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PUBLICATIONS OF INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION INDIAN STANDARDS Over 10 000 Indian Standards covering various subjects have been issued so far. Of these, standards belonging to the Documentation and Library Group fall under the following categories. Bi 1 reference Library furniture Bookbinding Library lighting Toots and periodicals Microfilms Tadaxes and abstracts Proof Corrections Librarianship ‘Technique of itelectual work _ Libary and archives building Other related standards OTHER PUBLICATIONS ja ms Re ate ee os ES Re 368 Single Copy ae a ow ‘Aniwual Subseription ae a aS 300 ‘Annutl Repare (From 1948-49 Onwards) a Ry 20000 700 181 Handboot, 1900. ef Ry 10908 INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION Manak Dhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHY 110002 Telephones 126.60 21, 2701 31 ‘Telegrams 1 Manalcannathe Raplonal Ofte ‘Telephone fOMBAY 400007 378729 CALCUTTA 70072" 275090 MADRAS 600020 ae 4 Shaikh Marg, Khanpur AHMADARAD 390001203 91, BANGALORE scooz - 37648 ‘Nagar BHOPAL 400003 ten To Trantee Belg ad iS : 397 ( Part 1) - 1972 Indian Standard METHOD FOR STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL DURING PRODUCTION PART | CONTROL CHARTS FOR VARIABLES ( First Revision ) Second Reprint JULY 1981 UDC 658 562 : 519-28 © Copyright 1973 INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK SHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAM ZAFAR MARG. NEW DELUT 110002 June 1973 a] Gr. 8 18: 997 (Pare 1} - 1972 Indian Standard METHOD FOR STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL DURING PRODUCTION PART | CONTROL CHARTS FOR VARIABLES ( First Revision ) Quality Control and Industrial Statistics Sectional Committee, BC 3 Chaiman Representing Dx P.K. Bose Galeutta University, Calcutta Members tical Organitation (Cabinet Secrets. Tear), DN. K. Citannavantt Dx Daxooa Sisae Sunt K. G, Raveawonony Stim PG. V. Rao, Sun T. V. Ravine Sunt D. Rav Sunt S, Rancararnan ( ® Convright 1973 IAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION 18: 397 (Pare 1) - 1972 (Gontnad from gore 1) Members Reprsetng Sunt M. G. Tastnons Directorate General Defence}, New Del spection Sma $.P. Sums ( Altnate) Da B.N, Sinan, Director General, ISI ( Beas Member) Sunt, P. Son (4 Swat 8. G. Taran ‘Swat A. BORKAR (. IS: 397 (Part 1) - 1972 Indian Standard METHOD FOR STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL DURING PRODUCTION PART | CONTROL CHARTS FOR VARIABLES, ( First Revision ) 0. FOREWORD ion ) was adopted by the 72, after the draft fi rejections in finished mate screening become nece: the product 0.3 Since screening is not effect issue with the produ devised from signal to the operator t his machine of process to ensure mai production. I refore, de} the ws ment, knowledge unwanted causes of vari 0.4 This riginally pul Defence Emergency St 3 181397 (Part 1) - 1972 ty During Production which had proved ty Sons purchases uring second wat. Te pre “tandard the recently developed cot vranges whi fare more quick, easy to operate and at the same time quite efficient for smal Iso been taken to show in a be adapted for 963 Sampling inspection tion by attributes and by count of defe TS: 2500 ( Part IT )-1965 Samy tion by variables for percent 4905-1968 Methods for random samy +: 3002-1969 Methods for determina bles: Part I Inspec tables: Part IT Inspec- final value, observed © done in accordance 18:397 (Part I)-197% 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose ect on a defined quantity of ns may be: made. en popula e (by variable} or 2.4 Observed Value ( 2 result of an observa 2.5 Sample — One {6 provide in on the popul taken from a population and intended serve as a basis for decision produced it. characteris from this pops this characte 3 18: 397 (Part 1) -1972 2.8 Sample Statistic —A function of the observed values derived front ‘a sample (such as average, range, median, percentage, etc ). 2.9 Average (or Arithmetic Mean )— Sum of the observed values divided by their number. [Nora —The average is denoted by » when referring to the average of the population cox proces and by when refering to the average of the sample. 