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Volume 11, Number 11, 2011

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2011.0631

Usutu Virus in Africa

Birgit Nikolay,1–3 Mawlouth Diallo,2 Cheikh Saad Bouh Boye,4 and Amadou Alpha Sall1


Usutu virus (USUV) was discovered in South Africa in 1959. Since then, it has been reported in several African
countries including Senegal, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, and
Morocco. In 2001, USUV has been identified for the first time outside of Africa, namely in Europe, where it
caused a significant mortality among blackbirds in Vienna, Austria. In 2009, the first two human cases of USUV
infection in Europe have been reported in Italy, causing encephalitis in immunocompromised patients. The host
range in Africa includes mainly Culex mosquitoes, birds, and also humans with one benign and one severe case.
Given its role as a potential human pathogen and the similar appearance compared with other emerging
arboviruses, it is essential to investigate the natural history and ecology of USUV in Africa. In this regard, we
review the emergence of USUV in Africa, summarizing data about isolations, host range, and potential vectors,
which should help to improve our understanding of the factors underlying the circulation of USUV in Europe
and Africa.

Key Words: Arbovirus(es)—Flavivirus—Usutu virus—Africa.

Introduction 2008). In La Reunion Island, CHIKV acquired a selective ad-

vantage for the transmission by an alternate mosquito vector.

I n the past two decades, attention has been given to

several emerging arboviruses that have become a threat to
human health following environmental, climatic, and eco-
Subsequently, the CHIKV outbreak in Italy in the year 2007
indicates its potential to spread and establish in Europe
(Schuffenecker et al. 2006).
logical changes. In this regard, the introduction, spread, and Similarly, Usutu virus (USUV), a virus reported to be cir-
establishment of West Nile virus (WNV) in northern America culating only in Africa, emerged in 2001 in Europe, causing a
from 1999 to 2010 has been very illustrative. Indeed, until significant number of deaths in blackbirds (Turdus merula)
then, WNV had been known to be circulating mostly in Africa (Weissenbock et al. 2002). Even though avian infections were
and Europe, affecting mainly humans and horses, but rarely not reported to be fatal in Africa, USUV has been shown to be
causing severe symptoms such as neurologic disease or death highly pathogenic to several bird species in Austria, such as
(Gubler 2007, Gardner 2009). After its introduction into North the blackbird (T. merula), the great gray owl (Strix nebulosa),
America, the virus rapidly established an enzootic cycle in- the blue tit (Parus coeruleus), the house sparrow (Passer do-
fecting local birds and mosquito species (Reisen and Brault mesticus) (Weissenbock et al. 2003), the great tit (Parus major),
2007), causing major outbreaks of encephalitis (O’Leary et al. the nuthatch (Sitta europaea), the robin (Erithacus rubecula), and
2004). the song thrush (Turdus philomeus) (Chvala et al. 2007). The
Another example of an emerging arboviral disease is Chi- observed symptoms included hepatosplenomegaly, neuronal
kungunya virus (CHIKV), which has caused large outbreaks necrosis, and necrotic changes of liver, spleen, and heart
in the Indian Ocean Islands and India since 2004 (Kariuki (Chvala et al. 2004). As for WNV in northern America, USUV
Njenga et al. 2008). Up to 2010, more outbreaks in Indonesia, overwintered in Austria by adapting to local mosquito species
La Reunion Island, China, and Madagascar demonstrate its and established a transmission cycle among local birds and
continuous activity and emphasize its role as an emerging mosquitoes mainly of the Culex species (Weissenbock et al.
infectious disease (ProMEDmail 2010). CHIKV originates in 2003, Brugger and Rubel 2009). Despite continuing virus cir-
Africa and spread to Asia and India (Sudeep and Parashar culation after its occurrence in 2001, a decrease in bird

Unité des Arbovirus et Virus de Fièvres Hémorragiques, Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Dakar, Senegal.
Unité Entomologie Médicale, Institute Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal.
University Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Vienna, Austria.
Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Faculté Medecine, Pharmacie et d’Odonto-Stomatologie, Dakar, Senegal.


