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AASHTO Design Guide (1993)

Design Equation
The AASHTO design procedure relates a pavement’s Structural Number (i.e. the abstract
thickness index relating the relative strength contribution of all the layers in the pavement) to
the number of axle load applications, pavement performance and condition, resilient modulus
of the subgrade and drainage characteristics. The pavements serviceability is represented in
numerical terms using a Pavement Serviceability Index (PSI) which ranges from 0 (very poor
condition) to 5 (very good condition). In design the performance and condition of the
pavement is related to PSI loss over the structures design life.

The initial design equation was developed as a result of the AASHTO road test and the
following modified equation is used in the 1993 guide:

LogW18 = ZR SO+9.36log(SN+1)-0.2+log[ΔPSI/(4.2-
Eq. 1
1.5]/[0.4+(1094/SN+1)5.19]+2.32log MR-8.07

Where: W 18 = design equivalent standard axles loads

ZR = overall standard deviation
SO = combined standard errors of traffic and performance predictions
ΔPSI = design serviceability loss (i.e. difference between initial and terminal PSI)
MR = effective subgrade resilient modulus (psi)
SN = structural number (see equation below)

SN = (a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3) Eq. 2.

Where: D1 D2 and D3 are the thickness (in) of the surfacing, roadbase and sub-base
layers respectively.
a1 a2 and a3 are layer coefficients
m3 and m3 are drainage coefficients for unbound roadbase and sub-base

AASHTO design process and design assumptions

The principal steps involved in the AASHTO design process are:

Step 1: Determine the subgrade’s MR value,

Step 2: Select the design serviceability loss ΔPSI

Step 3: Estimate the equivalent standard axles loads for the design life

Step 4: Select appropriate ZR and SO values

The principal steps involved in the AASHTO design process are:

Step 1: Determine the subgrade’s MR value,

Step 2: Select the design serviceability loss ΔPSI

Step 3: Estimate the equivalent standard axles loads for the design life

Step 4: Select appropriate ZR and SO values

Step 5: Determine the Structural Number (SN) required for the pavement

Step 6: Select the pavement material type and vary the thickness of the individual layers until
SN-value calculated is equal to or greater than the required SN (Note: the SN of the existing
pavement is required for the calculation of overlay thickness).

Input Parameters

Subgrade M R values

The AASHTO design parameter for subgrade strength is resilient modulus (M R) and not CBR
which is often used during pavement evaluations. The Resilient Modulus (MR) is a subgrade
material stiffness test and a material's resilient modulus is actually an estimate of its modulus
of elasticity (E). While the modulus of elasticity is stress divided by strain for a slowly applied
load, resilient modulus is stress divided by strain for rapidly applied loads (i.e. those
experienced by pavements). The following empirical relationship between M R and CBR
(equation 5) was developed by Heukelom and Klomp (1962) and is used in the 1993

MR (psi) = 1,500 CBR Eq. 3.

MR (MPa) = MR (psi) x 0.006895 Eq. 4.

Where: MR = Subgrade resilient modulus

CBR = Subgrade CBR (%)

Design serviceability loss

At the AASHTO road tests the average initial PSI value for flexible pavements was found to
be 4.2, this value is therefore typically assumed for Initial Serviceability (PO) - PO ranges from
4.4 to 4.8. Selecting the lowest allowable PSI, or terminal serviceability index (P t) should be
based on the lowest index that will be tolerated before major maintenance is required. For
major highways a value of 2.5 or higher is suggested in the 1993 AASHTO guide. Pt ranges
from 2.0 to 3.0.

Reliability ZR value

The reliability design factor accounts for chance variation in both traffic and performance
prediction and is intended to give a predetermined level of assurance that the pavement will
survive the period for which it was deigned. The 1993 AASHTO guide recommends a level of
reliability of between 80 and 99 for a principal urban arterial road (Table 2.2 section II-9).

Reliability SO value

The AASHTO 1993 guide suggests that a standard deviation (SO) should be selected that is
representative of local conditions. A value of 0.45 is typically assumed for all flexible
pavement designs.
The reliability design factor accounts for chance variation in both traffic and performance
prediction and is intended to give a predetermined level of assurance that the pavement will
survive the period for which it was deigned. The 1993 AASHTO guide recommends a level of
reliability of between 80 and 99 for a principal urban arterial road (Table 2.2 section II-9).

Reliability SO value

The AASHTO 1993 guide suggests that a standard deviation (SO) should be selected that is
representative of local conditions. A value of 0.45 is typically assumed for all flexible
pavement designs.