2.10 Median (M,)— ‘The middle most value of a series of observations arranged according to the ascending or descending order of magnitude of Shurttraie, Ina sample of siete s Ot vale ite old IF nis even, itis the average of th and ( e+ je value by convention. mean of the largest and the raracteristic. 2.41 Mid-Range (M)—The arithme smallest observed values of « measurabl 2.12 Standard Deviation —The positive square root of the mean of the squares of the deviations of the individual values take rithmetic mean. denoted by @ when referring to standard deviation of the population of when refering to standard deviation af sample. a 2.3 Range (R)—The difference between the largest and the smallest ‘observed values of a measurable character of the process estimated by the 2.14 Process Average —The quali on successive samples taken from average Value of a characteristic. bas the process. 3. SOME BASIC CONCEPTS UNDERLYING CONTROL CHART TECHNIQUE 3.1 Variation and Its often met i may be di such vari known and unknown, different settings of a machine, different fed, changes in operators who have jon due to chance ( or non-astign- machines, atmospheric conditions, ‘Generally, chance variatiors imply smaller changes in the prodact vy a3 compared to the changes due 9 assignable causes, 18: 397 (Pare1)-1972 3.2 Process Under Statistical Control — When in a proces: and it operates signable causes of under a constant 1g from a process, which is under a the form of a frequency distribu- into a bell shaped symmetrical pattern wherein etvations cluster around the average value and fewer and are found as one moves away from t 3.3 Normal Distril obtained by the obser ‘control is generally wel mn is charact and_ 99-73 percent of the jons from the mean on both ations are expected to fa the properties of this dis of stat ition of to that cause system be regarde ‘cause may be inferred in the process and the presence of am assign: giving rise to such a measurement, rol Charts —The above m ‘btaining from a process influenced only by random. mn which the control chat ‘based. to obtain a state of stat ‘The purpose of cont ignable causes and then to maintain trol by locating and eliminating the 181397 ( Part I)- 1972 ts, the process below the lower control limit or above the upper control ‘causes and an investigation is Further guidance for the 4. PRELIMINARIES TO THE INSTALLATION OF CONTROL ‘CHARTS, 4.1 Choice of Quality Characteristic —To start with, a decision has to bbe taken with regard to the quality characteristics for which a control programme is desired. . Characteristics affecting the performance of the roduct should normally be the object of first Phese may be the Is used or components or parts of t fength of the core wire of cables or 168 the characteristic may be for the fini of incandescent lamps. 4:2 Choice of the Place for Control — In any production process it is of ‘utmost importance that proper checks through control charts are exercised at strategic points. To pin-point the place for such control desirable termine the areas of maximum poten return in the form ofits, reduction in scraps, increase proper value analysis of all the performance may be q) context. sroduction proce the control programme sms such as different conveyor -oups — Sin fhe variation due to assignable and non. charts is to separat 8 1S: 397(Part 1) -1972 gauss, smogeneous segm: the variation found or random causes Ww! me assignable causes cach sample should. be representa ne predation flow Sane eal con tems shouldbe due fo non-assgnabc found betcen samples thos be The division of | s ic 7 Ipfal in this fe an effect n the quality igle subgroup should *o form subgroups such itferent sh : ithin such subgroups would be the in- jon due to the heads and the variation between the subgroups obtaining from the different heads of the machine. 43:2 To avoid bias in the formation of rational subgroups, two precautions must be taken inthe se ve imple emt fa) a ic selection sh any relevat i 4.4 Frequency and Size of Samy 8 —No general rules ma i down for frequeney of subgroups. st santa om thease must be decided on its own 1S: 397 (Part I) - 1972 merits considering both the cost of taking and analyzing measurements and the benefits, to be derived from action based on control charts. In the initial use of the control chart for analyzing a proce: xy be desirable arrive at conclusions quickly by taking frequent samples. Later on, troubles Fave been diagnosed and corrected and chart has become the maintenance of the process ‘sable to reduce the frequency of sampling. mm of the average in this case can be cone of the obs be doubled and # median cl 1¢ mid-range is used the average af only two observ lace of is the case In most of the chemic: quently. preferred, sample size the more desir than range as a me: oF possibility of Keeping. 