mortality has been recognized, probably resulting from the amino-acid-residue polyprotein, which is subsequently
establishment of herd immunity in bird hosts. Wild bird cleaved into three structural (core, membrane, and envelope)
surveillance indicates seroconversion in a broad range of wild and eight nonstructural (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, 2K,
birds in Austria (Meister et al. 2008), suggesting that USUV is NS4B, and NS5) proteins (Bakonyi et al. 2004).
already endemic in mosquito and bird species. In addition, Phylogenetic analysis of the NS3 and NS5 coding regions as
USUV has been identified as a cause of death of blackbirds (T. well as full-length genome nucleotide sequences of the USUV
merula) in Hungary (Bakonyi et al. 2007), Switzerland (Stein- reference strain from South Africa (AY453412) allowed its
metz et al. 2011), and Italy (Busani et al. 2010), in addition to classification within the mosquito-borne cluster of flavi-
the detection of the virus in great gray owls (S. nebulosa) and viruses, close to Murray Valley Encephalitis virus and Japa-
boreal owls (Aegolius funeris) in northern Italy (Manarolla nese Encephalitis virus (Fig. 1) (Kuno et al. 1998, Cook and
et al. 2009). Further, USUV was isolated from Culex pipiens Holmes 2006). At present, when comparing the three USUV
mosquitoes in Spain (Busquets et al. 2008) and Italy as well as full-length genome nucleotide sequences from South Africa
from Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Italy (Tamba et al. 2010). (AY453412), Vienna (AY453411), and Budapest (EF206350),
Serological evidence of its circulation has been reported they exhibit 97%–99.9% and 99% homology for nucleotides
among blackbird, carrion crow (Corvus corone), magpie (Pica and amino acids, respectively (Bakonyi et al. 2004, 2007).
pica), and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) (Buckley et al. 2003) in Further, the partial sequences of the E protein coding region of
the United Kingdom, sentinel chicken in the United Kingdom 12 strains isolated in Austria show 95.9%–96.2% nucleotide
(Buckley et al. 2006) and Italy (Lelli et al. 2008), white stork identity and 98.9%–99.1% amino acid identity to the reference
(Ciconia ciconia), common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), strain (Chvala et al. 2007).
and osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in Germany (Linke et al. 2007), Although no sequence data from USUV isolates from Africa
eurasian coot (Fulica atra) in the Czech Republic (Hubalek besides South Africa are available, one subtype isolated from
et al. 2008), and black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) in Poland Culex perfuscus was serologically identified in the Central Af-
(Hubalek et al. 2008). Moreover, USUV antibodies were de- rican Republic in April 1969 (Institut Pasteur de Bangui 1969).
tected in horses in Italy (Lelli et al. 2008). A year earlier and the following years, another subtype was
In September 2009, the first two human USUV infections in reported in Yaounde (Cameroun), but it was later recognized
Europe have been reported in Italy, representing the first cases as a different viral species named Yaounde virus in the light of
of human neuroinvasive infection ever, even though neu- further serological characterization (CDC 1985, CRORA 2005).
roinvasiveness in mice after experimental infection has been The biological characteristics of USUV have been analyzed
already demonstrated (Weissenbock et al. 2004). The patients, by demonstrating its infectivity for several continuous and
an orthotropic liver transplantation recipient and a patient primary cell lines derived from various animal species and
with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, suffered from severe human [i.e., Vero, ED, MDBK, PK-15, RK-13, MDCK, DK, CR,
neurological impairment caused by encephalitis, demon- BHK-21, BF, C6, TH1, EqK, GEF, LLC-MK2, HeLa (Bakonyi
strating the role of USUV as a human pathogen at least et al. 2005), and PS (De Madrid and Porterfield 1969, Stim and
for immunocompromised individuals (Cavrini et al. 2009, Henderson 1969)].
Pecorari et al. 2009).
Because of the mortality among some bird species after its
Geographical Distribution
introduction into Europe, further attention was given to USUV,
leading to the availability of more information. However, in After its first isolation in South Africa, USUV was isolated in
Africa, although the virus was identified in the late 1950s, only Senegal, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire,
very limited data have been published. Given the potential of Nigeria, and Uganda (CRORA 2005) [Institut Pasteur de Bangui
further geographic expansion, changes in the host range (in- (Digoutte 1969), CRORA (Robin 1975, Digoutte 1995, 1998)] and
cluding humans), and the possible modification of biological USUV antibodies have been detected in wild birds in Morocco
features of USUV in Europe or other regions of the world, we (Figuerola et al. 2009). USUV was reported in several European
review in this article the ecology of USUV in Africa to under- countries as listed earlier (Fig. 2). It is striking that USUV has
stand more completely the patterns and processes underlying been isolated only in African countries in which entomological
its emergence and identify the gaps in our knowledge. surveillance programs have been undertaken, suggesting that
its geographic distribution may be much wider than the re-
ported circulation. Therefore, it would be reasonable to inves-
Discovery and Description of the Virus
tigate further USUV circulation in other African countries.
USUV was recovered for the first time in January 1959 from In Senegal, where a continuous entomological surveillance
a female adult mosquito of the Culex neavei species in the area program of the Institut Pasteur de Dakar started in 1972,
of Natal, South Africa (McIntosh 1985), a location equivalent USUV has been repeatedly isolated, providing information at
to a tropical coastal lowland and savannah woodland, and the country level in Africa. The first USUV isolation occurred
was named after a river in Swaziland (Woodall 1964). in June 1974 in Kedougou, followed by further isolations in
USUV is a flavivirus (Flaviviridae family) belonging to the November/December 1993 in the area of Barkedji and in
Japanese encephalitis serocomplex (De Madrid and Porter- July 1998 again in Kedougou (Fig. 3) [CRORA (Robin 1975,
field 1974, Poidinger et al. 1996). The USUV genome is a Digoutte 1995, 1998)]. Until 2003, only seven strains had been
positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome of 11,064–11,066 isolated with minimum infection rates (i.e., number of USUV
nucleotides length (Weissenbock et al. 2002, Bakonyi et al. isolates/number of mosquitoes per species collected) of
2004, 2007) with a type I cap structure and no poly(A) tail 0.06%–1.35%, and therefore, the low level of circulation of
(Hurrelbrink and McMinn 2003). It is organized as a typical USUV attracted only little attention. A sudden increase
flavivirus with one open-reading frame encoding a 3434- of USUV isolations was noticed in the year 2003, as 141 strains

