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Classification of circuit:

These are:
 Series Ckt
 Paralel Ckt
 Short Ckt
 Open Ckt

Ohm law:
State that the ratio of potential between 2 conductors. To the current flowing through it is constant.
Provided the temperature of the conductor does not change.
V/I=constant/R (v-protential difference, I- )
It gives us 2 important information
Current is directly proportional…….
Inverserly proportional…… V=IR Linear form
Remarks: Ohm law there is a linear relationship between voltage and current. It gives us a curve named
V-I curve.

Graphical representation of Ohm’s law:

It is a curve or plot between current & applied voltage. Applied voltage in the direction of x-access and
current in the y-access. Provided that resistance is constant (not variable). Let us consider a circuit and
take some reading using multi meter.
Screenshot 1
According to Ohm’s law when volts 2 cirrent 1. Similarly when volts 12 current 6.
This is the curve. (Screenshort 2)
V=IR Linear form
Y=mxnb (m=R=constant)
NOTE! A volt ampere characteristic. V-I curve shows that how much current the resistor allows for the
different voltages.

‘Short’ Circuit: ‘Short’ means Zero resistance R=0. When two points joined together by a thick metarical.
This circuit is known as ‘Short’ ckt. Shown in figure 1 (Screenshort 3)
NOTE! a & b are terminal.
ISC means ‘Short’ circuit. These are 2. No voltage can exits across teminals A and B. VAB=0
NOTE! according to Ohm’s law. V=IR=0
Current through it is very large (tents to infinity). A/B=infinity (B=0). And the circuit will be burnt out.

‘Open’ Circuit: 2 terminals/points are said to be open ckt when there is no connection between them.
Shown in figure 2 (Screenshort 4,5)
NOTE! Open means the break of continute of ckt. It is not a conductive.

2 important factors:
 Resistance between 2 points a & b is infinity
 There is no flow of current
According to the Ohm’s law.

Short in Series Ckt:

R=0, I=infinity
Let us draw a short in series ckt (Screenshort 6)
To avoid short circuit we use fuse.

Open in Series Ckt:

Let us consider the following diagram/circuit (Screenshort 7)

2 important factors:

 There is no voltage drop across R1 & R2

 ……. would be felt across the ‘open’

H.W Why is it 12volts not changed?

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