5. SETTING UP OF THE CONTROL CHART the sample to and analyzed for 181397 (Part 1)-1972 and 4.4) till about 25 samples are obtained from the continuous run of the production process, Care is to be exercised during the course of this initi wn that the process is not unduly influenced intermittently ke change in the feed of raw materials, operators, is ofthe pre (range or standard mn) of the various subgroups cy {such a8 average, median becomes necessary Jepending upon the dix A’ and if all oxen from Appendix A for the correspondis ered to be homogeneous 1d to be in excess of Hyp the , if one or more s values are {0 ‘observations corresponding Femaining data the above proc bbe repeated ( that wn of anew standard deviation ¢ and the comparison of the rem: all the standard deviation values are found to be ‘oupssh all be discarded. For the caleula- 3 In the above process of homogenization if more than 25 per- amples are rejected for being out of control, the entire set of " 1S: 397( Part I)-1972 a collected after checking the process s which were responsible for the high 52.2.1 From the homogenized data (see S211 or 524.2) the average ofeach sample (x) shall be calculated, The average of these aver. ages or the grand average (3) forall the samples shall then be ealelate, cae the data has earlier Boen homogenized by using anges (see B22) then a quantity 4 shall be calculated where the factor ds ultably choven fom Appendic A for the vorepanding sample sige Bf'any of the averages are found to lie outside the interval x 4,2 then ‘hserVations in the subgroup corresponding to these. averages “shal Gicarded: ‘From’ the semaining: data,a tech grand avefage shall be tomputed and the above procedure shall be repeated il all the average value are found tole within 3 dy Romogenized by Using standard det Aafethe quantity shall be used in the above homogenization proces where the factor A, is suitably chosen from Appendix A. : 5.3 Control Limits 5.31 Charts for Controlling the Dispersion S31 Range (8) chart —The cen given by the ultimate average range_¥: f5.21.L. The upper control limit (UCL) and the lower con (LGL ) for the range chart are obtained as Dyié and D,R where factors Dy and D, are obtained from Appendix A depending upon the size of the sample chosen. [Nort — For taple of size 6 ot below Dy is, 20 that colneldea with the was 53.1.2 Standard devi deviation has been used in Tine for the In case the data has earlier been 1e LOL for the range chart sad of range, the standard the preliminary data jiven by the ultimate average chart are obtained as Byé and Byi where the factors By and By are x chosen from Appendix A depending upon the size of the sample chosen, 5.3.2 Charts for Controlling Central Tendency S321 Average (Z) chart — The centr the ullimate grand average calculated from 12 1S: 397 (Pare I )-1972 indicated homogenizat obtained as 2.1. In case the range has been process then UCL and the LCL for the lows: von = F444 LoL=7- Ak suitably chosen from Appendix A. depending upon where the factor the sample size. In case standard deviation has been used in the earlier homogeniza- tion process, then UCL and LOL for the average chart are obtained as follows: where factor A, is suitably chosen from Appendix A depending upon the —From the homogenized data sample ( Me) calculated and dians (ile) shi for the medi UCL = Me+ FR Nore —In cate many of the medians are found to fall outside these Vorvatns then the homogealzalion process rmid-ranges ( ne for the mid-range dsrange chart are obtained ss follows: 18:397 ( Part I) 1972 where the factor G, is suitably chosen from Appendix A depending upon the sample size. ‘Nore —In case many of the mid-ranges are found to fall outside the above limits then a homogentsation proces Similar €9 the one recoromencied for averages may be followed ands new average mid-range ccmputed, 5.3.3 Control Chart for Indisiduals — When a control