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The term stimulus refers to

Perkataan rangsangan merujuk kepada

A the ability of an organism to respond

kebolehan organisma untuk bertindak balas
B the extent of changes in the surrounding
takat perubahan pada keadaan sekeliling
C a change in the environment
perubahan pada persekitaran
D a change in the pH of the water
perubahan pH air

2. The withdrawal of the hand from a hot object is a response to

Pengalihan tangan daripada objek panas adalah tindak balas

A a mechanical stimulus
rangsangan mekanikal
B a thermal stimulus
rangsangan terma.
C an osmotic stimulus
rangsangan osmosis
D an electrical stimulus
rangsangan elektrik

3. A receptor organ in an animal is responsible for the perception of

Organ penerima pada haiwan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk persepsi pada

A light
B a stimulus
C a sound
D humidity

4. Impulses are conveyed from the central nervous system to the muscles by a/an
Impuls di hantar daripada sistem saraf pusat ke otot dengan

A efferent neurone
neuron efferen
B afferent neurone
neuron afferen
C sensory neurone
neuron pengesan
D interneurone

5. Which one of the following neurones conveys impulses from the afferent neuron to the
afferent neuron?
Di antara neuron yang berikut, yang manakah menghantar impuls daripada neuron
aferen ke neuron aferen?

A Axon
B Dendron
C Synapse
D Interneuron

6. The layer of fatty substance which covers the nerve fiber is called the
Lapisan lemak yang melindungi gentian saraf dikenali

A myelin sheath
salut mielin
B cell body
sel badan
C plasma membrane
membran plasma
D nucleoprotein

7. The dendrons and dendrites of a neuron are branches that conduct the nervous impulse
Dendron dan dendrit neuraon adalah bercabang yang mana ia menjalankan impuls saraf

A towards the cell body

menuju badan sel
B away from the cell body
menjauhi badan sel
C from the cell body of another neuron
daripada sel badan ke neuron lain.
D faster than the speed of an electric current
lebih pantas daripada elektrik

8. The area where the terminal filaments of one neurone comes into close relationship with
the dendrons and cell body of another neuron is called
Kawasan terminal filamen pada satu neuron yang berhubung bersama dendron dan sel
badan pada neuron lain juga dipanggil

A the gap
B the dendrite
C the synapse
D the nerve ending
hujung saraf

9. Nerves are made up of bundles of

Saraf dibina daripada sekumpulan

A neurilemma
B cell bodies
sel badan
C nerve fibers
gentian saraf
D medullated fibers
gentian bermedula


The process of reasoning, judgement, memory and will power occur in

Proses pemikiran, perbandingan, ingatan dan kuasa berlaku pada


Cerebellum consists of
Serebelum terdiri daripada

A V and W
V dan W
B X and Y
X dan Y
C W, X and Y
W, X dan Y
D X, Y and Z
X, Y dan Z

12. The secretion from the thyroid gland controls all of the following except
Rembesan daripada kelenjar tiroid mengawal semua yang berikut kecuali

A the physical growth of a child

tumbesaran fizikal kanak-kanak
B the metabolic rate of the body
kadar metabolisma badan
C the mental development of a child
pertumbuhan mental kanak-kanak
D the storage of fats
simpanan lemak
13. The microscopic mass of the capillary network enclosed by the Bowman's capsule is called
Jisim mikroskopi pada rangkaian kapilari yang ditutup oleh kapsul Bowman dikenali

A papilla
B glomerulus
C efferent arteriole
atriol eferen
D afferent arteriole
atriol aferen

14. About 85% of water is reabsorbed from the filtrate at

Kira-kira 85% air diserap daripada turasan pada

A Bowman's capsule
kapsul Bowman
B proximal uriniferous tubule
tubul berlingkar proksimal
C collecting duct
duktus pengumpul
D Henle's loop
liku Henle

15. The substance present in blood passes through the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule
by a process called
Bahan-bahan yang terdapat pada darah melintas melalui glomerulus dan kapsul Bowman
melalui proses

A diffusion
B ultra filtration
ultra turasan
C active transport
pengangkutan aktif
D osmosis

16. The glomerular filtrate is very similar to

Turasan glomerulus adalah sama seperti

A lymph from lacteal

limfa daripada lakteal
B protein-free blood plasma
plasma darah bebas protein
C extra cellular fluid
bendalir ekstrasel
D tissue fluid from the liver
bendalir tisu daripada hati

17. Which one of the following substances can pass into the Bowman's capsule?
Di antara bahan berikut, yang manakah boleh melepasi kapsul Bowman?

