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Most Affordabte 43 copier ever-

Workhorses that hetp raise productivity

HP LaserJet MFP M43X series

Automatic two-sided printing Performance without Remote monitoring

and copying at up to 23 ppml compromise and share resources

Series at a glance
M433a M436n M436dn M436nda
Part number 1VRl4A W7UO1A 2KY38A W7UOzA
Print/copy speed up to 20 ppmr 23 ppmr 23 ppmr 23 ppml

r :ili.'ll[ji!il"tlili:11?f'.:,,,., .lv
0utput capacity: 250 sheets
\t ,/ \t
Built-in Ethernet networking Not avaitab[e
1 00-sheet reversing ADF Not availabte Optional {
Automatic duotex prinlins and copyins Not availabte Nor avaitabte ,rii.Tlijf., {
TechnicaI specifications
HP LaserJ.t IiIFP Iil433a HP LaserJet IIIFP Iit435n HP Laserjet I{FP M436dn HP LaserJet ltFP l4435nda
Productnumber 1VR14A 2KY38A W7UO2A

Functions print .opy, and sran pr ni, copy, and scan Print, copy, and scan

Duplexprint oDtions No No Plain, 14id-weiqht, Llqht, HP LaserJet, tolored, Prepr nied, Recycled, ntermediate,
LetterHead, prepunched, A4, A5, B5{JlS), Letter, Exe.utiv€, Statem€ni, Al, B4(llS),
B5(.115), 8K,'1 6K, I 1x'1 7, Leqal, 0fi.io 2l 6x140 0fi rio 8.5x'1 3; 1 6-29 1b, {60^1'l 0q)

ControLpaneL 4 llne L[0, ]0-key pad,4 button 4 line LCD,'10 key pad,4 button 4 tin€ LtD,'10 k€y pad,4-buton quick 41ne LtD, l0 keypad,4 button qLirk
quick set qlrick sel set set

Print speedr , A4 and 5 mptex: up lo 20 ppm Slmptex: Lrp to 23 pp m Smplex: up to 2l pp m Simplex: ! p to 2 3 ppm
letter Duptex:up to I2lmages perminlte DLrptex: Lrp to 'l 2 mages per
(ipm) m rLrte (pm)

Printspeedl A3 Llp to l2 ppm Llp to 12 ppm Up to l2 ppm Llp to '12 ppm

Firstpage out (FPo), A4 From ready:less than 9.6 From ready: less than 8.8 seconds From ready:tess than 8.8 seconds From ready:less than 8.7 seconds
and lett€r seconds Fronr steep:tesslhan 25 se.onds From ste€p:tess than 24 se.onds
From ste€p: less than 25.5

Print resotution 600x 600 dp 600 x 600 dpl 600 x 600 dp 600 x 600 dpi

Printer languages PtL6 PTL5E, PCL6 PIL5E, P[16 PCL5E, PtL6

Scan speed, A4 and letter Blark/qrey:up lo l0 images per Bl.ckbrey:up to 30 imdqes p€r minute Bt.r:k/qrey:trp to l0lpm 100 dp
nute(pm),l00dp m (iprn).300 dpi totour:Lrp to l0 pm,200dp
Lolour:up to l0 ipm 200 dpi Cotour: Lrp to l0lpm 200 dp

Scan resolution 0pii.alupto 600x 600 dpi opticat:up to 600x 600 dpi OptiGt:Lrpto 600x 600 dpi opticat:up to 600 x 600 dpi
Enhan.ed upto I200x'1200 dpl Enhanced:!p to 4800x 4800 dpi Enhanted:up to 4800x 4800 dpl Enhanced:up to 4800 x 4800 dpi

Scan size Flntbed:Al, A4, As, 84, 8s(l S), Ftatbed:A3, A4, A5,84, 85(JlS), Ftatb€d:A3, A4, A5, 84, S5(l S), Legal, Flatb€d:A3, A4, A5, 84, 85(Jls), LEgdl,
Leqal, Fotio, Letter Exe.Ltiv€, L€!al, Folio, Lettei Executve,I1 x Folo, Lettel Exe.uUve,'11 x 17, Folo, Lette( Executve,11 x 17,
ll xl7 ]7.statem€nt Statemeni Stat€m€nt
ADF (optonaL):Al, A4, A5,84, Legal, ADF (optionat):A3, 44, A5,84, Leqal, ADF:Al, A4, A5,84, Legat, Letter,l'l r
Lettei 11 x 17, Statement L€ttet'11 x 17, Statement l7,stat€m€nt
Scanfiteformats T FE.IPEG, pDE B[1p T FF, ]PEG, pDE Bl4P T FE ]PEG, PDI BI4P TIFF, ]PEG, PDF, B[4P