chart is to be installed for individual observations the size of the sample would be one anda: such the homogenization procedure recommended in 5.201 or 5.24.2 are not readlly applicable. “Hence in. such siuations. afer Observations {numbering 29 or 30) the method of fhoving average is used. For this purpose the succestive differences ofthe individual values that i, the difference between the first and the second observations Sind so on shall be calculated, ignoring’ the sign of the ‘diflerence. iF there are 35 observations, we get 24 values of the moving range these moving ranges the value of the average moving range R is calcul If each of the individual moving ranges (R) i less than or equal to 4267 R then the preliminary data is considered to be homogeneous. If however, one or more range values exceed this limit the observations Corresponding to that value shall be eliminated and the procedure shall be repeated tl the homogeneous set of observations are oblained. From the homogenized data (see 5.8.3) the overall average (2) shall be computed. This xshall be the central line for the individual chart. The UCL and the LCL for individual chart are obtained as follows: UCL =F +266 & LOL =3— 266 R 5.4 Charts Based on Known Standard Values —In some cases there ‘may not be any need for the collection and analysis of preliminary data ‘as indicated in 5.1, for, either from the past knowledge or records the standard values of the parameters of the process may be known — the process average to be maintained at a level wand the standard deviation Of the process realistically estimated as. While controlling these th an upper specification limit ( UV) and a lower ) are it i advantageous to control the the parameters used in the calculation of control limits. The process average {q) and proces standard deviation (@) norm “ AMENDMENT NO, 1 SEPTEMBER 1977 To . 18:3¢7(Part 1)-1972 METHODS FOR STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL DURING PRODUCTEON PART { CONTROL CHARTS FOR VARIABLES, (Firat Reviston) Alterations (Page 14, clause 5.3.3, last senten Substitute the following for the existing matter: ‘rf, hovever, one or more range valu exceed this limit, these ranges shall be eliminated and the procedure shall be re~ peated till ell the ranges are found to be homogeneous.! (Page 14, clause = Substitute the following for the existing clause: " From the entire data, overall average (z) shall be computed, The UCL and the LCL for individual chart are obteined as 22,667 and 22,668 vhere # is the average of the homogenized moving ranges (eee 5.3.3). If any of the individual values are found to lie outside the control limits, they shall be eliminated and the new average shall be cal- culated from the remaining observations. This process will be repeated till all the remain- ing observations are found to be within the contro? limits.! (ze 3) Keprosraphy Unit, ISI, New Deihi 18: 397 ( Part I) -1972 about hundred or more pints pated on the intial control chars may Be taken as the standard values for the recalculation of the control mits, Ung the tandlard value, the contol limits are calculated as follows: Nove — Tn es th inal ontrl Limits are bated om average ange (i), then © osc res ed dering ocd ao ee a ‘on hundred oc more sample ranges and di a suitable factor’ taken from ix A depending upon the tze of the sample. BALL Control Charts for Measures of Dispersion SALA Control limits for range chart —The central line for the range chart is placed at dg and the UCL and LOL are drawn at Dyo and Ds where the factors dy, Dy and D, are suitably chosen from Appendix A ‘depending upon the size of the sample. SAL.2 Control limits for the standard deviation chart — The central Tine for the standard deviation chart is placed at éo and the UCL and LCL are placed at Bz and Bo where the factors ey, By and By are suitably chosen from Appendix A depending upon the size of the sample. 5.4.2 Control Charts for Measures of Central Tendency 1 Control limits for average chart—For the average chart the central ‘atu and UCL and LCL are drawn atu + Ao and ji da where Ais a suitable factor chosen from Appendix A depending lupon the size of the sample. 