A Serum albumin
Serum albumin
B Serum globulin
Serum globulin
C Ascorbic acid
Asid askorbik
D Fibrinogen

18. Which one of the following is totally reabsorbed?

Di antara berikut, yang manakah diserap secara menyeluruh?

A Water
B Urea
C Glucose
D Sodium

19. Reabsorption of useful substances from the filtrate begins at the

Penyerapan bahan yang berguna daripada turasan bermula pada

A proximal tubule
tubul proksimal
B Henle's loop
liku Henle
C collecting duct
duktus pengumpul
D Bowman's capsule
kapsul Bowman

20. The functional unit of the kidney is called a

Unit fungsi pada ginjal dikenali dipanggil

A nephron
B nephros
C tubule
D glomerulus

21. The process whereby the kidney maintains the concentration of water, salt and ions at an
optimum level is called
Proses di mana ginjal mengekalkan kepekatan air, garam dan ion pada tahap optimum

A osmoregulation
B metabolism
C homeostasis
D excretion

22. Ultra filtration causes soluble substances in the blood plasma to be filtered out from the
Ultra turasan menyebabkan bahan terlarut di dalam plasma darah untuk ditapis keluar

A veins into nephron

vena ke nefron
B glomerulus into uriniferous tubule
glomerulus ke tubul berlingkar
C glomerulus into the lumen of the Bowman's capsule
glomerulus ke lumen pada kapsul Bowman
D proximal convoluted tubule into the loop of Henle
tubul berlingkar proksimal ke liku Henle

23. The nitrogenous waste products excreted in the urine of mammals include the following
Bahan buangan bernitrogen dikumuhkan daripada urin mamalia termasuk yang berikut

A urea
B ammonia
C creatinine
D estrogen

24. When a person suffers from diabetes, the urine contains

Apabila seseorang mengalami diabetes, urinnya mengandungi

A blood
B protein
C insulin
D glucose

25. The structure below is a type of neurone. Name the neurone.

Struktur di bawah adalah sejenis neuron. Namakan neuron tersebut.
A Interneurone
B Afferent neurone
Neuron aferen
C Efferent neurone
Neuron eferen
D Free neurone
Neuron bebas


The figure above shows the different endocrine glands in a human. Which of the glands
produces hormones that control the metabolic rate of the body?
Rajah di atas menunjukkan kelenjar endokrin yang berbeza pada manusia. Kelenjar yang
manakah menghasilkan hormon yang mengawal kadar metabolisma badan?

Which endocrine gland produces digestive hormones and enzymes?

Kelenjar endokrin yang manakah menghasilkan hormon penghadaman dan enzim?

28. Which of the following condition is the result of the lack of hormones?
Di antara keadaan yang berikut, yang manakah adalah penyebab kepada kekurangan

A Addison disease
Penyakit Addisson
B Klinefelter's syndrome
Sinrom Klinefelter
C Turner's syndrome
Sindrom turner
D Kwasyiorkor

29. The adrenal gland produces adrenaline. Which of the following is not a result of the
secretion of adrenaline?
Kelenjar adrenal menghasilkan adrenalin. Di antara berikut, yang manakah bukan hasil
daripada rembesan adrenalin?

A Heart rate increases

Degupan jantung meningkat
B Glucose level increases
Tahap glukosa didalam darah meningkat
C Respiratory rate increases
Kadar respirasi meningkat
D Blood becomes thicker
Darah menjadi pekat
30. A type of plant will grow tendrils and wind round a support. Name this type of reaction.
Sejenis pokok akan tumbuh rerambut dan disokong oleh pusingan angin. Namakan jenis
tindak balas ini.

A Tropism
B Nastic response
Tindak balas nastik
C Reflex action
Tindak balas refleks
D Taxis response
Tindak balas taksis

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