Digitalsendinq S.an to PC Scan to P[,S.an to Network Sran to p[, Sran to Nelwork Scan to Pt.s.an to Network

Copyspeed, A4and letter Llp to 20.ope5per m nute Up to 23 coples per m nute (cpm) Up to 23 copies per m nut€ (.pm) Up to 23 cpm
Fnst topy out (FCo), 44 From ready:less thdn 8.2 From readyrless than 7.4 seronds From ready: less than 7.5 seronds From ready (platen): less than 7.8
and lett€r seconds From st€ep:tessihan 25 se.onds s€.onds
From ready (ADF):less than I0.8 seconds
From ste€p:tess than 23.9 se.onds

Copy rcduce/entarge 25 b 4A0% 25 to 400% 25 to 4000/" 25 to 4000/"

Duty cycle 40,000 pages per month 50,000 pages perfironth 50,000 pEges per month 50,000 paqes per month

Compatibitity NetworkTWAlN NetworkTWAlN

14emory ]28 MB 128 MB ]28 MB 128 MB

Processorspeed 600 NlHz 600 MHz 600 MHz 600 MHz

tonnectivity Hi Speed USB 2.0 Hi Speed USB 2.0, Buitt n Ethernet Hi Speed LISB 2 0, Built inEthernet H Sp€ed USB 2.0, Euitt n Ethernet
l0/looBase TX 10/'loogase TX network porl l0/lOoBdse TX n€tworkport
lnput capacity Standard: up to I 0 sheets;
5 Standard: up to I 0 sh€€ts i 5 Standard: up to 0 sheets; Max nr Lrm:
3 5 Standard: up to I50 s h eetst Max m um:
Maximum: up to 600 sheets l4aximum:up to 600 sheets up to 600sh€ets Lrp to 600 sheets
ADF (optional):up to 100 sheets ADF (optional):up to 100 sheets ADF (standard):100 sheets

Outputcapacity Up to 250 sheets Up to 250 sheets Up to 250 sheets Lrp to 250 sheets

Compatib le operatinq f,li.rosofto Windowso 1 0 or

M i.rosofto Windowso 0 or 'l
i\4icrosoft@ Windowso 1 0 orhighel hiqhel ].1i.rosoft@ Windows6 'l 0 or hiqhet
systems hlqher, l4icrosoft@ Windowso 7,
Mi.rosofto Windowso 7, Windows l4icrosoft@ Windows@ 7, Windows Mi.rosoft€ Windows@ 7, Windows Xe
Windows XC W ndows 2008,
Xq Windows 2008, Windows 2003,
Xq Windo\^/s 2008, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2003, Windows
. Windows 2001, Windows Vista@ W ndolrsvstao Windowsvlstao Vista@

One yEai onste UmitEd one-yeai onslte limited warrdnty One yeai onste Umlied warranty One year, ons te Ir. tEd warrant],

Environmental Rerommended operating: 1 0 to 3 0o C (5 0 to 860 F); Storage: -20 to 400 C C4 to 1 040 F) operating ra nge: 20 to 80% RH (non-condenslng); Storage range: 1 0 to
Temperatures 90% RH (non-cond€nsing)
Relatlve humldity range

Power sperifications lnplt:220 to 240VAt (50/60 Hz)Active:550 watts, Ready:80 watts, Steep:1 watt, off/Alio-off: 0.2 watts
Power sLrpply power Save, Wakeup Event, Alto power off, SystemTimeout

Enerqy sav nq features

To know more: Call I800 209 2060 or mail at in.contact@hp.com

T&C appty. rN,leasured using lS0/lEC 24734 and exctudes the first set of test documents. For more information, see hp..om/oo/printerctaims.
Exact speed varles depe n d ing on the system configuration, software appt cation, dnver, and document complexity. O topyright 2O1B HP
Devetopment Company, L.P. The informatlon conta ned herein is subjectto change without notiae.

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