Dhan SErvices - Assignment03

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Submitted by-
Siddhatth Gautam
Jaggery is one of the organic foods; prepared by concentrating the sugarcane juice and it is
available in the form of solid block and in semiliquid form. In this health-conscious era where
healthy food is preferred over normal food, Jaggery plays an important role. It is also called as
non-centrifugal sugar. Jaggery had much nutritional and medicinal aspect like its anti-
carcinogenic and antitoxic activity. It had proved itself better as it compared to white sugar. In
recently sugar consumers turn to other sources of natural sweetener for health issues.

The jaggery market is

expected to grow at
the rate of 6% by the
end of 2023

Top Players in the business

 24 Mantra Organic (Premium):

The company was founded in 1992 by Raj Seelam, who back then was working in
agricultural products company. While observing the profuse use of pesticides and
fertilizers, he felt that this was not the reality he would like to be part of. On one hand
was the alarming use and spread of chemical usage on farms, while on the other was rural
indebtedness because of the high investment’s farmers were making in fertilizers and
pesticides, leading to farmer suicides. This triggered in him a new thought process. And
so Raj Seelam, hailing from an agricultural and farming family set about asking the
relevant questions related to soil, cultivation, farming practices, storage and processing.
Alongside him were a group of inspired colleagues who lent the Sresta Foods journey
passion and commitment. Today, the team works legitimately with more than 45,000
ranchers in 15 States on 2,25,000 sections of land. Exceptional homestead to kitchen
discernibility to guarantee natural trustworthiness, virtue, and steady quality. Help little
and minor ranchers to make manageable occupations. Appreciate food sticking to global
guidelines. A brand that is plentiful in cancer prevention agents, iron, and minerals, and
furthermore helps in boosting opposition against different diseases.

 Miltop Natural:
Miltop was established in 1992 as a quality Manufacturer & exporter of spices, spice
powders, nuts & dried fruits, processed foods, herbs, and other Indian groceries. The
company is located in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India and is very conveniently located close to
major ports like Mundra, Kandia and Pipavav. Gujarat is one of the most progressive
states in India in terms of infrastructure and leading producer for several spices and other
Agri-commodities like Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ajwain, Mustard, Psyllium, Sesame
seeds, Guar seed and Castor. It is a brand that takes safety measures very seriously,
comes packed at ISO 22000 certified facility. This candidate amongst the best jaggery
brands in India is a rich source of Iron, Calcium & Phosphorus. It is made from Selected
Variety of Sugarcane in utmost hygienic condition and is Halal certified. This version of
desi Gur helps in boosting the digestive system, taken with food. Good food good health.

 Patanjali (Premium):
Patanjali Ayurved Limited is an Indian consumer goods company, manufacturing units
and headquarters are located in the industrial area of Haridwar, Uttarakhand while the
registered office is located at Delhi. The company manufactures mineral and herbal
products. Madhuram is removed from the common sugar that is created from the juice of
sugarcane. Madhuram contains all properties, minerals, and nutrients that the juice of
sugarcane contains. Madhuram isn’t delivered with sulfur or other compound fixings like
white sugar. So, this is liberated from the damage of synthetic compounds. One can
utilize Madhram where white sugar is utilized in milk, lassie, kheer, sharbat, and regular
desserts, and other eatable things. Calcium reinforces teeth and bones. Magnesium helps
in the metabolic capacity of the body.

 Organic Tattva:
One that is Organically grown without pesticides and fertilizers. The team at organic
tattva is fully aware of the medicinal and culinary importance that jaggery holds in the
Indian cuisine. They use some of the most-supreme forms of nutritious sugarcanes to gain
their jaggery powder and ensure it is brought to you free of all chemicals and enriched
with vitamins and minerals. The brand crucial to assist individuals with living a more
beneficial, healthy life by furnishing them with an assortment of 100 percent affirmed,
valid natural nourishments. They esteem trustworthiness, respectability, and nonstop
personal development. They are focused on an economical domain, zero-added substance
nourishments, and complete consumer loyalty. The brand Organic Tattva, a veteran
amongst the best jaggery brands in India, depends on the standards of wellbeing, biology,
decency, and care. At Organic Tattva, the group works with authorize natural ranchers
who don’t utilize manures, pesticides, and hereditarily altered seeds so their purchasers
can appreciate the advantages of nature and relish nutritious, sound, unadulterated, and
synthetic-free food, a significant factor adding to generally speaking prosperity.

