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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited

LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)
Subject Empowerment to Technology
Sem/AY First Semester/2020-2021
Module No. 1- introduction to ICT

Lesson Title Information communication technologies

Date October 05 to 06
12 to 13
19 to 20
Description The massive world of information and communication Technology (ICT) has continued
of the to shape the world including the Philippines. This module allows you to discover the
Lesson world of ICT in general and also helps you improve your skills in various application. It
also creates several real-life scenarios where you can use these applications and
resources properly.

Learning Outcomes
Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning  Demonstrate understanding on the foundation of the world of ICT
Outcomes  Determine the impact, applications, advantagesand importance of proper
etiquette in using ICT
 Identify the different key disciplines to become a ICT user
 Visualize possible future careers in line of ICT
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives  Create a foundation of understanding of the world of ICT
 Demonstrate the impact, applications, advantages and importance of computer
etiquette discipline in the organizations or society
 Pinpoint the key factors and disciplines to become a ICT literate
 Set goals in pursuing careers in line with ICT

Student Learning Strategies

Online Activities A. Lecturepresentationuploaded in Google Classroom

(Synchronous/ Students will be instructed to download lecture presentations with
narrations / pre-recorded lecture presentation uploaded in Google
Asynchronous) Classroom.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

For further instructions, refer to your Google Classroom and see the
Level I Institutionally Accredited
schedule of activities for this module.

B. Learning Guide Questions:

1. What is ICT?
2. ICT in our country?
3. Why we are talking about ICT?
4. What are the skills, characteristics and role of ICT in organization?
5. What are the impact applications, advantages and importance of proper
etiquette in using ICT
6. What are the possible careers in ICT?

Note: The insight that you will post on online discussion forum using Learning Management
System (LMS) will receive additional scores in class participation.

Offline Activities
(e-Learning/Self- Lecture Guide
 What is ICT?

ICT– Information and Communication-

 It deals with the use of different communication technologies such
as mobile phone, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit
  Is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces
students to the fundamental of using computer systems in an
internet environment.

ICT in the Philippines

 Philippines is dub as the ‘’ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process

Level I Institutionally Accredited

Outsourcing, or call centers.

 ICT Department in the Philippines is responsible for the planning,
development and promotion of the country’s information and
communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national

Computer– an electronic device for storing and processing data,
typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a
variable program.
Internet– is the global system of interconnected computer networks
that use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of
          Means of connecting a computer to any other computer
anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.
      Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of
computer networks- a network of networks in which the users at any
one computer can get information from any other computer.

World Wide Web

 An information system on the internet that allows documents to be
connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user
to search for information by from one
document to another.
 Is an information space where documents and other web resources
are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be
accessed via the Internet.
 Invented by Tim-Berners Lee
Web Pages
 Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide
Web.   It is a document that is   suitable for the World Wide Web.
The different online platforms of World Wide Web:
 Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide
Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages
connected by hyperlinks.
 Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding
dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website
differently than others.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

 Allows users to interact with the page; instead of just reading

Level I Institutionally Accredited

the page, the user may be able to comment or create user

 Web 3.0 –  this platform is all about semantic web.
–  Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s
preferences to be able        to deliver web content.
 Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary age in the
sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be manipulated by the
user. The content is also the same for all users that is referred to as
Web 1.0
 Dynamic Web Pages– web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding
dynamic web pages. The user is able to see website differently than
others e.g. social networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites.


 Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify

information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging
by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #,
referred to as hashtag.
 Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is
responsive to user’s input
 User Participation- The owner of the website is not the
only one who is able to put content. Others are able to
place a content of their own by means of comments,
reviews and evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
 Long Tail– services that are offered on demand rather
than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to
subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the
amount of time you spent in the internet.
 Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a
software only when needed rather than purchasing
them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word
processing and spread sheet.
 Mass Participation– diverse information sharing
through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is
based on people from various cultures.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited

 Convergence– is the synergy of technological advancements to work

on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal
computer to create word documents, you can now use your

