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Roll No.

: JI/2019-21/0008
Name: Akshat Jain
Batch: 2019-21
Trimester: 3rd
Course Code: FIN301
Course Title: Advanced Corporate Finance
Date: 13-04-2020
Day: Monday
Start Time: 10:00 AM

Ans 2:
Determining whether a Swap Deal can be effected
Existing Aggregate = 8% + (L + 3%) = L+ 11%
Revised Aggregate = (L + 1%) + 12% = L + 13%
Revised – Existing = (L+13%) -(L+11%) = 2%
Total Profit = 2%
Less- Commission= 1%
Profit= 1%

Profit to each party-

A = 0.5%
B = 0.5%
Effective Cost to A = L+1%-0.5% = L+0.5%
Effective Cost to B = 12%-0.5% = 11.5%

A (Fixed Leg):
The Swap Bank shall borrow from A on Notional Basis at the same rate that A pays to his
bank, i.e. 8%.
Thereby Swap Bank shall reimburse the interest of same amount to A that he has paid to his
In turn, A shall borrow from the Swap Bank on Notional basis at an interest rate which is
0.5% lower than the rate offered by his bank, i.e. L+0.5%
With this arrangement, A could convert his Fixed Rate loan into a Floating Rate Loan, that
too at lower rate.
LIBOR= 15% View point of A

Interest paid to own bank (Actual)

10000000*8% 80000
Interest received from Swap bank (Notional)
10000000*8% 80000
Interest Paid to Swap Bank (Notional)
10000000*15.5% 155000

Net paid to Swap Bank (Actual) 75000

B (Floating Leg):
The Swap Bank shall borrow from B on Notional Basis at the same rate that B pays to his
bank, i.e. L+3%
Thereby Swap Bank shall reimburse the interest of same amount to B that he has paid to his
In turn, B shall borrow from the Swap Bank on Notional basis at an interest rate which is
0.5% lower than the rate offered by his bank, i.e. 11.5%

With this arrangement, Krishna could convert his Floating Rate loan into a Fixed Rate Loan,
that too at lower rate.
LIBOR = 15% View point of B
Interest paid to own bank (Actual)
10000000*18% 180000
Interest received from Swap bank (Notional)
10000000*18% 180000
Interest Paid to Swap Bank (Notional)
10000000*11.5% 115000

Net received from Swap Bank (Actual) 65000

Income of SWAP bank:

Received from A = 65000
Paid to B = 55000
Profit = 10000 (1% of 10L)

Ans 1
Rajesh will take Long Position under Put option and Short Position under Call option-

Exercise price (X) = 3250
Call Premium (C) = 100
Short Call = Min (X-S,0) + C

When S = 3000
Min (3250-3000,0) + 100
= 100
Total amount received = 3000+100 = 3100

When S = 3250
Min (3250-3250,0) + 100
= 100
Total amount received = 3250+100 = 3250

When S = 3500
Min (3250-3500,0) + 100
= -150
But Rajat will but at 3250 which will make profit of-
3250+100 = 3350

Exercise price (X) = 2750
Put Premium (P) = 100
Long Put = Max (X-S,0) - P

When S = 2500
Max (2750-2500,0) - 100

= 150
Total amount received = 2750+150 = 2900

When S = 3200
Max (2750-3200,0) - 100
= -100
Total amount received = 3200-100 = 3100

( c)
Protective Collar strategy would be used:
In this Mr. Rajesh would buy Put Option and at the same time will write Call Option, the
strategy will save his stock from the low market price.
Unlimited Profit Minimum amount he will receive is 5500000
No risk of lower market prices.
Premium given received became zero.

Ans 3:
Optimal Hedge Ratio= rΔsΔf * σΔs/ σΔf
= 0.928 * 1.96%/1.64%
= 1.109
No. of contract = 2926/10 = 292.6
= 292.6 * 1.109
= 324.49 Contracts

Ans 4:
Rajat Spa herbal
EPS 22.5 9.5
Book value per share 115 130
MPS 252 77

Exchange ratio (BVPS)
= BVPS of Spa / BVPS of Rajat
= 130/115
= 1.13
Exchange Ratio (EPS)
= 9.5/22.5
= 0.42
Exchange Ratio (MPS)
= 77/252
= 0.30
= 1.13+0.42+0.30 / 3
= 0.61

PAT = (630+66.5) * 1.05
= 731.325
731.325/(28+x10) = 22.5

X = 0.64

Earnings = 630+66.5 = 696.5
= 696.5/(28+0.33*7)
= 23.41

Max exchange ratio = (-S1/S2) + ((E1+E2)*PE12)/P1S2))
= 1.92 approx

Min exchange ratio = P2S1/ (PE12)(E1+E2)(1+S)-P2S2
= 0.229 approx

(-S1/S2)+ ((E1+E2)*x/P1S2)) = P2S1 / ((x(E1+E2)(1+s)-P2S2))
= 26.97

PVR= 252*28M = 7056M
PVS= 77*7M = 539M
Benefit = Rs.1000 million
PVRS=7056+539+1000 = 8595M
Exchange ratio = 1:3
The share of Spa Limited in the combined entity will be 2.33 / 28+2.33 = 0.076
True cost To Rajat Limited for acquiring Spa Limited
Cost=PVRS-PVS= 0.076 x 8595 - 596= Rs.114.22

Limitation of EPS as the basis of determining exchange ratio:
 The growth rate of two companies are different which EPS will not take into
 The risk involves in both the companies are different which EPS will not account:


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