54.2.2 Control limits for median chart —The central line of the ian chart is drawn at x and UCL and LL are drawn at w + Fo and Suitable factor chosen from Appendix A depénding for mid-range chart —The central line for the t wand UCL and LOL are drawn at u+-Ge and mid-range chart suitable factor chosen from Appendix A depending w— Go where G upon the sample size. Control limits for individual chart— The central line for the individual chart is placed at w and the control limits are drawn at u+3a and p — 32. for Drawing the Control Charts— ional or graph paper the control charts are tal scale ingicates the subgroup number jple number) whereas statistical e represented on tre a pene pe ‘Whenever charts for central tendency (average, median or miderange)) and dipersion (standard. deviaton of 15 18: 997 ( Part 1) - 1972 range) are simultaneously maintained, thé chart for ct placed at the top and the one for measure of dispersion, using the same horizontal seale for both. Every care shoul 5.541 A typical pro forma for collection of data is given at Appendix B. 6. MAINTENANCE OF CONTROL CHARTS 6.1 Using the Control Chart During Production 6.1.1 The control charts have to be posted in a conspicuous place where they may be readily viewed by those concerned such as quality control engineer, pector, superintendent, foreman, operator, 6.1.2 There should be least delay in plotting all the points on the control chart after the sample has been take type of the action factions may be involv. ae pe) manner, for example, Trequeney of “White revi t regarding the causes spection methods and ‘The completed control charts may be kept in the permanent file as a record of the quality of the product. 6.2 Detection of Assignable Causes — rol chart is to detect the presence of any unnatural p: fern in the process 16 151397 (Part 1) «1972 of manufacture which will have to be removed, its useful to have an idea thout the folowing characterises of a natural pattern '2) Mott ofthe points are neir the oentral line. ») A few ofthe points are spread out and approach the control mits. ) None of the points ( or at least only a very rare and occasional point ) exceeds the control 6.2.1 There are different types of unnatural patterns which may be the control chart. "The ease and the frequency with which an (© spot any unnatural: Il depend on his ‘running the control chart as also his knowledge of the the following are some of the unnatural patterns which are very small in compari- is and absence of points near © with too many — A dong series of points which are ithout any interruption in this regular sequence, ¢) Trend — A series of consecutive points without a change in direc tion, tion of unnatural pattern described above, ‘considerations in the following three ways itmay be helpful to give lack of control may be observed when control charts for both central tendency and dispersion are maintained: may be noticed in the average ( or median or eof control may be noticed in the range (or standard fon) chart only. ©) The lack of control may be observed in both the average and range charts 6.23 Changer inthe Proce Average Only —"This is the no in manufacturing wherein a or ao changes inthe proces: dispersion. In such hen of grese value tothe mackine setter to help in order to produce a desired process Ts type of lack of control is shown’ on the average’ chart inte the changer in the process average take ee caeep te Tange chart willshow contol, Since the contol limits are set Le enough a7 type of 1e process 182.397 ( Part 1) - 1972 day to day oF ‘on the range rocess variability. from hour to hour. chart also give strong evi Generally speaking, variabil likely to be found in those processes important. first step in (0 bring the proces nntrol. points \e continu- iscourage anybody who is ie chart should be viewed ance of some pi ansious for quick results. On the other hand 481 397 ( Part 1) -1972 as an indication that further improvement is possible and as an incentive to keep hunti ‘of trouble. average Frequent average. Somé type of wear the’ process dispersion. in averages. 