the grave.
Death need not be the end.
If the character loses, you discard the collected Story dice,
• Deranged: Fear, insanity, or blind fury has made the
but keeps all of the Effort dice, and add one more to the pool
character’s actions erratic, and his emotions uncontrollable.
total, to a maximum of 10. The character's goal is out of reach,
• Entrapped: You may be entangled by ropes, pinned in a
maybe even lost, and the GM has the opportunity to escalate
wrestling match, jailed, buried under rubble, or blackmailed
the situation, such as by introducing a complication, bringing
into inaction.
in reinforcements, forcing a difficult decision, taking away an
• Exploited: The character is acting under false information, or
advantage or Tag, concealing information, providing false leads,
has been led astray through propaganda or illusions.
or inflicting a Condition.
• Exposed: Whatever secrecy or covert plans the character had
Magical Traits intended is now laid bare, with consequences to follow.
Some Traits represent a collection of supernatural or arcane • Fatigued: After prolonged combat, nightmarish dreams, or
abilities, and can be used to perform feats or actions that are exhaustive magics, the character's strength is spent, and he
bizarre or unnatural. Magical Traits, marked with a u, require must rest.
reserves of energy, so you cannot add more Tags than your • Indebted: Perhaps you owe a favor, have a stack of unpaid
current Effort pool, which includes any Effort you are using for bills, or swore a blood oath. Debts must eventually be paid.
that roll. If the character has a Power level, you can use that score • Injured: The character has suffered a serious wound, and must
instead. fight against the pain as well as his adversaries.
• Isolated: You have been separated from your allies, or you
Earning Experience all find yourselves in uncharted territory. You could also be a
While deciding your character's actions, you can declare that social pariah for your deeds.
one of your Tags is a liability in a particular situation, instead • Pursued: Perhaps you are a wanted man, or sought by those
of collecting a Story die, and suggest to the GM ways that you have wronged. You may also be a celebrity who cannot
it causes events to escalate or become more complicated. For escape the press.
example, a character's greed may get the better of him, and he • Tainted: Something terrible has begun to warp the character’s
takes a bribe to look the other way as a crime is committed. mind, body, or soul, changing it from what it once was.
Or maybe an annoying child makes it difficult for some of his Interludes
companions to gain audience with a politician. As a reward for
adding tension or suspense to the story, the GM can give you Between scenes of action or intrigue, characters can take a
either one Experience token or one Effort die. You may also break by acting out an Interlude with one or more of their
decide that the Tag could be the cause of impending danger or an companions. This is a time for comparing notes, making plans,
immediate threat, causing a Challenge or possibly imposing a developing relationships, finding out more about your friends
Condition on someone. In this case, the GM would give you two and their motivations, and tying up loose ends. During this time,
Experience tokens or two Effort dice (or one of each). A Tag the characters involved can replenish their Effort pool to the
can only be used as a liability once per Session, so mark it off default of seven dice, or they can remove one Condition from
afterwards to remind yourself which were used already. either themselves or an ally. Interludes can be treated as research
or invention montages, as flashbacks, or as a story retold by one
When a character goes against a Tag that either represents a of the characters.
major aspect of his personality or something important to him,
the GM may give you five Experience tokens. A coward could
show a moment of valor or bravery, or a wealthy heir could give
up their inheritance to help someone. In exchange, the character
loses that Tag permanently.
Running the Game Secrets, Misdirection and Terrible Truths
The game is a story, so revealing information is part of the
Observe, Listen, and Inquire Game Master's duty. The characters will be trying to root out
secrets and solve mysteries, and the GM will need to be able to
Don’t plan too far ahead when running Castle Blackbird. Instead give them answers, and confirm or deny their suspicions when
of laying out the entire adventure, let the players do the thinking appropriate. But you don't need to reveal everything all at once,
for you. Pay attention to what they do and how they interact with and should dole out clues and evidence carefully. Think of it
each other and the NPCs, and take copious notes. If they have like a paranormal investigation reality show – bits and pieces of
a good idea or bring up an intriguing point, jot the information information are collected over time, and it is the whole picture
down and use it as inspiration for how the adventure unfolds. that exposes the true nature of the situation. Sometimes, those
Make sure to ask them lots of questions, particularly ones that dig little clues and experiences can also be significant in their own
for information or make the players consider new possibilities. right. Also remember that you never, ever have to tell the players
Find out how they feel about the events taking place, or how they the whole truth, and there are no rules against coloring it with
think things will react to their actions. Ask questions like: misinformation. You may even provide clues to something
• Does anything overheat when you tamper with the engine? completely unrelated, though use red herrings sparingly. In
• The dinosaur skeletons are probably pretty fragile, aren't they? addition, the truth can sometimes be hard to bear. If the players
• This seems like a dangerous borough. Do you know anything invest time and energy to discover something that they later
about the gangs around here? regret, all the better.
• She seems to be taking an interest in your Master. Are you
okay with that? Creating Challenges
• Are there any side effects to the medicine you're working on? When the time comes for characters to be confronted by a
• They look like a tribe of Bushmen. Have you encountered them Challenge, it could be anything: common thugs, inclement
before? weather, villains, disasters, monsters, fear, or even the character's
• After the dance, do you say anything to her? own morality. Challenge ratings can either be set before-hand, as
• Were you going to make inquiries after the fire? part of the GMs preparation for the adventure or just improvised
Don’t Impede the Action on the fly, based on what the GM ”feels” is right. You should
never feel that Challenge ratings are set in stone. Clever thinking,
The characters are the heroes of the story, and should be able to creative actions, foolish decisions, and devious interference may
handle most tasks covered by their Traits. Even though this is a all play a role in adjusting the Challenge before a player needs to
game of horror, it shouldn't be necessary to ask for rolls every gather any dice.
time they try to do something, particularly if there's no obstacle A good middle ground is putting together Challenges with a few
or risk. Allow the characters to do what they want, and play it by short descriptions, phrases, and key details that the GM can use
ear based on their strengths and past accomplishments. Instead to assess the relative difficulty depending on the situation. For
of opposing them, look for your chance to reveal threats and example, if the characters were trying to scale a rocky precipice
introduce problems that result from their actions and decisions. that is described as a ”steep, slippery cliff face,” it could be a
Besides, it makes it that much more tragic and suspenseful when Troubling Challenge (4). If there was a rope secured at the top, it
the highly capable heroes are the unwitting cause of terrible might be treated as only Tricky (3). This can apply to adversaries
events. as well. A miscreant described as ”a friendly conman, murderous
intentions, keeps a hidden dagger,” could be an Easy (1)
Challenge when dealing with him as a fellow scoundrel, Tricky
(3) if you're trying to get a fair deal out of him, and possibly
Troubling (4) if you got into a fight with him and he were to
bring his dagger to bear. It's all open to the GMs interpretation,
but it is a fair bit easier than either writing out every possible
situation, or simply winging it all of the time.