FIG. 1. Localization of Usutu virus (USUV) within the mosquito-borne cluster of the flaviviruses. The analysis of the NS5
gene allowed the localization of USUV close to Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV) and Murray Valley encephalitis virus
(MVEV), together with Cacipacore virus (CPCV), Yaounde virus (YAOV), Koutango virus (KOUV), Kunjin virus (KUNV),
West Nile virus (WNV), and Alfuy virus (ALFV) (with permission from Cook and Holmes 2006).

were isolated from Cx. neavei species in the area of Barkedji bird species (Table 1) (CDC 1985, CRORA 2005, CRORA,
between October and December, with a higher minimum in- unpublished data).
fection rate of 2.31% (CRORA, unpublished data). In Senegal,
USUV has been mainly isolated from Cx. neavei but also from Mosquitoes
Cx. perfuscus and Aedes minutus mosquitoes. Isolations were
Mosquitoes of the genus Culex are found in all zoogeo-
restricted to the rainy season (CRORA 2005) (CRORA, un-
graphic regions. Several species are involved in transmitting
published data). The reason for the higher isolation number in
Japanese encephalitis in Orient, encephalitis viruses in North
2003 remains unclear, but it is noteworthy that, at the same
America, and also Murray Valley Encephalitis virus and Ross
period, USUV was isolated in the Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso,
River virus in Australia. Culex mosquitoes are known as
and some countries in Europe, suggesting a circulation at the
vectors for arboviruses such as WNV, which is transmitted by
regional level with potential interaction with Europe. Phylo-
three closely related species: Cx. univittatus, Cx. neavei, and Cx.
genetic analysis of isolates in Senegal and other regions where
perexiguus. Given the close morphological characteristics be-
USUV circulation has been reported should shed light on this
tween Cx. univittatus and Cx. neavei, many reported isolations
of USUV from Cx. univittatus might also actually be from Cx.
neavei and vice versa ( Jupp 1971). In general, mosquitoes of
Host Range of USUV in Africa
the Culex genus are considered as ground pool breeders, but
USUV has been mainly isolated from mosquitoes of the larvae have been also found in leaf axils, tree-holes, and crab
Culex species, twice from human serum, and four times from holes. The genus contains mostly ornithophilic species