2. Social Media– is a website, application, or online channel that

enables web users web users to create , co-create, discuss modify,
and exchange user generated content.
Six types of Social Media:

a)Social Networks – These are sites that allows you to connect with other
people with the same interests or background. Once the user creates his/her
account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc
Example: Facebook and Google+

b)Bookmarking Sites – Sites that allow you to store and manage links to
various website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

to others.
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Stumble Upon, Pinterest

c)       Social News – Sites that allow users to post their own news items or
links to other news sources. The users can also comment on the post and
comments may also be rank.
Ex. Reddit and Digg

d)      Media Sharing – sites that allow you to upload and share media

content like images, music and  video.
Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram

e) Microblogging – focus on short updates from the user. Those that

subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates.
Ex. Twitter and Plurk

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited

f) Blogs and Forums – allow user to post their content. Other               users
are able to comment on the said topic.
Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr

 Mobile Technologies– The popularity of smartphones and
tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely
because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were
originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable
of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices
use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.

 iOS – use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
 Android – an open source OS developed by Google. Being open
source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
 Blackberry OS – use in blackberry devices
 Windows phone OS – A closed source and proprietary operating
system developed by Microsoft.
 Symbian – the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
 WebOS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
 Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for smartphones and
pocket PCs
 Assistive Media–   is a non- profit service designed to help people
who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio
recordings is used to read to the user.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited

 e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail, HotmailCloud computing-distributed computing

on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.

 -Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in
to a Web
 e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account
doesn’t exist
 on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.

It has three components

 Client computers   –   clients are the device that the end user interact
with cloud.
 Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different
places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

 Datacenters – It is collection of servers where application is placed

Level I Institutionally Accredited

and is accessed via Internet.

PUBLIC CLOUD allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the
general public. Public cloud may be less secured because of its openness,
e.g. e-mail
PRIVATE CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible within an
organization. It offers increased security because of its private nature.
COMMUNITY CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible by
group of organizations.
HYBRID CLOUD is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the
critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical
activities are performed using public cloud.

What are the impact applications, advantages and importance of proper

etiquette in using ICT


INTERNET SAFETY- it refers to the online security or safety of people and

their information when using internet.

NETIQUETTE- is network etiquette, the do’s and don’ts of online


LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited


Rule No. 1: Remember the human
 You need to remember that you are talking to a real person when
you are online.
 The internet brings people together who would otherwise never
 Remember this saying when sending an email: Would I say this to
the person’s face.
Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real
 You need to behave the same way online that you do in real life.
 You need to remember that you can get caught doing things you
should not be doing       online just like you can in real life.
 You are still talking to a real person with feelings even though you
can’t see them.
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.
 Always take a look around when you enter a new domain when
surfing the web.
 Get a sense of what the discussion group is about before you join it.
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
 Remember people have other things to do besides read your email.
You are not the center of their world.
 Keep your post and emails to minimum by saying what you want to
 Remember everyone won’t answer your questions.
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online.
 Be polite and pleasant to everyone.
 Always check your spelling and grammar before posting.
 Know what you are talking about and make sense saying it.
Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge
 Ask questions online
 Share what you know online.
 Post the answers to your questions online because someone may

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

have the same question you do.

Level I Institutionally Accredited

Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control

 Netiquette does not forgive flaming.
 Netiquette does however forbid people who are flaming to hurt
discussion groups by putting the group down.
Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy.
 Do not read other people’s mail without their permission.
 Going through other people’s things could cost you, your job or you
could even go to jail.
 Not respecting other people’s privacy is a bad netiquette.
Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power.
 Do not take advantage of other people just because you have more
knowledge or power than them.
 Treat others as you would want them to treat you if the roles were
Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistake.
 Do not point out mistakes to people online.
 Remember that you were once the new kid on the block.
 You still need to have a good manners even though you are online
and cannot see the person face to face.

 Internet security
  Security Requirement Triad

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited       Data confidentiality
                Integrity
         Data integerity                                                        System
                Availability

Threat Consequence Threat Action ( Attack)

Exposure: Sensitive data are directly released

to an unauthorized entity.
Interception: An unauthorized entity directly
accesses sensitive data traveling between
authorized sources and destinations.
Inference: A threat action whereby an
unauthorized entity indirectly accesses
sensitive data by reasoning from
characteristics or byproducts of
Unauthorized Disclosure communications.
A circumstance or event whereby Intrusion: an unauthorized entity gains access
an entity gains access to data for to sensitive data by circumventing a system’s
which the entity is not authorized. security protections.
Incapacitation: prevents or interrupts system
operation by disabling a system component.
Corruption: Undesirably alters system
operation by adversely modifying system
Disruption functions or data.
A circumstances or even that Obstruction: A threat action that interrupts
interrupts or prevents the correct delivery of system services by hindering
operation of system services and system operation.
functions. Masquerade: An unauthorized entity gains
access to a system or performs a malicious ac
Deception by posing as an authorized entity.
A circumstance or event that may Falsification: False data deceive an authorized
result in an authorized entity entity.
receiving false data and believing Repudiation: An entity deceives another by
it to be true. falsely denying responsibility for an act.
Usurpation Misappropriation: An entity assumes
A circumstances or event that unauthorized logical or physical control of a