Challenge Benchmarks
Easy – 1 | Average – 2 | Tricky – 3 | Troubling – 4 | Difficult – 5 | Extreme – 6 | Overwhelming – 7 | Foreboding – 8
Challenge Descriptions
Minor – 1-2 phrases | Moderate – 2-3 phrases | Major – 3-5 phrases | Prominent – 5-7 phrases | Pivotal – 7-10 phrases

Sample Challenges
Threatened Citizens (Minor): Tired and scared, Wants to avoid
the Baron's wrath
Visiting Emissary (Prominent): Appears without warning,
Friends in high places, Knows everyone's name, Makes deals
Baron Niemand (Pivotal): Excellent military tactics, Fueled by
for a ”price,” Serves an unknown master, Skilled fencer, Too
rage, Full suit of armor, Horror behind the mask, Longs for true
many secrets
love, Master of swordsmanship, Monstrous strength, No sense of
humor, Spells of shadow, Vertigo-inducing gaze
Baron's Knights (Moderate): Heavily armed, Loyal to the Obstacles
death, Negotiate with violence Castle Wall (Minor): Long fall down, Old loose stonework
Constabulary (Minor): Not willing to compromise, Weary Dungeon Cell (Moderate): Dark and uncomfortable, Heavy iron
officers of the law bars, Scrawls on the stonework
Captain of the Guards (Major): Authority of fear, Heavily Swamp at Night (Moderate): Poisonous denizens, Something
armed, Loyal to the death, Never backs down from a fight, lurking in the shadows, Surprisingly deep mud
Pursues his target tirelessly
Dark Hound (Moderate): Made of shadow, Savage beast, Very Events
keen senses Collapse! (Major): Heavy stones and crossbeams, No room to
Local Thugs (Minor): Trying to make an easy penny, A cudgel move, Smell of leaking gas, Trapped bystanders
is a great motivator Infiltrate the Castle (Major): Guards on the walls, Magical
Other Captives (Minor): Tired and angry, Will do anything for wards, Heavy locked doors, Far too many shadows
a reward Riot in the Streets (Major): Crowds of panicked people, Law
Servant of the Baron (Major): Extremely athletic, Eyes and shows no mercy, Rabble-rousers causing trouble, Tempers
ears of the Baron, Manipulates shadows with ease, Pulls boiling over
daggers from the air Sneaking Through Town (Moderate): Spotters on the rooftops,
The locals are restless, Town guard on patrol

The Dramatis Personae Advantages and Advancement

As your character collects Experience tokens, they can be spent
There are six premade characters for the default Castle Blackbird throughout the game on various advantages.
adventure. Even though the scenario introduces each of the • One Experience token will allow the character to ignore a
characters, the only one essential to the story is Konstanze. As Condition he is about to suffer. Note, this cannot be used to
long as one player takes her role, the others are up for grabs. remove a Condition after the fact – you will need to act out an
Once you've chosen a character and have your starting dice, you Interlude to do that. Make sure to describe how he manages to
are ready to play. escape this fate!
Making Your Own Characters • One Experience token can make an item found or acquired
during the game to be used as a temporary Tag for the rest of
It's fairly easy to make your own original characters for Castle the Scene. It is considered a generic Tag, so it can be applied
Blackbird, perhaps if one of the originals dies or if you are using to any Trait, as long as the usage makes sense.
your own scenario. New characters start with 25 picks, each • Two Experience tokens will allow you to use any of your
allowing you to select a Trait or Tag. You can also start with one character's applicable Tags on a single roll, no matter which
level of Power in exchange for 3 picks. Trait is actually used. Magical Tags are still limited by the
There are only a few limitations when making your own character's Effort or Power.
character. Any Tags you select must belong to one of the • Five Experience tokens can purchase a new Trait, Tag, or
character's Traits. Also, starting characters cannot begin with level of Power. This can also make a temporary item Tag into
more than one Magical Trait, and cannot have a Power a permanent one (in which case you only have to spend four
level greater than 1. Other than that, there are no restrictions, Experience tokens). Once you do this, the new item Tag needs
whatsoever. You can even choose Traits and Tags which seem to be connected to one of the character's Traits.
contradictory or strange together, as long as you have an
interesting explanation or backstory for the choice.
Following the Dramatis Personae, there is a monstrous list of
120 Traits devised for the Castle Blackbird setting. This is by no
means exhaustive, and we are sure that players and GMs alike
will have their own ideas for new Traits and Tags. By all means,
they are encouraged to make their own, as long as everyone
agrees that the abilities they choose make sense.
1 Konstanze Amalie von Amselburg 1
An adventurous heiress in hiding