prefer the canopy (Lundström 1996, Anderson et al. 2004)

where, in accordance with their roost and nest behavior, a
high abundance of birds is observed. Experimental infection
of Cx. neavei with USUV demonstrated that 2 of 10 mosquitoes
were found positive at 14 days postoral infection, although
the virus transmission to hamsters failed (McIntosh 1985).
Additionally, a few isolations were reported from the mos-
quito species Cx. perfuscus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Regarding
its bionomic and ecology, the latter might be of great interest
in the USUV transmission cycle. Cx. quinquefasciatus belongs
to the Cx. pipiens complex, which has been shown to be in-
volved in USUV epidemic transmission in Europe (Brugger
and Rubel 2009). In addition, Cx. quinquefasciatus is the most
present in the domestic environment and the most anthro-
pophilic among the known USUV vectors. Further, the species
has a population dynamic not related to rainfall, colonizing
artificial habitats such as polluted water in artificial containers
or edifices as ditches, catches, and basins, because of its steady
presence in domestic environment. USUV isolations have
been also reported from mosquito species of the genus Aedes,
Mansonia, and Coquillettidia (CRORA 2005) (Williams et al.
1964). Like Culex mosquitoes, Coquillettidia mosquitoes are
mainly bird-biting species, whereas Mansonia africana, which
FIG. 2. Geographical distribution of USUV. USUV has been is confined to Africa, is mainly attracted to mammals and
detected in Europe, namely in Austria, Hungary, Switzer-
humans (Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit 2010).
land, Italy, and Spain. Additionally, serological evidence of
USUV circulation has been reported in Germany, the United Considering the bionomics of different mosquito species
Kingdom, Czech Republic, and Poland. USUV has been and their association with USUV in nature, Cx. neavei may
isolated in several African countries, such as South Africa, play a key role in the enzootic transmission of USUV in Se-
Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, the Central negal, whereas species such as Cx. quinquefasciatus may rep-
African Republic, and Uganda. Further, seroprevalence in resent a bridge or an epizootic–epidemic vector.
wild bird populations has been reported in Morocco (Weis-
senbock et al. 2002, Buckley et al. 2003, Bakonyi et al. 2007, Human
Linke et al. 2007, Busquets et al. 2008, Hubalek et al. 2008a, b,
Lelli et al. 2008, Figuerola et al. 2009, Pecorari et al. 2009, So far, in Africa, only two isolations of USUV from human
Steinmetz et al. 2011) (CRORA 2005). serum have been reported, with very limited information and
clinical description. The first case occurred in 1981 in the
Central African Republic and was a patient with fever and
(Clements 1999); however, many species have been reported rash (Institut Pasteur de Dakar 1982–1984), and the second
to have a large host range and feed not only on birds but also case was a 10-year-old patient with fever and jaundice iden-
on amphibians, reptiles, humans, and other mammals tified in Burkina Faso in 2004 (CRORA, unpublished data).
(Chandler et al. 1975, 1976, Ba et al. 2006) (Walter Reed Bio- These cases show that USUV can infect humans and play a
systematics Unit 2010). Culex females usually bite at night and role as a human pathogen, occurring with benign infection

FIG. 3. USUV isolations in Senegal. In Senegal, USUV isolation has been reported from two areas, Kedougou and Barkedji.
USUV has been isolated for the first time in Senegal in the year 1974, followed by two isolations in 1993, and four isolations in
1998. In the year 2003, a total number of 141 isolations have been reported [CRORA (Robin 1975, Digoutte 1995, 1998,
CRORA, unpublished data)].