7. MODIFIED CONTROL CHARTS ‘generally apply to of the average chart appl mean. For this ways advisable 7.3 Setting Specification ies — Ina real 18 :397( Part 1)-1972 in 7.2, But in many of the existing sitiations specification limits are set in advance for the manufacture fem on the basis of enginecring, technological or other practical considerations. In such cases after the manufacture has commenced and the process is studied and found to be in_a state of statistical control, one of the following three situations may a) The difference between the upper and lower specification limits (U— L) is considerably smaller than the cstimate of process capability, b) The difference between the upper and the lower specification limits (U— L) is almost of the same order as the estimate of procest capability, and ©) The difference ‘between the upper and lower specification limits (U—L) is considerably larger than the estimate of process capability. 1.3 Tn the ft case where (U— L) entimate of process capability the Suation are! the revision proces capability fo revise the specificatio means of any fechoical change an improved design, et Would be found to above the upp Tmit Z) in spi Ether sie of the specifica ferapping, snarketing as second, jerably smaller than the for remedying the is or improvements of the jodifications. If nothi wequences of the product is (with the possibilities of rew: ’ 782 When the difference between the upper and lower specification 92 Tee 1) ofthe same order as that of the estimated process capa Diy, orm small adjustment i the specication lit may lead fo pny atetactary results. However, all posible steps should. also be taken Tey eantain proper centering of the process. Furthermore, the process ro Re Continued to be checked with the help of control charts and any Ghanges noticed in the provess © maybe fed back to the eesigh Gepartment from time (0 time c action. 733 W tion Kimits ( the difference bet adoption of the 1S: 997 (Pare 1)-1972 oo ee ee ee eee V, is a factor. suitably chosen from Appendix © depend chet size of the sample. ‘Phe central lin in bot the above cases It may, however, be noticed that the modified control limits are workable as long as the estimate of the proress capability remains constant. fever process dispersio fare not appropriate. For # Gestation) Should accompany any average chart wing modified contol Modified control limits seem to have proved particularly useful as applica w intermittent short production rane in Teachining operations Shere the process capability has been determined. from previous. Tuns The more (U — 1) exceeds the estimated process capability the greater atitude in ma “The use of modified control Hii Tay simplify the problem of maint tnough for practical purposes. The modified cont when a process is subject to tool wear, since the natutal Sess at any time is much less than the spread over the wl 8, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 8.1 Example for Installing Control Charts for Average and Range 8.1.1 In a firm manufacturing BHC dusting powder by oi process, the average daily production was around 25 tonnes ( a 18: 397 ( Part 1) - 1972 packed in bags of 50 kg cach so that in a ‘Since the BHC content ic which has to be con- ‘average and bags filled at the final stage were sample size and on practical considerations agreed that a frequency of sampling of once in every two hh adequate. After taking proper care with regard to raw m: xing, machine maintenance, ete, the ‘which was spread over a week was collected. data as given 1.8 Asa first step for the jogenized From calculated as R tion of control charts the ranges were of Table 1) average Ris then calculated as Upper contol limit for DR = 2115 x 0°34 = 0°72, the val {ofa sample ofsize 5. Te was found outside UCL and s0 this sample was range chart culated from the 1g 24 samples was obtained as B= ~/38* m 0:33 and Dk = 2115 x 033 = 0-70. Again tl No. 9 5 olde te UC Fae drerage ange fo the emg 25 28 aeyal and Dy = 2115 x O81 = O65. 1 was found that all the 25 range value was is. The lower anges were now taken a: O31 for the purpose of drawing the coi control limit for the range chart is B.A For the 23 samples which were found t regard to range the average ¥ was calculated as = = 1005 and 5 AR = 058 x 0°31 = 0-18 where U is suitably ‘chosen from Appendix A for a sample of for the average chart are then obtained as x + 4,R which comes out as 9'87 to 10°23. All the 23 sample v: wr average and fange were then plotted.on the two Charts respectively as given in Fig. 1. It may be id that for the Samples at SI No. 2, 3 and 5, 6, 7 the average values he control mis. This perhaps could be explained by the fact that