Awareness / Decipher / Lore / Myths / Nimble / Ruins
Education / Inheritance / Lineage / Presence / Title
Brash / Daring / Insubordinate / Tough
Observant / Quiet / Tight-Lipped
Disarm / Rapier





0 g Ruprecht Hertwig Ehrhard g

Lovelorn personal bodyguard of the Lady of Castle Blackbird

Brave / Breastplate / Charge / Equestrian / Fencing / Longsword / Manners /

Calm / Conceal / Defend / Derringer / Reaction / Search / Suspicion / To The
Death / Watchful

Honest / Iron Will / Loyal / Patient / Unyielding




0 x Horatio Metcalfe x
Gadabout with the notion of becoming a monster hunter

Borrow / Carouse / Fashion / Haughty / Repartee / Winning Smile

Advice / Gossip / Listen / Tinker

Crossbow / Holy Water / Know the Signs / Patience / Silver / Wooden Stake

Alert / Been There Done That / Cultures / Improvise / Languages





O Brijesh Sukhjinder O
Outcast Rakshasa and loyal companion to Horatio

Backstab / Conceal / Deadly / Garrote / Poison / Shadow / Stealth /
Dead Man's Face / Imitate / Quick Change / Replace / Steal Form / Steal
Exotic / Strange Mannerisms / Unreadable




1 L Louza Piemontesi L
Cunning Gypsy delinquent and troublemaker

Binding / Fates / Locate / Lost Lore / True Name / Whispers

Allies / Clan / Pick Pockets / Secrets / Tricks

Bluff / Distract / Escape

Bargain / Feel of the Streets / Know Someone Who Knows Someone /





K Gruthmundr Løkken K
Craven Nordic criminal seeking fame and fortune

Drink / Old Pistol / Ruffian / Shooting / Sneer
Boast / Oblivious / Talk for Hours / Tall Tales
Desperate / Fight Dirty / Improvise / Iron Stomach
Bluff / Duck and Cover / Excuses
Backtalk / Conman / Dishonest / Promises