Table 1. Geographical Distribution and Host Range of Usutu Virus

Place of isolation Year of isolation Host Number of strains Reference

Burkina Faso 2004 Human 1 CRORA (unpublished data)

Ivory Coast 2004 Culex quinquefasciatus 1 CRORA (unpublished data)
Nigeria 1972 Andropadus virens 1 CRORA (2005)
Bycanistes sharpii 2 CRORA (2005)
Turdus libonyanus 1 CRORA (2005)
Central African Republic 1969 Culex perfuscus 1 Digoutte (1982–1984)
1980 Cx. perfuscus 1 Digoutte (1982–1984)
Mansonia africana 1 Digoutte (1982–1984)
1981 Human 1 Digoutte (1982–1984)
Senegal 1974 Cx. perfuscus 1 CRORA (Robin 1975)
1993 Cx. gr. univitattus 2 CRORA (Digoutte 1995)
1998 Aedes minutus 2 CRORA (Digoutte 1998)
Cx. perfuscus 2 CRORA (Digoutte 1998)
2003 Culex neavei 141 CRORA (unpublished data)
South Africa 1959 Cx. neavei 1 McIntosh (1985)
Uganda 1962 Coquillettidia azurites 1 Williams et al. (1964)
1968 Cx. spp. 1 Henderson et al. (1972)

symptoms such as fever and rash but also jaundice. As ex- whitethroat (Sylvia curruca), the whitethroat (Sylvia commu-
emplified by WNV or CHIKV, more virulent strains can nis), the garden warbler (Sylvia borin), the house martin (De-
emerge and constitute a serious threat to human health, as the lichon urbica), and the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
observed USUV neuroinvasiveness in an immunocompro- (Meister et al. 2008). These species might be candidates for the
mised patient in Italy (Pecorari et al. 2009). However, the introduction of USUV into Europe but remain to be further
number of cases of human USUV infections is rather limited investigated.
and more clinical work on infected patients is necessary to
define its pathogenicity for humans.
Prospects for Future Research in Africa
Rodents Besides several reported isolations, there are very limited
data available about the host range, phylogeny, and ecology
The isolation of USUV has been described from a rodent
of USUV in Africa. Given its origin in that continent, it is
species (Praomys) in the Central African Republic, but it
essential to gain a better knowledge about this area to un-
turned out to be the serologic variant S-t Y 276, which was
derstand the evolution of USUV and its emergence in Europe.
later named Yaounde virus. Even though no isolation from
The first cases of human infections, already demonstrating its
mammals has been reported, guinea pigs and newborn and
potential severity as a human pathogen, occurred in Africa
weaning mice have been shown to be sensitive to intracerebral
before the first European cases in 2009 in Italy (Cavrini et al.
inoculation with USUV (CDC 1985). A rodent species (Arvi-
2009, Pecorari et al. 2009). The similarities of its pattern with
canthis abyssinicus) showed a trace of viremia after in-
the WNV scenario, the neuroinvasiveness in immunocom-
traperitonial inoculation (Simpson and Lule 1964). However,
promised patients, as well as its experimental neuropatho-
the available information is not enough to draw a conclusion
genicity in mice (Weissenbock et al. 2004) emphasize the need
about rodents serving as hosts for USUV, suggesting that
to be cautious about its potential threat to human health.
fieldwork is needed to identify potential rodent hosts.
Many arboviral infections have been observed to either be
asymptomatic or occur with an influenza-like illness. Never-
theless, the mosquito-borne flaviviruses also contain impor-
USUV has been isolated from the bird species piping tant human pathogens that cause central nervous system
hornbill (Bycanistes sharpei), little greenbull (Andropadus disease, coma, or death. In this light, there is an urgent need to
virens), and Kurrichane thrush (Turdus libonyanus) in Nigeria understand the underlying mechanisms of flaviviruses
in 1972 (CDC 1985). Additionally, antibodies against USUV emergence, and USUV might be a useful model as it emerged
were detected in a blackbird (T. merula) in Morocco (Figuerola in several European countries within a limited time period
et al. 2009). This is consistent with the fact that many mos- and was able to adapt to new hosts and environments
quitoes of the Culex subgenus are ornithophilic and allows (Weissenbock et al. 2002, Buckley et al. 2003, 2006, Bakonyi
first speculations about USUV transmission cycles. However, et al. 2007, Lelli et al. 2008). Reported infections of humans
all mentioned birds are not migratory species, suggesting that indicate a role of USUV as human pathogen; however, more
they are probably not involved in dispersing the virus to clinical research is needed to estimate the risk for human
Europe. In 2005, serological studies demonstrated the pres- health. The investigation for the seroconversion for USUV in
ence of USUV antibodies in numerous migratory wild birds in human populations living in concerned areas might give a
Austria, such as the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), the reed war- better idea about its burden as a human pathogen. However,
bler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), the marsh harrier (Circus aeru- as the observed symptoms of human USUV infections are not
ginosus), the barn-swallow (Hirundo rustica), the lesser very specific, it will also be meaningful to develop better