Layer coefficients

The layer coefficients for intact (new) asphalt is usually assumed to be 0.44.. The coefficient
for existing surfacing material which will be incorporated into rehabilitation designs will be
somewhat lower due to deterioration of the layer. The level of this deterioration can be
directly linked to the estimated PCI value at that particular location (see Figure 2.5 of the
AASHTO Guide). The following surfacing layer coefficients have been calculated from an
evaluation of an existing asphalt pavement:

a1 = 0.40 for existing surfacing with PCI values 55 to 85 (good condition)

a1 = 0.35 for existing surfacing with PCI values 25 to 55 (deteriorated condition)

a1 = 0.25 for existing surfacing with PCI values 10 to 25 (very poor condition)

a1 = 0.20 for existing surfacing with PCI values less than 10 (failed)

Note: Where milling of existing asphalt has failed and is expected to be milled as part of any
rehabilitation option there is a risk that the process will result in further disintegration of the
material. This may dramatically reduce the integrity of the layer. For this reason where the
existing surfacing has a PCI value less than 25 (very poor condition) it has been assumed
once this material has been milled it will only be structurally equivalent to a good base layer
with a design value of around 200 MPa (30,000 psi). From AASHTO 1993 (figure 2.6) a good
granular base with a modulus of 30,000 psi can be demonstrated to have a layer coefficient of
0.14. Consequently this value (rather than 0.20) has been assumed for all surfacing with PCI
less than 10 which is likely to be milled as part of rehabilitation of the pavement structure.

For pavement rehabilitation the design the layer coefficient of the existing materials has been
based on the estimated CBR of the layer. A correlation for this design assumption, which is
presented in the table below, is based on Figure 2.6 of AASHTO 1993.

CBR (%) Layer Coefficient

Less than 10 0.02
10-15 0.04
15-25 0.07
25-30 0.09
30-40 0.10
40-50 0.11
50-60 0.12
60-90 0.13
More than 90 0.14

Drainage coefficients

For the design calculations a drainage coefficient of one is typically assumed.

40-50 0.11
50-60 0.12
60-90 0.13
More than 90 0.14

Drainage coefficients

For the design calculations a drainage coefficient of one is typically assumed.

Overlay design

Overlay design using AASHTO is essentially identical to the design of new pavements. The
only difference between overlay and new design is that for the rehabilitated pavement option
the structural number of the existing pavement needs to be calculated and this is then added
to the structural number of the overlay to give a combined value for the pavement structure.

The design structural number for the existing pavement (SNeff) can be calculated by either
estimating a layer coefficient for the existing (deteriorated) layers or can be calculated from
layer stiffness using the following equation.

SNeff = 0.0045 x h x 3√ Ep Equation 7.

Where: SNEFF = Design structural number of existing pavement

h = Layer thickness in inches

EP = Effective modulus of the layer

SN Determination

Design Inputs
W18 = 1,500,000 ESALs Applications Over De
R= 90 % Reliability
So = 0.45 Standard Deviation
MR = 6,000 psi Subgrade Resilient Modulus
Pi = 4.2 Initial Serviceability
Pt = 2.5 Terminal Serviceability

DESIGN SN = 4.03

Useful Conversions (input green cells)

CBR = 5 % MR = 7500

MR = 50 MPA MR = 7252
Ls Applications Over Design Period Typ. Range 0.1 to 80 million

Typ. Range 80 to 95%

dard Deviation Typ. Range 0.3 to 0.5

grade Resilient Modulus Typ. Range 3000 to 9000 psi

al Serviceability Typ. Range 4.4 to 4.8

minal Serviceability Typ. Range 2.0 to 3.0


Layer Thickness Determination Using Trial and Error

Layer No. Description
Coefficient, ai

(topmost) 1 material. 0.00

2 material. 0.00
3 material. 0.00
4 material. 0.00
5 material. 0.00
6 material. 0.00
7 material. 0.00
(bottommost) 8 material. 0.00
Subgrade Subgrade N/A

Layer Layer
0 SN
Thickness, mm Thickness, in
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00

Trial SN 0.00

Design SN to Match 4.03

Error! Design is not sufficient

Convert MPa to PSI MPa = 2500 PSI = 362594
Convert MPa to PSI MPa = 2500 PSI = 362594
Convert MPa to PSI MPa = 2500 PSI = 362594
Convert MPa to PSI MPa = 2500 PSI = 362594
Convert MPa to PSI MPa = 2500 PSI = 362594
Vehicle Type Veh. Vol Truck Factor

Single unit truck:

•2-axle, 4 - tire 87,600 0.003
•2-axle, 6 - tire 23,600 0.21
3-axle or more 4,400 0.61
Tractor semi-trailers:
•4 – axle or less 2,100 0.62
•5 – axle or less 7,300 1.09
6-axle or more 50,200 1.23

Total ESAL for design




gn 78,900

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