there was some behaviour in the amount of BHC content when the programme for 22 18: 397 ( Part 1) - 1972 0f 9596 to 10:22. It was ligating. A ‘a thorough invest nical eto zero error belo fore mixing. This cess was found to be rectified and thereafter the pi ‘modified control chart for averages. "The upper for the modified chare were then calculated asf = UV, R= 1100-026 107 La Lt Vy R= 900+ 026 = range for # Stipulat Product: Characteristics Unit of measurement: FABLE 1 CONTROL GHART DATA SHEET (INITIAL DATA) (CClouer 8.1.2 and ) Production Order No. BHC dusting ywder BHC content {percent by weight ) ‘Weight by percentage Production Dept. N ‘Normal daily output? 25 tonnes na Noma aes Dibieat Suni se 3 Kem a, OE ae nominal vine ame — - Sretenor nes Bree od Paste i “Sun ~SDare Tw ”~—‘Pencuntaon or BHC Cowrent rue Sawpis Bao Totat. Avenase anon 8 aoe ip comme new Somes ‘No. 1 2 3 8 0 oe ® 6 (en ay 1 cto Sap Sto St was Sey bus } foo bids oa Beh oe 3 3 fost teas Toa ste tats i i ‘38 Inle loae Sa toa at 3 to wear teat toast 3130 os é oo Sag‘ 38 oo 0% ye 3 ogg? oa ot a io Saris oe Sa Hy 5 tan San loan Sop soit oi i ‘30 bat 308 ia o% u ‘Bo Ses ae oa os oe u io 33 tes Los Stor oa 8 ts toa '3a3 oie srt oa 8 Yop ‘gar awiz tos Sos oa & e340 Bi ise bat ie tao ee oat 88 ou "3m bab & a rte Sst wor oat ie tos ar 98 ton iss ‘sm 930 8 ip oes 380 3a fos see a3 2 to Too ieie ite 33 low Sue x tas 35) Hog Sa? uo oa a ‘so igi see 05 Sosa O39 8 ‘Sat agie ‘St or tooo x Ha 385 Inot—oat Sit ioe 0 3g 1108 toy "Sb Be Wotan Toul “ES Speieation for BHC dusting powder (stand ein) Product BHC dustog powder Frodution Dept Not Chirsctenie: BH coment (5 by mt) Eompcsee? 5 GSGH etnaement: Borcesiane Frege! Soot in eery two hours Nominal ray PGES SEG tance: 30 wo 1050 Tepes: Sheeaions '* Bseseitaoe ne ow £ on" 2 vo» § ow Esa, ye zo E z & s 8 } a oe s : Bio ote ae ee i ween fons geet pw eevee eee mannan 5 oart * a a a 5 Fig. 1 ‘Avanaox an Rano Canta (Inrmtat Data) a ‘TABLE 2 CONTROL CHART DATA SHEET (SUBSEQUENT DATA) ae cori Boot LUA Tip tenements duran aa Aa oe : om ; @ @ (10) ay a a a a a ee & B = ey He a ae se Fa seat Nt rs om oes at etremen ~— nce in every two hours = z senses ee ze ow 8 900 0-60 RANGE IN PERCENT 5 (Clouse 8.1.5) BHG dusting powder BHC content (percent by weight) Weight by perenne erent ofthe nominal value iS: Soi-96z+ Once 25 tonnes: 5 Fro. 2. Averaoz ano Ranox Curate (Orzrationat Data ) ~- every to hours 86708012 6.20 zest (1282) £66 ST zest (4a) L6C1ST 151397 ( Part 1)- 1972 Example for Installing Individual Charts — In a fi ;pentine of Grade I was being manufactured on a batch proc fas one of the important char: y. However, due batches, moving range of two successive values were there were 21 moving range values obtained from 22 rest range Fwas then calculated as 04. 0.0030. For the homogeni of the ranges the upper contro! limit for'the range chart was then calculated as DR = 3267 x 0:0030 = 0:0098, Since all the range values were found to be less than this upper limit the average range R was used for the construc- lua, The UCL and the LCL for the gravity of oil of turpentine (Grade 1) in the case of averages where th control charts is strictly forbi hhenes drawn in the lower three values out of: and lower specifica therefore, recom attempt could be made to bring down the process variation. 8.4 Example for Installing Control Charts for Median/Mid-Range 8.4.1 Sometimes itis preferred to use median place of the average charts as or controlling central tenden« The median charts are particul le when the number of obser tions in the sample is an odd number since it does not need any calculation 28 18: 397 ( Pare 1) - 1972 ——— {PECIFIC GRAVITY OF COMPOSITE SAMPLES TABLE 5 VALUES OF SP nF cure (Claw 8.3) Baron No. Srrcinc Gravire Vaiun Movino Raor ov raz Two 0861 - 0360 oor 0861 ooo 0-865 004 0861 ‘ooo 0-860 001 ons, ote 0-858 oot 0-860 ‘0002 0839 on 864 0-005 oss, cies 0-852 008 0-856 o-oo 0887 oot 0856 oor oer 0-005 0-885 0-006 0-856 o-oot 0-886 000 0-838 o-002 0365 0-007 Total 16899 06 charts, though need a litte a the average charts where all vided by the number of obse: , however, be noted that median ( ‘midrange ) iably be accompanied by a range chart so that deviations in the proses with regard to location or dispersion could be detceted at the right ume, 84.2 In a certain