diagnostic tools taking into account USUV variability in Usutu virus that emerged in Austria in 2001: comparison with
Africa and enabling an easier detection of USUV infections, the South African strain SAAR-1776 and other flaviviruses.
such as the recently developed RT-PCR assay for the identi- Virology 2004; 328:301–310.
fication of USUV in human plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal Bakonyi, T, Lussy, H, Weissenbock, H, Hornyak, A, et al. In vitro
fluid (Cavrini et al. 2011). host-cell susceptibility to Usutu virus. Emerg Infect Dis 2005;
To date, transmission cycles of USUV in Africa are unclear, 11:298–301.
as the available information about the primary vectors, ver- Brugger, K, Rubel, F. Simulation of climate-change scenarios to
tebrate hosts, and the ecology of the virus are very scarce. The explain Usutu-virus dynamics in Austria. Prev Vet Med 2009;
recent observations of USUV in Africa demonstrate that the 88:24–31.
Buckley, A, Dawson, A, Gould, EA. Detection of seroconversion
virus is isolated mainly from Culex mosquitoes (CRORA
to West Nile virus, Usutu virus and Sindbis virus in UK
2005), but the vector competence of the different mosquito
sentinel chickens. Virol J 2006; 3:71.
species found infected needs to be investigated and combined
Buckley, A, Dawson, A, Moss, SR, Hinsley, SA, et al. Serological
with their feeding habits to identify potential vertebrate hosts evidence of West Nile virus, Usutu virus and Sindbis virus in-
for USUV, to gain further insight into its transmission cycle in fection of birds in the UK. J Gen Virol 2003; 84(Pt 10):2807–2817.
nature. Busani, L, Capelli, G, Cecchinato, M, Lorenzetto, M, et al. West
As mentioned earlier, USUV has been isolated from non- Nile virus circulation in Veneto region in 2008–2009. Epide-
migratory birds in Africa. However, seroprevalence studies in miol Infect 2010; 30:1–8.
Europe (Meister et al. 2008) identified several bird species Busquets, N, Alba, A, Allepuz, A, Aranda, C, et al. Usutu virus
possibly involved in virus dispersal, but it has to be confirmed sequences in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae), Spain. Emerg
by investigating bird populations in areas where USUV has Infect Dis 2008; 14:861–863.
been isolated in Africa. Cavrini, F, Gaibani, P, Longo, G, Pierro, AM, et al. Usutu virus
Additionally, the phylogenetic analysis of USUV strains infection in a patient who underwent orthotropic liver trans-
might help to understand the dispersal of the virus within plantation, Italy, August–September 2009. Euro Surveill 2009;
Africa and Europe and to gain insight into the interactions be- 14:pii 19448.
tween these two areas. At present, only three full-genome se- Cavrini, F, Pepa, ME, Gaibani, P, Pierro, AM, et al. A rapid and
quences of USUV strains are available: the reference strain from specific real-time RT-PCR assay to identify Usutu virus in
South Africa (AY453412) as well as the strains that emerged in human plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid. J Clin Virol
Austria (AY453411) and Hungary (EF206350). Therefore, fur- 2011; 50:221–223.
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