Traits Animal Trainer, Balance, Bizarre, Clown, Contortion, Distract,
Escape, Geek, Juggling, Midget, Misfit, Misshapen, One of Us,
Activist Pick Pocket, Prance, Stunt, Trained Monkey, Trick, Tumbling,
Accusation, Anarchist, Communist, Conspiracy, Contacts, Whip
Criminal, Determined, Factions, Honest, Inspire, Leaflets,
Organize, Propaganda, Rabble, Radical, Speech, Yell Cavalier
Affluence, Brave, Breastplate, Charge, Equestrian, Etiquette,
Administrator Fealty, Fencing, Haughty, Longsword, Heraldry, Loyal, Manners,
Accounting, Banking, Bureaucracy, Carbon Paper, Credit, Details, Pistol, Polished, Rank, Shooting, Tactics, Warhorse
Double Check, Finance, Irritable, Loopholes, Organization,
Politics, Research, Stingy, Stocks, Taxes uChangeling
Amorphous, Blending, Convincing, Dead Man's Face, Diversion,
Alchemist Feign Ability, Grow, Imitate, Indistinguishable, Quick Change,
Bleeding, Brewing, Curatives, Folklore, Formulas, Hallucinogens, Repeat, Replace, Shrink, Steal Form, Steal Memories
Healing, Herbs, Humours, Leech Jar, Legends, Natural, Old Ways,
Poisoning, Potions, Research, Strange uChanneler
Astral Form, Commune, Crystal Ball, Dreaming, Ectoplasm,
Alienist Empathic, Empowerment, Exorcise, Fearless, Ouija Board, Past
Analyze, Behavior, Crackpot, Delusions, Ground-breaking, Inured, Lives, Possession, Share Memories, Speak in Tongues, Spirit
Mesmerise, Methodical, Motivations, Observe, Pocket Watch, Sight, Telekinesis, Telepathy
Soothing Voice, Therapy, Torture, Trauma, Unorthodox
uArcanist Alibi, Attention, Blackmail, Bribery, Charisma, Counterfeit
Comprehend, Conjuration, Dispel, Seek, Eldritch Relic, Extension, Banknotes, Cunning Plan, Deception, Disguise, Forged
Forbidden Knowledge, Message, Obscure, Occult Tome, Documents, Excuses, Forgery, Misdirection, Smooth Talker
Protection, Reverse, Secure, Trace, True Sight, Warding
Artist Accent, Combative, Determined, Forefathers, Gruff, Hardy,
Appreciation, Avant Garde, Backing, Classic, Creative, Grand Impatient, Improvise, Independent, Land Deed, Scrounge,
Scale, In Demand, Literature, Loans, Painting, Proficient, Realism, Solidarity
Refined, Sculpture, Style, Unique
Ascetic Arouse, Charm, Eavesdrop, Facade, Infection, Innuendo, Intimate
Acrobatics, Alert, Anecdotes, Animal Stance, Austere, Balance, Details, Manners, Pander, Pick Pockets, Pocket Money, Pretend,
Brave, Defend, Disarm, Endure, Fast, Fitness, Humble, Iron Fist, Regulars, Scandalous, Seduction, Take Abuse, Weave Tales
Martial Arts, Meditate, Reaction, Wisdom
Assassin Argue, Denial, Grouchy, Headstrong, Intolerant, Life Savings,
Ambush, Backstab, Cold Stare, Conceal, Contracts, Crossbow, Rally, Religious, Serious, Suspicious, Tradition
Deadly, Feared, Garrote, Guild, Poison, Quick, Ruthless, Shadow,
Sniper, Stealth, Stiletto, Trailing, Unemotional Constable
Apprehend, Brawl, Careful, Disarm, Gruff, Hardy, Informants,
Bandit Interrogate, Law, Manacles, Nightstick, Pride, Protect, Revolver,
Black Market, Blood Money, Dagger, Dark Cloak, Drink, Hardy, Solidarity, Warrant, Watchful, What's All This Then?
Kidnap, Odious, Old Pistol, Racketeer, Rotten Breath, Ruffian,
Scattergun, Shooting, Slash, Sneer, Treacherous uConstruct
Angry, Boost, Crush, Hardened, Immense, Innocence, Iron Grip,
Bounty Hunter Leap, Lonely, Misunderstood, Power Source, Rage, Smash, Stone
Demand, Disarm, Follow, Intimidate, Jobsworth, Knock 'Em Skin, Strong, Unnatural
Down, Manacles, No Mercy, No Nonsense, No Use to Me Dead,
Heavy Pistol, Tireless, Tracking, Traps, Tricks of the Trade Convict
Bitter, Cold Stare, Desperate, Fight Dirty, Finish You But Good!,
Braggart Fugitive, Hardened, Hatred, Improvise, Iron Stomach, Old
Boast, Confidence, Ego, Haughty, Oblivious, Pushy, Reckless, Sly Cellmates, Out For Blood, Reformed, Scarred, Tough
Smile, Talk for Hours, Tall Tales
Burglar Betray, Cunning, Fraud, Greedy, Illicit, Impatient, Infamous,
Alarms, Appraise, Avoid, Bash ‘Em, Break and Enter, Case the Power-Hungry, Schemes, Secrets, Two-Faced
Joint, Climbing, Crowbar, Dexterous, Fence Goods, Lockpicks,
Locks, Quiet, Sprint, Stealth, Tough Cosmopolitan
Aloof, Connections, Culture, Education, Etiquette, Gossip, Open-
uCabalist Minded, Spunky, Style, Tolerant, Well-Off
Anonymity, Bestow, Binding, Blood Curse, Combine, Curative,
Fates, Geas, Locate, Lost Lore, Pact of Loyalty, Sigil, Sooth,
Transform, True Name, Whispers
Courtier uDiabolist
Affluent, Charisma, Concealed Dagger, Deception, Etiquette, Bleeding, Blight, Burning, Corruption, Dark Pact, Drain Life,
Exquisite Derringer, Favors, Flattery, Friends in High Places, Entreat, Fear, Gateway, Grasp, Impish Servant, Infliction,
Pillow Talk, Privilege, Resentment, Secrets, Seduction, Toadying, Shadows, Summoning, The Mark, Warp
Cowardly Attitude, Borrow, Carouse, Connected, Cultured, Elitist,
Awareness, Beg for Mercy, Bluff, Cry for Help, Duck and Cover, Entitlement, Excuses, Fashion, Favors, Haughty, Loans, Privilege,
Escape, Excuses, Hide, Sprint, Wary Repartee, Seduction, Wealth, Winning Smile
Craftsman uDiviner