 Organic India (Premium):

Organic India is a multi-national company founded in 1997 by spouses Bharat Mitra and
Bhavani Lev, daughter of Edgar Bronfman, in Lucknow, India, that produces organic
herbal and Ayurvedic health products. The natural Jaggery Powder from Organic India is
a Healthy Sugar Substitute Organic India that brings to you the best quality Jaggery
Powder containing no concoction added substance and produced using a natural
confirmed sugar stick. This brilliant earthy colored delicacy is profoundly nutritious,
scrumptious, and a more advantageous option in contrast to prepared sugar and
counterfeit sugars. It normally contains iron, nutrients, and minerals and improves the
flavor of tea, espresso, and different drinks. A contestant to the best jaggery brands in
India, is plentiful in minerals, for example, magnesium, zinc, and iron, which have a lot
of well beings giving properties. Being a decent blood purifier reduces stomach related
problems, assists with the detoxification of the liver, and lifts vitality levels, it likewise
upgrades the flavor of tea, espresso, and different refreshments.

 Nutriplato:
Nutriplato jaggery powder is prepared without the utilization of any synthetics with
hundreds of years old demonstrated assembling procedures. It is set up under the
direction of the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research and prepared from unadulterated
sugarcane juice. It is plentiful in cancer prevention agents, stacked with minerals, and a
characteristic wellspring of supplements.

 TrueFarm:

Truefarm Foods is a 100% Organic Food company focused on its consumers. Our vision
is to become the first-choice brand for organic food for all consumers across the world. It
is our mission to provide highest quality organic food, which is delicious as well as
nutritious and helps people stay healthy and happy. We engage with farming
communities across the world to cultivate 100% organic crops. It is followed by our
relentless pursuit for preserving nutrition in every next step. We value customer trust over
profits, and we prefer quality over production speed. We believe in the best and therefore
always work on most premium varieties of all food products, be it grains, superfoods,
nuts or spices. Truefarm Foods has been founded by seasoned entrepreneurs and business
leaders with decades of experience. Founders share a common passion for reducing
carbon footprint and eliminating diseases caused by toxins and chemicals in our food. We
see it as our responsibility to restore ecological balance which has been disturbed by
centuries of exploitation and contamination of resources such as soil and water by use of
chemicals. The entire world needs to switch to organic food and we stand committed to
being the leaders in this journey towards 100% organic wellness. We go far to find the
best products and we put science back in food to make it better.

 Sri Sri Tattva:

Sri Tattva natural jaggery is stacked with sustenance, as it is wealthy in fiber and
essential supplements liberated from synthetic substances. It contains the fundamental
elements for a few Indian sweet dishes and tastes completely extraordinary. Jaggery helps
in assimilation, goes about as a purging specialist in your body as a beautiful, delicious,
and solid sugar. Sri Tattva Organic Jaggery is sourced from guaranteed natural
homesteads. It is cleaned, prepared, and stuffed in the most sterile conditions in food-
grade bundling – making it a strong name amongst the best jaggery brands in India.
 Vayam:
A brand that is 100% regular, contains no additional additives no manufactured hues/fake
flavors – no hurtful synthetic concoctions/dying specialists. It is anything but difficult to
utilize and can be legitimately added to tea/espresso/juices. Without any polluting
influences, it needs no sifting. It is cleanly arranged to utilize customary strategies. As a
customary Indian Sweetener plentiful in Iron, Minerals, and Antioxidants, it is a Healthy
and Tasty option in contrast to refined white sugar. It adds a rich taste to every one of
your arrangements.
 Relish Pure & Natural:
Being in the business for about three decades, they have a wide system of ranchers over
the locales of Erode, Palani, and Pollachi. with an end goal to beat the current pattern of
the purported “Natural” items and to give the individuals a genuine jaggery powder that
has a charming smell.
Organic Jaggery
An organic jaggery is produced from sugarcane cultivated in organic farms in India with
application of cow dung and cow urine and without application of chemicals fertilizers or
pesticides. Jaggery retains trace minerals and vitamins, unlike refined sugar coming from
chemical processing and hence is a healthy and nutrient rich sweetener.