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

results in control of system

Level I Institutionally Accredited

services or functions by an
unauthorized entity. system resource.
Misuse: Causes a system component to perform a function or service that is
detrimental to system security.
Types of System Intruders
          Masquerader
          Hackers
          Clandestine user

Parts of Virus 
  Infection mechanism
  Trigger
   PayloaD
Virus stages
 Dormant phase Virus is idle.
       Propagation phase                                                                                      
Virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into
certain system areas on the disk.
    Triggering phase Virus is activated to perform the function for
which it was intended. Caused by a variety of system events
  Execution phase Function is performed
 Function is performed
Key Terms
Cyber crime- a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet.
Privacy Policy/Terms of Services (ToS) – tells the user how the website will
handle its data.
Malware- stands for malicious software.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Virus- a malicious program designed to transfer from one computer to

Level I Institutionally Accredited

another in any means possible.

Worms– a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from
one file folder to another and also transfer to other computers.
Trojan-a malicious program designed that is disguised as a useful program
but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows
hacker to get your information.
Spyware– a program that runs in the background without you knowing it. It
has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through
key logging.
Adware- a program designed to send you advertisement, mostly pop-ups.
Spam– unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.
Phishing- acquires sensitive personal information like passwords and
credits card details.
Pharming- a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS
Copyright- a part of law, wherein you have the rights to work, anyone who
uses it w/o your consent is punishable by law.
Fair Use- means that an intellectual property may be used w/o consent as
long as it is used in commentaries, criticism, parodies, research and etc.
Keyloggers- used to record the keystrokes done by user. This is done to
steal passwords or any other sensitive information.
Rogue security softwares– is a form of malicious software and internet fraud
that misleads users into believing there is a virus on their computer, and
manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware removal tool.

Four search strategies

     Keyword searching
Enter terms to search

Use quotation marks to search as a phrase and keep the words linked

Common words are ignored (That, to, which, a, the …)

+ and – can be used to include or exclude a word

     Boolean
AND – enter words connect with AND- it will include sites where both

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

words and found

Level I Institutionally Accredited

   Uses: joining different topics (i.e. global warming AND California)

OR   –  requires at least one of the terms is found.

   Uses: join similar or synonymous topics (i.e. global warming OR
greenhouse effect)

NOT – searches for the first term and excludes sites that have the second
(i.e. Washington NOT school)

 Question                                                                                                                          
 a question may be entered in the search field of search engine     
Features are offered on many engines by going to an “Advanced search”
page and making selections. Effective in narrowing search returns to a
specific topic or phrase.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Engaging Activities
Level I Institutionally Accredited

A. What is your understanding about the role of ICT in the community?

Can be used in our communities to minimize the difficulty of

communicating to people, its beneficial to shops and businesses so
they can relay important information quickly and effectively.

B. What are the qualifications and skills of aICT user?

 word processing, spreadsheets, databases, power points and search

engines. In additional to technical skills, associated skills include
creativity and analytical skills to apply the right ICT skill to an activity.
Basic ICT skills are required in any position.

C. Discuss at least three applications of ICT?

1. Communication. Through ICT, accessories such as phones, tablets

and laptops have made communication easier.
2. Industries. Through ICT, accessories such as robots, technology
such as ultraheat used in milk processing and many more have
promoted the manufacturing industry.
3. Commerce. Through ICT, precisely website, people all over the
globe can transact business and trade products.

D. Explain the importance of proper online Etiquette in the world of ICT?

You have to follow Internet etiquette because there are other people
such as your friends, relatives, elders who are using the Internet for
all online communications. Hence it is correct to behave properly and
write politely to everyone. Following proper Netiquette practices helps
represent yourself correctly to a larger audience. Your attitude and
character can be ascertained by the way you communicate with
others. The kind of information you post online helps others to know
about your character. Corporate are evaluating candidates by
reviewing their social networking identity. Besides corporate,
educators too are evaluating our presence on the social networking
sites and also through the information we post.

