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Welding Genenl Sectional Committee, MTD11

ThisIndian Standard (SixthRevision) wasadopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards, afterthedraftfinalized by
the Welding GeneralSectional Committee hadbeenapproved by theMetalluraical Engineering Division Council.
Thisstandard was first published in 1957andsubsequently revised in 1963, 1967, 1970,1974and 1991. While
reviewing the standardin the light of experience gainedduringtheseyears, the Committee decidedto revise it to
bring it in linewith the present practices beingfollowed by the IIldian and overseas industry.
In thisrevision, the following changes havebeenmade:
a) Semibasic type of covering has been included.
b) Cherniealanalysisof basicand semibasic classification hu beenprovided.
c) Percentage elongation for '0' designating digit has beenincluded.
Intheformulation ofthisstandard dueweightage hasbeen givento international co-ordination amongthestandards
prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it tothe practices inthe fieldinthis country. This has been
met by derivina assistance from the following publications:
a) ISO 2560 : 1973 Covered electrodes for manual arc welding of mildsteeland low alloy stecl-
Codeof symbolsfor identification
b) 8S 639 : 1986 Covered carbon and carbon manganese steel electrodes for manual metalarc
w~~ ,
c) ANSI/AWSA S.I·1991 Covered carbonsteelarc weldin. electrodes- Specification
In reporting the resultsofa test or analysis, madein accordance with this standard. if the finalvalue, observed or
calculated, is te>. berounded ofT, it shan be donein accordance withIS2 : 1960'Rulesfor rounding oft'numerical
values(revlsed)' .

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