Organic Jaggery Making Process

An organic jaggery is produced from sugarcane cultivated in organic farms in India with
application of cow dung and cow urine and without application of chemicals fertilizers or
pesticides. The difference between organic and inorganic jaggery making is mainly in
clarification process. In organic jaggery making process there is using only organic
clarificants and small amount of lime to decrease the acidity of juice. Therefore, organic
jaggery color having dark when compare with inorganic jaggery. Jaggery helps to keep
normal body temperature and helps to keep human’s stomach cold. Jaggery is more
nutritious than sugar. If freshly made jaggery is consumed it can maybe cause diarrhea.
Some people have reported constipation from consuming freshly made jaggery. The
impact of eating jaggery on our glucose level is very close to eating sugar. People who
don’t have diabetes can substitute jaggery for sugar. To us, eating a piece of jaggery after
a meal is good option, serving as a detox, because it cleans the liver by flushing out the
body’s nasty toxins. This can help women battle symptoms of PMS including mood
swings, menstrual cramps and abdominal pain. Gur is a natural sugarcane drug. It’s more
unrefined than sugar. It’s a brown raw mass of saccharose that gets color due to certain
concentration factors like wood ash and bagasse. Organic Jaggery activates the digestive
enzymes throughout the body, enhances bowel movements and thereby helps avoid and
alleviate constipation. Constipation is a disorder in which there is trouble emptying the
bowels typically associated with hardened faces. A small piece of jaggery after lunch
may boost digestion which is essential to good overall health. The soothing effect of
jaggery makes it an excellent food that can cure cold and flu. One of the most well-
known advantages of jaggery is its ability to cleanse the blood. If eaten on a daily basis
and in small amounts it cleans the blood, leaving the body safe would ensure that it is free
from of any disease. Jaggery is filled with antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and
selenium, which in effect help avoid free radical damage and also improve resistance to
infections. Jaggery also helps to raise to total blood count of hemoglobin. It is highly
recommended to eat a piece of jaggery for people working in heavily contaminated areas
such as factories or coal mine because jaggery efficiently cleans the respiratory tract,
lungs, intestines, stomach, food pipe. Jaggery is rich in iron and foliate that helps prevent
anemia by ensuring that a normal amount of red blood cells remains. This is especially
important for pregnant women. It ensures the maintenance of a normal amount of red
blood cells. Due to its high magnesium content Jaggery also boosts intestinal energy. For
every 10 gm of jaggery we get 16 mg of magnesium which is 4 percent of this mineral’s
daily requirement. Jaggery contains potassium and sodium that play an important role in
maintaining acid levels in the body. It ensures that a normal level of blood pressure is
maintained properly. By regularly eating jaggery, we can avoid many respiratory issues
such as asthma, bronchitis etc. Experts recommend eating this natural sweeter with
sesame seeds for wonderful respiratory system benefits. Eating jaggery with slice of
ginger to relieve joint pain or even drinking a glass of milk with jaggery every day helps
strengthen the muscles, avoiding joint and bone issues including arthritis. Jaggery is
remarkably effective as a weight loss aid. This is because jaggery is rich source of
potassium, a mineral that helps to balance electrolytes, create muscles and improve
metabolism. Potassium also helps to minimize water retention that helps to control the
weight, says Delhi based nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Jaggery is a complex carbohydrate
that slowly and over a prolonged period of time gives the body strength. This ensures that
blood sugar levels do not increase instantly. It also avoids body tiredness and fatigue.
Jaggery is commonly made from two sugar cane and date palm products. In order to keep
the body warm, we need heat and heat is provided by the calories from food. Jaggery is
called warm because it provides enough calories to keep the body warm. This also helps
to dilate blood vessels and warmth in the body. It is therefore said to be beneficial to eat
jaggery in winters. In India, the rural economic system is boosted, the transport costs of
raw material are weak, and high technical machinery and labor are not required. Apart
from sugar, Maharashtra is one of the leading producers of jaggery. Large number of
jaggery production units are located in state Maharashtra. Maharashtra’s Jaggery is also
well known for its quality which has strong demand in the International market. The per
quintal cost of the production of jaggery for inorganic jaggery is higher due to the higher
cost of chemicals needed and is lower in an organic jaggery product because no
chemicals are needed in large quantities. The per quintal net profit is higher in organic
jaggery than inorganic jaggery because the cost of chemicals in the production of organic
jaggery is very lower and the net return per quintal price is highest.

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