Armors, Carpentry, Detail, Dirty, Gruff, Hammer, Inspect, Large Astral Sight, Astrological Charts, Comprehension, Crystalmancy,
Hands, Masonry, Metals, Pride, Quality, Repair, Smelting, Destinies, Doomsayer, Dowsing, Dreaming, Extend Senses,
Smithing, Solidarity, Strong, Tradition, Weapons Harbinger, Omens, Past Lives, Postcognition, Precognition,
Prophesy, Scrying
Bitter, Exploit, Insult, Offensive, Ruthless, Sadistic, Salt in the Elderly
Wound, Tough, Turn the Screws, Unfeeling Anecdotes, Can't Feel a Thing, Demanding, Grouchy, Hard of
Hearing, I Knew Yer Pa!, Knobby Cane, Pushy, Respect, Senile,
Crusading Tall Tales, Thick Spectacles, Wise
Charge In, Courage, Headstrong, Intimidate, Intolerant, Lofty
Goal, Loyal, No Mercy, Overpower, Rally uEnchanter
Aura, Calming, Charm, Command, Confuse, Despair, Fear, Forget,
Cultist Gaze, Hatred, Love, Madness, Memory, Sleep, Suggest, Truth,
Blood Pact, Ceremonial Dagger, Chants, Conspiracy, Fearless,
For the Dark One!, Gibbering, Influence, Occult Lore, Rituals,
Ruthless, Sinister, Stamina, Strange Artifact, Unhinged Engineer
Architecture, Black Powder, Clockwork, Crackpot, Devices,
Cutpurse Dynamite, Eureka!, Improvise, Inventor, Modification, Patents,
Artful Dodger, Conceal, Cunning, Distract, Duck for Cover, Hide,
Repair, Sabotage, Salvage, Spare Parts, Steam Engines, Talented,
Inconspicuous, Keep Your Wits About You, Pick Pockets, Pocket
Tool Kit, Wrench
Knife, Quick, Quiet, Size Them Up, Teamwork, Trip
Cynical Acrobatics, Antics, Contortion, Distraction, Escape, Hidden
Criticize, Distaste, Honest, Ignore, Irritable, Notice Flaws,
Knives, Humor, Juggling, Keen Aim, Keep 'Em Occupied, Mask,
Observe, Prepare for the Worst, Sarcasm
Sleight of Hand, Theatrics, Throwing Knives, Trickery, Tumbling
Daredevil Escort
Adrenalin, Against All Odds, Athletic, Brave, Daring, Face Death,
Alert, Blood Bond, Calm, Conceal, Defend, Derringer, Disguise,
Fearless, Leap In, Quick, Reckless, Strong, Tough
Etiquette, Fencing, Loyal, Rapier, Reaction, Search, Serious,
Dealer Stipend, Suspicion, Tend Wounds, To the Death, Watchful
Antiquities, Banknotes, Black Market, Bookie, Conceal,
Contraband, Cover Up, Counterfeit, Deception, Forgery, Haggle,
Affinity, Aloof, Ancient, Attractive, Aura, Elitist, Lonely,
Hide, Jewelry, Lending, Narcotics, Sneaky, Trafficking
Longevity, Resist Cold, Resist Disease, Stoic, Swift, Trackless,
Deceitful Wisdom
Backtalk, Conman, Convoluted, Disguise, Dishonest, Hiding, Lies,
Misdirection, Opportunity, Promises, Scoundrel
Ancient, Appraise, Awareness, Cartography, Curious, Decipher,
Dedicated Excavate, Funds, Hardy, History, Lore, Museum, Myths, Nimble,
Clear Thinker, Confidence, Fast, Friendly, Hit the Ground Old Maps, Ruins, Traps, Treasures, Whatever You Can Find...
Running, Iron Will, Keen, Reliable, Resolve, Vow
Defeatist Determined, Honest, Ignorant, Iron Will, Loyal, Patient, Religious,
Calm, Exhausted, Patient, Persevere, Pessimist, Reserved, Spirited, Stubborn, Unyielding, Uplifting
Resigned, Tough, Vengeful, Yielding
Detective Angry, Bomb, Branded, Combative, Convert, Fervent, Flagellant,
Case Files, Deduction, Determined, Elementary!, Fisticuffs, Game Intolerant, Molotov Cocktail, Religious, Scarred, Wild Hair
is Afoot!, Informants, Insight, Investigate, Law, Magnifying Glass,
Perceptive, Pistol, Questioning, Research, Search, Warrant
Attention, Colorful, Exuberant, Fine Clothes, Flashy, High Spirits,
Deviant High Tension, Interrupt, Outgoing, Prance, Style
Betray, Bloody, Cold-Blooded, Dark, Dishonest, Icy Stare,
Infamous, Obsessed, Perverted, Psychopath, Scandalous
Annoy, Barge In, Cajole, Curious, Determined, Ignore Them, Ill
Mannered, Insult, Jump to Conclusions, Stubborn, Whine
Allure, Exotic, Fresh Perspective, Incomprehensible, Pidgin,
Strange Mannerisms, Surprising, Unique Habits, Unknown,
Architecture, Argue, Bribes, Carpentry, Direction, Double Check,
Handy, Intercede, Management, Negotiate, Read Plans, Temper,
Tough, Well-Off
Allies, Brawling, Camping, Gold Shares, Gritty, Hunting Rifle,
Interpret, Natives, No Nonsense, Orienteering, Perceptive,
Rancher, Riding, Rough, Rugged Pistol, Scouting, Shooting
Betting, Bookie, Distract, Fast-Talk, Infamous, Know the Odds,
Loaded Dice, Lucky Streak, Marked Cards, Now You See It,
Palming, Place the Blame, Poker Face, Shell Game, Up the Sleeve
Awareness, Cudgel, Defend, Disarm, In the Line of Duty, Leather
Coat, Nobody’s Fool, Notice, Pistol, Polearm, Restrain, Serious,
Take the Hit, Threaten, Unflinching
Allies, By the Stars, Cackle, Clan, Dark Tales, Eerie Stare, Evil
Eye, Legends, Lore, Myths, Palmistry, Pick Pockets, Riddles,
Secrets, Tarot Cards, The Old Ways, Tricks, Unsettling
Bash, Blackjack, Bottle of Spirits, Brawling, Break, Crass, Laborer
Criminal, Cruel, Destroy, Dirty Tricks, Kick It In, Menace, Carouse, Carpentry, Distrust, Endure, Farming, Fireman, Follow
Miscreant, Mugging, Pushy, Revolver, Strong, Tough, Ugly, Directions, Friends, Gardener, Handy, Lumber, Mining, Pickaxe,
Violent Plain-Speaking, Pummel, Solidarity, Strong, Teamster