frm producing composite con ditable control charts for expressed i tinit seven sample results were available corresponding to the seven strands of the composite conductor. It was decided to install a median chart for 29 48: 997 (Part 1) - 1972 the purpose of ‘olling the quality. From the past data the process ‘centered around a value equal 10 19°50 kgffenm®. It 1at the standard des ocess was 1-00 kgf mm. ! median chart were obtained as UCL = + Fo= 20°88 ! LCL =a —Fe= 1950 1376 = 1612 ng to a size of as follows : for the range chart are obtain: L = Dye = 5-203 Dyo = 0205 (The factors Dy at ned from Appendix A corres: ponding to a sainpl data were plotted on points were found to li any assignable cause, were found to go charts ( se Fig. 4) we central line, the process was seafter, the points for control units No. \¢ upper control Suitable remedial action r which the process again was found aaTCH NuMocR Fro, 3. Cart For INDIViDuats sample of size 7. It will be interesting to note that when the data on the mid-range chart ( see Fig. 5) they show a similar pattern as the noticed in the median chart ( see Fig. 4). to the control chart No. 14 fall outsid ts as found. earlier case. Both the mid-ran the median charts h same purpose here of detecting shifts in the average level 8.444 For the purpose of ay a mid-range chart (along with the range chart for detecting the variation 3 Jn'the disersion of the proce © THe control limits far the rad-range i chart are obtained as follows: & UCL = w+ Ge = 19°50 + 1-402 = 20:90 z LOL =p — Ga = 19:50 — 10 ' = ‘The factor G has suitably been chosen from Appendix A | £ 5, Specie gravity, 1s corresponding 1 rode Characteristics Auarag 21419385 TABLE 4 CONTROL CHART DATA ON ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH Chetan CONDUCTOR OF THE 73 men OF composite (Glow 8.43) ze6t- (138g) c6¢ sy Contson Saute No. Munay Rage User/Caate eee y Daun No. + 6 a a 8 mH 9 6 @ ® ao) 1 tor 2% 1891, 88 939 29929 tos pgp 1930 ion aif 1996 1800 tayo tee tooo Oe 1n98. tea (292 tz tees t9s0 isa is90 tose 1699 Heed Sat ee eee eee ieee | eas tai 098 i598 Se es eS 180 096 4850 s {eat 1800 18008521995 1939 1881 196 1898 pete es ete iste ies tis 6a 32 seo S969 t= cme oe ee ES 2037 a tes ao78 esos nook 262 1969 eae sea L927 oes a075 ings tay 1907 ee oo (12919962078 0s nore aos 1970 Be ee 18 ta24 zo eel 1828 twst tetas ieee mo a 20% arco 1996 ata? aan anee je | 32% 59s may sy ras ak (203 teeter ges ae oy ise gag 22 9 177999) teae tee? 6. too 28-217 927125 aoe aoa aeny 1s. eee tee 19% 1729 tame Production Dept No. Compote conductor of sie 7/278 mm Produaion B oe Pose Game Frcqueneys One every Tetak memaeneet: Refimen® Peeiod: Ear ests Ei Inpector ead he no ‘Eons F mo B we x eo oro eee ‘CONTROL UNIT NUMBER Fic, 4 Mepian ano Ranor Cuarts wet (19284) £66181 Composite conductors of ste 7/279mm Product No.t ‘ oe ‘conductor of size 7/2-79 mm ion Dept ‘of measurement: Egf mmt Frejueneys rn Ba 7 (One every bout 4 Specieation: 20 a zest ~ (1 582) 266 ST m0. MORAN € HAN Katt? 60 a RANGE RIN kgtimnm? 182 997 ( Part I) «1972 APPENDIX A (Clause FACTORS FOR COMPUTING CONTROL LIMITS Unino Stanbano Vaues oF © AND @ | Unve + | Vana ® ‘nee | Mid. [Standard Deviation Range Ghart | Avenge | Standard’ | avenge | Medan | Mas See [Eine ange | ‘Shark Chart” | Deviation | “Ghat | SEGae? | Re | Rare Ghie Ghar | | Ghat ele lo ae ae i u & #— de u—Fo| u—ce Ais Dy | Far RMR] DR nt dalnt relat ce Ae Deo [tag Wok ‘Nore | ~ Sine the efficiency of medianjmid-range as an ‘his reason, the entries in col Sand are retieted Nove 2 — Since range ir not recommended for large sample sires, 348 imate of central tendency declines a ample ples up t0 10 only. " {he entries in col 4 onwards are restricted to samples up to 10 only. ‘creates, they are not recommended for large mmple tna. For 35 rs ee 15: 397 (Part 1) - 1972 APPENDIX B (Clause 5.5.1) CONTROL CHART DATA SHEET ( VARIABLES ) WI HI | HLL HTT | 1S: 397 (Part 1) - 1972 APPENDIX C (Clause FACTORS FOR COMPUTING MODIFIED CONTROL LIMITS No. oF Ozseavarions A ww tHe SaMPLe Usine Knows: Use AvERacE 2 Sraxparp Deviarion Rance R 0879 0-779 1-268 o-749 1-500 0-729 1-658 O73 0-700 0-690 0-681 0-673 0-666 0-660 0-655, 0650 0-645 o-641 12 13 rea 0-637 0633 0-630 0-627 0-624 16 7 8 19 20 21 o-621

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