E. What are the stages to become aICT user and mention at least three
disciplines per stages?

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited

Becoming aware of ICT

In the initial phase, teachers and learners become aware of ICT tools
and their general functions and uses. In this stage, there is usually an
emphasis on ICT literacy and basic skills. This stage of discovering
ICT tools is linked with the emerging stage in ICT development.

Learning how to use ICT

Following on and from the first stage comes the stage of learning
how to use ICT tools, and beginning to make use of them in different
disciplines. This stage involves the use of general or particular
applications of ICT, and is linked with the applying stage in the ICT
development model.

Understanding how and when to use ICT

The next stage is understanding how and when to use ICT tools to
achieve a particular purpose, such as in completing a given project.
This stage implies the ability to recognize situations where ICT will be
helpful, choosing the most appropriate tools for a particular task, and
using these tools in combination to solve real problems. This stage is
linked with the infusing stage in the ICT development model.

Specializing in the use of ICT

The fourth and the last stage involves specializing in the use of ICT
tools which occurs when one enters more deeply into the learning
environment that creates and transforms the learning situation with
the help of ICT. This is a new way of approaching teaching and
learning situation with specialized ICT tools and is linked with the
transforming stage in the ICT development model.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 2
Direction: Look for website and classify them as a static or dynamic. What makes each website static or
dynamic? Use the table below

Website URL Static Dynamic Remarks  Great jumping off place

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited for bloggers coming from

the world.  Hexo focuses on being a
blog framework that is
highly extensible, with
full support.  Hugo takes a directory
with content and
templates and renders
them into a full html
website.  Octopress’ theme is
written in Semantic
HTML5 and is easy to
read on mobile devices.  Pelican supports code
syntax highlighting.  Brunch compiles scripts,
templates and style
sheets, lints them, wraps
them in Common.  Middleman was built as a
framework for advanced
marketing and
documentation websites,
instead of a static
blogging engine.  Beginners would be
better served by one of
the other tools on this list.  You can preserve
consistency across design
and layouts.  Actually just a Bash script
that turns images and
videos into beautiful
photo essays.  Support the component-
driven development
model of React, Gatsby is

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited able to re-use

components across a site,
adding consistency and
speed.  A product of digital
agency Carrot Creative,
Roots is streamlined for
use by freelancers and
agencies to make highly
variable builds quicker
and easier.  You can write your book
in Markdown or AsciiDoc
format, and publish by
pushing to GitHub.  Cactus sets itself apart
from the crowd by being a
little more beginner-
Netflix  Netflix it will render the
contents of the show
based on these settings.
Google  Websites are often
created with the help of
Facebook  Website contains
information that changes,
depending on the viewer.
Hubspot  HubSpot customers use
adaptive landing pages
with “personalization
tokens” and “progressive
profiling” to swap out
appropriate content.
Amazon  You can improve the
performance, availability,
and security of your
content by using Amazon
Cloud Front.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited  Updates help advertisers
identify and connect with
their most valuable
website visitors and
mobile app users.
Reddit  Reddit pulls content from
a database or cache,
making the content.
Amazon  The website runs a
server-side scripting
language to dynamically
create the page being
requested by each visitor.
Instagram  They allow the usage of
custom templates and
actions in the server-site,
such as logging and
adding new data.
Pinterest  Because the content and
the image also, change
when you crawl up and
Wattpad  Wattpad provides a space
for both writers and
readers to join a dynamic
community that is
dedicated to quality
Youtube  The homepage of Youtube
will be different with
every users because it
will be personalized
according to the users'
Twitter  Twitter can help make
connections in real-time
based on dynamic
interests and topics,
rather than a static

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally Accredited social/friend graph.

Wikipedia  They allow the usage of
custom templates and
actions in the server-site,
such as logging and
adding new data.

Understanding Directed Assess

Learning Resources
Yuvienco, Joel C. 2017. Empowerment Technologies, Quezon City : C&E Publishing, Inc.

Innovative Training Works, Inc.2016Empowerment Technologies, First Edition Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

K to 12 Senior High School Applied Track Subject – Empowerment Technologies (for the Strand) December

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: Empowerment to Technology

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