Huntsman Litigant
Animal Mimicry, Camouflage, Dagger, Endure, Keen, Lures, Berate, Chastise, Convince, Cross Examine, Debate, Integrity,
Navigate, Observation, Predator, Running, Scrounge, Shooting, Interrupt, Investigate, Law, Legal Briefs, Objection!, Oratory,
Shotgun, Silent, Snares, Tough, Tracking Prosperous, Secrets, Trusted

uIllusionist uLycanthrope
Appear, Blending, Change, Delusion, Desires, Dreaming, Animal Form, Bestial Hide, Call Animals, Claws, Deadly, Fierce,
Duplicate, Fool’s Gold, Glamour, Hypnotize, Levitate, Mimicry, Full Moon, Hideous, Howl, Instinct, Keen Sense, Lost Humanity,
Mirage, Nightmare, Shadows, Silver Tongue, Spook, Vanish Nightvision, Predator, Ravenous, Shred

Impassive Magician
Cool-Headed, Inconceivable!, Informed, Logical, Surmise, Think Bluff, Charisma, Clever, Distraction, Endless Ribbons, Faster Than
It Through, Unemotional, Unyielding the Eye, Fireworks, Mirrors, Prediction, Sleight of Hand, Smoke
Bomb, Top Hat, Trick Cane, Ventriloquist, You're Getting Sleepy
Ancient Lore, Awareness, Brotherhood, Conspiracy, History, Meddlesome
Initiation Rites, Influence, Mysteries, Rituals, Secret Handshake, Advice, Curious, Gossip, Inquire, Listen, Nonchalant, Observe,
Solidarity, The Oath Peek, Tinker, What Does This Do?

uInfernal Merchant
Acid Blood, Bite, Burning Spittle, Claws, Darkvision, Flight, Accounting, Appraise, Arrange, Bargain, Budget, Buying,
Homunculus, Hunger, Infernal, Resist Heat, Resist Poison, Stone Conceal, Connections, Deals, Evaluate, Fast-Talk, Procure, Profit,
Meld, Stone-Skinned, Tempt, The Contract Prosperous, Selling, Stocks, Supply, Trading

