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Total Quality Management – TQMB19-5

Session 02 → Deming-Juran-Crosby Philosophy

+ Value Stream Mapping (Concepts and Steps)
Some Issues from Deming-Juran-
Crosby Philosophy
◼ What are “common causes” and “special causes”?
◼ Which helps in quality improvement?
◼ What are the problems with control charts?
◼ Why “quality control engineers” are necessary?
◼ Deming Point 8 → Drive out fear…Why?
◼ Juran’s view → When workers are responsible for
◼ Crosby’s view → Why “quality is free”?
◼ Also important
◼ Deming’s Chain reaction
◼ Juran’s Trilogy
◼ Crosby’s Quality Management Maturity Grid
Dipankar Bose - XLRI
Some Obstacles to Better Quality –
◼ Neglecting long-range planning
◼ Relying on technology to solve problems
◼ Seeking examples to follow rather than developing
◼ Excuses, such as "our problems are different"
◼ Obsolescence in school that management skill can be
taught in classes
◼ Reliance on quality control departments
◼ Placing blame on workforces
◼ Relying on quality inspection rather than improving
product quality

Dipankar Bose - XLRI

What is Value Added?

◼ A step is value-added if
◼ The Customer recognizes the value
◼ It changes the Fit, Form, or Function of the product
◼ It is done right at the first time

◼ A Value Adding Activity transforms or shapes raw material

or information to meet customer requirements
◼ All three of these conditions must be met

◼ Types of processes
◼ Value added/ Non-value added/ Necessary, but non-
value added
Dipankar Bose - XLRI
Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

◼ A hands-on process to create

◼ A graphical representation of the process, material and
information flows
◼ Within a value stream

◼ Objectives
◼ Provide the means to see the material, process and
information flows
◼ Support the prioritization of continuous improvement
activities at the value stream
◼ Provide the basis for facility layout
◼ Eliminate waste
Dipankar Bose - XLRI
Lean Six Sigma/Value Stream
Mapping Steps
◼ Define
◼ Select product /service family
◼ Different VSM for different product/service family
◼ Measure
◼ Draw Current State map – How the process operates
◼ Analyze
◼ Identify opportunities for elimination of waste and
areas of improvement – To meet customer’s needs
◼ Improve
◼ Draw the Future State map
◼ Design a lean flow using lean techniques
◼ Develop action plan and implement it
◼ Control – KAIZEN Dipankar Bose - XLRI
Some Important Terms

◼ Poka-yoke
◼ Muri/Mura/Muda
◼ Kanban
◼ Andon
◼ Heijunka
◼ SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
◼ Milk run logistics

Dipankar Bose - XLRI

Assignment 1.1 (Handwritten)

◼ Give ONE EXAMPLE FOR EACH case from your

◼ Muri
◼ Mura
◼ Muda

Dipankar Bose - XLRI

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