Notes US 101

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Carl jung - **Ice Berge *

( Conscious Mind & Ego)- (Penal Unconscious)-

( Collective Unconscious) - as if everybody knows it.

Ex. The fear of snake The four Major Archaetypes

Persona- Latin word 'mask' The different mask use in every situations; forms of protection. Ex. Mask as
a weak person.

Anima/Animus- Feminine/Masculine. Ex. Male becomes loving to babies Ex.

Female does heavy work, females prefers to become soldiers. Shadow- Dark side of the
Psyche, presents all wilderness Ex. Even Good people tends to think
evil thoughts. Self- Contains all aspect of individual Extraversion and Intraversion originally later on
Extroversion and Introversion Extravert- Outward turning

***Jung there's no people purely introvert/extrovert. Ambivert- Middle either,

Intraversion- Inward turning

Alfred Adler (SAFE GUARDING TENDENCIES) believes that people create patterns to protect their self/
exaggerated sense of self esteem. Includes: EXCUSES AGGRESSION WITHDRAWAL- admitting that you
can't do it

. THEORY OF ADLER: The First born -Stubborn, ill behaved - oriented in the pass. - responsible - good
organizer - might feel insecure

The second born -Optimistic about the future -Competitive to the first born Youngest - pet of the family
- high achievers Only Child -They ramain the focus and attention -Often mature early

ABRAHAM MASLOW (Humanist) believe people can achieve what they wants. Hierarchy of Needs:

1. Psychological ( the most important)- foods, shelter, clothes, added the sex for the purpose of

2.. Safety ( healthy)-

3. Love/Belonging- the need to be loved

4. Esteem- The needs to be recognized, praise, respected

5. Self Actualization- To become what you are becoming. Ex. Beethoven malapit maging bingi ,
pianist, vocalist,

CARL ROGERS ( hunanist psychologisr) accept/wants challenge **SEEDLINGS**

1. Genuiness- openess

2. Acceptance- unconditional positive regard Receive from one's is contingent Ex. I love you because, ...
Laging may dahilan o kondisyon... Mas maganda kung unconditional all the time
Coping mechanisms



Defense mechanism- pansamantala

Coined ego defense mechanism


Defense mechanism:

**Denial- refusal to accept reality

** Regression- reversion to an earlier stage of development

(Mabuti pa noon)

We go back to fetal position when we are sad to set warm -Freud

**Projection-misatribution of a person's undesired thoughts, feelings (Blaming)

**Reaction Formation- converting of unwanted or dangerous thoughts (smile kahit galit).

**Repression- unconscous blocking of unacceptable thoughts

( childhood memories)

opposite (suppresion) - forcing to forget

**Displacement- redirecting of thoughts feelongs and impulses directed

( galit suntok sa dingding)

Bullied are displasing

**Intellectualization- they shut down their emotions and approach a situation solely fron a rational
standpoint (Your mind is focus on other things than paindul things, humor)

**Rationalization- sour graping (fox and the grapes)

(Okay lang , hindi naman maganda)

(Bigyan ng hindi magandang characteristics sa hindi nakuhang bagay.)

(Sweet-Lemoning) close to bitter or very sour

(Yun lang ang kinuha, tas bibigyan ng magandang characteristics)

**Undoing- attempt to take back the situation because it is hurtful or unacceptable. (Mother slaps her
child and magpakabait "let's eat at MCdo"

**Submination- channelling of unacceptabble impulse into more acceptable ones. (Nasasaktan maging
**Fantasy- channelling unaceptable or desires into imagination. (mag-isip ng mga bagay tas magsasalita
ng mag-isa)

**Compensation- process lf psychologically counterbalancing perceived weaknesses. ( Hindi

magalingkumanta pero magaling sumayaw)

3 Empathy- Being listened to and understood Unconditional Positive Regard - Conditional Positive
Regard Conditions of Worth- The conditions a person must in order to meet his/herself regard
positively. Ex. Kondisyon, ibibigay ko to sayo kung tapos na trabaho mo. SELF CONCEPT The view of
yourself ( Self Image) ** How much value you show to yourself (Self steem / self worth) ** What you
wish you are like (ideal self) ** INCONGRUENT - mataba to payat - SELF IMAGE AND IDEAL SELF
CONGRUENT - model to artista

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