Journalist Mischievous
Badger, Camera, Chutzpah, Contacts, Deception, Disliked, Ear for Bluff, Distract, Escape, Humorous, Impulsive, Keen, Quick, Sharp,
News, Eavesdrop, Fast-Talk, Gossip, Headlines, Inquiry, Integrity, Tricks, Unpredictable, Wide Grin
Photography, Scandal, Stop the Presses! uMonstrous
Abominable, Bat Wings, Bizarre, Claws, Disembody, Fangs,
Fierce, Hideous, Hunger, Infection, Mutation, Regrow, Scales,
Sting, Strangle, Strong, Tentacles, Terrible, Venom, Wall Crawl
uNecromancer Rustic
Animate, Banish, Bleeding, Blight, Blinding, Bone Wand, Aware, Backwoods, Curious, Family, Hardy, In Your Blood,
Consume, Control, Disease, Draining, Fear, Ghost, Paralyze, Intolerant, Lay of the Land, Nimble, Plain, Temper, The Way It's
Raising, Skull Goblet, Stench, Vampire, Wither, Zombie Always Done, Traps
Nobility Sailor
Coat of Arms, Culture, Education, Etiquette, Favors, Heirloom, Cudgel, Fishing, Gunnery, Iron Stomach, Navigate, Pistol, Rank,
History, Inbreeding, Inheritance, Lineage, Majesty, Paragon, Rowboat, Sailboat, Scrimshaw, Sea Legs, Sea Shanties, Signals,
Presence, Privilege, Royalty, Title, Tradition, Wealthy Stamina, Steamer, Warship, Whaling, Woman In Every Port
Officer Savage
Bureaucracy, Chain of Command, Confidence, Etiquette, Fencing, Alertness, Berserker, Bow, Brother Wolf, Calm, Fasting, Fierce,
Groomed, Heavy Pistol, History, Intel, Leadership, Medals, Hatchet, Hunting, Legends, Quick, Scrounge, Silent, Sister Falcon,
Military, Orders, Rank, Respect, Saber, Shooting, Stand Tall, Snares, Survival, Talisman, Tracking, Wilderness
Tactics, Wages
Optimist Ancient, Argument, Colleagues, Cultures, Curator, Debate,
Calm, Compliment, Confidence, Energetic, Honest, Inspire, Polite, Dissertation, History, Instruction, Languages, Library, Literature,
Positive, Tenacious, Unrealistic Oddities, Old School Song, Philosophy, Politics, Research,
Studious, Stiff, Tenure
Alcoholic, Branded, Contacts, Convict, Creepy Stare, Infamous, Scientist
Loner, Misanthrope, Outlaw, Scrounge Acids, Analyze, Backing, Biology, Calculating, Crackpot,
Detached from Reality, Devices, Discovery, Explosives,
Pastor Investigate, Mathematics, Physics, Stipend, Tenure, Theory,
Advice, Authority, Calm, Ceremony, Comfort, Community,
Confession, Educated, Flock, Holy Book, Holy Symbol, Inspire,
Level-Headed, Respected, Sacrament, Stipend, Temptation, Secretive
Trusted Arcane, Blackmail, In the Shadows, Observant, Paranoid, Quiet,
Stubborn, Suspicious, Tight-Lipped, Unknown
Critical, Details, Effort, Expertise, Frustration, Hard Work, Sensible
Irritable, Stress, Studious, Tireless Anecdotes, Big Picture, Calm, Clarity, Consider, Cool-Headed,
Humility, Supportive, Unflappable
Acting, Charming, Composition, Dancing, Direct, Disguise, uShamanist
Famous, Influence, Luxury, Memorable, Musician, Opera, Ancestors, Blending, Brave Wolf, Commune, Cunning Fox,
Opinions, Poetic, Seduction, Singing, Sway Deadly Snake, Dream Travel, Hoodoo Bag, Long Stride, Mighty
Bear, Spirits, Swift Eagle, Talisman, Wild Form, Wild Path, Wise
Philosopher Raven
Abolition, Argue, Crackpot, Educated, Ethics, Heretical, Morality,
Ponder, Reasoning, Religion, Revolutionary, Spurious Logic, Slayer
Stubborn, Temperance, Thoughtful Cold-Hearted, Crossbow, Defy Evil, Demonology, Hatred, Holy
Symbol, Holy Water, Hunting, Iron Will, Know the Signs, Know
Physician Thy Enemy, Monsters, Patience, Silver, Sniper, Tracking, Tooth
Anatomy, Bedside Manner, Dentistry, Diagnose, Diseases,
and Nail, Wooden Stake
Dissection, Educated, Examine, Healing, Medical Bag, Pharmacy,
Prosperous, Remedies, Sedatives, Surgery, Unnerving Sociable
Approachable, Carouse, Connections, Friendly, Inspire,
Politician Nonchalant, Positive, Talkative, Well-Mannered
Above Reproach, Argue, Authority, Connected, Contributions,
Convince, Elected, Exaggerate, Hogwash, Hyperbole, Law, Lobby, Soldier
Pillar of the Community, Rants, The Game, Trusted, Wealthy All For One, Army Revolver, Bitter, Fierce, Flashbacks, Grim,
Grisly Tales, Gritty, March, Pistoleer, Rifle, Scarred, Shooting, Spit
Pugilist and Polish, Tactics, Tough, Uniform Jacket, Veteran, War Stories
Bad Temper, Bone-Breaking, Brass Knuckles, Brutal, Crush, Dirty
Trick, Fancy Footwork, Fast, Hard, Menacing, Queensberry Rules, Spiritualist
Reputation, Stomp, Strong, Suckerpunch, Sure Bet, Thick-Skinned Calm, Crystal Ball, Deception, Distraction, Hauntings, Improvise,
Knocking, Lore, Misleading, Observation, Palmistry, Parlor Tricks,
Rebellious Rituals, Secrets, Tragedy
Antisocial, Argue, Brash, Bring It!, Daring, Headstrong, Impatient,
Insubordinate, Take Advantage, Tough Sportsman
Archery, Champion, Fair Play, Famous, Fencing, Fitness, Golf,
Reclusive Jumping, Longbow, Olympics, Rapier, Rules, Running, Strength,
Antisocial, Emotional Wounds, Extreme, Hateful, Hide, Leave Me
Swimming, Tennis, Throwing, Training, Unbeaten, Vigorous,
Alone!, Misunderstood, Quiet, Shy
Spy Warrior
Camouflaged Pistol, Collapsible Dagger, Conceal, Cunning, Cool-Headed, Cuirass, Dagger, Dangerous, Daring, Disarm,
Cyanide Pill, Disguise, Gain Trust, Infiltrate, International, Iron Duelist, Feint, Flanking, Keep Fighting, Longsword, Parry, Rapier,
Will, Lies, Military, Observe, Politics, Propaganda, Secrets, Shortsword, Steady Gaze, Surprise, Two-Handed, Unpredictable
Stealth, Subversion, Surreptitious
Steward Adventurous, Alert, Been There Done That, Cultures, Curious,
At the Master's Side, Blackmail, Convincing, Eavesdrop, Efficient, Hardy, Improvise, Languages, Open-Minded, Shrewd
Endure, Etiquette, Inform, Intrigue, Loyal, Patience, Secrets,
Servant, Tradition
Annoy, Curious, Exuberant, Innocent, Pester, Slingshot, Small,
Student Tantrum, Whine, Wriggle
Contraband, Drinking Games, History, Literature, Lollygag, Old
School Song, Pranks, Research, Scholarship, School Colors,
Science, Studious, Take Notes, Teacher’s Pet, Truancy
Careful, Details, Folklore, Good Luck Charm, Legends, Lucky
Number, Myths, Nervous, Observant, Reaction, Suspicious
Atonement, Blessing, Consecrate, Convert, Divinity, Exorcise,
Fire and Brimstone, Healing, Holy Fury, Holy Light, Holy Spirit,
Miracles, Purification, Rebuke, Retribution, Righteous, Word of
Alarms, Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Conceal, Etiquette, Eye for
Detail, Intrude, Lockpicks, Locks, Prosperous, Sleight of Hand,
Stealth, Trailing, Traps, Unassuming, Winning Smile
Barman, Brewing, Coachman, Conductor, Cooking, Efficient,
Grooming, Hard Work, Husbandry, Organized, Patient,
Professional, Reliable, Service, Spit and Polish, Tailor, Undertaker
Bite, Break Through, Claw, Dead Gaze, Feel No Pain, Fierce,
Horrific, Hunger, Lunge, Memento, Memories of Life,
Nightmares, Pass Through, Relentless, Rot, Shriveled, Smell Their
Life, Tireless
Bargain, Contacts, Directions, Favors, Feel of the Streets, Gossip,
Know Someone Who Knows Someone, Rivalry, Streetwise
Alms, Begging, Bitter, Feign Injury, Hoboknife, Hungry,
Iron Stomach, Pathetic, Poor, Scrounge, Stamina, Unnoticed,
Calm, Charge In, Courage, Ethical, Feel Their Pain, Heroic,
Inspire, Mercy, Protect, Righting Wrongs
Anger, Determined, Gritty, Headstrong, Ignore the Pain, Menacing,
No Mercy, Righting Wrongs, Tough
Ambitious, Creative, Curious, Dreamer, Hopeful, Ideals,
Inspiration, Progressive, Unrealistic
Excitement, Masochist, Obsession, Perverted, Scandalous,
Sensual, Temptation, Tickle, Unflappable
This game is a hack that was two months in the devising – about a month longer than I had intended. Ever since I first read
John Harper's Lady Blackbird rules, I was inspired to use them to create and run short, setting-specific adventures that
allows the players to help tell a story as much as the Game Master.

