ERNEST DION - Special Occasion Speech Reflection

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I have learnt that this session is very useful to try and learn to handle being required to speak
in special occasions like a wedding or a funeral. A lot of the aspects/topics spoken in
speeches like these are very idiosyncratic and pretty much distinctive from one another. I
learned what things to talk about when dealing with different circumstances, such as being
presented with an award or a surprise, speaking on behalf of a bride/groom, or when
presenting a new concept to the public/attendees of a meeting.

My group and I faced a problem with time management and it is evident in how almost all
members exceeded the time limit. This is very likely due to the lack of opportunity to
rehearse together. If this is addressed well then I believe timing could be more anticipated.
The group I have been assigned with has been pleasant to work with, and should we be
assigned to work with them again I would have no problems.

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