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PUBLICATIONS OF INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION ‘) 1S: 180 - 1965 INDIAN STANDARDS Tidich Standard SPECIFICATION FOR ‘Over 8000 Indian Standards covering v issued so far. Of these, the standards bel fall under the following categories: to the Textile Group | us subjects have beon | ‘Rayon fabris, handloom COTTON SHEETINGS Supping of texien, methods for Sita (Revised) First Reprint APRIL 1977 UPC 677.21.064.1 Physical test methods Rayon tabres DAISY TRADING CORP. 402, Navjivan ullding, «th Fleor 2 123/21, Kazi Sayed Street, Post Box No: 3185, 3OMBAY.3, St OTHER PUBLICATICNS Single Copy iy ‘Annuel Subscription ‘Standards: Monthly Additions BOMBAY 400007 CALCUTTA 100072 MADRAS e00020 AYMADABAD soot 20891 al 3 ® Copyright 1966 INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAN ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Rs $40 March 1966 ee TS es, IS: 180 - 1965 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COTTON SHEETINGS ( Revised) Cotton, Yarn and Cloth Sectional Committee, TDC 2 Chairman Represent Sumi Taroxt Narm Suana ‘Tho Delhi Cloth & General Mills Co L1d, Delhi Members ‘Sunt §, N. BUADoRE “Abmedabad Toxtile Industry's Renoarch Associa- ton, Abmedabed Da T. Rapmaxnssunan ( Allernate) ‘Government of Madras He Suanauantay ( Alternate) = ‘Oice of the Textile Commissioner, Bombay of Defence (DAI) snnr, R. Kocmuan Suni T, 8. Kuyourrnararmase ean N, Maratea » Bombay Bombay Raxoasaey fadia. Billowners' Association, ‘coimbatore (Continued on page 2) INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHT 110002 1S: 180 - 1965 Represe The East India Cotten Association Ltd, Bombos ao L. Panwa Seeretary Sant P. Viskaranasan (Tez), 181 Cotton, Yarn as loth Subcommittee, TDG 2:1 Convener Raw Lnleshiniratan Cotton Mille Co Ltd, Kanpur Te Thao ( Alternate) SimiS. Be Ko vem N. Marariat eatin 8 Nasavare Swat Ancona M, Panta Ssnmi T, Rasoasaary wiost Nasu Suawes suet. D. Yasue IS : 180 - 1965 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COTTON SHEETINGS (Revised) 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard (Revised) was adopted by the Indian Stand ards Institution on 14 December 1965, after the draft finalized by the Gotton, Yarn and Cloth Sectional Committee had been approved by the ‘Textile Division Council. 0.2 This standard was originally published in 1951. ‘This revision has been brought out with a view to amend clauses on methods of test in, ‘order to make reference to the relevant Indian Standards on methods of test and specify all quantities in the metric system. | This standard, how- ever, specifies the equivalent non-metric values within brackets wherever necessary. 0.3 This standard is based on IND/TC/0033 (b) ‘Sheeting, bleached? issued by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. ses which call for agreement between the Sh permit the buyer to use his option for ts. These clauses are 3,6, 3.7 and 3.8.1. \¢ purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this sd with, the final value, observed or calculated, of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with imber of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard, 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard prescribes constructional details and other particulars of cotton sheetings, scoured, bleached or dyed. “itulos Tor rounding off numeral ied 1.2 This standard does not specify the general appearance, feel, etc, of the cloth (see also 3.8). 2. GENERAL, REQUIREMENTS 21 Yara —The yarn ad shall be of the quality requred to engure thatthe the requirements of this standard, It shall be satisfactory in evenness and reasonably free from neps and spin ‘The approximate Gount of warp and welt yarn given in Ta ns oer ene 2.24 The cloth, when visually examined, shall be reasonably free from spinning, weaving’ and other processing defects It shall be free from Hing Sd dretsig agents ad substances Table to cause sobscquent tendering. 3, SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 341 Constraetion— The cloth shall comply with the requirements of Table I. The permissible tolerances for various requirements and the methods of test have also been prescribed in the table defects and washing. The colour fastness ratings shal the requirements specified in Table 2, when tested by the relevant methods, 3.3 Scouring Loss — The scouring loss of cloth shall not exceed 2 percent. 3.3.1 The percentage of scouring loss of cloth shall be determined by the method prescribed in IS : 1383-1960*. 34 pH Value—The pH value of the aqueous extract of cloth shall be not less than 60 nor more than 8'5. 3,41 The pH value ofthe aqueous yafac of cloth shall be determined by the cold method prescribed in IS : 1390. .§ Shrinkage of Elongation — The relaxation Shrinkage or elongation of . warpway or weltway, shall not be more than 2°5 percent, 3.5.1 The percentage of warpway and weftway shrinkage or elonga- tion of cloth shall be determined by the method prescribed in 5109 of 1S: 2977-19643, AMENDMENT NO. 1 DECEMBER 1979 To IS: 180-1965 SPECIFICATION FOR COTTON SHEETINGS ( Revised ) Alteration (Page 5. Table 1, ct 8 and cont’ for’ #30 ___ ‘sca New tia Pinog Pros vari ale AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO 1S:180-1965 SPECIFICATION FOR COTTON SHEETINGS JANUARY 1980 (Revised) G Addendum + \ (Page 4, clause 2.2.1) - Add the following new Hote after 2.2.1: ( ‘NOTE - The desired whiteness of the cloth vould be achieved only by imparting full bleached finisk free from any bluing/vhitening agents, if desired i by the buyer.’ (mc 2) Reprography Unit, ISI, New Delhi TABLE 1 PARTICULARS OF COTTON SHEETINGS, SCOURED, BLEACHED OR DYED (Clauses 2.1 and 3.1) Couns or Vane (Arrnox) Exps ren Pica ren Waiomt ren —-Baaxixo Loa, aD, dmionin) Umax tay Bis g i ke, om Warp | Welt 80x 200m, French Connt® Franch Count® Srmira, Aten (or Unie tor Uni= versal County) vera Count) 0 ® @ “ o so New Neus 236 (or 60) 200 (or 82) x0 ow (or38tex) (or 38 tex) wy Tovenacn = - ES porcent 45 percent +5 percent aS = a5percent “aS percont — 2b percent. Mernovs or — S a1 of 1208 21.1 of 9.1 1004 of ‘Teer 18: 1963-1961 TS: 1063-10613 18:ivéecl001g 18 19aciog (with revel ‘tripe) ‘French count = the number of 1000 metre hanks in 0° kg. {Universal count, in ter = the number of grame per kilometre, Method Tor detarmnination of ends and ploks per Unit length in woven fabrice, (Since revised), iMetuods for determination of weight par equare motro and weight perlinoss metro of fabrion, (Since revised). ‘3Method for determination of breaking load and elongation at break of woven fabric (by constant Faloul teaver aching) (Since evhed ‘Norn 1—To convert French oon Nori: 2 — For determining the number of ‘nde per decimetre and picke per devimetre obit count, in tox, divide 600 by the French count, s por inch and picks per inch, multiply the valves for number of ved'on tent, by 0-254. 5 g IS: 180-1965 a TABLE 2. COLOUR FASTNESS REQUIREMENTS ( Clause 3.2) Fasrerss 70 Mero ‘Noxzarcas, Rarmxo 7 * oF IS: 2456-1967 5 or better Light 18 2686-1997" oF 18 245 Washing 15 13361-19653 4 or bettor sletnod for determination featur fase = for determination of colour fastness of textile materials to | pred ter determination of colour fastness of textile material to washing Seo memes eee eee ay have been specified in an Ee A tolerance of 2 per- agreement between env in the width of Nore — Tho w 3.61 The width of cloth shall be determined by the method prescribed in 72 and 73 of I ength — The length ofeach piece of cloth shall be 36m or any other Acta tay have been specified a an agreement between the buyer and the seller LTA The length of each ofthe pices eo at is ‘be determined by respects, 3.8.1 The custody of the sealed sample shall be a matter of prior agree ment between the buyer and the seller. “Method for determination of dimensions of fal 6 the sample under prescribed in 6.4 of fate or specify the general ‘a sample has been agreed upon and with the sample in. such 1S: 180 - 1965 fh shall be marked with the following: Name of the material ith and length of the piece; and ©) Colour fastness ratings. 4.1.1 The cloth may also be marked with the IST Certification Mark, Nov — The ute of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards CCertcation Mark may be granted to manufactures or proceso, msy be obucned from the Tadian Standards Testu, » ” 5. PACKING 5.1 The cloth shall be packed in bales or cases in conformity with the Procedure laid down either in IS: 1347-1959* or in 18:293-1955t, as required. 6. SAMPLING 6.1 Lot—The quantity of cloth of the same type and quality delivered to one bayer against one despatch note shall cousiute Iot 6.2 The conformity of the lot to the requirements of this standard shall be determined on the basis of tests carried out on the samples selected (from the lot. 6.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the buyer and the seller, the number of pieces of i accordance with col 2 of Table 3. ‘These pieces shall be selected from at least 10 percent of the bales, an equal number of pieces, as far as possible, being drawn at random from each bale. 6A For evaluating (a) ends and picks, (b) wei (@) length, the sample selected, as in col 2 of Table 3, s test sample. loth to be selected at random from a lot shall be in (c) width and hall constitute the “ode for Talend packaging of cotton sloth and yarn, ( Since revised ). {Coie for seaworthy packaging of cotton cloth and yarn (rovined) (Since reved ). 7 IS : 180 - 1965 TABLE 3. SAMPLE SIZE AND CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY (Clauses 6.3, 64, 6.5 ond 6.8) Som 1 oF Pines aserin Sie (Nesoewor Pusces e pieces -d test specimens shall be drawn from ted to corresponding tests. pieces with respect to (1) ends width, does not exceed the corres ponding number given in col 3 of Table 3 case of length, the length of each piece spected, declared or marked lenath.” Tt eney in Ten} not less than the the mean percent- determined and made applicabl wc observed values of the breaking load te in the test sample, the average brea) Il such average values, lculated and in respect of ig load value is e grand average = ‘valugs in Fespoct of the test speci ber of test spasimens, Tho gran less than or equal to the specified value. ced pH values, the average # and the range R are lue of the expressions x + 04R and we average ¥ and the expression t+ 04R

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