The Ravenloft setting from 2nd Edition AD&D had always been one of my favorites, particularly the Masque of the Red
Death module, and it seemed like it would be a perfect match for the Lady Blackbird rules. What followed was a lot
of unnecessary concept sketches, backstories, notes, research, and revisions. By the time my self-proclaimed deadline
of Halloween rolled around, I had a pile of notes and drawings, but absolutely nothing that could be presented as a
Blackbird-esque game. After much culling, it has been slimmed down into the form you see before you.

As ”simplified” as Castle Blackbird is, it is still quite a bit more complex than originally intended, and some of its new
rules are untested, in particular the for Challenge descriptions. It also has a lot of Traits. A LOT of Traits. However, I think
this provides more than enough detail and options for players with a similar affection for Gothic horror to be able to port
the actual Ravenloft setting, or perhaps even Call of Cthulhu adventures, to the Blackbird rules with little work at all.

I hope that the rules work as intended, and the game is as fun as I imagined it will be. Perhaps, later on, I'll take some of
my copious notes and start writing up details of the others of the Seven Lords and their minions. Also, I hope that people
who have an opportunity to play Castle Blackbird will provide feedback to make this a better game...particularly in better
names for the different magical abilities, as well as additional Traits and Tags that should be included.

-Gremlin Legions









T he Door To Günter's Brauhaus Was Kicked In...
and the patrons were forced into the Amselburg streets, pushed into a larger group of people who
had been removed from other local establishments by the constabulary. As other enforcers broke into
surrounding homes and buildings, barking out commands to their residents, those held captive were
closely watched over by Baron Niemand’s own soldiers, clad in black and bearing helms akin to the
metal mask worn by their master. The din of upset voices and the cries of children could be heard
echoing through the streets, and one could not help but imagine that these events were being repeated
all over this ward of the city.

Konstanze and her friends felt the last warmth of their drinks quickly evaporate into the chill
of the evening air, as the gathering grew larger and the atmosphere bleaker. She looked to her
loyal Ruprecht, whose furrowed brow betrayed the worry that he felt, despite his otherwise stoic
countenance. Around her, the others were also tense. Horatio, in his typically British fashion, seemed
more inconvenienced than upset, and looked as if he might slap the helm of one of their guards with
a white kidglove, had he the chance. His companion Brijesh was as calm as ever, though no one ever
knew whether that was from enlightenment or well-constrained bloodlust. And as for their defacto
leader Gruthmundr, the supposedly fearless bandit descended from mighty Vikings, his eyes were
darting back and forth nervously while his shaking hand migrated ever-closer to his concealed pistol.

As the last tavern on the block was evacuated, Louza appeared like a dark-skinned ghost, to report
what she had learned from the whispers of the guards, and it was worse than they could imagine. The
Baron had discovered that his ward and heiress of the Castle Blackbird, the Lady von Amselburg,
was missing, feared abducted by villains unknown, and her handmaiden was executed on suspicion
of collusion. Alarms had been raised and the roads out of the city had been closed by the guard,
with orders to rescue her at all costs before midnight, and to kill her captors on sight. This news
chilled Konstanze to the core, for she and Ruprecht shouldered a secret unbeknownst to the rest...
that she was actually the Lady of Castle Blackbird! For several months, she had been living outside
the mountaintop castle to escape the romantic advances of the Baron and to explore and gallivant as
she pleased, leaving her personal handmaiden behind in her place, using veils and the ornate dresses
of nobility to maintain the masquerade. Her escapades now had tragic consequences, and with the
charade crumbling, were she to be recognized by any of the guards, her friends would surely also be
dragged to the gallows!

How will they escape from the notice of the constabulary and the Baron’s knights?

Where can they find safety from the Baron’s spies and hidden servants?

And what possible reason is there for Konstanze to be returned by midnight?

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